Assignment OF Business Communication

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Dr. Tulika Chandra JITENDRA SHARMA
“Communication policy” followed in FMS, MRIU

Definition of communication
Good communication is much more than the exchange of information. It involves the
management of relationships and the need to involve people. Communication is as much about
attitude and behavior as it is about message. We should also remember the importance of
listening. Every member of staff has a responsibility to support effective communications
and needs to recognize that the quality of their communications reflects on the college’s
For the purposes of this policy communication includes not only the message but also how that
message is communicated; not only the responsibility for communication but also how
effectively that responsibility is carried out.


1). Bring in place suitable mechanisms that establish and maintain an Open communication

2). Share the appropriate information across all levels of the organization.

3). Enhance the communication within the company and to improve the efficiency of our work
for potential use of information.

4). Encourage employees to share information across the organization,

support task performance and coordination among individuals and groups


The College seeks to ensure that:

 Information created, used and disseminated is accurate, relevant, timely, secure and legal;
 The validity of information is monitored and invalid documents deleted; information gets
to those who need it at the right time, in the right format, and in the most effective
The College will want to manage communication in order to:

 Provide functional information to ensure that staff and students can fulfill their
institutional roles;
 Convey policy decisions so that staff and students are informed about institutional
 Explain the purpose of decisions and policies so that staff and students understand the
reasons for institutional actions;
 Outline progress on long-term projects
 Explain and manage change;
 Convey news.


FMS Newsletter
The ‘FMS Newsletter’ must be produced termly through the Standards and Performance
Department, and is issued to staff via the internal mail system and email. So that all the updates
can be communicated regarding institute to the staff and students.


Information and notification of initiatives are communicated through the Use of email where
appropriate. Email is a quick, effective way of where some discussion is required. To ensure that
each member of staff isusing email effectively, the following actions should be taken:
• Consider a quick telephone call
• Do not copy in more individuals than required
• Delete mail regularly
• Appropriate language is important in the use of email; emails should be
proof read in order to check tone and appropriateness.
• Subject Headings should be used in order to allow emails to be found and
filed easily.
• Email time should be blocked into your day if possible rather than allowing
the received mail trigger to organise your day.
Written Communications
These are placed in pigeon holes, in the staff room, which staff should check on a daily basis.
Phone messages taken by office staff will also be placed in pigeon holes except in cases of

Telephone Calls
All staff have access to a telephone with voice mail service. Messages should be checked at least
once a day.

Staff Handbook
A copy of the Staff Handbook is saved electronically on Staff Shared Areas and a hard copy is
placed in each Staff room. It is updated at least annually. The handbook contains timetables and
reference to employment policies and procedures which are reviewed annually with revisions
distributed to staff.

Notice Boards
Staff Notice Boards are located in all Staff Rooms.

External Mail
External mail that arrives each morning must be sorted by Student Services into the relevant
operational area, and can be collected by the administrative assistants after 09.15 AM. It must be
then issued to staff through the ‘pigeon hole’ system.

Mail for external posting can be deposited with the administrative assistant any time during the
day. Before four o’clock each day, the administrative assistant collects the business area mail
and takes it to Student Services. Items are normally sent second class unless specific postage is
requested; the envelope is marked accordingly if anything other than the second class post is

Internal Mail
All internal mail delivery is co-ordinated in Student Services. The name and or operational
business area of the recipient should appear on the item of mail. It is distributed as for external

Mail destined for managers can be opened by the administrative assistant, (apart from those
marked private / confidential), and date stamped before being passed to the business manager.

Mail destined for ‘outreach centres’, will be collected by the administrative assistant and given to
the business manager for that centre, who will then deliver the mail to that ‘outreach centre’.
Management Information Systems
Management Information System, (MIS), must be maintained by the Student Records, Personnel
and Finance departments. Access to limited Student Records MIS, must be available through
the web browser facility.

All three areas are currently engaged in up-dating their MIS systems

Video conferencing

Video conferencing, which also has an International Link, must be available at the College.
Anyone wishing to make use of the facility should contact the Multimedia Learning Centre.

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