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The training program for new employees......... by Mr. Tailor.
A. are proposed B. propose C. proposes D. is proposed

1. Writers …… 1000$ by the printing company.

(A) be paid (B) is paying
(C) are paid (D) pay
2. Ms. Reed ……. by John’s Company as a manager last month
(A) employs (B) was employed
(C) is employing (D) employed
3. Your interview ……. for Thursday morning at 9 a.m., in Room 112.
(A) was scheduled (B) scheduled
(C) schedules (D) are scheduled
4. Music tickets …… by phone.
(A) has been purchased (B) is purchasing
(C) purchase (D) are purchased
5. The meeting ….. in the hotel.
(A) holds (B) held
(C) is held (D) is holding
6. We …….. important problems at the meeting
(A) discussed (B) are discussed
(C) were discussed (D) discusses
7. During the storm, several trees ……...
(A) were blown over (B) was blown over
(C) blow over (D) has blown over
8. Books for medications …… by doctor John since 2012
(A) have written (B) write
(C) were written (D) have been written
9. This product ….. to the store
(A) returned (B) were returned
(C) was returned (D) returns
10. The National Rose Growers company …… its annual meeting during the month of January.
(A) have always held (B) has always held
(C) have always been held (D) has always been held
11. Tickets for the music performance ….. at the National Theater.
(A) sell (B) are selling
(C) was sold (D) are sold
12. The movie …… because nobody came.
(A) cancel (B) canceled
(C) was canceled (D) have been canceled
13. The performance was ......... due to the bad weather.
A. postpone B. postpones
C. postponing D. postponed
14. The management is ......... a special bonus for all employees.
A. considering B. considerable
C. considerate D. considered
15. Detailed conference schedules are ......... in the information packet.
A. include B. including
C. included D. includes
16. All budget reports should be ......... by the end of this week.
A. received B. receiving
C. receipt D. receive
17. The bank will be ......... interest rates next month.
A. raise B. raises
C. raised D. raising
18. The parts could not ......... to the factory by next week.
A. be shipped B. shipping
C. ship D. shipment
19. Attendance records should ......... to the personnel department.
A. submission B. submit
C. submitting D. be submitted
20. The contents of this proposal can ......... by the manager.
A. be revised B. revise
C. revision D. revised
21. The company will ......... its staff by 20 percent.
A. be reduced B. reducing
C. reduce D. reduction
22. The proposal has ......... by my secretary.
A. revised B. revising
C. revise D. been revised
23. The accounting manager has ......... all budget reports.
A. reviewing B. reviewed
C. been reviewed D. reviews
24. The company’s travel budget has ......... substantially.
A. reduced B. reduce
C. been reduced D. reducing
25. The researchers have ......... a new vaccine.
A. been developed B. developing
C. developed D. develops
26. They have consistently ......... quality services and products.
A. provides B. been provided
C. providing D. provided
27. The new employee handbook was ......... to all employees.
A. distributed B. distributing
C. distributes D. distribute
28. You should ......... the rent before the deadline.
A. paid B. be paid
C. pay D. paying
29. The research and development budget has ......... substantially.
A. reduced B. reduces
C. been reduced D. be reduced
30. The president has ......... a new strategy to increase sales.
A. proposing B. proposed
C. been proposed D. propose
31. The terms of the contract must ......... carefully.
A. be reviewing B. review
C. reviewing D. be reviewed
32. The successful candidates will be ......... by next week.
A. notifying B. notification
C. notify D. notified
33. the new safety guidelines will ..........
A. be distributing B. distribute
C. be distributed D. distribution
34. The contract has been ......... by our legal advisor.
A. review B. reviewed
C. reviewing D. reviews
35. The requested information should be ......... carefully.
A. write B. written
C. writes D. wrote


1. The training program for new employees......... by Mr. Tailor.
A. are proposed B. propose
C. proposes D. is proposed
2. The organizer ......... the seminar with a brief introduction.
A. started B. starter
C. starting D. to start
3. Our apology for the minor inconvenience ......... .
A. accept B. acceptance
C. was accepted D. accepted
4. The city council ......... to widen the highway.
A. proposal B. proposed
C. to propose D. proposing
5. Mr. Kim ......... the seminar in the conference room.
A. attended B. attending
C. to attend D. attendance
6. The day-long safety workshop......... by the plant manager.
A. are organizing B. to organize
C. organization D. is organized
7. The accounting manager has ......... the financial problem.
A. explain B. explains
C. explanation D. explained
8. Applicants should ......... necessary documents to the personnel office.
A. submitting B. submitted
C. to submit D. submit
9. This hotel can easily ......... a large tour group.
A. accommodate B. to accommodate
C. accommodated D. accommodation
10. We didn’t ......... the production deadline.
A. meeting B. meet
C. met D. to meet
11. The management is ......... a special bonus for all employees.
A. considering B. considerable
C. considerate D. consider
12. The ......... attractions of the city continue to attract visitors.
A. diversification B. diversifying
C. diverse D. diversity
13. We recommended a ......... review of all of the facilities in the hospital.
A. comprehensive B. comprehend
C. comprehensively D. comprehension
14. Dr. Marriot recently completed a ......... study on economic trends.
A. detail B. details
C. in detail D. detailed
15. The contract has been ......... by our legal advisor.
A. review B. reviewed
C. reviewer D. reviews
16. The successful candidates will......... by next week.
A. are notified B. notification
C. notify D. be notified
17. The manage will .......... the new safety guidelines.
A. distributing B. distribute
C. be distributed D. distribution
18. The contents of this proposal can ......... by the manager.
A. be revised B. revise
C. revision D. be revising
19. The new employee handbook was ......... to all employees.
A. distributed B. distributing
C. distributes D. distribute
20. The research and development budget has ......... substantially.
A. reduced B. reduces
C. been reduced D. be reduced
21. The terms of the contract must ......... carefully.
A. be reviewing B. review
C. reviewing D. be reviewed
22. You should receive official ......... for taking a day off.
A. approve B. approved
C. approving D. approval
23. The public library usually ......... no fees for local residents to borrow books.
A. will charge B. charging
C. to charge D. charges
24. Every month, we ......... a monthly business meeting.
A. will have B. have
C. having D. has
25. The department heads frequently ......... with the overseas marketing team.
A. to meet B. will meet
C. meet D. meeting
26. Companies should evaluate employee .........
A. performance B. performed
C. performing D. perform
28. You have to present your .........
A. identification B. identify
C. identifiable D. identified
29. ......... for the government contracts is usually intense.
A. competitive B. competition
C. compete D. competitively
30. Our company will soon ......... a no smoking policy.
A. implementing B. implementation
C. implemented D. implement

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