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This is about one of the cultural events in Bali, that is Ngaben. Local people believe
that if someone dies, what actually dies is only the rough body while the spirit is not.
Therefore, to purify the spirit, it is necessary to be held a Ngaben event to separate the spirit
from the rough body. This event was carried out in a big event and the chosen person will
burn some corpses who have been placed in the kiln. This is interesting because this event is
religious according to Hinduism. In these events, people wear dark clothes or usually black,
which is a sign of mourning. But there are also some people who wear white clothes. Now
the color of the clothes in the Ngaben event is not determined, but they usually wear
traditional clothes in Bali This event can almost be said to be a funeral, so there is no eating
or party which have special food. Nothing gift what the local people give each other, they are
just doing a ritual for someone dies and give their soul for reincarnation.

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