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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 50
Article 2
Issue 1 May-June

Summer 1959

The Historical Development of Criminology

Clarence Ray Jeffery

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Clarence Ray Jeffery, The Historical Development of Criminology, 50 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 3 (1959-1960)

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The Historical Development of Criminology


The author is Professor of Sociology in the Arizona State College at Tempe. He is temporarily on
leave while serving as Research Fellow in the University of Chicago Law School. His earlier publica-
tions in this Journal are: "Crime, Law and Social Structure", 47: at page 423 (Nov.-Dec., 1956) and
"The Development of Crime in Early English Society", 47: at page 647 (March-April, 1957).-

INTRODUCTION and the ways in which they influenced modern

criminology are the objectives of this paper.
This paper is a summary statement of the con-
Criminology involves three different types of
tributions made by the pioneers in crominology.
Sociologists in general and criminologists in
(1) The problem of detecting the law breaker,
particular have been negligent in their treatment
which is the work of the detective, the police
of the historical development of ideas and theories.'
officer, the medical specialist, the chemist; in other
The Pioneer Series has performed a much needed
words, the field of criminalistics. The Pioneer
service for criminology by reminding us of that
Series article on Hans Gross discusses the pio-
history. Criminologists can benefit from a re-
neering work of this man in the field of criminal-
evaluation of the major contributions made to
criminology and the issues which result therefrom.
(2) The problem of the custody and treatment
The Pioneer Series emphasized something that is
of the offender once he is detected and legally
too often ignored in textbooks; namely, the
judged to be guilty, which is the work of the
variety of disciplines which have contributed to
penologist. Social workers, psychiatrists, sociol-
the development of criminology: Law, medicine,
ogists, psychologists, juvenile court judges, proba-
sociology, psychology, psychiatry, chemistry,
tion and parole officers, and others are engaged in
physics, architecture, history, theology, and social
correction work in connection with the prevention
work. Many of the issues in criminology are a
and control of delinquency and crime. Pioneer
result of differences in training and orientation in
Series articles on Haviland, Maconochie, Doe,
various disciplines.
Aschaffenburg, Ray, and Maudsley deal with one
If we understand the pioneers, then we can bet-
or more aspects of correctional work.
ter understand the current issues in criminology.
(3) The problem of explaining crime and crim-
Tracing the major strands of thought running
inal behavior, which is the problem of scientifically
throughout the Pioneer Series in terms of theoret-
accounting for the presence of crime and criminals
ical issues, we find at the same time indications of
in a society. The legal aspect of crime is of interest
the ways in which these issues have influenced the
to the lawyer and to the sociologist who is studying
modern criminologist. Twentieth century crimi-
the sociology of criminal law. The explanation of
nology is a product of the theories of the eighteenth
criminal behavior is of interest to the sociologist,
and nineteenth centuries. A historical evaluation
the psychologist, the psychiatrist, the anthro-
of criminology is of no value unless we relate it to
pologist, and the biologist. Pioneer Series articles
the things which criminologists are doing today. It
on Bentham, Beccaria, Garofolo, Lombroso,
is the major thesis of this paper that criminologists
Ferri, Goring, Tarde, Durkheim, and Bonger
today are interested in certain problems because
deal with crime and criminals from several differ-
they are involved in the theoretical issues de-
ent points of view. The problems associated with
veloped by the pioneers. What these issues are
the detection, treatment, and explanation of crime
I HowARD BxcEER AND ALvIN BosKOFr, MODERN and criminals are mutually interrelated, and there
SOCIOLOGIcAL TInEORY, New York; Dryden Press,
1957, p. 35 ff. is a great deal of overlapping of fields.

Any attempt to classify the men dealt with in ism. The Classical School theorized that punish-
the Pioneer Series would be arbitrary since each ment had a deterrent effect; the Positive School
pioneer wrote about a number of issues from a said that punishment should be replaced by a
number of viewpoints. A classification of the scientific treatment of criminals calculated to
following type is suggested: protect society.
The Positive School has dominated American
Classical School Positive School criminological thinking. 3 This school finds sup-
Bentham Garofolo porters in biology, psychiatry, psychology, social
Beccaria Lombroso
work, sociology, and anthropology, each of whom
applies the concepts of his science to the study of
Legal Aspects of Crime Psychiatric Aspects of the criminal. As a result of this orientation, crimi-
Crime nology has been dominated by an interest in the
Doe Aschaffenburg individual offender: his personality, body build,
Montero Ray intelligence, family background, the neighborhood
Maudsley from which he comes, or the groups to which he
Sociological Aspects of Crime Prison Architecture belongs. The basic assumption since Lombroso's
Tarde Haviland time is that an explanation of human behavior is an
Durkheim explanation of crime. The criminologist looks for
the etiology of crime in behavior systems rather
Prison Reform Criminalistics
Maconochie Gross than in legal systems.

Another type of classification, based on whether DEFINITION OF CRIME

the pioneer in question was primarily interested in The Classical School defined crime within the
crime or in the individual offender can be made in strict limits of criminal law. Bentham placed empha-
this way: sis on the crime, not on the criminal. Bentham was
Crime Individual Offender much more concerned with the consequences of the
Bentham Lombroso Doe act than with the motivation for the act.4 Beccaria
Beccaria Garofolo Maudsley was opposed to the barbaric and arbitrary prac-
Montero Ferri Maconochie tices associated with the court system in England
Durkheim Goring Tarde during his time. He believed in the social contract
Bonger Aschaffenburg Gross theory of government, that is, that sovereignty
Ray Haviland
resided in the people and the law applied equally
In any historical survey of criminology we must to all members of society. 5 The Classical School
deal with a dilemma. This dilemma is found in the believed in the doctrine of nullum crimen sine lege,
Classical School, founded by Bentham and Becca- no crime without a law.
ria, and the Positive School, founded by Lombroso, The Positive School attacked the legal definition
Garofolo, and Ferri. The Classical School de- of crime, and in its place substituted a concept of
veloped in the eighteenth century in an attempt to natural crime. The positivist rejected the juridical
reform the legal system and to protect the accused concept of crime in favor of the sociologic notion of
against harsh and arbitrary action on the part of crime. 6 Garofolo notes that the concept of a
"criminal" presupposes the concept of "crime."
the State. The Positive School developed in the
nineteenth century as an attempt to apply scien- He observed that "although the naturalists speak
tific methods to the study of the criminal.
The Classical School defined crime in legal TURY SOCIOLOGY, ed. by GEORGES GURviTCH AND
terms; the Positive School rejected the legal WILBERT E. MOORE, New York: Philosophical Press,
1945, p. 346.
definition of crime. The Classical School focused 4 GILBERT GEIS, Pioneers in Criminology, VII:
attention on crime as a legal entity; the Positive Jeremy Bentham, JouR. OF CRim. L., CRlIINOL., AND
School focused attention on the act as a psycho- POL. Sci., July-August, 1955, pp. 159-171.
5ELIO MONACHESI, Pioneers in Criminology, IX:
logical entity. The Classical School emphasized Cesare Beccaria, JouR. OF CRit. L., CRIMINOL., AND
free will; the Positive School emphasized determin- POL. Sci., November-December, 1955, pp. 439-449.
6 FRANCIS A. ALLEN, Pioneers in Criminology, IV:
2 See the Pioneer Series articles on LOUBROSO, Ra.ffaele Garofolo, JouR. OF CRISI. L., CRmINOL., AND
GAROFOLO, FERRI, BENTHAM, AND BECCARIA. POL. SCI., November-December, 1954, pp. 373-390.

of the criminal, they have omitted to tell us what focuses attention on criminal behavior while at the
they understand by the word crime." 7 The posi- same time removing the study of law from the
tivist's rejection of the legal definition was based field of criminology. "While it is no doubt one of
on the idea that for scientific purposes the concept the functions of the Sociology of the Criminal Law
of crime cannot be accepted as a legal category, to examine the conditions under which criminal
since the factors which produce the legal definition laws develop, such an examination cannot be
are contingent and capricious. Garofolo then regarded as coming under the scope of Criminol-
defined natural crime as an act that offends the ogy.'
moral sentiments of pity and probity in the com- Opposition to the definition of crime as anti-
munity. Allen and Hall have pointed out the fact social behavior or undesirable behavior have come
that the positivistic notion of crime is susceptible from Jerome Hall, Francis A. Allen, Paul Tappan,
to corruption in the hands of corrupt political George B. Vold, Robert G. Caldwell, and the
officials. The fact that Ferri became a member of writer.' 5 Hall writes, "Criminology is synonymous
the Fascist movement in Italy is of concern to with Sociology of Criminal Law .... The above
those who regard civil liberties as a fundamen- theory suggests the general boundaries of criminol-
tal aspect of criminal law.8 Whereas for Beccaria ogy. It must be concerned, first, with the meaning
individual rights are supreme; there are no safe- of the rules of criminal law . ..and this requires
guards against abuse of state power in the work investigation of their origins, the legislative his-
of Garofolo and Ferri.9 tory,... and accompanying social problems."
As a result of the rejection of legal categories by Hall traced the development of the law of theft
the Positive School there is no agreement in crimi- from the Carrier's Case to the present in order to
nology today as to "what is crime?" Sutherland, show how the criminal law has developed in
Reckless, Sellin, Clinard, and others have either response to social and economic changes brought
rejected the legal definition of crime or have about by the Industrial Revolution. The interrela-
stated that criminological research should not be tions of law and economy in the solution of social
limited by such legal definitions. 10 The most com- problems are highlighted in his book, Theft, Law
mon definition of crime by the sociological school and Society." Francis A. Allen states, "It may be
is the definition of crime as "anti-social" behavior. doubted that so complete an elimination of the
Sellin states that criminologists should study legal content of the concept has well served the
violations of conduct norms rather than legal development of criminological theory."
norms. The eminent British criminologist, Profes- The view that crime is undesirable social be-
sor Hermann Mannheim, is in agreement with havior is especially apparent in the field of juvenile
Sellin's position. Mannheim asks the question, "Is delinquency. The broad legal definition of delin-
criminology concerned exclusively with criminal
quency makes it possible to equate "delinquency"
behavior in the legal sense or rather with the much
with "problem behavior." Paul Tappan refers to
wider conception of anti-social behavior?"" He
this situation as "legal nihilism." He notes that
answers the question by noting that criminology
tends to become the science of undesirable social a juridicial approach to delinquency is uncommon,
behavior.Y "It is the object of Criminology to and in its place we find a casework approach that
study criminal behavior and the physical, psycho- is nonlegal or anti-legal in orientation. 9 Roscoe
logical, and socio-economic factors behind it; how Pound observed that the discretionary power of
and why people commit crimes .... ,"" Mannheim the Star Chamber was a trifle compared to that
8 Ibid., p. 375. '"Ibid., p. 260.
THoRsrxN SELLIN, Pioneers in Criminology, XV: "5 JEFERY, op. cit;ROBERT G. CALDwELL, CRIM-
Enrico Ferr, Joun. OF CRti. L., CRMINOL., AND NOLOGY, New York: Ronald Press, 1956, p. 112 ff.,
POL. Scr., January-February, 1958, p. 489. See also p. 67 ff.; HALL, op. cit.; ALLEN, op. cit.; GEORGE B.
HALL, op. cit., p. 346 if; ALLEN, op. cit., pp. 373-390. VOLD, Some Basic Problens in CriminologicalResearch
9ALLEN, op. cit., p. 389. FED. PROB., March, 1953, p. 37.
CriminologicalThinking, JouR. OF CRim. L., CRImINOL., LAW, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1947, p. 559.
AND POL. Scr., January-February, 1956, p. 658 ff. 17JEROME HALL, THEFT, LAW AND SOCIETY, 2nd
ItHERMANN MANNHEIm, GRoUP PROBLEMs IN ed., Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1952.
CRIME Am PUNIsHMENT, London: Routlege and op. cit., p. 377.
2 Ibid., p. 262. JuvENILE DELINQUENCY, New York: United Nations,
1 Ibid., p. 261.
1952, pp. 3-9.

of the juvenile court.20 A juvenile court hearing is longs to many different social groups, each with its
not regarded as a criminal trial; therefore, the usual own system of conduct norms. However, when he
constitutional guarantees as to life and liberty do states that the criminologist ought to study all
not apply. The juvenile is often deprived of legal norms violations he ignores the fundamental and
rights which are available to the adult.21 important differences between state norms, famil-
Because there is no standard from which delin- ial norms, religious norms, educational norms,
quent behavior can be measured, a subjective economic norms, or voluntary association norms.
evaluation of the behavior by a judge or caseworker By placing all conduct norms in a single category
must be relied upon. What constitutes "vulgar lan- he is overlooking certain important characteristics
guage," "idleness," "immorality," or "habitually" of the norms.
is a major problem in the administration of any ju- The removal of crime from the realm of legal
venile court code.n The jurisdiction of the juvenile fact has blurred the distinction between criminal
court is often based on the fact that the child has and non-criminal behavior. In textbooks it is
an emotional problem rather than on any act of common to observe that 99 percent of the popula-
delinquency. There is some question as to whether tion commit acts for which they could be charged
the juvenile court should function as a welfare with a crime.26 Less than 4 percent of the crimes
agency. "It is even more pathetic that the very known to the police result in a prison sentence.N
social instrument that was once hailed as a great These observations place the criminologist in a
reform measure now stands as a barrier to progress cul-de-sac. If he is to ignore the legal status of
in meeting their basic needs." crime, he then must study all deviant behavior.
The confusion of crime and criminals is com- This is an acceptable procedure if one is interested
monplace in criminology. The criminologist seeks in explaining behavior; it is not too helpful if we
the answer to crime in the behavior of the offender wish to understand why individual A is in prison
rather than in the criminal law. Ferri stated that and individual B is not. From these statistical
"crime must be studied in the offender." 25 The observationsof non-criminal populations we must
question "why and how people commit crimes" is conclude that they differ from criminal popula-
an important one; however, a theory of behavior tions, not in terms of sociological and psychological
is not a theory of crime. Behavior is criminal only variables related to the life experiences of the
when judged by some standard of conduct. The individual offender, but in terms of the process of
term "crime" refers to the act of judging or labeling legal adjudication. The criminal has been caught
the behavior, rather than to the behavior itself. and convicted in a court of law. The problem
Why people behave as they do and why the be- shifts from "why and how individuals commit
havior is regarded as criminal are two separate anti-social acts" to "why and how criminal law is
problems requiring different types of explanation. administered."
If we wish to include all anti-social behavior The problem of the "non-adjudicated" criminal
within the scope of criminology, we must either concerned Sutherland a great deal, and his re-
state that all deviant behavior is criminal or that search in connection with white-collar crime was
criminology is concerned with non-criminal as well an attempt to bring within the scope of criminology
as criminal behavior. What we are concerned with the criminal who was not in prison. He defined
in either case is the sociology of deviant behavior, white-collar crime as "socially injurious acts"
not the sociology of crime. Only in the criminal whether conviction occurred or not, a concept
law do we find the distinction between criminal that has been criticized by Tappan and Caldwell.28
and non-criminal behavior. People are executed or Sutherland made a valuable contribution to the
sent to prison for violating a law; they are not sociology of law by pointing out the differential
executed or sent to prison for "anti-social" be- treatment of white-collar criminals by our judicial
havior in general. Sellin points out that man be- system. However, he did not focus attention on
the interaction of economic and legal institutions
DELmNQuENCY, New York: Random House, 1956, p. in the same way that Jerome Hall did, for example,
320. in his study of theft. Sutherland shifted his atten-
21Ibid., p. 305 ff.
Ibid., p. 322 New York: Appleton-Century-Croft, Inc., 1955, p. 12.
24Ibid., p. 337 2
1 Ibid., p. 18.
2" SELLIN, op. cit., p. 482 2 CALDWELL, op. cit., p. 67 ff.

tion to the question "why do certain individuals violation of a law, we must then state what we
commit white-collar crimes?" He entered into a mean by law. This would require us to investigate
discussion of a shoe salesman who became a white- such topics as the sociology of law and sociological
collar criminal through differential association. 9 jurisprudence. If we equate law and custom, as
The problem of what social changes in the nine- some writers do, then the legal definition of crime
teenth century produced government regulation of and the social definition of crime are synonymous.
business is ignored in Sutherland's work. The legal It is beyond the scope of this paper to pursue
dimension of white-collar crime is slighted in favor further the various meanings of the term "law"
of a study of the offender. In Sutherland's work we except to note that the definition of crime, be it
have a beautiful example of the shift in emphasis legal or sociological, must be based on a study of
from the crime to the criminal. White-collar crime law and society rather than on a study of the
did not exist before certain legal changes occurred. individual offender.
Why these changes occurred can be determined
only by a study of law and society, not by a study Is CRMINoLoGY A SCIENCE?
of the criminal. The progress and development of According to George B. Void, "the essential
criminal law has been due to social and economic point in positivism is the application of a determin-
historical forces. No evaluation of the personality istic and scientific method to the study of crime."12
of the individual criminal is going to substitute for This writer would disagree with Vold's observa-
a sociological analysis of law. tion to this extent: the main characteristic of
The acceptance by many criminologists of the positivism is its attempt to answer the riddle of
Positive School's position in respect to the defini- criminality by means of scientific studies of the
tion of crime and the emphasis placed on the study individual offender. The use of scientific method
of the individual offender is not surprising if one is one of the major characteristics of positivism;
considers the history of American sociology. The however, scientific studies can be made of crime
original problem which occupied the attention of and criminal law as well as of the criminal. Because
sociologists during the period from 1910 to 1939 of his orientation the criminologist has not con-
was the problem of socialization and personality cerned himself with these other theoretical issues.
development. The work of W. I. Thomas, G. H. The reason the criminologist is not interested in
Mead, John Dewey, and C. H. Cooley was in the studying law and society is his reform orientation.
area of socialization. These men were interested in There is no way in which knowledge of law and
the question of how a person comes to be a member society can be used to reform the criminal. The
of a group. It mattered little whether the social criminologist assumes that he must reform the
norms involved were legal or non-legal in nature. criminal if the science of criminology is to be a
It was not until the late 1930's that there occurred success. When this writer recently advocated that
in American sociology a revival of interest in greater attention be paid to the study of criminal
European sociologists such as Weber, Durkheim, law he was told by several probation officers, "But
Tonnies, Sombart, and others. 0 The problem of this does not help us to deal with the individual
social structure and social institutions now as- offender." Criminology has developed to a great
sumed a more important place in sociological dis- extent as a branch of the penal reform movement
cussions. The sociology of law is a European im- in the United States. The major problems in
port, based on the work of such European writers criminology have been derived from the needs of
as Weber, Durkheim, Maine, Jhering, Ehrlich, parole boards and prison administrators for tools
Gurvitch, Sorokin, and Timasheff. 3' It is of interest with which to reform or manage criminals. The
to speculate as to why sociologists in the United interest shown in parole prediction tables and
States did not develop an interest in the study of prison research is illustrative of this reform orienta-
law until quite recently. tion. The development of criminology is limited
One additional observation concerning the defi- by this interest in penal reform and prison prob-
nition of crime is in order. If we define crime as the lems.
19EDvWN H. SUTHERLAND, VHITE COLLAR CRIME, Auguste Comte is the father of positivism in
New York: Dryden Press, 1949, p. 235 ff. sociology. He envisioned a society in which all
1oBECKER AND BosKOFF, op. cit., p. 79 ff.
TIETH CENTURY SOCIOLOGY, op. cit., p. 297-341. New York: Oxford University Press, 1958, p. 39.

social problems are solved by scientists using intimately related and interdependent, and yet...
positivistic methods of research. When society conceptually distinct.",
reaches the positive stage of development morals The positivistic position established by Comte
and politics will become positivistic sciences. is found today in such works as George Lundberg's
Positivism subordinates questions about what "Can Science Save Us?" In his writings Lundberg
ought to be or what must be to questions of what in argues that, by emulating the physical sciences
fact is. "Positivistic thinkers .... have wished to and by using statistical and quantitative tech-
see intelligence applied to the alleviation of all niques of analysis, sociology can be used as a tool
pressing human ills." Auguste Comte "was first for obtaining social objectives. Lundberg, fol-
and foremost a social reformer, and he was inter- lowing John Dewey and the pragmatists, regards
ested in science because he thought of it as an science as an instrument of human adjustment and
instrument for the reorganization of human life."3 human progress. The final objective of science is
America has developed a philosophy, which, like the prediction and control of events which is
Comte's takes its point of departure from the possible when one uses mathematical models.
disparity between the state of the natural sciences Lundberg agrees with Weber that sociology must
and the state of social affairs, and which proposes be free of values and value-judgments. He feels
to eliminate this disparity by extending the that science can furnish us with the means to reach
scientific outlook to all domains of human be- the goals or ends which are existent in society. The
havior.N major tenets of positivism are quantitativism,
The positivistic view of Comte was offset by the behaviorism, and pragmatism.
development of a German school of sociology. The According to Weber the purpose of sociology is
German school made a distinction between the Sein to understand social events; according to Comte
and the Sollen, the is and the ought. Max Weber and Lundberg the purpose of sociology is to aid
regarded sociology as value-free. Sociology is in the scientific solution of social problems. Crimi-
concerned with what is; it does not attempt to nologists in general have followed the Positive
determine ethical and moral issues. Weber recog- School. Crominologists are very anxious that crim-
nized that values are facts which can be scientifi- inology be recognized as a science. They believe
cally analyzed. He also recognized the fact that that the crime problem can be solved if criminology
sociology does not furnish answers to questions is scientific. That is why the criminologist has
concerning how people ought to behave. Weber been willing to reject the legal definition of crime
made a distinction between natural and social in favor of "universal categories of behavior"
science, a distinction which the positive school which he feels is necessary for scientific analysis.
has denied. 5 Most American sociologists follow The Michael-Adler report concluded that criminol-
the value-free approach. Robert Bierstedt writes, ogy is not a science due to the unscientific nature
"Sociology is a categorical, not a normative disci- of sociology and psychology.
pline, that is, it confines itself to statements about Whether or not we regard criminology as a
what is, not what ought to be." 36 Kingsley Davis science depends upon the use to which we want to
writes, "The normative approach (in the sense of put our knowledge. Scientific studies can be made
analyzing norms and institutions, not in the sense of crime, criminal law, criminals, prisons, and other
of laying down moral imperatives) is used. .... 31 such topics. In this sense a science of criminology is
Talcott Parsons states, "Existence and values are possible. If we believe, however, that science can
determine the policy to be pursued in the
a3A HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, ed. by treatment of criminals then we are no longer
VERGILIrUs FEiR, New York: Philosophical Library, within the realm of science. Punishment and
p. 330-331. 3
JOHN CURER, SOCIOLOGY, 3rd ed., New York: OF SOCIAL ACTION, London: Stevens and Sons, 1956,
Appleton-Century-Croft, Inc., 1955, p. 42 ff.; RALPH p. 20.
p. 36
273 ff. SOCIOLOGY, New York: Doubleday and Co., 1954, p.
York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1957, p. 11. Doubleday and Co., 1955, p. 48 ff.
Macmillan Co., 1949, p. 80. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1956, p. 229 ff.

reform are not a means to an end; they represent Henry Goddard is representative of this stage of
goals or values. Science cannot determine the criminological thinking.
ultimate values of society. Even an extreme posi- Tarde located the cause of criminal behavior in
tivist such as Lundberg feels obliged to make a imitation, and it is a short step from Tarde to
distinction between science and policy. The advo- Sutherland. Guerry and Quetelet emphasized the
cates of the "New Penology" ignore this issue. importance of criminal statistics in relation to
Studies of criminals and prisons will never tell us ecological processes, age, sex, climate, and other
how we ought to treat the criminal any more than variables. Park, Burgess, Shaw, and McKay de-
studies of the atom will tell us how we ought to veloped the ecological school in the United States,
use the atomic bomb. In the next several sections work which was basic to the formulation of Suther-
of the paper free will, determinism, and punish- land's theory. Bonger emphasized poverty and
ment will be discussed in terms of this distinction economic conditions as a factor in criminality, and
between the is and the ought. many studies have been made in an attempt to
relate crime rates to economic conditions.
TE CRIMIAL The Freudian theory of personality development
Lombroso is generally credited with shifting has been used by psychiatrists as a basis for ex-
the criminologist's attention from the crime to the plaining criminal behavior. The psychiatric ap-
criminal. Since his time the major issue has been proach is both individualistic and social psycho-
"how and why do people commit crimes?" Atten- logical depending upon the school of psychiatry to
tion has been focused on the individual offender. which one belongs. Both the sociological and psy-
The history of criminology is thehistoryof theories chiatric schools emphasize the importance of the
of personality development. Whenever a new family in relation to crime. The sociologist empha-
theory of personality appears, it is immediately sizes the environmental and associational aspects
applied to the criminal. Textbooks in criminology of family living; the psychiatrist emphasizes the
tell us a great deal about the physical, mental, emotional aspect of family living. The two major
emotional, and social characteristics of the crimi- explanations of behavior today are the sociological,
nal. symbolized by Sutherland, and the psychiatric,
The biological school was developed by Lom- symbolized by Freud.4 -
broso, Garofolo, Ferri, and Goring. Lombroso The shift from the biological orientation of
started with the concept of the born criminal, but Lombroso to the social and psychological orienta-
he in his later writings recognized other factors as tion of the modern criminologist has misled some
being important. Ferri emphasized the importance as to the true influence of the Positive School on
of anthropological and social as well as physical modern criminology. If the term "positivist" is
factors. Ferri classified criminals as born, insane, applied to Sutherland, for example, someone will
habitual, occasional, and passionate. Goring dis- object because Sutherland's theory of behavior is
covered through his measurements of English not the same as Lombroso's. The importance of
convicts that the criminal was physically and the Positive School is that it focused attention on
mentally inferior to the non-criminal. It is of motivation and on the individual criminal. It
interest to note that Tarde, not Goring, is respon- sought an explanation of crime in the criminal, not
sible for the refutation of Lombroso. Edwin Driver in the criminal law. This is true of every theory of
in his article points out that the American crimi- criminal behavior which is discussed in the text-
nologist has credited Goring with the refutation of books today, even though the explanation is in
Lombroso while ignoring the biological orientation terms of social and group factors rather than in
of his work.4 ' The interest in heredity and consti- terms of biological factors. The shift in criminologi-
tutional types is still seenin thewritings of Hooton, cal thinking has been from a biological to a socio-
Sheldon, and the Gluecks. logical and psychological explanation of behavior,
The mental testers attempted to locate the not in terms of a shift in interest from the criminal
cause of criminal behavior in mental defectiveness. to crime. The emphasis is still upon the individual
41EDWIN D. DRIVER, Pioneers in Criminology, XIV: offender, not crime.
Charles Goring, Jomw or Cans. L., CRIMINOL., AND When the definition of crime was discussed
PoL. Sci., January-February, 1957, pp. 515-525.
MARGARET S. WIISON, Pioneers in Criminology, I: above, it was noted that the reason the crimi-
Gabriel Tarde, JouR. or Cals. L., CilMNor., AND
POL. Sci., May-June, 1954, pp. 3-10. 42CAMWnLL, op. Cit., p. 181 ff.

nologist feels the need to reject legal definitions of personality. The process of building group values
crime is because he is seeking a universal category into the individual is called socialization.
of behavior that can be explained in terms of a Socialization is the sociologist's inclusive term
theory of behavior. If one is attempting to explain for the various processes through which the original
motivation and behavior, one cannot rely upon nature becomes fashioned into the social being....
legal categories for the obvious reason that the A major part of a socialization process consists, of
same behavior pattern will be both legal and il- course, of learning."
legal at different times and in different places.43 By institutionalization we mean the develop-
Regardless of whether we accept Lombroso's ment of orderly, stable, socially integrating forms
theory of behavior, or Sheldon's theory, or Suther- and structures cut of unstable, loosely patterned,
land's theory, or Glueck's theory, we are still or merely technical types of action!7
dealing with the criminal, not crime. Sutherland's Sociologists have coined the term institutionaliza-
theory of differential association is a theory of tion to describe the process of formalizing interac-
behavior, based on a study of criminals. The only tion in groups. There is a tendency for participation
reason the issue of a definition of crime is raised in in most groups to become habituated and forma-
modern criminology is because the criminologist lized into increasingly rigid roles. Each person's
has to have some device by which to place be- behavior becomes laid out for him in specific ways,
havior in that category before it is studied as such. and elaborate rules and regulations exist pre-
However, the criminologist is in a real dilemma in scribing the proper procedure."
this respect, since as soon as he has derived his The process of learning behavior expected of a
universal category of behavior he has lost the person in the group is socialization. Sutherland's
very thing he started out to study, namely crime. theory of differential association is a theory of
Two major difficulties confront us today in socialization. Non-sociological theories of behavior
respect to the problem of understanding the place little or no emphasis on socialization proc-
criminal. (1) A theory of criminal behavior is not cesses. On the other hand, the way in which law
a theory of crime. It does not explain why the be- develops in response to social problems and social
havior is criminal or non-criminal. (2) There is no change is institutionalization. Jerome Hall's study
theory of criminal behavior available which ex- of "Theft, Law and Society" or the writer's study of
plains all criminal behavior. The psychiatric theory crime and social change in England are examples
is inadequate because not all criminals are emo- of studies of institutionalization.49 Crime is a
tionally disturbed, and few emotionally disturbed product of institutionalization; behavior is a
individuals are criminals. The sociological explana- product of socialization. The confusion of crime
and behavior is the confusion of institutionalization
tion is inadequate because not all criminals have a
and socialization.
history of prior associations with other criminals,
and not all individuals who associate with crimi- FREE WILL VERsUS DETERMI-NISM
nals become criminals. A theory which integrates
the legal, sociological, and psychological aspects of Whereas the Classical School accepted the
crime and criminal behavior is needed.14 doctrine of free will, the Positive School based the
study of criminal behavior on scientific determin-
In his study of the individual criminal the crimi-
ism. Every act had a cause. The Pavlovian theory
nologist has confused two distinct and separate
of conditioned response patterns strengthened the
sociological processes: institutionalization and
deterministic approach to behavior. John B. Wat-
socialization. son made determinism popular in the United
The individual learns group-defined ways of 45
acting and feeling, and he learns many of them so Evanston: Row, Peterson, and Co., 1955, p. 81.
fundamentally that they become a part of his 6 CUBER, Op. cit., p. 180.
BROOM AND SELzNICK, op. cit., p. 238.
11JEFFERY, op. cit., p. 671 ff. 49 CUBER,
'8 op. cit., p. 319.
The writer has outlined some of the problems in
such an approach to criminological theory in an article CLARENCE RAY JEFFERY, Crime, Law and Social
entitled An Integrated Theory of Crime and Criminal Structure, JOUR. OF CRim. L., CrIsNOL., AND POL.
Behavior published in the March-April, 1959 issue of Sci., November-December, 1956, p. 423 ff.; CLARENCE
RAY JEFFERY, The Dedelopment of Crime in Early
the Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police English Society, JouR. or CRni. L., CRmtMNOL. AND
Science. POL. ScI., March-April, 1957, p. 647 ff.

States at about the same time that Freud intro- the overt harm or consequence of the act. The
duced the theory of psychic determinism. innermost aspect of the psyche is explored in an
The major argument today concerning determin- effort to answer the question "how and why do
ism occurs in the criminal law. The law assumes people commit crimes?" The evaluation of be-
the responsibility of the individual for his volun- havior is placed in the hands of experts. Fredric
tary conduct. The Neo-Classical School recognized Wertham feels that the McNaghten rule should
that infants, lunatics, and others were not legally be retained, and he refers to the psychiatric posi-
responsible for their actions. The legal position tion as "psychoauthoritarianism." 55 Robert G.
has been under attack by psychiatrists for many Caldwell refers to the general movement away
years.5 The Pioneer Series articles on Isaac Ray, from judicial procedures as "the tyranny of the
Charles Doe, and Henry Maudsley dealt with this expert.""0
issue of legal versus psychological responsibility. The argument that scientific determinism ought
The legal test of insanity, the right and wrong to replace free will is always framed in terms of
test as stated in the McNaghten case, has been psychic determinism. When the psychiatrist offers
criticized by psychiatrists. Ray and Doe were testimony he is doing so in terms of certain con-
influential in setting aside the McNaghten rule cepts he has concerning determinism. An issue
in the state of New Hampshire. The New Hamp- which seems to have been systematically ignored
shire rule was applied in the case of United States is that there are also sociological determinants of
vs. Durham. In the Durham case the court said, behavior. Why do we allow a defendent the
"The accused is not criminally responsible if his defense that certain psychic factors determined
unlawful act was the product of mental disease or his behavior, if we do not allow the same defense
mental defect." to the man who has lived in a criminalistic sub-
Psychiatrists in general are in favor of the Dur- culture and whose behavior is therefore determined
ham rule. Nearly ninety per cent of the psychia- by his environment? Why not have sociologists
trists interviewed concerning the test of criminal testifying as to the environmental determinants
responsibility indicated that they favored the of the behavior of a Negro male living in Harlem?
Durham test."1 The Royal Commission on Capital Certainly this individual did not will to be born a
Punishment recommended abrogating the Mc- Negro or to live in Harlem. The writer is not sug-
Naghten test and leaving it to the jury "to deter- gesting this as a policy, but is asking the question
mine whether at the time of the act the accused "why has the discussion of determinism been con-
was suffering from disease of the mind to such a cerned solely with psychic determinism?"
degree that he ought not to be held responsible."- The law is a measure of social, not individual,
The acceptance of the psychiatric position by responsibility. The law assumes that individuals
lawyers and courts is a current trend. The late are responsible for their actions, for otherwise a
George Dession stated in 1938 that "the infiltra- state of social anarchy would exist. The deter-
tion of psychiatry into the administration of ministic argument assumes that responsibility and
criminal law will one day be recognized as over- free will are synonymous, and that determinism
shadowing all other contemporary phenomena in precludes responsibility.5 It can be argued that
its influence on the evolution of criminal justice." 5 unless a person is conditioned to expect certain
Fredric Wertham, a psychiatrist, regards this as a consequences for his action he is not aware of the
dangerous trend in the administration of justice." prohibitions and thus is not responsible. Deter-
In the issue of criminal responsibility we again minism leads to responsibility. It is on the basis of
witness dearly the influence of the Positive School. these anticipated consequences of behavior that
The criminal rather than the crime is the issue at society holds the individual responsible. The
hand. Scientific determinism replaces volitional socialization process is based on role-taking proc-
conduct. The inner motivation of the act replaces esses which allow one to anticipate the conse-
0oJERomE HALL, Psyciatry and Criminal Re- quences of his behavior and thus one orients his
sponsibility, YAm L. Joun., May, 1956, p. 761 ff.; behavior toward the significant other. The late
HALL, PRiNcipLEs, op. cit., p. 477 ff.
Uiim.ysr oF CHICAGo LAW REVIEW, Winter Robert Lindner expressed it in these terms, "Be-
1955, p. 327. 55
Ibid., p. 336.
2 Ibid., p. 356.
-6 CAI vDixE,op. cit., p. 342.
1 Ibid., p. 363.
5 Ibid., p. 581. 57 Ross AND VAN DEN HAAO, op. cit., p. 295 ff.

cause every act involves other persons, and most if often attempts to relieve the criminal of responsi-
not all actions at the time of their inception include bility (accountability). 62
some foreknowledge of their potential effects, a The desire on the part of the psychiatrist to
network of responsibility exists among all members abolish certain basic concepts such as responsi-
of the species."n Kenneth S. Carlston writes, bility, guilt, and punishment has brought the
"Responsibility on the part of the members for the following reply from Fredric Wertham:
effective performance of their roles in accordance The ultra-radical proposal has been made to
with accepted norms is another distinguishing turn most or all offenders over to psychiatry, and
feature of the organization (of society)."59 Not only to abolish the very concepts of responsibility,
is the concept of responsibility necessary for the crime, punishment, and personal guilt. This is not
function of society but for the understanding of only impracticable, but harmful, for it deflects
the social psychology of personality development. our attention from the present-day abuses of
Coutu has suggested the term "social accounta- psychiatric criminology and from the fight against
bility" in place of responsibility, and perhaps such them. Such an abolition of judicial categories
a term would be preferred by those who think of would in practice infringe on the safety of society
responsibility in terms of free will. 60 This is similar and on the rights of the individual.6
to the position taken by Enrico Ferri, namely that Instead of just delving into the minutiae "of
a person is legally or socially responsible for his doubtful dreams" he should develop a social
actions by the fact that he is a member of society, orientation corresponding to the growing awareness
not because he is capable of willing an illegal act. of social responsibility in a changing world. Instead
Ferri applied the concept of responsibility to the of the currently too-prevalent practice of giving
insane, to juveniles, and to others now regarded as for social ills individualistic and therefore evasive
being incapable of responsibility. Arnold Green explanations, the psychiatrist should not shirk
has written: his duty to determine the point where individual
The first proposition-that the criminal is not guilt resolves itself into social responsibility. 64
responsible for his crimes-is inconsequential, at The association of the terms "conditioned re-
least from the point of view of maintaining society. sponse" and "involuntary action" is due to the
Whether or not a man is responsible for what he fact that Pavlovian or classical conditioning is
does, he must be held personally accountable for used as the example. B. F. Skinner and other psy-
what he does. Only on the basis of mutual account- chologists interested in learning theory have intro-
ability can mutual prediction of behavior take duced into psychological literature the term
place, without which all social relationships would "operant" or "instrumental" conditioning, based
be impossible. We know, for example, that an in- on self-initiated or voluntary behavior on the part
dividual will act thus and so in a given situation of the subject. If modern psychologists, using the
because deviation from expected behavior would latest research techniques, can use such terms as
be to his discredit or disadvantage. He would be "self-initiated" or "voluntary actions", certainly
punished, either by losing his reputation, ridicule, the lawyer is justified in talking about voluntary
or in extreme cases, expulsion. Only by accepting actions or intent.
responsibility (accountability) for his actions can Law is both descriptive, the law as it is, and
an individual invoke upon his fellows their com- evaluative, the laying down of moral imperatives.
mon system of moral norms. Only through a mu- The study of law can be descriptive, and thus a
tual assurance that future behavior can be pre- member of the social sciences, or it can be evalua-
dicted on the basis of past and present actions can tive, and thus within the field of ethics and morals.
social relationships be preserved. But the person The law regulating adultery exists as a fact, as a
who denies the concept of responsibility (free-will) code of behavior; it also represents a moral impera-
York: Rinehart and Co., 1956, p. 204. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1956, p. 36.
SOCIAL AcTION, London: Stevens and Sons, 1956, York: Doubleday and Co., 1949, p. 18.
p. 31.
6Ibid., p. 18.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1949, p. 412. CHOLOGY, 2nd ed., New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.,
61SELLiN, op. cit., p. 491.
1957, p. 29 ff.

tive, namely, people ought not commit adultery. sociologist has decided he could not act as both
Confusion arises when law is treated exclusively scientist and policy-maker, and perhaps the psy-
either as a fact or as a moral imperative. Very often chiatrist will find it necessary to make a similar
moral imperatives are confused with conventional distinction between science and policy. It is no
behavior. Social norms, legal and otherwise, tell refutation of a legal doctrine to observe that it is
us how people ought to behave, not how they do
not scientific. Law evaluates behavior and es-
behave. Statistical norms are confused with norms
tablishes norms of conduct. The criminal is one
that establish standards of behavior. The ought
who has been judged by the group to have violated
can never be derived from the is. The distinction
between the descriptive and prescriptive aspects a conduct code and is deserving of punishment and
of law goes to the very heart of jurisprudence.66 condemnation. Mental illness is not defined as the
The descriptive is often confused with the pre- violation of a conduct code. There is no scientific
scriptive.Y7 The relationship between science and approval or disapproval of mental illness, any more
policy is demonstrated today in the physical than one approves or disapproves of an infected
sciences. Physicists were able to produce an atomic appendix. A man may have syphilis and commit
bomb, but the moral implications of the bomb have a crime at the same time. We do not ask a lawyer
driven many scientists into other areas of research. to treat the syphilis, and the doctor is not supposed
The physicist does not determine how the bomb to make a moral issue of syphilis. The fact that
ought to be used. The program to produce satellites doctors treated syphilis as a moral and not as a
also illustrates the difference between the scientific scientific issue for years illustrates the point. At
knowledge necessary to launch a satellite and the the same time we do not ask the doctor what pun-
governmental policy which the United States has ishment ought to be assigned to the man who has
pursued in an effort to do so. These examples not contracted syphilis through an illegal act. In the
only point out the gap between science and policy,
case of crime, however, we assume that the pres-
but they also point out the fact that scientists do
ence of mental disease places in the hands of psy-
not determine policy. They work within the policy
framework determined by the power structure of chiatrists the moral evaluation of the behavior.
society. There is a right and wrong in law; there is no right
If we make a distinction between what is and and wrong in science, only what is. This observa-
what ought to be, and if we assign to science tion does not preclude the possibility that policy
questions of what is and to policy makers questions decisions may be based on scientific evidence.
of what ought to be, then this conflict between Gregory Zilboorg, a psychiatrist, makes such a
law and psychiatry takes on new meaning. Psy- distinction between science and policy.
chiatry is, or wants to be, a science. Law has a If we as scientific contemporaries are to pass
policy-making function. The psychiatrist has judgment on every contemporary social crisis in
attacked the McNaghten rule principally on the terms of our civic reactions clothed in the cloak of
grounds that it is not scientific. The McNaghten our scientific training, much of that which is posi-
rule is not a scientific statement; it states a matter tive, creative, and permanent in our science is
of policy. When the psychiatrist argues that the bound to be tarnished, as so much of the human
McNaghten rule is no longer acceptable, he is spirit was tarnished, whenever scientific knowledge
arguing as a policy-maker, not a scientist. The
was made to serve the immediate ends of social
6 MoRRs R. ConEN, REASON AND LAW, Glencoe: crises. This mistake is a dangerous error which
Free Press, 1950, p. 159 ff. little helps our civic performances and hurts a
Alfred A. Knopf, 1941, pp. 7-17. The school of phil- great deal our scientific performance and capacity.
osophical jurisprudence emphasizes the ethical aspect As scientists we cannot exist unless we stand au
of law. The analytical school emphasizes the descrip-
tive aspect of law. Sociological and historical juris- dessus de la inelle. If we find ourselves unable to
prudence attempts to relate law to the social sciences. stand above the battle, we must give up our
JEROME HALL has stated that it is a mistake to separate
law as fact and law as value. He advocates integrative scientific position. There is no choice. For there is
jurisprudence which combines the descriptive and no socialist physics, or capitalistic algebra, or
evaluative aspects of law. See INTERPRETATIONS OF Soviet astronomy, or Fascist biology;
and there
MfODERN LEGAL PILosoPIEs, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1947, p. 313 ff. is no American psychoanalysis or British psy-

chiatry. Science remains universal and cosmopoli- is needed, which could theoretically be from one
tan as it always has been, or it is not science." year to life.7 ' Each criminal would receive indi-
Zilboorg goes on to state that criminals are neu- vidualized treatment according to his own psy-
rotic individuals, and "Such individuals should be chological and sociological needs. The criminal,
treated, of course, instead of punished. ' 69 Zilboorg not the crime, governed the sentence or punish-
fails to realize that when he states we ought to ment given. The time a man spent in prison would
substitute treatment for punishment he is con- be determined, not by the crime he had committed,
tradicting what he said a few pages earlier about but by the time needed to adjust and rehabilitate
the separation of science and policy and the main- him. Whether or not a man was adjusted and
tenance of scientific neutrality on social and po- ready to return to society would be determined by
litical issues. He also states that as a psychiatrist scientific penology.
he is identified "with the person to be served and Garofolo was skeptical about the possibility of
not with the disindividualized aggregate called reforming the criminal. He advocated the death
society or history.70 Here he is stating that he is a penalty, overseas colonies, and life imprisonment
positivist, that is, he is interested in the criminal for those lacking all moral sense. For the young
and not in social meaning of crime, guilt, and offender he recommended the indeterminate sen-
punishment. tence, and for less serious violations he advocated
reparations rather than punishment.72 Garofolo
THE PU-RPOSE OF PUNISHMENT also recognized the value of the deterrence theory,
though he also realized its limitations. He also
The Classical School advocated a definite observed that any system of enforced treatment
penalty for each crime. The punishment must fit is punitive in nature.

the crime, e.g., for armed robbery a man would Ferri continued the Positive School's emphasis
receive five years in prison. The Classical School on social welfare and social defense. The purpose
punished the man for the crime, for what he had of criminal justice was to afford maximum pro-
done. tection or defense of society against the criminal.
The Positive School rejected the doctrine of The defense of society was placed above the rights
nulla poena sine lege-no punishment without a
of individuals. Ferri recommended penal colonies,
law. The Positive School emphasized individual- indeterminate sentences, hospitals, scientifically
ized treatment and the protection of society against trained judges, and the abolition of juries.
the criminal. The punishment must fit the criminal. Although he recognized the value of individualized
A man was sentenced, not according to the seri- treatment, he also recognized its limitations.
ousness of the offense, but according to the factor Individualized treatment was limited to the five
or factors which motivated him to commit a crime. classes of criminals which he developed.

It is foolish, reasoned the positivist, to sentence all The modern trend in penology has been in the
men guilty of armed robbery to the same length of direction of positivism, with such innovations as
time, since the motivational pattern for each man the indeterminate sentence, parole, probation,
would be different. One man might commit armed
suspended sentences, and good time laws.75 "The
robbery because he does not have the vocational reforms made in the criminal law in all civilized
training necessary for him to get a job; another nations in the last half century have resulted in
man might commit armed robbery because it the adoption of many of the proposals of the
served him as a psychological substitute for love positivists." 6 For Bentham a harm or pain must
which he did not receive from his parents. In the result from the crime before it is punished. The
one case the criminal would receive vocational positivist turned attention to motivation, and
training; in the other case he would receive psy- punishment was related to human motivation
chotherapy. Since it is not possible to know at the
71 ALTER C. REcs ss states for example, The
time of the trial how long a time will be necessary ideal indeterninatesentence law fixes allsentences from
to rehabilitate the criminal, an indefinite sentence one year to life. WALTER C. REcKLEss, THE CRIME
PROBLEM, 2nd ed., New York: Appleton-Century-
F GREGORY ZILBOORG, On Social Responsibility, Croft, Inc., 1955, p. 622.
SEARcHLIGHTS ON DELINQUENCY, ed. by K. R. EISLER, 7ALLEN, op. cit., p. 382 ff.
New York: International Universities Press, 1949, 73Ibid., p. 386.
p. 334. 74
SELLIN, op. cit., p. 491.
61 Ibid., p. 335. HALL, PRINCIPLES, op. Cit., p. 50 ff.
70 76
Ibid., p. 337. SELLIN, op. cit., p. 492.

rather than to the overt act or consequence of the criminal law is a double-edged sword. It protects
act. "Motivation rather than the objective nature society against the individual, and it protects the
of crime, is a basis for sanctions."n This attitude, individual against the arbitrary actions of the
again, is illustrative of the positivist's interest in state. The law prescribes the area in which the
the criminal rather than crime. The social defense state can act.
position has resulted in such legislation as sexual Criminology textbooks pay a great deal of atten-
psychopathic laws and habitual offender laws. tion to the inhumanity of man to man: the in-
Ferri delivered a lecture entitled "New Horizons humanity of punishment, the brutal methods of
in Criminal Law", which was later published as torture and punishment, the ineffectiveness of
Criminal Sociology. Barnes and Teeters published capital punishment, the complicated legal pro-
New Horizons in Criminology in which they pro- cedure followed by courts of law, the dishonesty of
pose such reform measures as the elimination of judges and police officials, the injustices of trials
prisons, the elimination of punishment, the elimi- and jury decisions, the brutality of police methods,
nation of the jury system, the elimination of the and the unsavory conditions in all prisons. What
concept of free will, individualized treatment, and is sometimes ignored is the fact that the Classical
the elimination of other aspects of the legal system. School developed as a reaction to harsh penal
Scientists and mental hospitals would replace methods where people were executed for minor
judges, juries, and prisons7 offenses. The principle of legality was a political
The abandonment of the principle of legality doctrine designed to protect the accused against
often leaves the accused without the traditional such abuses. Bentham and Beccaria led a wave of
safeguards found in the law. Jerome Hall has been legal reform in England.' The Positive School
an outspoken critic of this movement.79 Francis A. places us in a major contradiction in this respect.
Allen asks the question, "What social interests are In order to carry out the social defense philosophy
to be protected by the criminal law?" We must he must sacrifice the individual offender. "The
deal with the problem of the expansion of state Positive School is committed to the thesis that any
power into more and more aspects of social life. 0 measure necessary to protect Society (the accused,
The late George Dession emphasized the protection and, of course, the convicted person are auto-
of individual rights as an important function of matically excluded therefrom) is justifiable."' 4
criminal law. Dession deplored the development of In the case of the adult offender, as in the case
such legal proceedings as denaturalization of of the juvenile, the issue is sometimes whether the
naturalized citizens, deportation of aliens, loyalty accused has a personality problem which needs
hearings, anti-trust proceedings, and sexual psy- treatment, rather than whether or not the de-
chopathic laws which allow a man to be committed fendent has committed an objective harm. The
for an indefinite period even though he has com- sexual psychopathic laws represent a movement in
mitted no offense. These actions are always taken this direction. "The sexual psychopathic laws have
under the disguise of social welfare. "Should not given birth to a bastard class-neither criminal
the safeguards of criminal proceedings be applied or insane-whose members are designated
in the above situations?" 8' The Pioneer Series "offenders" because of their offensive behavior.
article on Montero is relevant in this respect be- These unhappy nonconformists may be punished
cause Montero placed emphasis on the protection or treated just as badly as the criminal and the
of individual rights and the limitation of the power insane, but obtain far less in the way of due proc-
of the state. ess of law."" 5 Hermann Mannheim, E. H.
The positivist has ignored the fact that the Sutherland, and Paul Tappan have criticized the
, Ibid., p. 481. sexual psychopathic laws in this country.'6 Harsh
HARRY EuizR BARNES AND NEGLEY K. TEETERS, penal methods are now appearing under the guise
NEW HoRizoNs IN CRIMINOLOGY, New York: Prentice- of "reform" and "science".
Hall, Inc., 1950, p. 289 ff.; p. 644 ff.; p. 947 ff.
79HALL, PRINCOEcs, op. cit., p. 19 ff. It is often stated that the purpose of criminal
80 ALLEN, op. cit., p. 378. law ought to be treatment and reform. The ob-
1RacmA C. DoNNELLY, George Dession, JouR.
or Cmii. L., ClinNOL., Am POL. Sci., March-April, 83 GEIs, op. cit., pp. 159-171; MNOAcHEsi, op. cit.,
1956, p. 773. p. 439-449.
'2MANUEL LoPEz-REY, Piioeersin Criminology, X: 8 HALL, PRmNCIPLEs, op. cit., pp. 550-551.
Pedro Dorado Montero, JouR. or CRni L., CRUmNOL., 85 UNvExsrrY or CmcAoo LAw REvImw, p. 355.
AND POL. Scr., January-February, 1956, p. 605 ff. 86MANNim, op. cit., p. 205 ff.

servation has been made that there is always a of parole." 9'- Today the Youth and Adult Authori-
punitive aspect to treatmentY Whether or not ties are held in high esteem by penologists. The
punishment and treatment can be separated is a American Law Institute was instrumental in the
relevant question. Sheldon Glueck once com- establishment of these agencies. The Model Cor-
mented, "A sick person has a right not to be rection Act removed from the courts the power of
treated; it is only when he becomes contagious probation and placed the offender in the hands of
that he may be quarantined."' s the Authority for an indeterminate period for
The reform argument assumes that reform is which there is neither a minimum or a maximum.
possible, and that we have the knowledge neces- "It seems to many that this feature of the model
sary to reform the criminal. This argument assumes Act is extreme and even dangerous, in view of the
we know the cause of crime and therefore the cure. possibility of miscarriages of justice, as well as
It overworks the analogy between crime and mistakes in judgment."94 The arguments against
disease. 89 It overlooks the fact that crime is a
the indeterminate sentence are many and varied. '
product of society. In his book, "Must You Alexander Maconochie, the British reformer,
Conform?", the late Robert Lindner argues that emphasized the importance of the indeterminate
when we classify homosexuality as a disease and sentence, but as John Barry noted in his article,
not a crime we are not really helping the homo- "Maconochie would have been surprised at the
sexual but are in fact creating new oppressive arbitrary powers entrusted to tribunals such as the
measures to use against him. It is control disguised Adult and Youth Authorities and Parole
as reform and treatment. The same thing can be Boards."96 The emphasis has shifted from a rigid
said for regarding behavior of other types as a dis- sentencing procedure which did not take into
ease rather than a crime. If crime is the product of account individual factors, to an indeterminate
society, do we reform the individual or must we sentence which does not take into account the
reform the society? rights of individuals. Perhaps we can find a com-
The rehabilitative treatment of the offender is promise between such two extremes. At least it is
the objective most frequently discussed and ap- difficult to justify the indeterminate sentence and
plauded today. Criminological positivism, with parole as "reform measures".
its focus upon the individual offender, was intro- The modern criminologist places little value on
duced by Lombroso and his followers. An indi- the deterrent theory of punishment, though both
vidualized and, more particularly, a therapeutic Lombroso and Garofolo realized the deterrent
orientation has developed rather steadily in sub- effect of criminal law. They placed more emphasis
sequent years under the impetus of the modern on overseas colonies and capital punishment than
clinical movement .... The focus upon mental on reform.Y As Morris R. Cohen points out, we
pathology has resulted in a conception of criminals cannot say that law does not deter because some
as "sick people". 90 individuals commit crimes. 9 ' The notion that law
The positivist emphasizes parole and the inde- does not deter is fatalistic and this conflicts with
terminate sentence, yet a determinate sentence the positivist's concept of determinism. 9
has more value than does the indeterminate sen- The optimum result in treatment cannot be
tence as a factor in success or failure of parole. 9' attained by mere reaffirmations of faith in "indi-
Sweating out a parole and observing the political vidualization" and "therapy", or by the elabora-
maneuvers of parole boards is very demoralizing 9'
DONALD F. WmsoN, MY Six CoNvicTs, New
to an inmate. Many inmates feel that a release on York: Pocket Books, Inc., 1951, p. 281.
parole automatically lessens one's chances of re- 93BLOcH AND FLYNN, op. cit., p. 490.
forming after release from prison. "Society is not
yet fulfilling its responsibility to the implications Philosophical Library, 1949, p. 465.
95CALDWELL, op. cit., p. 644 if; EDwiN H. SUTHER-
88 HENRY NuNBERG, Problems in the Structure of the INOLOGY, 5th ed., New York: J. P. Lippincott, 1955,
Juvenile Court, JouR. OF CrM. L., CRIMINOL., AND p. 560 ff.
PoL. Sci., January-February, 1958, p. 507. 96 BARRY, Pioneers in Criminology, XII:
19CoHEN, op. cit., p. 55; HALL, PRINCiPLEs, op. cit., Alexander Maconocie, JouR. OF Cumi. L.,
p. 132. CR- [NOL., AND POL. Sci., July-August, 1956, p. 150.
'9 PAUL W. TAPPAN, CONTEmI'ORARY CORREcTION, w ALLEN, op. cit., p. 373 ff.
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1951, pp. 110-111. 9'
COHEN, op. cit., p. 49.
9' REcsaxss, op. cit., pp. 637-639. "Ibid., p. 49.

tion of case histories. It cannot be achieved, either, fact, one and the same act, identically performed
by a cavalier rejection of the incapacitative and with the same material consequences, is blamed or
deterrent objectives of correction in favor of an not blamed according to whether or not there is a
exclusively rehabilitative goal."' rule forbidding it. The existence of the rule and the
In the case of punishment, as in the case of re- relation to it of the act determine the sanction.
sponsibility, there is a confusion of what is and Thus homicide, committed in time of peace, is
what ought to be. The question of punishment is a freed from blame in time of war. An act, in-
moral issue. The sociologist and psychiatrist do trinsically the same, which is blamed today among
not hesitate in suggesting what ought to be done Europeans, was not blamed in ancient Greece,
with the offender. At its conception American since there it violated no pre-established rule.
sociology was dominated by a philosophy of social We have now reached a deeper conception of
reform; however, this aspect of sociological think- sanctions. A sanction is the consequence of an act
ing has been modified since that time. In criminol- that does not result from the content of the act,
ogy the reform issue still looms large, and the but from the violation by that act of a pre-es-
criminologist is more often than not more of a tablished rule. It is because there is a pre-estab-
reformer than a scientist. Science can tell us that lished rule, and the breach is a rebellion against
executing some criminals will not deter others; it this rule, that a sanction is entailed. 10
cannot tell us that we ought not to execute them. The purpose of punishment is social disapproval
One of the major difficulties encountered in crimi- of the act through collective action on the part of
nology when we deal with ethical issues is that the the group. Durkheim's analysis of punishment has
sociological positivist and the legal positivist the advantage of placing attention on the norma-
divorce fact and ethics.Y" This does not mean that tive structure relating to acts and not on the act
the positivist does not make ethical judgments; it itself. The Positive School was opposed to the
means that he makes ethical judgments without position taken by Durkheim, that is, it focused
acknowledging that he is making them. Crimi- attention on the act and not on the meaning of a
nology is a science; law is a policy making pro- violation to the social group.
cedure. Morris R. Cohen regards reprobation or dis-
Perhaps the most glaring defect in the socio- approval as an important aspect of punishment. 4
logical analysis of punishment is that it views Fredric Wertham notes that a neglected but im-
punishment always in the context of what it means portant aspect of punishment is the condemnation
to the individual offender, never in terms of what it of the crime. 00 Bronislaw Malinowski states,
means to society. Because the positivist is con- "Every element of primitive law, every claim, is
cerned with the individual offender, it should be determined by the need to maintain the identity
expected that he would neglect the sociological of the group" 0 6 Arnold Green writes:
meaning of punishment. The social purpose of The second proposition-that punishment fails
punishment is to create social solidarity. Emile to reform the criminal-is also inconsequential in
Durkheim viewed punishment as a reflection of the present context. The real social function of
group solidarity. Any act which violated the social
punishment is not so much to change the behavior
code had to be punished in order to restore order
of the extreme rebel as it is to give the majority of
and to reaffirm the violated code. In this way group
more or less norm-accepting persons a continued
solidarity was maintained. 0 2
reason for remaining norm-accepting. As many
Since sanctions are not revealed by analysis
of the act that they govern, it is apparent that I sociologists, including Emile Durkheim and George
am not punished simply because I did this or that. H. Mead have pointed out, punishment affirms
It is not the intrinsic nature of my action that social values. Punishment serves to set off wrong
produces the sanction which follows, but the fact from right. That in many instances it fails to re-
that the act violates the rule which forbids it. In habilitate the individual offender does not destroy
p. 12. SocIAL THEORY: New York: Macmillan Co., 1957, p.
101HALL, P2RlNcrPLEs, op. cit., p. 546. 108.04
XWALTR A. LuNDEN, Pioneers in Criminology, 1 CoHEN, op. Cit., p. 50.
XVI: Enile Durkheim, Jomu. op Ciui. L., CumzNoL., 105
WE Ar, SHOW Or VIOL.ENCE, Op. cit., p. 19.
116CARXToN,op. cit., p. 6.
AND POL. Sc., May-June, 1958, p. 5 ff.

its essential function. Without punishment, plished by scientific means. Science is designed to
organized society is inconceivable.'0 explain why people behave the way they do; it
Radcliffe Brown has analyzed social sanctions does not tell us how people ought to behave. The
in terms of their social function, and he concludes: reason we have crime, however, is not because in-
In a consideration of the function of social dividuals behave the way they do, but because
sanctions it is not the effects of the sanction upon others think they ought not to behave in that way
the person to whom they are applied that are most and have it within their power to judge their be-
important but rather the general effects within the havior. Crime involves an ethical issue.
community applying the sanctions. For the ap- The biological explanation of behavior has been
plication of any sanction is a direct affirmation of seriously challenged by sociologists and psychol-
social sentiments by the community and therefore ogists since Lombroso's time. This tenet of posi-
constitutes an important, perhaps essential, mecha- tivism has been refuted. However, the crimi-
nism for maintaining these sentiments. Organized nologist has accepted a theory of behavior as a
negative sanctions in particular ... are expressions theory of crime. Crime and criminal behavior are
of conditions of social dysphoria brought about by confused. Even though in modern criminology the
some deed. The function of the sanction is to re- Lombrosian explanation of behavior is rejected,
store to the social euphoria by giving definite col- the positivist's interest in the criminal is main-
lective expression to the sentiments which have tained.
been affected by the deed, as in the primary sanc- Because the positivist wanted to study the crimi-
tions and to some extent in the secondary sanc- nal rather than crime, he was obliged to reject the
tions, or by removing a conflict within the com- legal definition of crime. "Anti-social behavior" is
munity itself. The sanctions are thus of primary often used in place of a legal definition. There is no
significance to sociology in that they are reactions agreement among criminologists as to the meaning
on the part of the community to events affecting of the term "crime", though this is presumably
its integration. H° the starting point for any research. Some use a
The use of punishment by society is not as im- social definition of behavior; some use a legal defini-
portant in terms of whether or not it reforms the tion of behavior. Some regard the sociology of law
individual as in terms of what it does for society. as outside the scope of criminology; some regard
Punishment creates social solidarity and re-en- it as basic to criminological theory.
forces the social norms. The scientific approach substituted determinism
for volition. The individual criminal is again the
CONCLusrONS center of attention, since the question is one of
individual responsibility. Although Ferri used the
In the Pioneers in Criminology we witness the
concept of legal responsibility in place of moral
development of the major issues underlying
responsibility, the individualistic approach is
modern criminological thinking. Whereas the
gaining headway in law as evidenced in the recent
Classical School focused attention on the crime, the
Durham decision.
Positive School shifted the emphasis to the
The Positive School regarded the protection of
criminal. The major characteristic of criminological
society as the governing factor in punishment.
thinking since Lombroso's time is the preoccupa-
Punishment was designed to fit the criminal, not
tion of criminologists with the problem "why do the crime. Such reform measures as parole, proba-
individuals commit crimes?" tion, and indeterminate sentences furthered the
The Positive School gained its name from the individualistic approach to criminology. The ob-
positivist philosophy of the nineteenth century
jection to the social defense school comes from
which applied scientific method to social problems.
those who do not want social welfare placed above
This school maintained the position that crimi- individual welfare. Individualized treatment must
nology must become scientific, by which they
of necessity place great discretionary power in the
meant that the explanation of criminal behavior
hands of the experts.
and the treatment of criminals must be accom-
The Positive School advanced the field of crimi-
107 GREEN, op. cit., p. 37.
101EDGAR F. BORGETTA AND HENRY J. MEYER, nology by placing the study of the criminal within
SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY, New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
a scientific framework. Today, as a result, we know
1956, p. 443 ff. a great deal more about the criminal than we have

known heretofore. The criticisms made of the from the behavior of the criminal offer a major
positivist are to be viewed as attempts to raise obstacle to a theory of crime. More attention needs
questions other than those raised by this school, to be paid to the meaning of crime in terms of
and not as a blanket condemnation of a healthy criminal law, social structure, and social change.
interest shown in the criminal. The criminologist's A re-evaluation of the theoretical structure of
attempt to separate criminology and criminal criminology is called for at this period in the de-
law, and his related attempt to derive criminality velopment of criminological thinking.

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