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Solutions for Business

Consulting. Technology. Results.
Marketing challenges II. Increasing complexity
…at the same time, the process of getting brand content to
In search of ROI market is becoming more and more complex.

• Campaign complexity: The number of potential market

According to the Marketing Executives Networking Group’s
segments in a typical campaign is growing exponentially
Marketing Trends Report 2010—“Marketing ROI” is the most
due to globalization, channel proliferation and an explosion
important concept being contemplated by marketing executives,
in consumer data availability and level of granularity.
even beating out “Customer Satisfaction” and “Customer
Retention.” • Collaboration: Successful creation and distribution of brand
content requires broad collaboration within the enterprise and
Marketers are being pushed to deliver clear and targeted brand
across a growing number of external partners.
communication to market faster than ever, while at the same
time being forced to slash budgets due to macro-economic • Digital asset management: Enterprises must store and
realities. Pressure to improve marketing ROI is coming from manage a vast amount of brand content—copy, video, images,
the highest levels of the organization; budgets are receiving a packaging artwork and many others—and be able to convert
level of scrutiny from the Board and C-Suite that has not been and distribute that content through multiple channels
seen in the past.
• Digital marketing: There is a lot of buzz around new and
Marketers are aware of the need to improve marketing emerging digital marketing techniques and technologies such
operations, yet few feel they have been able to significantly as social media, without a clear understanding of where and
move the bar. when to use them, or the return on investment they deliver.

The opportunity to improve marketing operations is ripe.

According to a study by Interwoven, 22% of marketing dollars
are allocated for production, management and distribution
of marketing content. Considering that marketing budgets
generally range from 5-30% of revenue, spend on Brand
Content Management represents a considerable piece of
Only 11.5 % of marketers report
most operating budgets. This represents a significant handling the global coordination of
opportunity for cost savings and increased effectiveness marketing services with a robust
for those willing to take on the challenge of transforming
marketing operations platform that
Brand Content Management capabilities.
optimizes resources and processes.1
A two-fold dilemma:
I. The need for speed
Creative professionals spend an
Marketers are expected to get accurate and effective brand
content (messages, campaigns, packaging and product content, average of 1 out of every 10 hours of
etc.) to end-consumers at blazing speed... their time on file management. Their
• Campaigns: Fast moving markets create the need to execute prime activity: searching. The average
marketing campaigns with fresh product imagery and creative person looks for a media file
marketing collateral in ever-shortening timeframes. 83 times a week and fails to find it
• Packaging and product content: Shorter product lifecycles 35% of the time.2
mean getting products, and associated brand content, to market
quickly to avoid potential lost revenue and market share.

• Consumer dialogue: Consumers continue to demand access to

brand-related information immediately, and in any channel, and
also expect two-way dialogue with brands in near- or real-time.

Marketing Supply Chain Institute’s
“Define Where to Streamline” report
2 2
Gistics Research
The result: chaos
The opportunity
The complexity involved in aligning all of the moving parts
required to get brand content to the end-consumer often results Reduce the noise
in marketing operations that are neither efficient nor effective. The number of creative handoffs, reviews and approvals
required to get a single piece of brand content to market can
Marketing operating models have not kept pace with the
be enormous. The problem is exacerbated by the number of
rapidly evolving ways in which consumers consume content
versions required to meet the needs of numerous consumer
and engage with brands. Most organizations are still organized
segments. As the volume of interactions grows exponentially,
around more traditional marketing campaign and product
so do the corresponding opportunities for error. All of this
development lifecycles, constantly lagging behind the demands
“noise” makes it difficult to expose and eliminate the non
of their consumers. Gone are the days where campaigns are
value- added activities in the marketing supply chain.
built, executed and left alone in a one-way communication to
consumers. Today’s campaigns must be executed, monitored Marketing transformation efforts can be daunting given the
and adjusted based on knowing the targeted consumers and number of teams, processes, technologies, partners and
the way in which consumers are reacting and interacting, in a channels involved. The key is taking action now and building
constant, iterative cycle. big improvements off of smaller successes. Some of the largest
challenges marketers face are also some of the most easily
Because marketers are forced to keep up with the consumers
addressed with the proper transformation agenda. Too often
and technology of today using the tools and operating models
the focus is on chasing an elusive ROI measure or getting caught
of the past, they quickly get bogged down with non-value
up in the latest buzz around new technologies and distribution
added activities and lose focus on what should be their primary
channels, rather than building the infrastructure required to
concern—driving marketing return on investment. One of
efficiently develop and deliver effective brand content. The
the largest challenges is the difficulty in managing marketing
channel and method in which brand content is delivered to
efforts across organizational silos and among external partners
consumers is irrelevant if the content creation process is too
(agencies, suppliers, distributors, etc.), which significantly
slow and resulting assets are sub-standard.
increases time to market. These silos also result in a lack of
visibility into existing brand content, creating duplicated costs Marketers are realizing that, in order to maximize the
and effort. On top of it all, most marketing organizations effectiveness of brand communications, it is essential to first
struggle to maintain proper governance over brand content master some foundational capabilities. Some good places to
such as usage rights, product claims, legal statements, brand look for opportunities include addressing organizational silos,
standards and other requirements. This leads to errors that improving the creative development process and enabling
negatively impact the customer experience and increase the better collaboration with partners.
risk of potential fees and penalties.
Organizational silos
40.7% of marketers blamed functional silos and resistance
to operational marketing process as the greatest obstacle to
marketing supply chain effectiveness.3

Creative management
Nearly two-thirds of senior marketers
A significant number of marketers— 40.5%—identified creative
have never undertaken a comprehensive
design and development as an area in the marketing supply
audit of the costs and processes that chain with the greatest potential for process, productivity and
contribute to their marketing supply performance improvements.4
chain and most admit their resources Agency inter-dependencies
and suppliers are poorly integrated with suppliers
across global networks, reports the 32.5 % (of marketers) believed established vendor and supplier
Chief Marketing Office (CMO) Council. relationships and loyalties were a significant contributor to
supply chain cost and ineffectiveness.5

Marketing Supply Chain Institute’s

3, 4, 5

3 “Define Where to Streamline” report

Making the case for Brand
Content Management
Organizations that have embarked on the effort of identifying all
of the constituents of their marketing supply chain are usually
A 2008 study by The Aberdeen
surprised at the levels of complexity and redundant effort that Group found that Marketing Asset
unfold. Typically, many different marketing “islands” exist in Management “Best-in-Class”
near or total isolation. Brand managers, corporate marketing,
organizations have seen significant
global packaging and product development teams, corporate
communications/public relations and a number of other benefits from enhanced management
functional teams follow different sets of processes, maintain of brand content:
their own repository of brand content and work with their
own network of external partners. • 22% performance increase in
Tackling the challenges of creating and managing brand
year over year Return on Marketing
content across all of these “islands” can yield substantial Investment
return on investment, yet remains one of the last bastions of
inefficiency within the corporate ecosystem. The value drivers
• 58% improved brand effectiveness
for better content creation and management processes can be versus the past year
categorized into four major streams:
• 62% reduced time to market
• creation of brand content
year over year
• consolidation of brand content

• automation of creative workflows

• collaboration between internal teams and

across external partners

Creation Consolidation
The adage “Content is King” is still true and being able to Maintaining brand content in multiple repositories results in
effectively create and manage it is more important than ever. considerable creation and storage costs, as well as missed
Key to the identification and creation of content are optimized opportunities to reuse or repurpose existing assets. Additionally,
search capabilities. Quick and easy access to assets through allowing agencies to store and manage brand related content
dynamic search functionality such as matchup of keyword creates an inherent switching cost that sub-optimizes agency
search phrases, content attributes, and content linkage, is spend. The result is excessive agency fees for locating and
an important factor in the ‘time equals money’ equation and distributing assets and reduced leverage across the agency
getting fresh content to market rapidly. Equally important, supply chain.
once content exists, is security (i.e., privileged control on
According to GISTICS Research, a Digital Asset Management
distribution of assets) and digital rights management.
system can reduce the amount of time spent on file
Assigning and enforcing business policies (i.e., tracking
management by more than 85%. Instead of finding a file
usage, expiration dates) throughout the life-cycle of digital
only 65% of the time, a DAM system will enable users to
assets ensures accountability and consistency in maintaining
find something 95% of the time.
corporate brand identity.

Creative workflow automation is a powerful tool for decreasing
time to market and increasing the quality and accuracy of brand
content. Automation allows marketers to communicate changes
instantly across geographies and over a myriad of teams
involved in the brand content creation process. This serves to
break down the brand and marketing silos, delivering a unified,
streamlined process. Some major benefits achieved through
automation include reduced marketing and legal review cycles,
improved cross-channel messaging, greater accountability
through a reliable and accurate audit trail and reduced penalties
and fines resulting from the use of incorrect or expired content.

Highly collaborative processes enabled by the use of
technology can deliver significant value by reducing the
number of interactions and rework typically required to
get brand content to market within/across companies and
When asked how technology investments
geographies. For example, a study performed by AMR Research impacted performance, “Best-in-Class”
found that “It takes 22 days on average for a consumer products were the only organizations to consistently
company to review and approve packaging artwork. But using
understand the link between technology
collaborative artwork management technology, this time can
be reduced by 30% and packaging scrap by 1.2% (as a investment and performance:
percentage of revenue).” 6
How did the digital asset management
Collaboration also means providing field marketers and investment impact performance?
selling organizations with access to self-service portals
where they can view, customize and distribute the content • 69% indicated decreased asset creation
they need to be successful. And with powerful version control
cycle time
capabilities they can be confident that the material being
distributed is the most recent version and has been approved for • 63% indicated agency fees decreased
the markets they serve.
• 40% indicated time spent transferring
files decreased
• 63% indicated time spent locating files
decreased 7

“Want to Reduce Artwork Approval Time by 30%? Try Collaborative
Artwork Management,” by Lora Cecere and Fenella Sirkisoon,
AMR Research, July 2009.

“The Marketers Guide to Justifying Investments in Digital Asset
Management,” Aberdeen Group, May 2009. 5
The solution
A successful Brand Content Management solution optimizes brand content creation, management and delivery­­—
by connecting people, standardizing processes and simplifying distribution to channels.

Brand Content Management (BCM) Model

Single source of in-progress Brand
and approved brand content. Marketing Brand content available to
anyone, anytime, anywhere
Corporate Interactive (governed by flexible,
Brand content management
Comm. Managers role-based access rights).
related data integrated with
Marketing and ERP systems.
Audio Sales Materials
MRM and CRM Systems Images Packaging Agencies Suppliers
ERP Systems Documents Labeling
Proprietary Systems Translations Artwork
Copy Print Media
Data Warehouse (e.g. BI) Web Content
Video Partners Partners
Third party adaptors

Standardized, repeatable
se Mobile Email

workflows and management of s Packaging and

projects, tasks, resources and KPIs.
delivery of brand
Web Print content to any channel.

Connecting people Simplifying distribution to channels

Seamless and collaborative access to brand content: Efficient distribution of digital brand content:

• Understand and optimize the complex interactions between • Enable corporate marketing to manage the brand regardless of
enterprise teams and external partners to eliminate bottlenecks channel. Marketing content can be prepared for distribution through
multiple channels, including newspapers, magazines, SMS, circulars,
• Track vendors and costs direct mail, ad collateral, e-channels, point of purchase, packaging, etc.
• Real-time or offline collaboration and annotation • Maintaining control of global brand content while providing field-
• Content certification and governance based personnel with access to approved assets and the ability to
customize them, is the best of both worlds—corporate marketing
• Version control and auditing controls brand and messaging, while franchisees, dealers or field-
based sales personnel introduce the type of personalized content
Standardizing processes that boosts response rates

Streamline brand content creation and reuse:

Integrating technology, data, etc.
• Content certification processes tightly manage copy elements,
Low cost of ownership and ease of use:
helping ensure that accurate copy is available to all stakeholders
on a global basis • Enterprise SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) that employs
XML web services for scalability and flexibility, and integration
• Process automation with existing systems
• Rules-based workflows • Seamless integration with enterprise systems through a plug-in
• Integrated review and approval mechanisms framework that enables easy and secluded updates to the system

• Employs Web 2.0 technology to improve application usability

and performance

• Ability to adapt to business process changes by using a Rules Engine

Successful Brand Content Management Eliminate the chaos
requires a collection of critical capabilities A successful Brand Content Management initiative simplifies
Automate creative workflow processes the alignment of people, metrics, processes and technology to
make marketing operations more efficient and effective.
BCM platforms bring a new level of efficiency and control to
the content creation and production process, by leveraging the A comprehensive Brand Content Management program should
Internet to connect marketers with other internal teams within include the following high-level initiatives:
the enterprise, and with their external suppliers. A suite of
Organizational alignment
tightly integrated, web-based software modules enables rapid
transfers, sharing, annotation, collaboration and approval of files Organizational alignment defines how various teams within the
in real time. Sophisticated tools provide annotation capabilities marketing and brand ecosystem interact and share knowledge
for a range of multi-channel assets during development, and information. The critical output defines appropriate
including video and web content. Every feature and function governance structures and balances control over brand content
offered within an integrated suite is designed to compress time while eliminating bottlenecks.
to market, minimize errors and reduce cost.
Performance management
Manage your business with a dashboard view Another important building block for successful Brand Content
Not only do BCM Solutions optimize the asset creation Management is the establishment of performance metrics and
process, they also create a dashboard view of all projects in incentives, creating the right behaviors to optimize marketing
real time, from creative through execution. Advanced reporting operations, reduce costs and increase effectiveness. This
capabilities can be integrated with existing ERP systems. BCM capability enables consistent monitoring of supplier and partner
Solutions also provide a documented audit trail that facilitates performance and ensures that relationships are being leveraged
regulatory compliance. This breadth of visibility provides the across the organization.
data needed to optimize efficiency from concept creation
Process transformation
through marketing fulfillment.
Key workflows must be re-engineered to reduce cycle times
Marketing fulfillment and eliminate non value-add activities. This effort allows the
A BCM Platform offers the capability to easily create organization to gain visibility into programs, campaigns and
customized content, with variable data authoring software project tasks —specifically identifying who is doing what,
that generates full-color personalized communications. A where, when and why.
feature-rich storefront makes it easy to order static, print-ready,
Brand Content Management platform
personalized or customized items. Moreover, printing and
fulfillment are automated for maximum efficiency.
Before implementing a Brand Content Management platform,
Streamline execution it is important to understand and evaluate the existing and
BCM workflow solutions provide the control to create new prospective types of brand-related content and the way in
projects online and upload files for automatic processing at which it is utilized, transformed, shared and distributed. Once
the printer, and through digital channels. Job tickets, color the strategy has been defined, brand content is centralized in
information and brand metadata automatically flow into a repository that is accessible across the organization. Next,
the content ordering process, compressing lead times and processes for routing, reviewing and approving brand content
extracting cost. Projects in production can be proofed and are automated. A governance structure is defined to ensure
managed online, with status available any time. that the correct brand content is being used for the correct
application and that content has been certified and is compliant
with brand standards and regulatory requirements.

Kodak Solutions for Business—
management consulting
A reliable and dedicated partner you can trust
The Kodak most people know touches 40% of all commercially
printed materials, manages 5 billion photos for more than 75
million Kodak Gallery members and has been an integral part
of every Academy Award Best Picture ever selected. Kodak
brings that heritage to the management of images and
information in life and work.
Today, 70% of Kodak’s worldwide revenues are from business-
to-business solutions. With more than 20 years of experience
in offering business-to-business products and services, Kodak
is no stranger to the world of managing complex business
processes for customers.
Combining intellectual property with an experienced team
of industry professionals worldwide, Kodak offers clients
a strategic advantage in enterprise marketing and brand
execution. Core capabilities provide business solutions and
technology that enable measureable return on investment,
accelerate time to market, protect brand equity and optimize
marketing operations.

For more information about solutions

from Kodak :

Eastman Kodak Company

343 State Street
Rochester, NY 14650 USA

©Kodak, 2010. Kodak is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.

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