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Let me to tell you about my story. It happened when I am 8th grade.

I have had a
friend. She was smart and humble. But she was not active like other. Her hobby is reading a
book. I ever saw when she bring three books which are very big. I don’t know why she is
love reading. After she finished one of them, she read the other again. I thought that she
has many books on her room. I tried to talk with her about her books. She loved them
because the stories of them was very nice. But I still have didn’t know, why she can spent
her time with reading many books.
Sometimes in the class, she told me a story. She told about history of many country.
She knew it from her book. I curious what of the book she read. And then, me and her
talked deeper about the book which have many story. She suggested me one of her books.
She said that it is have a story about Indonesian history with pictures inside.
I have read the book. And I have thought that it is a wonderful book. We will know
many wars ever have been in Indonesia. After I read it, I know that Indonesia has farious
people. And I know that we should be kind each other with all people. Because Indonesa is
Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The meaning is though we are have differently, we are same. We all
are one for Indonesia. But from based on my experience with my friend, we can’t judge the
book just from cover. I mean, though my friend is so calm and didn’t active, but she has
many knowledge. She is very smart. We should read many book to get many knowledge.
And now, I know why my friend love reading.

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