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Internet of Things Based Smart Mirrors: A

Literature Review
Dabiah A. Alboaneen, Dalia Alsaffar, Alyah Alateeq, Amani Alqahtani
Amjad Alfahhad, Bashaier Alqahtani, Rahaf Alamri, Lama Alamri
Computer Science Department, College of Science and Humanities Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
P.O.Box 31961, Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Email: {}

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) allows devices to commu-

nicate with each other in different and important places at the
same time. Smart things are developed in ways that interact
with each other, such as smart doors and smart homes. One of
the most important IoT applications is the smart mirror. It is
a mirror that acts as a reflective surface and as an interactive
screen at the same time. Smart mirrors can be implemented for
different purposes such as a simulator for medical students and
an assistant in the fitting rooms. This paper presents a review
upon applications of smart mirrors.
Index Terms—Internet of Things, IoT, Smart mirrors.
Fig. 1. Literature selection methodology

mirrors are used as an assistant for students in the academic
Nowadays, a new technology has been developed with field.
the ability to connect devices with each other intelligently This study, as the best of our knowledge, is the first study
which is called the Internet of Things (IoT). This intelligent that aims to review the applications of smart mirrors in
communication between devices is done without a need for a different fields with highlighting the differences among the
human interaction. This technology offers people to accom- types of smart mirrors.
plish their tasks faster in an efficient way. In addition, smart The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. The
communication makes the interaction among mirrors, houses, literature selection methodology is presented in Section II.
glasses and various objects has become effective. In return, Current applications of smart mirrors are reviewed in section
people are able to control the devices in different ways, such III. Next, observations are discussed in Section IV. Final
as touch, gestures and voice. conclusions and future work are presented in Section V.
In this paper, we focused on one of these devices which II. L ITERATURE S ELECTION M ETHODOLOGY
is a smart mirror. A smart mirror is an intelligent device that
A selection methodology of current research work was
works as a mirror with the ability to interact with users and
defined and performed in order to study the most relevant
display various responses and information such as date, time
smart mirrors literature for this review. This section presents
and weather on the screen all behind a reflective surface as a
a description of the literature selection procedure which is
mirror. There are many types, shapes, sizes and applications
summarised in Fig. 1.
of smart mirrors that can be applied in various fields such
as academic, general and medical fields by using different A. Keywords Filtering Phase
implementation methods and programming languages. The selection methodology of related articles began with
In the past years, the smart mirror was just interface for a search from Google Scholar database with at least one of
providing general information. Now, the mirror has become the following keywords in the article title: (1) smart mirror,(2)
more interactive because it may predict the presence of the smart mirror IoT, (3) magic mirror or (4) smart mirror Rasp-
user in front of it by using a sensor embedded inside the berry Pi. This phase results in 65 research articles.
smart mirror. Smart mirrors display information that any user
can benefit from it. It can be applied in different fields. For B. Publishers Filtering Phase
example, in fashion field, the mirror could play the role of a The literature selection methodology focused in research
consultant who helps people to choose their outfits through a articles published in the following publishers: (1) ACM, (2)
simulation. In addition, the medical field is considered as one IEEE, (3) Elsevier, (4) Springer, (5) United states patent and
of the important fields that applies the smart mirror to provide (6) IOS press. Percentage of articles per publisher is presented
therapeutic and medical advises to patients. Moreover, smart in Fig.2. This phase results in a reduction from 65 to 48.

978-1-7281-4213-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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languages, which are Arabic and English. It was implemented
using Light Emitting Diode technology (LED) screen present-
ing a two-way mirror that is connected to the smart mirror
mobile application. Other features such as a real time sigma
filter for reducing the noise and Bluetooth were included as
well. The result of this system is an interactive mirror which
is easy to use and adapt while performing daily tasks.
In [4], the authors have designed a small low-cost smart
mirror using a simple operating system with wide application
range. The mirror is useful especially for people and it suits
their needs. The users can display the weather, road traffic,
news and their schedules. The system was developed using a
Raspberry Pi. In addition, some of the system features such
as face and recognition, voice playback, remote control, Wi-
Fi connectivity and a clothing indicator were included on a
plasma screen. The smart mirror consisted of several modules:
the control module, display module, clock module, wireless
transceiver module, and Bluetooth module. In general, the
results showed that it is possible to design low-cost smart
Fig. 2. Percentage of articles per publisher in the 40 articles. mirror using simple materials with Raspberry Pi.
In [5], the authors have proposed a smart mirror that dis-
plays a calendar, weather, synchronised reminders and social
C. Abstracts Filtering Phase media notifications. In addition, it detects if someone in front
Considering the 48 articles from the previous phase, an of it by using passive InfraRed (PIR) sensors and it supports
abstract reading was performed in order to identify only the a Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet. The users can interact with
most relevant articles that specifically study the smart mirrors. the mirror by using voice commands. In general, the mirror
Hence, 40 articles were selected from the smart mirrors interaction method is useful for old and disabled people.
literature. In [6], the authors have focused on the problem of the
user’s social emotion especially the negative emotions to
III. A PPLICATIONS OF S MART M IRRORS improve it through the magic mirror. To analyse the user’s
In this paper, forty articles on smart mirror applications feeling, the mirror has four modes: mirror mode, alleviation
were reviewed and classified based on the field. The fields mode, reminder mode and silent mode. Moreover, it supports
are general, medical, fashion, academic and sports fields. identity recognition, facial expression and social emotion.
Furthermore, in case of negative emotions appearance, the
A. General Field mirror displays positive words on the screen and runs the
In [1] and [2], the authors have developed a smart mirror that user’s favourite music to cheer them up. In general, the results
acts as a personal assistant to solve the problem of lack of time showed that the system helped to improve and treat the bad
that faces many people. It displays some general information mood of many users.
like time, weather, news, etc. In [1], the users can read and In [7], the authors have provided a smart mirror that helps
reply emails, also view and edit daily schedules for multiple to improve the quality of people’s life. The main feature of
users. Users can also interact with the mirror using a graphical the mirror that it allows the users to perform many tasks
keyboard within the mirror. Whereas in [2], many features such as viewing news and web browsing simultaneously with
were added such as the Arduino Uno micro-controller with a easy access to their information. The users’ commands can be
Global System Module (GSM) to send emergency calls. The received by voice identification and facial recognition through
system also uses energy-saving sensors if there is no object Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Naive Bayes (NB) and J48
near the device. As a result, the smart mirror allows time can algorithms. Finally, a mobile application was developed and
be properly exploited by performing different tasks at the same connected to the mirror to get an image of the user to use it
time. in face recognition processes and time optimisation.
In [3], the authors have provided an interactive smart In [8], the authors have provided a smart mirror based
mirror using AMbient Intelligence (AMI) services encompass on facial recognition and user interaction through Artificial
interactivity through multimodal user interfaces. The interface Intelligence (AI). The system provides general information
can understand and recognise surroundings in connect with about weather, email notifications, news update and calendar.
IoT. The proposed smart mirror system aims to provide users The results showed that this smart mirror system can recognise
with an interactive interface to simplify personal services for a user with 80% accuracy.
the user in home such as news, multimedia, time, weather and In [9], the authors have concentrated on the design and
others. In addition, it provides fitness trackers and supports two the implementation of a smart mirror that can recognise and

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analyse faces, which is called the smart magic mirror. Different displays many features such as weather, time and temperature.
cases have been introduced in this mirror. At first, the off- In addition, there are two key buttons: website and maps. In
state where the mirror behaves as a normal mirror. Secondly, general, the most important result of this paper is that this
the stand-by-state is enabled through mirror sensors, when smart mirror can be used in several areas and it is easy to use.
it senses the presence of people in front of mirror. Finally, The aim of study [17] is to design and implement a smart
the on-state after mirror activation state. The mirror interacted mirror system for multiple users in the work environment. At
with the environment by recognising people, identifying them first, employees are recognised by their corporate ID card to
and monitoring their emotions. In general, this mirror can access the interface. The smart mirror provides information
identify, track and analyse the users’ faces to record their facial about the surrounding environment (thermal, humidity and
expressions and emotional states. light), also general information (e.g. weather and daily news).
In [10], the authors have combined speech/image processing In addition, motivational information associated with the
technology, Internet information and reflective glass features physical performance which promotes their physical activity
to create the Snow White’s magic mirror. The mirror displays weekly.
Genius 3D graphics to receive user commands. In addition, The general aim of study [18] is to track faces in order
displaying general information such as date, daily schedule, to apply the distortion and manipulate process. Considering
news and time. The mirror can distinguish between males and faces is very important in the social communication because
females through user voice commands. Moreover, it provides it detects the real-time reactions. The main goal of this virtual
multimedia services so the user can play music, video or movie mirror is to apply entertainment in a simple way, this is done
on the mirror. The authors was inspired by the design and by recognising the faces that appear in front of the mirror and
implementation methodology that used in the older version of ignoring any object in background that could affect the results.
the magic mirror in [11], which provides constantly updated In general, the tracking results were well and video distortion
information to the user in an interactive way. In general, results were pleasant to use.
the results showed that the magic mirror provides various In [19], the main objective of this study is to provide
multimedia services that are useful to users and interacts well education and entertainment for the public. The virtual world it
with their needs. is important in some application such as scientific experiments.
In [12], the smart mirror system allows users to easily In addition, it is used in many places such as museums, science
manage some household chores and their diurnal activities. centres and other public places via camera and screen act as
This system is important to save users energy in managing a mirror where one can see a reflection of oneself and virtual
stuff and to control the use of home electrical appliances objects together. By using an Augmented Reality (AR) system
that connecting over the network. In addition, the mirror and transparency, real and virtual data is combined with the
provides the ability to control the lights of the house by virtual world as fact to improve AR.
voice recognition and track general information such as time, In [20], the authors have focused on designing a smart
weather, traffic, etc. In general, the results showed that the mirror for the home environment. The main purposes of this
functions of the system work correctly. mirror are to control the house devices and to view some
In [13], the inventors have provided an electronic device as general information. Besides, to use these features, users’
a smart mirror that focuses on control techniques generally, identities must be verified through face recognition technology
because most smart mirrors focus on displaying information that implemented by using a web cam to take an image of their
only rather than balancing information display and mirror faces as an inputs.
reflection. In addition, there are different techniques used in In [21] and [22], the authors have developed a smart mirror
this device such as eye tracking and focusing. An eye gazing for the purpose of smart home security and displaying some
sensor was used for eye tracking to interact with the user. general information. In [21], the system was implemented
Generally, this technique is desirable when user movements using a Raspberry Pi 3 within a touch screen. In [22],
are limited. biometric authentication with multi-factors such as voice and
In [14], the authors have focused on facilitating and sim- face recognition technology were implemented. As a result,
plifying service under the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) concept to the system is secured and it works for registered users only.
display basic information such as time, weather, date and news In [23], the authors have developed a smart mirror that can
headlines. The system was developed using Raspberry Pi. The be used in intelligent home communications. The importance
users can login through the website on their phones or tablets of this smart mirror is that it is efficient, intelligent, safe
to add or remove tasks that will be run in the mirror. and relatively costly. Furthermore, the authors have designed
In [15], the authors have developed a smart mirror to help this smart mirror according to the principle of unidirectional
people improving their personal appearance and daily life. The photography. In general, the results showed that the smart
mirror displays some daily use information such as weather, mirror increases the possibility of voice control in different
date and time. Furthermore, the mirror was applied using conditions also, improves the safety through the face recog-
Raspberry Pi 3 and Alexa voice service application to receive nition technology by comparing between user’s face and the
voice commands. previously recognised faces to send an alarm in case of non-
In [16], the authors have developed smart mirrors which conformity to the owner state occurred.

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B. Medical Field and lets the users to be able to apply different makeup styles
In [24], [25], [26] and [27], the authors have discussed how on their faces in a natural way and enjoy this experience. The
to detect facial expressions and signs to discover the health mirror helps to decide which makeup is right for the face. It
condition of a person. The purpose of these papers are to help provides convenience, efficiency and usefulness to users.
users to improve their lifestyles by giving them the opportunity In [36], the system connected with a web page that allows
to monitor their health with tips and guidance. friends to vote on makeup results that suits the user, whereas
In [28], the authors have presented a unique multiple sensors in [35], users use 3D to apply the makeup virtually on their
intelligent device, the Wize mirror. It was developed to identify faces.
and convert the facial expressions and face signs associated to
D. Academic Field
the risk of a cardio-metabolic into measures and arithmetical
descriptors. Using different measures, the quality of the users’ In [37], the objective of the study is to use a magic
health is assessed and judged. Various methods such as face mirror for teaching anatomy. Using a magic mirror system
tracking, detection and reconstruction, emotion, heart rate and to display anatomical structures on the users body for an
age estimation were applied. easier understanding. In addition, body pose tracking by AR.
In [29], the authors have developed a magic mirror that Moreover, when the user stands in front of the camera, it
aims to help in neurorehabilitation process to support the upper creates perceptions and fantasies through the system besides
limb dysfunction patients. Generally, the results proved that 3D models for the body organs, text information and images
the patients accepted the developed system. about anatomy. After using the mirror, the users feedback was
In [30], a smart mirror was built to identify the user mood positive, especially for children.
using the face recognition technology. At first, the mirror In [38], a smart mirror was developed to adjust and record
presents general information. Furthermore, a face and mood users moods through recognising their face expressions. The
recognition features were performed through observing and results are showed in three colours (red for happy, blue for
analysing user’s face and outbound movements. Overall, the sad and yellow for angry mood). The mirror was tested by a
application of this mirror is more general so it can be applied number of college students whose comments varied between
in different environments such as hospitals to detect unwell negative and positive on efficiency of the mirror in identifying
people automatically. emotions correctly.

C. Fashion Field E. Sport Field

In [31], the authors have made a smart mirror as a virtual In [39], the main goal of this study is to interactively support
fashion consultant, which can analyse, estimate and recom- fitness and wellness exercises for the visitors of the touristic
mend the appropriate wearing and outfits. Under fashion resort. Moreover, it can evaluate the current physical state
directions, the users have been guided to find out what to wear of the user by a technology-reinforced mirror. It consists of
to make their own decisions by providing AR and gestures interactive home controller, AR and multimedia player. In
recognition. In addition, there are icons to choose the clothes general, it clarifies the scale of well-being by used some simple
in 2d visualisation. and compact indicators through provided mobile application.
In [32], the authors have produced a Kinect based Virtual In [40], the smart mirror, FitMirror, was created as an
Reality (VR) system. It provides the possibility for the users interactive device that aims to improve the user mood and
to virtually try multiple handbags in front of a simulated increase motivation having a positive effect on the user’s
mirror (TV screen) at home. In addition, the possibility of feelings. Moreover, FitMirror motivates the users to wake them
teleportation, which allows the users to see the handbags with up in the morning and to do their exercises at this time.
different background environments. In addition, the mirror was associated with the Android Fit
In [33], the authors have designed a virtual fitting rooms application to display the users data of what they have done
through a smart mirror allowing people to design and try during a week of exercise, the users pressure and stress. The
fashionable t-shirts virtually. Furthermore, a projector and a user can connect with the system through touch or voice.
printer were connected to print the produced user-created
designs through textile printers or on needlework machines. IV. D ISCUSSION
Generally, this system combined between AR and body pose Many studies have worked on the smart mirror in different
tracking. fields. Summary of the related studies on applications of smart
In [34], the authors have designed an automatic personal mirrors is presented in Table I. After reviewing the studies
makeup system. The system implemented through a smart based on its application, the results have showed a noticeable
mirror, to determine makeup features that mostly fits for user’s variation in the number of studies in each field. Fig. 3 shows
face by applying it on the facial images. In addition, the system the percentage of studies on smart mirror applications. The
was built during analytical users’ faces with Machine Learning highest rate was for the general field with 57.5% of the studies.
(ML) and AI techniques. After that, the medical field reached 17.5%. The fashion field
In [35] and [36], the authors have proposed a smart mirror, by 15%. Finally, the lowest percentage is for the academic
which aims to provide a system for the smart makeup mirror and sport fields with 5% each. Furthermore, beside the main

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Reference Field Features Type

[1] [2] General General information, email notifications, daily schedules, graphical keyboard, energy-saving sensors Real mirror
[3] General General information, multimedia, two languages, mobile application Real mirror
[4] General General information, road traffic, face/speech recognition, voice playback, remote control Real mirror
[5] General General information, synchronised reminders, social media notifications, voice recognition PIR sensors Real mirror
[6] General Identity/facial expression/social emotion recognition Real mirror
[7] General General information, web browsing, voice/face recognition Real mirror
[8] General General information, face recognition, email notifications Real mirror
[9] General Face recognition, analysing emotional states Real mirror
[10] [11] General General information, speech/image processing, speech synthesis, 3D graphics Real mirror
[12] General General information, voice recognition Real mirror
[13] General General information, eye sensor Real mirror
[14] General General information Real mirror
[15] General General information,voice commands Real mirror
[16] General General information, maps, website Real mirror
[17] General General and environmental information Interface
[18] General Track faces, video display Interface
[19] General AR, gestures recognition, 3D visualisation Interface
[20] General General information, face recognition Real mirror
[21] [22] General General information, face/speech recognition Real mirror
[23] General General information, voice control, face recognition Real mirror
[24] [25] [26] [27] Medical AI, facial expressions detection, ML, 3D scanning, face recognition Real Mirror
[28] Medical Video detection, speech recognition, speech synthesis, 3D graphics Real mirror
[29] Medical Speech recognition, body pose tracking Real mirror
[30] Medical Face scanning, weather forecast Real mirror
[31] Fashion AR, gestures recognition, 2D visualisation Real mirror
[32] Fashion VR, 3D visualisation Real mirror
[33] Fashion AR , 3D visualisation, body pose tracking Real mirror
[34] Fashion Face and colour detection, ML, AI Real mirror
[35] Fashion 3D face construction and rendering, IR based face tracking Interface
[36] Fashion High-low resolution video Interface
[37] Academic AR, 3D visualisation, body pose tracking Real mirror
[38] Academic Facial expression recognition, color emotion adaption Real mirror
[39] Sport Multimedia player, interactive home controllers, AR Real mirror
[40] Sport General information, weight, steps, face/body recognition, mobile application Real mirror

visualisation. After that, developing smart mirrors was taken

more seriously so it began to be used in the health and
academic field to perform more complicated tasks. In general,
the academic and sports fields are the least in the number of
mirror applications.

In this paper, a literature review of forty studies about smart
mirrors applications was presented. The focus was on smart
mirror applications based on the field. The fields are general,
medical, fashion, academic and sports fields. The majority of
these studies implemented the smart mirrors in the general
field with a percentage of 57.5%, and the lowest percentage
Fig. 3. The percentage of studies on smart mirror applications. among the fields was in the sport and academic fields with
5% of all studies. As a future work, smart mirrors can be
used for distance learning. Moreover, the mirror can become
feature in each mirror, there is a great similarity between in a single layer that brings together all layers. In addition,
other general features that used in the mirrors. Face, voice navigation within the map can be included as well.
recognition and viewing general information of weather, time
and date are the most frequent used features. In addition, most R EFERENCES
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