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Write top five differences between Western society and Eastern society, culture, and individuals
in the table below. Include your sources.

Western Eastern
1. They are more likely open and blunt when it 1. They are more conservative and traditional.
comes to issues connected to sex. To them, talking They observe proper dressing where sensitive
about it in public could no longer be awkward parts of a person should be completely covered.
because they already got used to it. Unlike the West, there could be a thick awkward
air if sex will be the topic in public.
2.When they feel rage or anger in them, there is no 2. Being traditional, they could consider showing
hesitation for them to burst it out. They are very rage or anger as rudeness. They preserve well the
expressive people. values and manners that were taught from
generation to generation.
3. At the age of 18, a child could freely leave his/her 3. In the East, families are used to being close to
parents house to live on his/her own. Independency each other that even if you reach at any age, the
is already well-practiced in these countries. support of the family, especially the parents will
never fade.
4. The West are more romantic than the East. They 4. Most of the east countries are too traditional
would want to marry someone they are in love with that they still consider arranged marriages up until
rather than entering fixed marriages. now just so they could continue making a strong
bond and union between families, allies, or
5. In terms of education, the West are focused more 5. The East, on the other hand, are more
on being creative. They are also more interactive hardworking and can endure struggles in anything
with sharing their thoughts and ideas to their that they do but are lesser interactive than the
colleagues and teachers. West.


Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the East?
In my own opinion, I agree with it. We can call it creative differences. There may be less of
similarity between the two, it makes them unique and creative as a whole. As for example, the United
Nations have countries from both East and West but their diverse traditions, cultures, and beliefs did
not become a hindrance for the nations to join alliance and be united.

Where can you find the Philippines in the distinction?

Philippines is found in the East countries but as I have observed from the list of their differences,
the Philippines, as of today, has been largely influenced by the Western countries. We can clearly see it
through the style of clothing, the freedom of expression, our religion, and many more.

What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different from its Asian neighbors? Is there also
a difference between regions or ethnolinguistic groups in the Philippines?

As I have mentioned on the previous number, we can see that Philippines is continuously
homogenized by Western culture. But like the other Asian countries, some Filipinos are still preserving
cultures and traditions. There is still an act of conservatism to women but is not the same as it was
before. Also, the similarity that Philippines have in other countries is the close bond to families,
especially in urban places.
In the Philippines, there are various ethnolinguistic groups that still preserves their culture.
Some are still not allowing their children to go to other communities especially the rural areas because
they want to preserve their ancestry and continue to increase the population of their descendants. Also,
most of the regions in the Philippines has their own dialect, apart from the national language of the
country which is Filipino.


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