CPR Notes

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When some dude is on the ground:

1. Say you've been trained and you can do this

2. Check for hazards such as electric wires, traffic, fire, glass, gas, etc.

3. Assess if they person is response and check for breathing. Tap shoulders, call person, and look at
their face and chest for breathing.

4. If unresponsive, get someone to call 911 and get an AED.

When the dude needs CPR:

1. Say you've been trained and you can do this.

2. Landmark for chest compressions by placing the heel of your hand on the breastbone in the centre of
the chest between their nips.

3. Put the heel of your other hand on top of the first and start chest compressions.

4. Push hard at of a rate of 100 compressions per minute while pushing 5 cm in depth.

5. Continue CPR until someone brings you an AED, you see signs on life, or an EMS takes over.

Using an AED:

Follow the voice prompts.

1. Remove clothing to expose bare skin, and shave chest hair if necessary.

2. Put pads on the persons bare chest.

3. Stop CPR when the AED tells you and don't touch them. Press the shock button when asked.

4. Start CPR again when the AED tells you to.

5. Stop when you see signs of life or EMS takes over.

When some dude is choking:

1. Encourage the person to cough

2. Deliver abdominal thrusts if needed (tell them you're going to do it)

3. Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. Make a fist with one hand and
place the thumb side of that fist slightly above the bellow button and below where the ribs meet.

4. Grasp your first with your other hand and press inward and upward with a forceful thrust.

5. Continue this until the obstruction is removed or the person goes unconscious.
6. The person should go to the doctor to check if there are any complications from the abdominal

When some dude in unconscious and choking:

1. Carefully support the person to the ground.

2. Call 911 or have someone to call for you.

3. Send someone to get an AED.

4. Landmark and give 30 chest compressions.

5. Open the mouth and look for obstruction. If you can see it, try to remove it with a hooked finger.

6. If you cannot see the obstruction, open the airway with the head-tilt chin-lift method.

7. Give a breath, if air won't give in, reposition the head, check the seals, and give another breath.

8. If the chest still doesn't rise, give 30 chest compressions and repeat this process until successful or
medical help arrives.

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