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When I set off for class today, I realize that this is the last week of this semester.

I am excited about
going to the beaches with my family to have a break. Last year, during quarantine, was hard for every
one of us, but those were well spent. I had faced many major problems, but I remain victorious because
I stayed strong, mentally and physically.

I had many achievements, but the most memorable one got over my 40 activities without
procrastinating. I almost ran out of energy to do other things, but I remain hopeful that I can do all the
tasks. My secret to not procrastinate was eating while doing my activities, and it worked out well. I
would always remind myself never to back down instead make progress. It would take time, but it pays
the price.

In this time full of hardship, we should not allow ourselves to lose hope and faith in God. You can have
your vacation or what you desire as long as you do your part. I prayed to Him, and he answered back.

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