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Sunday 23rd August,2020.


Written by Pastor Mike Jacobs Ogbowu:

Text: Titus 3:8


The global pandemic code-named Covid-19 for coronavirus disease 2019 had threatened the world's
population with fear and hopelessness.

A situation that made a show of the limitedness of man of whatever status, that has brought every
proud potentate of nation-states to their knees asking Christians to pray to the God whom they
disdained and never knew and never wanted to know.

Many among the religious sects have become emergency prayer warriors.

The great scientists in various fields especially the medical and health were confused without answers to
a million and one questions coming from all quarters of the globe. What are global challenge?

Ordinarily Christians who know their onion didn't waver because they have anchored their faith in the
words of God in the Scripture which presents are great and clear picture of the fulfillment of Bible
prophecies. But typically the people of the book. The Seventh-day Day Adventists, who are the
watchmen calling people to come out of Babylon because Biblical prophecies are fast fulfillinging with
particular reference to the Master's statement of "there shall be famine, and pestilences ....." Matthew
24:8 are perplexed and even presumptuous.

Among men can be seen fears, worries, concerns and presumption ranks the worst.

"GOD DEY" FOOLISH FAITH. How will a mentally balanced mind say "God dey" and walk into a moving
train. God in his goodness told the children of Israel that certain diseased persons should be isolated.

He also emphasized cleansing with the use of clean water.

The principle of isolation in the camp of God's people promoted social/physical distancing ensuring that
diseased people do not cause infection upon others. God was and still remains interested in the well-
being of his people hence the emphasis by John in his third Epistle verse 2, that while we prosper in
every other aspect of life he desires and wishes that we also prosper in our health. Prosperity comes
from obedience to God's laws and not disobedience by God's grace. The thinking make a rubbish of all
Bible knowledge based on real faith.
Why should there be water-cleansing for anyone that has been infected by certain diseases and isolated
when God was with His people? The All-knowing, Ever-present and All-powerful God gave the
instructions. God nor dey that time? Him grace nor dey that time?

His presence was manifested by day and at night by the pillars of cloud and fire. What became of those
who took His presence for granted? was God not in their midst and they suffered the consequences of
their foolish faith. I'm sure they never stayed to tell the story themselves.

Why should God's people throw caution to the air taking him and his instructions for granted. What
government has said as measures of prevention have their original source from the practices of the past.

Wash your hands and don't take anything for granted.

Prevention is better than cure.

Maintain social/physical distancing. To be forewarned is to be forearmed(Proverbs 25:11-12).

Use your face/nose mask.

Don't use the stick meant for cleaning the ear to clean the eye.

The value of prevention is known by the cost of cure when infected by a preventable disease.

While men's efforts are not perfect we must endeavour to do our best in every circumstance not to
expose ourselves for any reasons to regrettable experiences later. Obedience does not make the
obedient foolish rather places him at the vantage point incuring little or no losses.

Hand-washing is as old as humanity and every rational minded being should not question it as to
whether or not there is a coronavirus, rather wash, wash and wash your hands clean. Cleanliness is next
to godliness.

The idea of "God's grace" and "because God is alive" are bubbles floating in the market looking for a
table to land on. This kind is irresponsible and an abuse on the grace of God. Those who hold the belief
of God's grace and violating basic instructions did their illness or death stop God's grace or from God
being who he is?

Do your part and leave God to do His part.


Finally, the operators of civil or societal governance are God's ministers/servants. God referred to
Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, Babylonian and Persian leaders as His servants. In Romans 13, He called
them His ministers. If we owe obedience to our faith leadership so we owe obedience to the civil leaders
when they have not gone their own way away from God.
The government and their various agencies, NGOs, CBOs, RBOs, private sector organizations and
institutions, professional and non-professional bodies are still appealing to us in our own best interest to
stay safe, play, safe, eat safe, drink safe, walk safe and live safe washing our hands, Using face/nose
mask, and observing and maintaining social/physical distancin Prayer

May God help us to change our presumptuous minds set and align ourselves with the and be obedient
to safe and well in Jesus name.

Texts: 1Peter 1:13-17; 1Timothy 2:1-3;

Prayer points

1. For God to help take away the 'I don't care Spirit from Us'

2. For God to help us abide by the laws of health to remain healthy.

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