Volumetric Analysis-4 Marks 2. Salt Analysis - 4 Marks 3. Content Based Experiment - 2 Marks 4. Class Record and Viva - 5 Marks

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Chemistry Practical (15 marks)

Evaluation Scheme
1. Volumetric Analysis- 4 marks

2. Salt Analysis -4 marks

3. Content Based experiment- 2 marks

4. Class record and viva -5 marks

(1) Volumetric analysis

Determination of concentration/ molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a standard

solution of: i. Oxalic acid, ii. Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate

(2) Salt analysis (Qualitative analysis)

Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.

Cations- Pb2+, Cu2+, As3+, Al3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4 +
Anions – (CO3) 2- , S2- , NO2 - , SO3 2- , SO4 2- , NO3 - , Cl- , Br- , I- , PO4 3- , CH3COO-

(3) Content Based Experiments

A. Chromatography i. Separation of components of a mixture by paper chromatography and

determination of Rf values.

B. Characteristic tests of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in pure samples and their detection in
given foodstuffs.

Viva Questions
Volumetric analysis

What is the principle of volumetric analysis?

Answer. In volumetric analysis, the concentration of a solution is determined by allowing a known
volume of the solution to react, quantitatively with another solution of known concentration.

What is titration ?
Answer. The process of adding one solution from the burette to another in the conical flask in order
to complete the chemical reaction involved, is known as titration.

What is indicator ?
Answer. Indicator is a chemical substance which changes colour at the end point.

What is end point ?

Answer. The stage during titration at which the reaction is just complete is known as the end point
of titration.

Why a titration flask should not be rinsed ?

Answer. This is because during rinsing-some liquid will remain sticking to the titration flask therefore
the pipetted volume taken in the titration flask will increase

What are primary and secondary standard substances?

Answer. A substance is known as primary standard if it is available in high degree of purity, if it is
stable and unaffected by air, if it does not gain or lose moisture in air, if it is readily soluble and its
solution in water remains as such for long time.

On the other hand, a substance which does not possess the above characteristics is called a
secondary standard substance. Primary standards are crystalline oxalic add, anhydrous Na2CO3 ,
Mohr’s salt, etc.

Burette and pipette must be rinsed with the solution with which they are filled, why ?
Answer. The burette and pipette are rinsed with the solution with which they are filled in order to
remove any water sticking to their sides, which otherwise would decrease the cone, of the solutions
to be taken in them.

It is customary to read lower meniscus in case of colourless and transparent solutions and upper
meniscus in case of highly coloured solutions, why ?
Answer. Because it is easy to read the lower meniscus in case of colourless solutions, while the
upper meniscus in case of coloured solutions. In case of coloured solutions lower meniscus is not
visible clearly.

What is a molar solution ?

Answer. A molar solution is a solution, a litre of which contains one gm-mole of the substance. This
is symbolised as 1M.

Why the last drop of solution must not be blown out of a pipette?
Answer. Since the drops left in the jet end is extra of the volume measured by the pipette.

Pipette should never be held from its bulb, why ?

Answer. The body temperature may expand the glass and introduce an error in the measurement

What is permanganometry ?
Answer. Redox titrations involving KMnO4 as the oxidising agent are called permanganometric

Which is an oxidising agent and a reducing agent in the reaction between KMnO4 and FeSO4?
Answer. KMnO4 acts as oxidising agent and FeSO4 acts as reducing agent.

What is the indicator used in KMnO4 titration ?

Answer. No indicator is used because KMnO4 acts as a self-indicator.

Why does KMnO4 act itself as an indicator ?

Answer. In the presence of dilute sulphuric acid, KMnO4 reacts with reducing agent (oxalic acid or .
ferrous sulphate). When all the reducing agent has been oxidised, the excess of KMnO4 is not
decomposed and imparts pink colour to the solution.

What is the end point in KMnO4 titrations ?

Answer. From colourless to permanent light pink.

Why is Mohr’s salt preferred as a primary standard over ferrous sulphate in volumetric analysis ?
Answer. This is because of the fact that Mohr’s salt is stable and is not readily oxidised by air.
Ferrous sulphate gets oxidised to ferric sulphate.

Why are a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid added while preparing a standard solution of Mohr’s
salt ?
Answer. Few drops of H2SO4 are added to prevent the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate.

Why a burette with rubber pinch cock should not be used in KMnO4 titrations ?
Answer. Because KMnO4 attacks rubber.

Sometimes a brown ppt. is observed in KMnO4 titrations. Why ?

Answer. It is due to insufficient quantity of dil. sulphuric acid. Brown coloured ppt. (MnO2.H20) is
formed due to the incomplete oxidation of KMnO4.

Why should you heat the oxalic acid solution to about 60-70°C before titrating with
KMnO4 solution ?
Answer. In cold, the reaction is very slow due to the slow formation of Mn2+ ions. Oxalic acid is
heated to speed up the liberation of Mn2+ ions which then autocatalyses the reaction and thus the
reaction proceeds rapidly.

What happens if we heat oxalic acid above 100oC

It may decompose into CO2 and CO
In volumetric analysis,KMnO4versus Mohr’s salt solution Titration it is advisable to add H2SO4 not
any other acid like HCl or HNO3 .Why?
B’coz HCl is a strong reducing agent ,it forms Cl2& HNO3 is a strong oxidizing agent, oxidises Fe+2 to

What is auto –catalyst in KMnO4vs oxalic acid titration?

Mn+2 produced in the reaction catayses the reaction ,it is called auto-catalyst
Salt Analysis

What is qualitative analysis ?

Ans. The type of analysis that deals with the methods which are used to determine the constituents
of a compound.

What is a radical ?
Ans. A radical may be defined as an atom or group of atoms which carries charge and behaves as a
single unit in chemical reactions.

What are acidic and basic radicals ?

Ans. Radicals carrying positive charge are called basic radicals and those carrying negative charge are
called acidic radicals.

Give examples of some coloured basic radicals.

Ans.Cu2+,Fe2+, Fe3+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Co2+ and Mn2+.

Name the salts which produce crackling sound when heated.

Ans Lead nitrate, barium nitrate

If the residue in dry heating test is white, name the radicals which are absent.
Ans. Cu2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Zn2+ and Pb2+.

Write the chemistry of flame test.

Ans. In flame test, the valence electron of the atom gets excited and jumps to the higher level. When
the electron jumps back to the ground state, the radiation is emitted whose frequency falls in the
visible region.

Why do we use cone. HCl in preparing a paste of the salt for flame test ?
Ans. In order to convert metal salts into metal chlorides which are more volatile than other salts.

Why can’t we use glass rod instead of platinum wire for performing flame test ?
Ans. This is because glass contains sodium silicate which imparts its own golden yellow colour to the

Why is platinum metal preferred to other metals for flame test ?

Ans. Because platinum does not react with acids and does not itself impart any characteristic colour
to the flame.

Why do barium salts not impart colour to the flame immediately ?

Ans. Because barium chloride is less volatile, it imparts colour to the flame after some time.

What is Nessler’s Reagent ?

Ans. It is a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide. Its formula is K2[HgI4].

Name the acid radicals detected with dil. H2SO4.

Ans. CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2–.

Why dil. H2SO4 is preferred while testing acid radicals over dil. HCl ?
Ans. When the salt is treated with HCl, during reaction HCl gas is also given out along with the gas
evolved by the salt. So the actual gas cannot be identified
Name the acid radicals detected by cone. H2SO4.
Ans. Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3–, CH3COO–.

CO2 and SO2 both turn lime water milky. How will you distinguish between them ?
Ans. By passing through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution. SO2 turns K2Cr2O7 green while CO2 has no effect.

NO2 and Br2 both are brown in colour. How will you distinguish between them ?
Ans. By passing through FeSO4 solution. NO2 turns FeSO4 soln. black while Br2 has no effect.

All nitrates on heating with cone. H2SO4 in presence of paper pallet evolve NO2 gas. What is the
function of paper pallet ?
Ans. Paper pallet (carbon) reduces HNO3 to NO2

How is ring test performed for nitrates ?

Ans. To the salt solution, freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution is added and then sulphuric acid
(cone.) is added along the walls of the tube. A dark brown ring is formed at the junction of the two

Why a dark brown ring is formed at the junction of two layers in ring test for nitrates ?
Ans. H2S04 being heavier forms the lower layer and reacts only with a small amount of nitrate and
FeS04 at its surface, therefore, a brown ring appears only at the junction of the two layers.

What is chromyl chloride test ?

Ans. Heat a small amount of the mixture with cone. H2SO4 and solid K2Cr2O7 in a dry test tube. Deep
brownish red vapours of chromyl chloride are formed. Pass these vapours in water. A yellow sol. of
H2CrO4 is formed. Add to this solution NaOH, acetic acid and lead acetate, a yellow ppt. confirms
chloride in the mixture.

Why do bromides and iodides not respond to chromyl chloride test ?

Ans. Because chromyl bromide (CrO2Br2) and chromyl iodide (CrO2I2) compounds are not formed,
instead of these bromine and iodine are evolved.

Name group reagents for different cationic groups.

Ans. Group I—Dil. HCl.
Group II—H2S in the presence of dil. HCl.
Group III—NH4OH in presence of NH4Cl.
Group IV—H2S in presence of NH4OH.
Group V—(NH4)2 CO3 in presence of NH4Cl and NH4OH.
Group VI—No specific group reagent

Why is it essential to add dil. HCl before proceeding to the test for the basic radicals of group II ?
Ans. In the precipitation of group II cations as their sulphides. H2S is used in the presence of dil. HCl.
H2S is itself a weak acid and dissociates as follows :
Hydrochloric acid being a strong acid is largely ionised to H+. Thus, hydrogen ion concentration is
increased and consequently the concentration of sulphide ions produced by the ionisation of H2S is
sufficiently decreased due to common ion effect. As a result of which the sulphide ion concentration
is sufficient only to exceed the solubility product of the sulphides of group II cations.

Why is NH4Cl added along with NH4OH in III group ?

Ans. It is done in order to decrease the concentration of OH– ions by suppressing the ionisation
of NH4OH by common ion effect. If NH4OH alone is used in that case, the concentration of OH– is
enough to ppt. the hydroxide of IV, V and VI groups.

What is blue lake ?

Ans. It is blue particles, blue litmus adsorbed on white ppt. of Al(OH)3, floating in colourless solution.

H2S gas is passed in presence of NH4OH in group IV. Explain why ?

Ans. When H2S gas is passed in alkaline medium or NH4OH, the H+ ions from the dissociation of H2S
gas combine with hydroxyl ions (OH–) from the dissociation of NH4OH to form nearly unionised H2O.

The removal of H+ ions from the solution causes more of H2S to

dissociate, thereby increasing the concentration of S2- ions to such an extent that the ionic product of
IV group metal sulphides exceeds their solubility product. Hence they are precipitated.

Presence of NH4Cl is quite essential before the addition of (NH4)2 CO3 in group V. Explain why ?
Ans. Ammonium chloride suppresses the ionisation of NH4OH and (NH4)2 CO3 due to common ion
effect which results in the decrease in the concentration of OH– and CO32- ions. So the ionic product
does not exceed the solubility product of Mg(OH)2 or MgCO3 and thereby they are not precipitated in
V group.

Why are the group V radicals tested in the order Ba2+, Sr2+and Ca2+ ?
Ans. Tests of Sr2+ and Ca2+ are given by Ba2+ also. Similarly tests of Ca2+ are given by Sr2+ also. Therefore
before confirming Sr2+ we have to show absence of Ba2+ and before confirming Ca2+ we have to show
absence of Ba2+ and Sr2+.

Na2CO3 cannot be used in place of (NH4)2 CO3 in the group V. Explain why ?
Ans. Na2CO3 is highly ionised electrolyte, which produces very high cone, of CO32- ions. As a result
ionic product of MgCO3 may increase its Ksp and it may get precipitated along with the radicals of V

Question.1. What is chromatography?

Answer. It is technique for rapid and efficient separation of components of a mixture and
purification of compounds.

Question.2. What is the basic principle of chromatographic process?

Answer. It is based on the differential migration of the individual components of a mixture through a
– stationary phase under the influence of a moving phase.

Question.3. What type of solvents are generally employed in chromatography?

Answer. Generally solvents having low viscosities are employed in chromatography. This is due to
the fact that the rate of flow of a solvent varies inversely as its viscosity.

Question.4. Name some chromatographic techniques.

Answer. Paper chromatography, column chromatography, thin layer chromatography, gas

Question.5. What are the moving and stationary phases in paper chromatography?
Answer. Water absorbed on cellulose constituting the paper serves as the stationary phase and
organic solvent as moving phase.

Question.6. How does the liquid rise through the filter paper?
Answer. By means of capillary action.

Question.7. What is meant by the term Rf value?

Answer. Rf (retention factor) of a substance is defined as the ratio of the distance moved up by the
solute from the point of its application to the distance moved up by the solvent from the same point.

Question.8. On what factors does the Rf value of a compound depend?

Answer. Nature of the compound.
Nature of the solvent.

Question.9. What are the advantages of chromatography over other techniques?


1. It can be used for a mixture containing any number of components.

2. Very small quantities of the substances can be effectively detected and separated from a mixture.

Question.10. What- is loading or spotting?

Answer. The application of the mixture as a spot on the original line on the filter paper strip or
addition of mixture to the column, is called loading or spotting.
Food sample analysis

Question.1. What are carbohydrates?

Answer. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhdroxy ketones or the compounds which
yield these on hydrolysis. .

Question.2. Give two examples of monosaccharides.

Answer. Glucose and fructose.

Question.3. Why do we get a red ppt. in Fehling’s test?

Answer. Because of the formation of cuprous oxide (Cu20).

Question.4. Why do we get a shining mirror in Tollen’s test?

Answer. Due to the formation of silver which deposits on the walls of test-tube.

Question.5. What is Molisch’s reagent?

Answer. Alcoholic solution of alpha-naphthol.

Question.6. What is purple ring formed due to in Molisch’s test?

Answer. Cone. H2SO4 converts carbohydrates into furfural or its derivative which then reacts with
alpha- naphthol to form a violet coloured compound.

Question.7. How will your distinguish between sucrose and glucose?

Answer. Glucose, being a reducing sugar, will give silver mirror test positive (Sucrose is a non
reducing sugar).

Question.8. What is the role of tartarate ions in Fehling’s reagent?

Answer. It acts as complexing agent and prevents the precipitation of copper (II) hydroxide.

Question.9. Explain why does fructose reduce Fehling’s solution and Tollen’s reagent inspite of the
presence of ketonic group?
Answer. In alkaline medium fructose rearranges to glucose and the two are equilibrium with each

Question.8. What are proteins?

Answer. Proteins are naturally occurring complex nitrogenous organic substances with high
molecular masses. Chemically, they are polypeptides formed by the condensation of alpha-amino

Question.9. What is the name given to the reaction between protein and cone. HNO3?
Answer. Xanthoproteic test.

Question.10. What is biuret test for proteins?

Answer. To 2-3 ml of protein solution in a test-tube, add an equal volume of 10% NaOH solution.
Mix thoroughly and add a few drops of 0.5% copper sulphate solution. A purple-violet colour is
obtained, if protein is present.
Question.11. What is the difference between oils and fats?
Answer. Oils are liquids at ordinary temperature. They contain higher proportion of unsaturated
acids whereas fats are solids at ordinary temperature and contain higher proportion of saturated

Question.12. Name two tests for testing fats or lipids.

Answer. (i) Solubility test (ii) Spot test.

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