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2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. (a) (i) the energy released when nuclides form from constituents /
energy required to separate nucleus into separate nucleons / OWTTE; 1

(ii) S marked at maximum of curve (on curve/axis); (judge by eye) 1

(iii) highest binding energy per nucleon; 1

(b) (i) uranium binding energy per nucleon = 7.6 (MeV) (±0.1);
total uranium binding energy = 7.6 × 235 = 1786(MeV);
total Kr + Ba binding energy = 141 × 8.4 + 92 × 8.7 = 1985(MeV);
energy released = 1985 – 1786 = 198.8(MeV);
 200 MeV 4

(ii) 2; 1

(iii) one reaction: ∆E = 3.1 × l0–28 × [3 × 108]2 (= 2.8 × l0–11 J);

number required = 2.8  10 = 3.6 × 1013; 2

(iv) two neutrons produced may cause two further fissions;

producing four neutrons which may produce four further fissions; 2
Accept answer in diagram form but it must feature four
generated neutrons with only two neutrons giving further fission.

(c) nuclear fusion waste much less active than fission waste;
fusion fuel much more abundant than fission fuel;
fusion fuel has higher energy density than fission;
radiation/pollution from plant lower for fusion; 3 max

IB Questionbank Physics 1
10. (a) unstable nuclei/nuclides change spontaneously/randomly/emit energy;
by the emission of alpha particles and/or electrons and/or
gamma rays; (accept α, β and γ particles/radiation) 2
To award [2 max] reference must be made to nuclei/nuclides
and to spontaneously randomly.

(b) Z: 18;
x: neutrino/ v/ 0 v ; 2

(c) mass of 19 protons = (19 × 938 =) 17822 MeV c–2;

mass of 21 neutrons = (21 × 940 =) 19740 MeV c–2;
mass difference = 17822 + 19740 – 37216 = 346 MeV c–2;
binding energy per nucleon = 8.65MeV; 4
Allow answer in joule, 1.38 × 10–12 J.
(d) energy is released in the decay of K-40 / energy released is the
difference in binding energies / decay is spontaneous / A-40
is more stable than K-40; 1

11. (a) (i) the (minimum) energy required to completely separate the
nucleons of a nucleus / the energy released when a nucleus
is assembled; 1

(ii) mass defect is 94 × 1.007276+ 145 × 1.008665 – 238.990396 = 1.95u;

binding energy is 1.95 × 931.5 = 1816 MeV;
binding energy per nucleon is 239 MeV;
= 7.6 MeV 3

(b) (i) x = 3; 1

(ii) binding energy of plutonium is 7.6 × 239 = 1816 ≈ 1800MeV

(known in (ii))
binding energy of products is 8.6 × 91 + 8.2 × 146 = 1980 ≈ 2000 MeV;
energy released is (2000 –1800) = 200MeV; 2

(c) the electric force is repulsive/tends to split the nucleus;

the electric force acts on protons, the strong nuclear force acts on nucleons;
the nuclear force is attractive/binds the nucleons;
but the electric force is long range whereas the nuclear force is short range;
so adding more neutrons (compared to protons) contributes to

IB Questionbank Physics 2
binding and does not add to tendency to split the nucleus / a
proton repels every other proton (in the nucleus) so extra neutrons
are needed for binding; 4 max

IB Questionbank Physics 3

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