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Eldritch Archer

Swordmage Bond
You know a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and 1
weapon. This ritual is preformed over the course of 1 hour, which can be
done during a SR. The weapon must be within reach during the ritual, at
the end of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond. Once you’ve
bonded a weapon to yourself, you can’t be disarmed unless you’re
incapacitated. If it’s on the same plane of existence you can summon the
weapon as a bonus action, also you know its exact location. If you attempt
to bond with a 2nd weapon, you must break the bond with your existing
weapon, as an action.

Magic Sense
●+3 As an action, you feel the magical power of objects around you. Until the
end of your next turn, you can sense any magic items within sight or 60ft.
You can sense any magic items hidden on a person. You can’t sense an item
contained in items such as a Bag of Holding. When you use this feature,
you can select one of the magic items you sense and learn its rarity and its
category (potion, scroll, rod, etc). Your can use this feature = 1+ Int
modifier. This is regained during a LR.

Fighting Style
At 2nd level you choose one type of Fighting Style. Choose one
● +3 from the following options: Archery, Defence, Dueling, Great
Weapon Fighting, Protection and Arcane Warrior.
Arcane Warrior: You learn 2 cantrips of your choice from the
● +5 Wizard spell list. INT is your SAM for them. When you level up,
you can replace one from another one from the same spell list.

◆ +3
+1 Longbow +8 1d8+4 Arcane Infusion
At 2nd level, you can infuse your bonded with weapon. As a bonus
action, while holding your bonded weapon, you can expend one
Longsword +3 1d8/10+1 spell slot, infusing your weapon for 10 minutes. When infused, it does
an extra 1+Slot’s Level. It also becomes magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistance. Instead of force damage, you can choose to
deal another type of damage. It must be a damage type that you can

Spell Strike
At 3rd level, as an action you can attempt a Spell Strike, concentrating a
◆ +4 spell into your weapon and using the strike to cast it into a target. Choose a
+2 spell you know of 1st level or higher with a casting time of 1 action and
spend it as normal. As part of an action, you make a single weapon attack
+2 with your bonded weapon. If it hits, the target suffers the attack’s normal
damage and the effects of the spell. The target fails DEX Saves it would
+2 make and has disadvantage on all other saves against certain spells.
+2 Whether or not the attack hits, the spell’s effects leaves the weapon.
Eldritch Archer Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell and at the levels detailed 3
+2 below. These don’t count against your number of spells you can learn.
+2 3rd: Zephyr Strike 5th: Cordon of Arrows, 9th: Wind Wall, 13th: Elemental
Bane, 17th: Swift Quiver.
+2 Arcane Ammunition: You gain the ability to create magical ammunition from
nothing. When you make an attack with your bonded weapon, the
+2 ammunition fits the type of weapon. It is also considered magical for
● +4 overcoming resistance.

Increased Spell Range
-1 You can extend the range of your Swordmage spells through your
-1 Chromatic Orb 90ft 1A bonded weapon. When you cast a spell that has a range of 10ft or
● +1 3d8: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, more, you can use the normal range of your bonded weapon to
determine the range. A spell cannot have a range of Self to be used
-1 or thunder
-1 here. Your bonded weapon must be a ranged weapon. At 15th
level, you can use the long range of the weapon to determine the
Burning Hands 1A DEX spell’s range.
Self (15ft Cone) 3d6 Fire dmg Extra Attack/Eldritch Might 5/6
success 1/2 At 5th level when you take an Attack
action, you can make an extra attack.
Zephyr Strike Self 1BA Eldritch Might: At 6th level, can add half

adv. on 1 attack, +1d8 dmg, +30ft your INT modifier (round UP) to any
move. concentration 1 minute STR, DEX, and CON checks you make.

Phasing Shot
Burning Hands At 7th level, you can briefly phase your ammo into the Ethereal
Chromatic Orb Plane. When you make a ranged attack using your bonded
weapon, you can make a Phasing Shot. This ignores all cover and
Ice Knife obstacles, as long as the obstacle/cover doesn’t extend to the
Zephyr Strike Ethereal Plane. You still have disadvantage on attacks against
heavily obscured targets. This can be used a number of times =
your INT modifier. You regain uses after a LR.

Guiding Strike
● ● At 10th level, your Spell Strikes leave
traces of magic. When you hit a creature
● ● with the weapon using your Spell Strike
feature, the next attack roll against the
target has advantage.
Eldritch Archer (2/2)

Arcane Beacon
At 11th level, you can use a bonus action to concentrate on a piece of
ammo (as if on a spell). If this is a piece of ammo given by the Arcane
Ammunition feature, the ammo remains until you concentrate on it. While
concentrating, you know the location of the ammo at all times. As a bonus
action, you can change your perception of that of the ammo until the end
of your turn. During this time, you’re blind and deaf to your surroundings.
A creature can use an action to snap the ammo in half. This can be used a
number of times = INT modifier. You regain uses after a LR.

Magic Ward
At 14th level, the magic of your bond projects a
● constant ward against magic. Whenever you
suffer damage from a spell of other magical effect
and you’re wielding your bonded weapon, you
can reduce this damage =INT modifier + Prof

Eldritch Accuracy
At 15th level, when you use your Arcane Infusion feature,
● rather than dealing extra damage you can choose to have
the infusion grant a bonus to attack rolls made with your
bonded weapon. The bonus is equal to the infusion’s extra
● damage. On later turns, a bonus action can be used to
swap between damage or bonuses to attack rolls.

Empowered Spell Strike

◆ At 18th level, when you roll dice for the
spell you used for the Spell Strike, you can
reroll a number of dice equal to your INT
modifier. You must use the new rolls.

◆ At 20th level, the bond with your weapon
becomes strongest. The weapon gains a +2 to
attack and damage rolls. Also, while wielding
the weapon you gain a +2 to your SAM and
your Spell Save increases by 1.

● ●

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