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Evaluation 2.

1. What is the most crucial aspect in Qualitative analysis?

Qualitative Analysis focuses on determining non-numerical data,
subjective which is less tangible which is in contrast to qualitative
analysis that deals with numbers/quantity. It makes use of
mathematical and statistical techniques

2. What are the types of qualitative analysis?

Grounded Theory/ Constant Comparison
Logical Analysis/Matrix Analysis
Event Analysis/ Microanalysis
Metaphorical Analysis

3. Why do we need to analyze the data we have collected?

Because it makes data analysis much easier and more precise. It
assists researchers in precisely interpreting data so that they do
not overlook anything that could help them generate insights
from it.
Evaluation 2.2
Give the meaning of the following and provide example for each type.
Process Code- You use codes to communicate a data action.
Simultaneous Coding- is a qualitative coding approach in which a single
piece of information is coded with numerous codes.

"When the COVID cases started to get really

bad in the city, our son came to live with us
temporarily. I was so happy because it meant
that I knew he was safe, and it was the most
time I would be able to spend with him since
before he left for college. But at the same
time it was hard for me to see him struggle
with his loss of independence. He got into a
lot of fights with his father, and the whole
environment got tense. But my baby was
home and it was honestly so nice."


Grown child back home

Happiness - more time together

Difficulty - tense environment
Values Coding- is a coding system that explores the subjective
dimension of human experience. Values coding, in particular, is
concerned with classifying the values, attitudes, and belief systems
presented by participants.
Open Coding-when you take your textual data and break it up into
discrete parts.
Axial Coding- is when you draw connections between your codes
Selective Coding -selective coding is when you select one central
category that connects all the codes from your analysis and captures
the essence of your research.

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