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At the end of this journey, you are expected to accomplish these missions!
1. Define communication in your own words;
2. Explain the nature and process of communication; and
3. Create a conversation based on the given picture

Learning Competencies: EN11/12OC-Ia-1, EN11/12OC-Ia-2

Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one
person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures (McCornack, 2014).
There is a wide variety of contexts and situations in which communication can be manifested; it
can be a face-to-face interaction, a phone conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or interview,
a letter correspondence, a class recitation, and many others.

Ooops! There is a password that you need to unlock by solving the rebus below!

What is the password? _________________________________

Have you experienced it? How?


Congratulations! You are now entering a room where your voice and actions are very important.

Remember that your password is your guide on this journey!


Look! There is a letter on the doorstep, it is a riddle! Solve the riddle for you to get the next key!
I am a 13- letter word that most of us seldom use
Your password exists because I am always on their shoes
Whenever conflict begins, time will referee
And that is the moment when they set me free.
Who am I?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Now that you have the key, you may now enter the room where you can find your first
Are you ready agent? Okay! Let’s do this!

Defining Communication

1. Communication is the process of expressing and exchanging information, thoughts, ideas,

and feelings
2. Communication can be defined as the process of transmitting information and common
understanding from one person to another (Keyton, 2011).
3. According to Wood (20004), communication is a systematic process in which individuals
interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meaning
4. The word ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin word communis, which means,
common. The definition underscores the fact that unless a common understanding results from the
exchange of information, there is no communication.

Nature of Communication
1. Communication is a process

2. Communication is systematic

3. Communication is symbolic

4. Communication involves meaning

Agent, as you go along in this journey, you will realize how important communication is. In
what point of your life you told to yourself that you were not heard.


Elements of Communication

Agent, you can understand the elements of communication by looking at the picture above
guided by the following text.

1. Sender – the source of information or message

2. Message – the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions
3. Encoding – the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the
speaker understands
4. Channel – the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal,
in which the encoded message is conveyed
5. Decoding – the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver
6. Receiver – the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message
7. Feedback – the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver
8. Noise- The distraction from the environment that fails the communication process.

The Communication Process

Exploration note:
Congratulations agent! We are now walking the hall where you can explore more things about
communication! Just keep on walking until you reach another door!
---------------------------------------x cut the broken line to detach this portion x--------------------------------------

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Section: Lesson: Date:

As you go along in this hallway, you will see 4 stations. Each station has a question that you
need to answer. Are you ready agent? Okay! You may now start!

1st Station- Agent with Stewardship

1. Do you think communication is important in taking care of someone or something?

Justify your answer.

2nd Station – Agent with passion for learning

1. How will you use communication to learn effectively?


3rd Station – Agent with care in the community

1. How do you communicate in meeting new friends in campus?


4th Station – Agent with sense of pride

1. Define communication in your own words and think of your own scenario as a proud
SPCian based on the definition you have given.

Alright Agent! You already reached the door. In this room, you must be ready as you search the
key for the last door. Keep it going!
---------------------------------------x cut the broken line to detach this portion x--------------------------------------

Name: Teacher: Rating:

Section: Lesson: Date:

Create a conversation based on the picture below. You may assume characters of your own
choice. Write your answer in the box provided. Do not forget to put label of communication
elements in each line.

From the conversation that you created, how does the process of communication work?

You have reached the last door Agent! Congratulations! Now, in order you to get out of this
room, you need to accomplish the following tasks. Good luck!
---------------------------------------x cut the broken line to detach this portion x--------------------------------------

Name: Teacher: Rating:

Section: Lesson: Date:

Modified True or False. Tell whether the statement is true or false. If true, put a check ()
however, if the statement is false, circle the word/s that make/s it incorrect then write the correct
answer on the space before each number.

_________________ 1-2. According to Wood 2004, communication is the process of transmitting

information and common understanding from one person

_________________ 3-4. The word ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin word conummis,
which means common

_________________ 5-6. There are four nature of communication: communication is a process,

communication is systematic, communication is symbolic and communication involves meaning

_________________ 7-8. When we say communication is systematic it means it follows steps in

order to communicate successfully

_________________ 9-10. Symbols are representation used to communicate and interpret one’s
thoughts and feelings.

Matching Type. Match the elements of communication in column A to its correct keyword in
column B. Write the letter of your answer in the lines before the numbers.

Column A Column B
______ 1. Sender A. Time of communication
______ 2. Context (When) B. Practical reason of communication
______ 3. Motivation (relational) C. Interferences with communication
______ 4. Receiver D. Creates message using symbol
______ 5. Noise E. Means by which the message is delivered
______ 6. Message F. Connecting to others
______ 7. Context (Where) G. Situation which the communication
______ 8. Channel H. Responsive message
______ 9. Feedback I. Interprets symbol and assign meaning
______ 10. Motivation (Instrumental) J. Content or the topic

Congratulations agent! Now that you have completed your journey, use
your password and your answer in the riddle to complete the statement

For us not to be _____________, proper _________________ is needed.

Human communication is flexible and situational by nature and, therefore, difficult to
define. Consequently, it may be better to say that we can describe human communication in a
varaiety of ways in order to assist our understanding.

As a student, I communicate because ___________________________________________________


Communication happens everywhere, every time for example _______________________________


Without my ability to communicate, ____________________________________________________



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