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Letter to a friend,

Today, I’m going to talk about my friend Yesica Lopez, so let's get through the trivial stuff
first: she’s from Colombia and she is 22 years old. She’s currently studying industrial
engineering. Some of her friends call her "yeye" and others call her "yesi", but in reality,
she doesn’t have a fixed nickname. Her favorite person in the world is her grandmother.
She’s a very friendly, funny, nice, cool and intelligent person, she likes sports a lot and
that is why one of her favorite things to do is play soccer, she practices it with a team. But
not everything is just soccer, she also likes basketball, running, etc.
Among her favorite things to do, she likes to go out with her friends, sharing with them
and making good memories together. She’s always making a plan to spend her days off
and that is why she is like the group organizer. She has a very varied taste for music, she
literally listens to everything from vallenatos to band music, she likes old music a lot, it
seems like a she’s a music library herself. Although she doesn’t watch tv that much, she
still likes movies such as the hunger games and harry potter, with respect to the tv shows,
she likes lucifer, dynasty, good girls, among others. She likes to dance; she enjoys that
activity a lot. Once in a while, if a book catches her attention, she reads it.
So now that the trivial stuff is over, let’s start with the letter.
Honestly, thank you for entering my life. I know it’s a bit weird of me to say all of this in
person and I think it’s better to show it than to say it but special people make us do special
things all the time so here it is, I strongly believe in having something like "a person" and
there is no someone better to fit the description of that than you... you’re more than a
friend, you’ve become like a sister. I think you deserve the world, yet somehow, I don’t
think you always see that. But I want you to know, I often find my own self wondering
what I did to deserve you in my life. This friendship is my favorite relationship right now.
You come in to people’s lives with a purpose and you change them. You make every
single person around you better, without even realizing it. You light up every room, and
lift up every single person around you. Because you’ll hold them while they cry, and then
be ready to beat down the person that made them cry ten minutes later. You’ll make them
laugh even when they’re sad. You get to know them down to their very core, even when
they’re hard to get to know, just like me and it makes you one of the most beautiful soul I
have ever known.
You are so much stronger than you have even begun to realize. You’re honest and caring.
You’re hilarious and intelligent. You’re strong and compassionate. You change people,
but you don’t let people change you and please don’t ever let them. Never let any single
person come in to your life and make you believe that you ever have to be more of
anything because you’re already the best. If for any reason, we ever fight about
something, and I mean really fight about something, I will always want to fix it and that’s
saying a lot because you know how proud I can be but I don’t think I would be capable of
being mad like that with you.
The memories that we have made together are one in a million. I’m beyond grateful for
all of the adventures we have gone on, all of the memories that we have made, all of the
inside jokes that have accumulated all this time, all the drunkenness together, all those
talks about all and nothing when you’re getting a massage and all the time we have spent
together in the last year. If I’m being honest no time spent with you is ever wasteful, it's
something I always look forward to. It doesn't even matter if the two of us hanging out
together includes chilling on the couch, watching something in the tv and eating a lot of
grassy food, I like those moments.
Can I talk about your energy? Awesome and Admirable! You tirelessly go about doing all
that you believe in. Once you set your mind on it, you go for it. It’s so amazing to watch
you when you’re this way. You’re always with great ideas in your head and you can solve
problems quickly. You have awesome suggestions. You are someone who is always
learning, always growing, always looking to better yourself.
Thank you for always making me laugh. Whether it's tagging me in the best memes the
Internet has to offer or laughing about all the silly stuff and silly situations that has
happened to you, you have always a story to tell and it brings me joy to hear team because
it’s really fun. It’s really nice to like know that you have someone that will always be there
for you. We spend soooooo much time together that sometimes I wonder how we don't
get tired of each other but I'm grateful that that doesn't happen. I lost count of how many
songs I have learned because of you but that's good, I have expanded my musical tastes.
I would return the favor but you’re not a tv person and just because you’re you, I let you
pass that tiny little breaking point. And feel special, I don't think there is another person I
have ever cooked this much for in my life, I think that’s me expressing my appreciation
With that being said, I hope you know how much I appreciate you, how much I appreciate
everything that you do for me. And I hope that you know I would do anything for you,
without even hesitating.
With love, orli!

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