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"To the Flowers of Heidelberg" was an article written by Rizal inspired the blooming flowers along the
Neckar River.


A cheap hotel can be found at 124 Rue de Mabangue. He was mistaken to be a Japanese in Paris.

First statement is false. Second statement is true.

Djemnah is a Dutch steamer managed by the French.


Felix Resurreccion-Hidalgo won second to Juan Luna in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Spain. His
work was entitled Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace.

Both statements are true.

Blumentritt was interested in Philippine ethnology and dialects. He was a Director in the Ateneo de
Leipzig, Austria.

First statement is true. Second statement is false.

It was the book included in Rizal's letter to Blumentritt.


She gave Rizal a diamond ring to be pawned.


The Director of Anthropological and Ethnological Museum of the Arts.

Adolph Meyer

The following are the reasons why Rizal wanted to go to Spain, except

To polish his painting skills.

The name written on Rizal's passport is

Jose Mercado

After Rizal completed his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in


Rizal's departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the colonial officers and friars, but the
following below knew that Jose was leaving EXCEPT

His parents
In Singapore, Rizal boarded this French steamer named __________, which was sailing to Europe.


The winter of 1886 was his darkest winter in Berlin for the following reasons EXCEPT: i.) He ate only one
meal a day consisted of bread and water or some cheap vegetable soup ii.) The diamond ring from
Saturnina got lost iii.) He had no money arrived from Calamba and could not pay for his landlord

II only

Shortly after Rizal's arrival in Madrid, he joined the Society of Spaniards and Filipinos, in which the
members of the society requested him so he wrote a poem entitled Me Piden Versos(They Asked Me for
Verses). What's the name of the organization?

Circulo Hispano-Filipino

How much did Rizal owed to Maximo Viola so that the novel Noli Me Tangere could be printed?





He was an Austrian and he became the best friend of Dr. Jose Rizal. Who was he?

Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt

Noli me tangere" is a Latin phrase which Rizal used as the title of one of his two novels. What does it

Touch me not

On August 22, 1883, Rizal wrote a lovely poem entitled A la Senorita C.O. y R. Who was he dedicating the
poem to?


The historic waterway Suez Canal, which was traversed by Rizal for 5 days, was constructed by the
famous Frenchman named __________.

Ferdinand de Lesseps

On June 2, 1882, Rizal arrived at the city of ___________ ( Red Sea terminal of the Suez Canal), whose
beautiful moonlight of this picturesque city reminded him of his family and Calamba.

In the steamer bound to Europe, Jose tried to speak French with some passengers but to his surprise the
bookish French which he learned from Ateneo couldn't be understood. Jose tried to do the following

Speak it with German and Greek

While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received a sad news about the ___________ that was ravaging
Manila and provinces causing Calamba folks to have afternoon novenas to San Roque and nocturnal
processions and prayers to stop dreadful epidemic, which Spanish authorities were impotent to check.
What was the disease?


After Rizal completed his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in


After completing his studies at Universidad Central de Madrid, on his way to Paris for further study in
Ophthalmology, he stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend named ___________, a medical student and
a member of a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.

Maximo Viola

The novel, Noli Me Tangere is about




All of the above

The main character of Noli Me Tangere is



Crisostomo Ibarra

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