Unit-I Resonance: 2 Marks Questions and Answers

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II B.Tech (ECE)-II Semester Academic Year: 2021-2022



1. What is Resonance?
Ans. In RLC series circuit the inductive and capacitive reactance have opposite signs.
Hence when the reactances are varied there is a possibility that the inductive reactance
may cancel the capacitive reactance and circuit may behave as a purely resistive circuit.
This condition is called resonance.
2. What is resonant frequency?
Ans. The frequency at which the resonant condition occurs is known as the resonant
3. Write the expression for resonant frequency and current at resonance of the RLC series
Ans. Angular resonant frequency r =
√ LC
Resonant frequency = fr = Hz, Current at Resonance = I = V/R Amp
2 √ LC
4. What is anti resonance?
Ans. In RLC parallel circuit, the current is minimum at resonance whereas in series resonance the
current is maximum. Therefore the parallel resonance is called anti-resonance.

5. Write the characterstics of parallel resonance?

Ans. At resonance, admittance is minimum and equal to conductance, therefore current is
minimum. Below resonance frequency the circuit behaves as inductive circuit and above
resonant frequency the circuit bahves as capacitive circuit. At resonance the magnitude of
current through inductance and capacitance will be Q times the current supplied by the
source, but they are in phase opposition.
6. What are half power frequencies?
Ans. In RLC circuits, the frequencies at which the power is half the maximum /minimum
power are called half power frequencies.
7. Define Quality factor?
Ans. The Quality factor is defined as the ratio of maximum energy stored to the energy disspated in
one period.

Quality factor Q = 2π * (maximum energy stored/ Energy dissipated in one period)

8. Find the resonant frequency in the ideal parallel LC circuit with L= 40mH and c= 0.01F
Ans. Resonant Frequency fr =
2 √ LC

Resonant Frequency fr = = 7958Hz.
2 √ 40∗10 ∗0.01∗10−6

9. Define Sensitivity?
Ans. Sensitivity is defined as Ratio of Bandwidth and resonant frequency.

Sensitivity = 1/Qr = Band width/ Resonant frequency

10. Determine the Quality factor of RLC series circuit with R= 10 , L= 0.01mH and

C= 100F.
1 L
Quality factor at resonance, Qr =


11) Define half-power frequencies.

Ans. The frequencies at which the power is half the maximum power are called half power
Lower half power frequency f1 = fr-(R/4L ¿
Upper half power frequency f2 = fr+(R/4L)
12) Give the expression for quality factor of series RLC circuit.
The expression for quality factor of series RLC circuit is given by
1 L
Qr = √
13) Give the expression for quality factor of parallel RLC circuit.
The expression for quality factor of parallel RLC circuit is given by
Qr = R √ L
14) A Series RLC circuit has R = 50Ω; L = 100µH; and C = 300pF; V=20V. What is the
current at resonance?
At resonance, Z = R
The current at resonance will be I = V/Z
= V / R = 20 / 50 =0.4A
15) A series RLC circuit has the following parameters: R = 2Ω, L = 38 μH and C = 44 μF.
Calculate the resonant frequency.
Resonant frequency, fr = = 25.82 kHz
2 π √ LC
16) Define Band width and selectivity. Also write the relation between resonant frequency,
quality factor & bandwidth?
The frequency band within the limits of lower and upper half power frequencies is called
B.W. = f2 – f1
Selectivity is the ratio of resonant frequency to the Bandwidth
Selectivity = fr / B.W = fr / f2 – f1
Quality factor = resonant frequency / bandwidth

17) What are coupled coils?

When two or more coils are linked by magnetic flux, then the coils are called coupled
18) Define self-inductance.
When permeability is constant the self inductance of a coil is defined as the ratio of flux
linkage and current.
19) Define mutual inductance.
When permeability is constant the mutual inductance between two coupled coils is
defined as the ratio of flux linkage in one coil due to common flux and current through another
20) Define coefficient of coupling.
In coupled coils the coefficient of coupling is defined as the fraction of the total flux
produced by one coil linking another coil.
21.A coil with large distributed capacitance has a ……………..
Ans. High resonant frequency

22.A series RLC circuit consisting of R = 10Ω, X L = 20Ω and Xc = 20Ω is connected across an ac supply of
100 V(rms). The magnitude and phase angle (with reference to supply voltage) of the voltage across the
inductive coil are respectively.

Ans: Since reactance are cancelling each other, the circuit is purely resistive and the current is in
phase with the applied voltage. The voltage across the inductor leads the current through it by 90 0

Since I → = 100∠00 / (10+j(20-20)) = 10∠00

V L → = jωL I = 20 * 10∠90 = 200∠90 0

23.Two coils in differential connection have self inductance of 2 mH and 4 mH and mutual inductance of
0.15 mH. The equivalent inductance of the combination is ----------------

Ans. When two inductors are connected in series, the effective inductance
Leff = L1 + L2±2M

1) What is transient state?

Ans) If a network contains energy storage elements, with change in excitation, the current and
voltages change from one state to other state. The behaviour of the voltage (or) current when it is
changed from one state to another state is called transient state.

2) What is natural response?

Ans) If a circuit containing storage elements which are independent of sources, the response
depends upon the nature of the circuit, it is called natural response

3) What is meant by natural frequency?

Ans) If the damping is made zero then the response oscillates with natural frequency without any
opposition, such a frequency is called natural frequency of oscillation, denoted as ωn.
4) Define Damping ratio.

Ans) It is the ratio of actual resistance R in the circuit to the critical resistance R C. It is denoted
by greek letter zeta ζ.   
5) Write down few applications of RL, RC and RLC circuits.

Ans) The few applications of RL, RC and RLC circuits are given below.
Coupling circuits,
Phase-shift circuits,
Resonant circuits,
AC bridge circuits and Transformers.
6) What is the cause of free response in electric circuits?

Ans) The presence of storage element such as inductors or capacitors or both in a network in
the absence of external energy source is the cause of free response.
7) Why transients occurs in electric circuits.

Ans) The inductance will not allow sudden change in current and the capacitance will not
allow sudden change in voltage. Hence in inductive and capacitive circuits transient occurs
during switching operation.
8) What is free and forced response?

Ans) The response of the circuit due to stored energy alone is called free response. The
response of a circuit due to an external source is called forced response.
9) What is steady state?

Ans) A circuit consisting of constant sources is said to be in steady state if the voltages and
currents do not change with time.
10) Define the term “time constant” of a circuit?
Ans) It is the amount of time required to reach the 63.2% of its final state value
11) Define the time constant of RL, RC circuits?
Ans) For R-L circuit time constant τ = L/R sec
For R-C circuit time constant τ = R C sec
12) Write the voltage equation of a series R-L circuit excited by DC source?
Ans) Voltage drop across resister, VR = V (1- e-t/τ)
Voltage drop across inductor, VL = V e-t/τ
13) Explain transient analysis?
Ans) The behavior of the voltage or current when it is changed from one state to another is
called the transient state. The time taken for the circuit to change from one state to another steady
state is called the transient time. Hence the response changes with time, gets saturated after some
time and is referred to us the transient response.
14) Explain the behaviour of capacitance during initial conditions?
Ans) During initial conditions it behaves as short circuit. i.e., from t = 0- to t = 0+.
15) Write an expression for i (t) is a series R-L Circuit when a DC Voltage of 10V is
suddenly applied t = 0?
Ans) i(t) = V (1- e-t/τ) / R = 10(1- e-t/τ) = 0
16) Find the time constant of a series R-C circuit has R = 5Ω and C = 2.5µF.
Ans) For series R-C circuit, T = RC = 5(2.5*10-6) = 12.5µsecs
17)Define Under damped and critically damped
Ans) Under damped 🡪 0 < ζ < 1, critically damped 🡪 ζ=1
Where ζ is damping factor (or) damping ratio.
18) What is the time constant of a circuit having R = 5 Ω, L = 0.2H.
Ans) For series R-L circuit, T = L/R = 0.2/5 = 0.04secs or 40m
19) What is the behavior of inductor and capacitor at t = ∞ for DC
Ans) At t = ∞, inductor behaves as short circuit, capacitor behave as
open circuit.
20) A series R-L circuit having R=5Ω and L=0.1H is suddenly connected to a DC voltage of
10 Volts at t =0. What is the value of current at t = time constant?
Ans) For series R-L circuit, current i(t) = V(1-e-t/τ) / R
Where R=5Ω, L=0.1H, V=10volts and t=T
Therefore i(t) = 10(1-e-1) / 5 = 2(1-e-1) = 1.2642amps.


1)Define the term RMS value ? what is the RMS value of a sinusoidal alternating quantity
A) The Root Mean Square(RMS) value or effective value is defined as the steady current(D.C)
which, when flowing through a given circuit for a given time, produces the same amount of heat
as produced by the alternating current, which when flowing through the same circuit for the same
time. RMS value of a sinusoidal alternating Quantity is 0.707

2) Define the terms average value and form factor.

A) The Average value of an alternating quantity is defined as that value which is obtained by
averaging all the instantaneous values over a period of half cycle.

Average value of a sinusoidal alternating quantity is 0.637.

Form factor is defined as the ratio of rma value to the average value of the wave.

Form Factor = RMS Value/Average value, For a sinusoidal wave, formfactor = 1.11

3)Define Cycle of an alternating quantity.

Ans. Each repetition of a set of positive and negative instantaneous values of the alternating
quantity is called a cycle.

4)Define time period of an alternating quantity.

Ans. The time taken by an alternating quantity to complete its one cycle is known as its time period
denoted by T. After every T seconds, the cycle of an alternating quantity repeats.

5)Define frequency of an alternating quantity

Ans. The number of cycles completed by an alternating quantity per second is known as its
frequency. It is denoted by f and is measured in cycles/second which is known as Hertz, denoted as

F= 1/T Hz.

6)Define peak value of an alternating quantity

Ans. The maximum value attained by an alternating quantity during positive or negative half cycle
is called its peak value. It is denoted as Em or Im.

The Em is called peak value of the voltage while Im is called peak value of the current.

7)Define peak factor.

Ans. The peak factor of any waveform is defined as the ratio of the peak value of the wave to the
rms value of the wave.

Peak factor = maximum value/ RMS value = Vm/Vrms

Peak factor of a sinusoidal wave is 1.414

8)Define impedance and admittance.

Ans. The ratio of phasor Voltage V to phasor current is called impedance Z/ Impedance (Z) = V/I
The reciprocal of impedance is called admittance, Y
Admittance (Y) = 1/Z mho .
9)Define phase of an alternating quantity.

Physical quantity which represents both the instantaneous value and direction of alternating
quantity at any instant is called it's phase. It's a dimensionless quantity and it's unit is radian. If
an alternating quantity is expressed as X = X0 sin (wt ± Φ0 ) then the argument of sin(wt + Φ0)
is called it's phase. Where w t = instantaneous phase (changes with time) and Φ0= initial phase
(constant w.r.t. time) 
10)Define phasor diagram.

The study of ac circuits is much simplified if we treat alternating current and alternating voltage
as vectors with the angle between the vectors equals to the phase difference between the current
and voltage. The current and voltage are more appropriately called phasors. A diagram
representing alternating current and alternating voltage (of same frequency) as vectors (phasors)
with the phase angle between them is called a phasor diagram.While drawing phasor diagram for
a pure element (e.g. R, L or C) either of the current or voltage can be plotted along X-axis. But
when phasor diagram for a combination of elements is drawn then quantity which remains
constant for the combination must be plotted along X-axis. So, (a) In series circuits current has to
be plotted along X-axis.
(b) In parallel circuits voltage has to be plotted along X-axis.

11)Determine the power factor of an RLC series circuit with R=5Ω, XL =8Ω and XC=12Ω.

Power factor cosΦ=R / Z

Where Z = R + j(XL – XC) = 5 + j(8 – 12) = 5 –j4 = (52 + 42)1/2 = √ 41 = 6.403
Therefore, CosΦ = 5/6.403 = 0.781 leading
12)Define phase difference.

The difference in phase between two waves is called phase difference. In fig. below the
sine wave is shifted to the right by 90o shown by the dotted lines.

There is a phase difference of 90 o between A and B. The waveform B is lagging behind

waveform A by 90o or in other words, wave A is leading the waveform B by 90o
13)What is ‘j’ operator?

The j operator comes from complex numbers and states that j = √ −1. In terms of circuit theory
we will interpret the symbol j when placed in front of a phasor, to mean, advance the phase of
the phasor by 90 degrees and -j to mean, retard the phase by 90 degrees.

14)Define power factor. Also write the expression for power factor in terms of resistance and

Ans. It is defined as factor by which the apparent power must be multiplied in order to obtain the
true power.
It is the ratio of true power to apparent power.

Power factor = True power/Apparent power = (VIcos)/ (VI )= cos

15)Draw the phasor diagram of pure capacitor.

16)Draw the phasor diagram for pure inductor and resistor.

17)Write an expression for impedance of series RLC circuit.

Impedance Z = R + jX
If XL > XC, Z = R + j(XL – XC) represents series R-L circuit
If XL < XC, Z = R - j(XC – XL) represents series R-C circuit
If XL = XC, Z = R represents Pure ‘R’ circuit
18)What is the relation between real power , reactive power and apparent power

Real Power (P), Reactive Power (Q) and Apparent Power (S) can be related as follows
S = √ P2+ Q2. (OR) VI = VICOS ∅ + VISIN ∅
Real Power (P) is expressed in watts, Reactive Power (Q) is expressed in VAR’s and Apparent
Power (S) is expressed in Volt-Amps.

19)Define complex power.

Given voltage and current phasors V and I such that:

Then the complex power S can be calculated as follows:

Where   is the power angle (i.e phase difference between voltage and \ current)
Using Euler’s formula, we can represent our complex power vector as a complex exponential
using the original polar parameters:

The use of complex exponentials gives us an alternative way to think about complex power.
We have seen that the vector S rotates around the origin when we vary the phase angle θ. The
complex exponential   is actually a rotation operator used to rotate vectors around a circle
in a two-dimensional space. Therefore   is a vector with magnitude VI rotated
clockwise by angle P = θ.
In other words, complex power is a two-dimensional vector representation of AC power,
which is more amenable for manipulation than the time-domain function of AC power p(t).
20) list out some characterstics of sinusoids?
i)lagging and leading
ii) unity

1) Define one-port network.
Ans) A pair of terminals at which a signal may enter (or) leave a terminal is called a port.
A network having only one such pair of terminals is called one-port network.
2) What is the condition for reciprocity for Z and Y parameters?
Ans) Z12 =Z21 and Y12 =Y21
3) What is the condition for symmetry for Z and Y parameters?
Ans) Z11 =Z22 and Y11 =Y22
4) What is low pass filter?
Ans) A low pass filter is one which passes all the frequencies up to cut off frequency, and
attenuates all other frequencies.
5)what is the other name for Z parameters?
Ans) Open circuit parameters which are derived after open circuiting the port terminals.
6) what is the other name for y parameters?
Ans) Short circuit parameters which are derived after short circuiting the port terminals
7) Express the z parameters interms of y parameters
Ans) Z11=Y22/determinant of Y matrix
Z12= -Y12/ determinant of Y matrix
Z21= -Y21/ determinant of Y matrix
Z22=Y11/determinant of Y matrix
8)what are the governing equations of ABCD parameters?
Ans) V1=AV2-BI2
Where V1 and V2 are port voltages and I1 and I2 are port currents
9) Express the Z parameters interms of ABCD parameters
Ans) Z11=A/C
Z12= (AD-BC)/C
Z21= 1/C
10)what is the reciprocal condition for Y and ABCD parameters?
Ans) For Y parameters Y12= Y21
For ABCD parameters the reciprocal condition is the det of transmission matrix is 1
11) If two 2 port networks are connected in series then what are the Z parameters of the
resultant network?
Ans) When two 2 port networks are connected in series for the resultant network each Z
parameter is given as the sum of the corresponding parameters of the indidual networks.
12) If two 2 port networks are connected in parallel then what are the Y parameters of the
resultant network?
Ans) When two 2 port networks are connected in parallel for the resultant network each Y
parameter is given as the sum of the corresponding parameters of the indidual networks.
13) The port currents of a two port network are given by I 1=2.5V1-V2 and I2= -V1+5V2 then
find the Y parameters?
Ans )On comparing the given port current equations with the basic equations of Y parameters
Y11= 2.5mho Y12= -1mho Y21=-1mho Y22=5mho
14) Write the transformed impedance of resistor, inductor and capacitor?
Ans) transformed impedance of resistor is R
transformed impedance of inductor is SL

transformed impedance of capacitor is


1) What is a Filter?
Ans) A Filter is an electrical network that can transmit signals within a specified frequency
2) What is cutoff frequency?
Ans) The frequency that separates the pass and attenuation bands
3) What is band elimination filter?
Ans) Band elimination filter networks block or stop signals of frequencies lying in a specified
range and allow others to pass through.
4) What are the use of Filters?
• Used in various stages in TV receivers
• Audio amplifiers
• Electronic measuring equipments
• In thyristor controlled circuits

5) Clssification of Filters.
• Lowpass filter
• Highpass filter
• Bandpass filter
• Band stop filter
6) What is a high pass filter?
Ans) A high pass filter is one which attenuates all the frequencies below a designated cutoff
frequency and passes all frequencies above cut-off.


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