The Concrete-Representational - Abstract Approach For Students With Learning Disabilities: An Evidence-Based Practice Synthesis

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RSEXXX10.1177/0741932517721712Remedial and Special EducationBouck et al.

Remedial and Special Education

The Concrete–Representational–
© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2017
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Abstract Approach for Students
DOI: 10.1177/0741932517721712

With Learning Disabilities:

An Evidence-Based Practice Synthesis

Emily C. Bouck1, Rajiv Satsangi2, and Jiyoon Park1

As researchers and practitioners have increasingly become interested in what practices are evidence based and for whom
in education, different sets of quality indicators and evidence-based practice standards have emerged in the field of special
education. Practices are commonly suggested as evidence based, even without a best evidence synthesis on the existing
research, such as the case with the concrete–representational–abstract (CRA) instructional framework to support students
with disabilities in mathematics. This study sought to support the classification of the CRA instructional framework as an
evidence-based approach for students with learning disabilities by applying quality indicators and standards of evidence-
based practice by Cook et  al. (2014). Based on the application of the indicators and standards, the CRA instructional
framework was determined to be an evidence-based practice for students with learning disabilities who struggle in
mathematics relative to computational problems, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication, largely with regrouping.

mathematics, instruction, manipulatives, evidence-based practice

The importance of mathematics education for students with Parmar, Cawley, & Frazita, 1996). To combat the challenges
disabilities in K–12 education is well documented, as stu- students with learning disabilities face in learning mathe-
dent performance in this subject area often serves as an early matics as well as other in other domains, educators often
indicator for in-school and postschool success (Strickland & turn to instructional strategies proven successful in research
Maccini, 2012). However, despite its significance and the and practice. Increasingly, these strategies or practices are
attention it warrants, students with disabilities often struggle referred to as evidence-based practices. To date, few math-
in this subject area, consistently performing below national ematics interventions or approaches have been evaluated or
averages on standardized mathematics assessments (National labeled as evidence-based practices for students with learn-
Center for Education Statistics, 2013). For example, from ing disabilities (for an exception, see Jitendra, Nelson,
the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress Pulles, Kiss, & Houseworth, 2016).
(NAEP) data available, students with disabilities in fourth
and eighth grade scored consistently lower than students
Evidence-Based Practices
without disabilities, with the average scores of fourth grad-
ers with disabilities just above the basic mark and the aver- Over the past decade, various organizations and individuals
age score of eighth graders with disabilities just below the attempted to operationalize how to determine or classify
basic mark (The Nation’s Report Card, 2016). practices as evidence based. In 2005, the journal Exceptional
Within the larger group of students with disabilities, stu- Children from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
dents with learning disabilities in math face particular
struggles in mathematics. Students with learning disabili- 1
Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
ties in mathematics can experience multiple challenges, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
including organization, problem solving, working and long- Corresponding Author:
term memory, reading, place value, and computation Emily C. Bouck, Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane, 349A
(Calhoon, Emerson, Flores, & Houchins, 2007; Fuchs, Erickson Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.
Geary, et al., 2010; Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, Nugent, &
Numtee, 2007; Jitendra, DiPipi, & Perron-Jones, 2002; Associate Editor: Daniel Maggin
2 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

produced a special issue devoted to quality indicators for areas, including algebra, place value, addition, subtraction,
the four major types of research in special education: group multiplication, fractions, word problem solving, and area
experimental and quasi-experimental (Gersten, Jordan, & and perimeter (Flores, 2010).
Flojo, 2005), single case (Horner et al., 2005), correlational With the CRA instructional framework, students transi-
(Thompson, Diamond, McWilliam, Snyder, & Snyder, tion from solving mathematical problems (e.g., subtraction
2005), and qualitative (Brantlinger, Jimenez, Klinger, with regrouping, place value) with concrete objects (e.g.,
Pugach, & Richardson, 2005). These quality indicators base 10 block, unifix cubes) to solving problems with rep-
were created with the goal of helping researchers design resentational drawings (e.g., handwritten lines or dots; the
high-quality studies, while assisting reviewers, editors, and phase is also referred to as semiconcrete), to finally solving
consumers in evaluating such research (Odom et al., 2005). problems without any support abstractly (Agrawal & Morin,
Since 2005, other quality indicators or standards for deter- 2016; Reisman, 1982; Underhill et al., 1980). The CRA
mining the evidence base of an individual instructional instructional framework uses explicit instruction, which is
practice using a particular research design have now recommended mathematics pedagogical approach for stu-
emerged. Kratochwill and colleagues (2013)—on behalf of dents with disabilities (S. K. Baker, Gersten, & Lee, 2002;
the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) and the Institute of Gersten et al., 2009; Powell, 2015). Explicit instruction
Education Sciences—developed research standards for sin- involves a sequence that moves from the teacher modeling
gle-case research. More recently, the CEC—as presented in the mathematical concept, to teachers guiding (i.e., cuing or
both CEC (2014) and Cook et al. (2014)—developed stan- prompting) students through the various steps of a mathe-
dards for determining the evidence base of educational matics problem to finally transitioning students to solve
practices; the standards apply to both single-case and group problems independently (The National Mathematics
comparison designs. With the ability to evaluate educa- Advisory Panel, 2008). Within the CRA instructional frame-
tional practices to determine if they qualify as evidence- work, each lesson involves explicit instruction (Doabler &
based practices—including those by Horner et al. (2005); Fien, 2013).
Gersten, Fuchs, et al. (2005); or Cook et al. (2014)—many In the previous literature, Agrawal and Morin (2016)
practices commonly used in K–12 mathematics classrooms referred to the CRA instructional framework in mathemat-
would benefit from a greater analysis of their research base. ics as an evidence-based practice, given the quantity of
research published on this practice. Likewise, Powell
Mathematics Education for Students (2015) referenced the CRA instructional framework as an
evidence-based practice in the area of mathematics, given it
With Learning Disabilities was highly researched. With multiple individual studies
Within the field of mathematics, researchers have examined assessing this strategy and demonstrating its success for
many interventions and approaches to assist students with teaching mathematics to students with disabilities, this evi-
learning disabilities in mathematics, including explicit dence-based synthesis seeks to support and confirm the
instruction (e.g., Gersten et al., 2009), computer-assisted CRA instructional framework as an evidence-based practice
instruction (e.g., Seo & Woo, 2010), mnemonic strategy through the application of Cook et al.’s (2014) standards
instruction (e.g., Manalo, Bunnell, & Stillman, 2000), and quality indicators of an evidence-based practice. The
schema-based instruction (e.g., Jitendra, DiPipi, & Perron- following research questions guided this analysis:
Jones, 2002), cognitive strategy instruction (e.g., Montague
& Dietz, 2009), representations (e.g., Jitendra et al., 2016), Research Question 1: Based on a systematic review of
and the concrete–representational–abstract (CRA) instruc- literature from 1975 to 2015, how many studies were
tional framework (e.g., Flores, 2009). The CRA instruc- conducted using the CRA instructional framework to
tional framework is one with multiple decades of research teach mathematics to students with a learning
and conceptualization (Underhill, 1977; Underhill, disability?
Uprichard, & Heddens, 1980). The CRA instructional Research Question 2: Applying the quality indicators
framework is a graduated instructional sequence that sup- of Cook et al. (2014), how many studies assessing the
ports students in mathematics (Agrawal & Morin, 2016; CRA instructional framework to teach mathematics to
Powell, 2015). The CRA instructional framework, to the students with a learning disability from 1975 to 2015 are
distinction of other approaches, maintains a focus on con- methodically sound?
ceptual understanding, teacher involvement, a fading of Research Question 3: Based on the guidelines set forth
supports, and student mastery of mathematical procedures by Cook et al. (2014), can the CRA instructional frame-
across multiple lessons (Flores, 2010). The CRA instruc- work be classified as an evidence-based practice for
tional framework, unlike some other mathematical inter- teaching mathematics standards to students with a learn-
ventions, has been examined across a variety of mathematical ing disability in mathematics?
Bouck et al. 3

Method Exceptional Children, and Remedial and Special Education.

The authors located 36 articles via the keyword search of
Article Selection databases and 141 through the search of relevant journals in
This study presented a synthesis of existing literature on use the field.
of the CRA instructional framework in supporting students The authors read the abstracts of the articles, and if nec-
with learning disabilities in mathematics or who have an essary, the entire study to determine whether they met the
Individualized Education Program (IEP) goal in mathemat- following inclusion criteria: (a) published in a peer-
ics but are not identified as having a math learning disabil- reviewed journal between 1975 and 2015 (i.e., the signing
ity. To conduct the synthesis, the authors first obtained of PL 94-142 and through the end of the most recent calen-
existing articles exploring the CRA instructional framework dar year); (b) written in English; (c) included at least one
for students with learning disabilities. The authors defined dependent variable relative to mathematics learning or skill
the CRA instructional framework as any intervention in acquisition; (d) the CRA instructional framework was the
which students transitioned from learning a mathematical principal independent variable or intervention, as stated in
concept using concrete/physical objects, to using self-made the article (use of CRA or CSA), and CRA was implemented
representational drawings, and finally exhibiting the ability per the operational definition previously stated by the
to solve problems presented in symbolic notation form. All authors of this synthesis; (e) the population targeted stu-
studies selected for this synthesis implemented the CRA dents with learning disabilities; (f) the reported data were
instructional framework as their primary independent vari- disaggregated—or could be disaggregated—for students
able. Given that the focus of this best evidence synthesis with learning disabilities; and (g) incorporated an experi-
was the use of the CRA approach, the authors evaluated mental design (i.e., single-case design, group comparison
each article that met the predetermined inclusion criteria as design, pretest–posttest design [correlational]). Studies
to its implementation of the key components of the CRA were excluded (a) if they were written as a practitioner
approach: (a) three phases in the sequential order of con- piece, rather than presenting empirical research (i.e., a
crete, representational (i.e., pictorial), and abstract; and (b) “how-to” guide for educators; for example, Agrawal &
a means of determining when students should transition Morin, 2016; Powell, 2015), (b) if they involved qualitative
from one phase to another (e.g., mastery criteria or after a research methods, (c) if they were focused on students iden-
set number of lesson per phase). If studies solely examined tified with alternative disabilities (such as autism or intel-
a concrete–abstract phase without a representational or lectual disability) or when the population could not be
semiconcrete phase (in at least one condition), the articles verified as a learning disability (e.g., students receiving
were excluded. If the study did not explicitly state how or response to intervention [RtI] but not yet identified), and (d)
when students in the study transitioned from concrete to if the CRA instructional framework was used as part of a
representational phases and likewise from representational Tier 2 intervention but was not the principal intervention or
to abstract phases, the study was excluded from consider- independent variable within the study. Tier 2 refers to small
ation for its evidence. group, targeted interventions within a RtI framework
To find the literature, the first author conducted a keyword (Fuchs, Fuchs, & Compton, 2012).
search of the following databases: Proquest, EBSCO, Once the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to
PsychInfo, and ERIC. The keywords used involved combina- the articles retrieved by the keyword search, the first author
tions relative to disability, disabilities, disabled, manipulative, next conducted an ancestral search on each accepted article.
concrete–representational–abstract, CRA, concrete–semicon- In this step, the authors examined the reference lists of each
crete–abstract (CSA), CSA, mathematics, and math. These included study for any additional articles may have quali-
words were categorized, and one from each category was used fied for this analysis. After the authors located the addi-
in every search; the categories were as follows: (a) disability, tional articles, they read the abstracts, and, if necessary, the
disabilities, disabled; (b) manipulative, concrete–representa- entire article and applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
tional–abstract, CRA, concrete–semiconcrete–abstract, CSA; From the final list of accepted articles (see Tables 1 and 2),
and (c) mathematics and math. Multiple searches were con- the authors analyzed each article against a set of quality
ducted with each database, so that every possible combination indicators to determine whether the CRA instructional
of words was examined. The first author also searched eight framework was an evidence-based practice. The interob-
prominent journals that publish research relevant to the field server agreement (IOA) for the included articles based on
of learning disabilities using the same keyword combinations: the articles’ data and the inclusion and exclusion criteria—
Learning Disability Quarterly, Learning Disabilities Research determined by the number of agreements divided by the
& Practice, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Learning number of agreements plus disagreements between the first
Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal (starting from 2011), and third authors—was 94%. Disagreements were dis-
Exceptional Children, Journal of Special Education, Teaching cussed among the authors and resolved by each author
4 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

Table 1.  Cook et al.’s (2014) Quality Indicators Applied to Single-Case CRA Studies Involving Students With Learning Disabilities.

1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8.2
Single-case design studies
Flores (2009) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Flores, Hinton, and Schweck Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Harris, Miller, and Mercer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Maccini and Hughes (2000) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Maccini and Ruhl (2000) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mancl, Miller, and Kennedy Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Miller and Mercer (1993b) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y
Peterson, Hudson, Mercer, and Y N Y N N Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y
McLeod (1990)
Scheuermann, Deshler, and Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Schumaker (2009)
Sealander, Johnson, Lockwood, Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
and Medina (2012)
Strickland and Maccini (2012) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y

Note. Y = yes, quality indicator present; N = no, quality indicator not present. Quality indicators 6.4, 6.8, 6.9, 7.6, 8.1, and 8.3 only applied to group
design studies, and hence are not reflected here. Cook et al. (2014) have 28 total quality indicators: 22 apply to single-case designs and 24 to group
design. See Cook et al. (2014) for the complete list of quality indicator (e.g., 1.1–8.2). CRA = concrete–representational–abstract.
The study met all quality indicators.

Table 2.  Cook et al.’s (2014) QI Applied to Group Design CRA Studies Involving Students With Learning Disabilities.

1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.3
CRA studies—Group design
Butler, Miller, Crehan, Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Babbitt, and Pierce
Hudson, Peterson, Not a group comparison study; QIs were not applied as only applicable to group comparison designs
Mercer, and McLeod
Mercer and Miller Not a group comparison study; QIs were not applied as only applicable to group comparison designs
Miller, Harris, Strawser, Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y
Jones, and Mercer
Miller and Kaffar (2011) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Miller and Mercer Not a group comparison study; QIs were not applied as only applicable to group comparison designs
Miller, Mercer, and Not a group comparison study; QIs were not applied as only applicable to group comparison designs
Dillon (1992)
Peterson, Mercer, and Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y
O’Shea (1988)
Witzel (2005) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y

Note. Y = yes, quality indicator present; N = no, quality indicator not present. Quality indicators 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, and 8.2 only applied to single-case studies,
and hence are not reflected here. Cook et al. (2014) have 28 total quality indicators: 22 apply to single-case design and 24 to group design. See Cook
et al. (2014) for the complete list of quality indicator (e.g., 1.1–8.2). When QIs were not applied—because the study did not employ a comparison
group design—the study was not considered as the evidence for determination of evidence-based practice. QI = quality indicators; CRA = concrete–
The study met all quality indicators.
Bouck et al. 5

reading said article and then a majority determination, if the [7.4] appropriate frequency and timing of dependent vari-
decision was not unanimous after reconsideration. ables; [7.5] adequate form of reliability is provided, includ-
ing IOA; and [7.6] adequate validity provided [group
comparison]), and data analysis (three quality indicators—
Evidence-Based Practice Standards
[8.1] analysis of data is appropriate [group]; [8.2] graphs
From the list of included articles in the literature, the authors provided for all targeted dependent variables [single case];
applied the quality indicators and standards as reported by and [8.3] effect size reported or can be calculated [group];
Cook et al. (2014) for classifying practices as evidence see Cook et al., 2014, for a more detailed descriptive list of
based in the field of special education. The standards were quality indicators).
“developed, vetted, and piloted” by seven special education The evidence-based standards offer five options for an
researchers, as commissioned by the CEC (2014, p. 212). educational practice to be classified: evidence-based prac-
An interrater reliability pilot of the standards by Cook et al. tice, potential evidence-based practice, practice with mixed
(2014) reported an overall Kappa of .67, with a Kappa of effects, insufficient evidence, and practice with negative
.64 for single-case studies and .70 for group comparison effects. Each classification level has conditions that must be
studies. The evidence-based standards consist of two ele- met, including how many methodologically sound studies
ments: (a) quality indicators to determine whether each exists per design (group vs. single case), number of partici-
individual study is methodologically sound and (b) criteria pants, and a ratio of positive to negative effects. Only stud-
for determining if a practice rises to the level of being clas- ies that meet all applicable quality indicators—dependent
sified as evidence based (Cook et al., 2014). on group design or single case—can be included in the
Cook et al. (2014) reported 28 total quality indicators: analysis for the practice meeting the evidence-based stan-
twenty four apply to group comparison design studies and dards (see Cook et al., 2014, for a complete list of the evi-
22 to single-case design studies. The 28 quality indicators dence-based standards and classification).
fall within eight areas: context and setting (one quality indi-
cator [1.1]—setting able to be determined), participants
(two quality indicators—[2.1] participant demographics,
Data Analysis and Evaluation Procedures
and [2.2] disability status and means of determining disabil- To conduct an evidence-based practice synthesis of the lit-
ity status), intervention agent (two quality indicators—[3.1] erature on the CRA instructional framework for students
intervention agent described and [3.2] interventionist with learning disabilities, the authors first analyzed whether
achieved training or credentials needed to implement inter- each study met the quality indicators for either a group com-
vention), description of practice (two quality indicators— parison design or a single-case design (see Tables 1 and 2).
[4.1] procedures of intervention and [4.2] materials needed The authors followed the suggestions by Cook et al. (2014)
for study), implementation of fidelity (three quality indica- regarding the quality indicators and characteristics that
tors—[5.1] implementation fidelity measures; [5.2] dosages resulted in the quality indicators being met or not. For each
or exposure reports of fidelity of implementation; and [5.3] quality indicator, the researchers marked one of the follow-
fidelity of implementation is reported across phase, set- ing: (a) no, the quality indicator was not present; (b) yes, the
tings, or participants during intervention), internal validity quality indicator was present; or (c) not applicable because
(nine quality indicators—[6.1] the independent variable is the quality indicator was relevant to only one design (e.g.,
controlled and manipulated by researcher; [6.2] baseline or group comparison), and the study being analyzed was of the
control conditions are described; [6.3] limited access to the alternative design (e.g., single case). The three authors—
intervention is provided control or baseline conditions; two who have PhDs in special education, and the third who
[6.4] the assignment to groups is described and includes is completing hers and who have all conducted research
random, nonrandom but matched, nonrandom but control involving mathematical interventions for students with dis-
differences statistically, or nonrandom with cutoff point abilities and/or using the CRA instructional framework spe-
[group design]; [6.5] three demonstrations of experimental cifically—recorded their individual and independent
effect across three different [single case]; [6.6] for single responses to each of the quality indicators via a Google
case requiring baseline at least 3 data points provided and form. Only after all were reported did the first author exam-
nonincreasing trend [single case]; [6.7] threats to internal ine the responses in a Google sheet to conduct interrater
validity controlled by design [single case]; [6.8] low attri- reliability.
tion rates [group design]; and [6.9] low differences in attri- To train, each author independently but simultaneously
tion among groups [group]), outcome measures or reviewed the Cook et al. (2014) quality indicators as well as
dependent variables (six quality indicators—[7.1] socially the one published study to date employing said quality indi-
important outcomes; [7.2] dependent variables measure- cators (Losinski, Wiseman, White, & Balluch, 2015). The
ment is provided; [7.3] effect provided or can be calculated; authors then met to discuss the quality indicators and what
6 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

characteristics would qualify or disqualify a given study on study as supporting evidence-based practices if, when mul-
each indicator, based on Cook et al. (2014). Following Cook tiple dependent variables existed, at least one of the depen-
et al. (2014), a general consensus was agreed upon regard- dent variables resulted in a positive effect and none of the
ing the standard for each indicator. The authors attempted to dependent variables result in a negative effect, and the over-
follow the standards literally set by Cook et al. (2014), all effect across all cases regardless of dependent variables
rather than employing their own interpretations. For exam- was positive (i.e., three fourths resulted in meaningful
ple, the authors decided to hold 3 data points in baseline change).
(Quality Indicator 6.6) as a firm criterion for meeting that The first author examined all studies (i.e., graphs and
indicator. One caveat allowed by the authors involved 8.2 data) for a report of an effect size as well as for the estab-
for single-case studies; the researchers did not require that lishment of a functional relation (i.e., experimental control;
authors report or independently determine all standard done via visual analysis), rather than solely relying on an
visual analysis techniques for each dependent variable, so author’s statements. A functional relation was defined as
long as the graphs were present. The authors of this synthe- one in which the original study authors reported at least
sis independently analyzed each graph for visual analysis. three different chances for the independent variable to be
Following training, each author independently coded the set manipulated and determine the impact on the dependent
percentage of single-case and group design studies for the variable (Lane & Gast, 2014). Hence, the authors confirmed
calculation of IOA. When IOA was the acceptable level that all included single-case studies had designs to support
(above 90%), the authors randomly divided and coded the experimental control (e.g., ABAB and multiple baseline;
remaining studies individually. Any issues were discussed Kratochwill et al., 2013); the first author examined each
as a team and resolved. article, and the second author conducted IOA on a mini-
After analyzing each study for its 22 (single case) or 24 mum of 33% of the articles to confirm a functional relation
(group comparison) quality indicators, the authors recorded (IOA 100%).
the number of students with learning disabilities in each To calculate effect size, the first author of this synthesis
study, whether the study was methodologically sound, and independently conducted two different measures of effect
whether the study resulted in positive, negative, or neutral/ size: percentage of nonoverlapping data (PND) and Tau-U
mixed effects. The number of participants, methodological (Parker, Vannest, & Davis, 2011). To conduct PND, the first
soundness, and the effect were relevant to the classification author analyzed each individual graph for each case in each
of the CRA instructional sequence as an evidence-based article; the second author conducted IOA for a minimum of
practice. Consistent with Cook et al. (2014), a study was 33.3% of individual graphs to determine PND. The IOA for
methodologically sound if all of its relevant quality indica- PND was 100%. To calculate Tau-U for each graph for each
tors were met. The authors also used the Cook et al. (2014) case in each article, the authors used DigitizeIt (Rakap,
suggestions to set guidelines for effect. For group compari- Rakap, Evran, & Cig, 2016), which allowed the authors to
son designs, a positive effect was met when an effect size get the raw data points for each graph. Previous researchers
was reported greater than or equal to .40, a negative effect suggested that using such programs to extract data from
when an effect size was less than −.40, and a neutral/mixed graphs was reliable and valid (Rakap et al., 2016). With the
effect when the effect size was between −.40 and .40. For raw data, the researchers used the online Tau-U calculator
single-case designs, a positive effect occurred when a func- to calculate each Tau-U score (see http://www.singlecaser-
tional relation existed between the independent and depen-; Vannest, Parker, & Gonen,
dent variables, and meaningful change resulted for at least 2011). Tau-U effects greater than 93% are large, between
three fourths of the cases, with a minimum of three cases, 66% and 92% medium, and small if less than 65% (Parker,
and no case experienced harmful results. A negative effect Vannest, & Brown, 2009).
for single-case designs occurred when a negative or harm- The synthesis authors also conducted visual analysis
ful relation between the independent and dependent vari- relative to level and trend for each graph in each article. To
ables existed for a minimum of three fourths of the cases calculate stability, the authors used the 80-25 rule: Data are
with at least three cases of replication. A neutral or mixed stable if 80% falls within 25% of the median (Gast &
effect involved all studies not classified as having positive Spriggs, 2014). Hence, using the extracted data points, the
or negative effects. Note that when studies involved multi- authors determined the median, and then calculated if 80%
ple cases per student (i.e., each student served as his or her of the data for each graph fell within the 25% envelope of
own case relative to multiple mathematical domains; for the median. The authors determined trend via the split-mid-
example, addition, subtraction), the three fourths were dle method. They found the middle, midrate, and middate
examined across the total cases, although the number of stu- during intervention for each graph, and drew a line between
dents remained the same (e.g., three students with data col- the midrate and middate to determine acceleration, decel-
lected across three mathematical tasks would result in three eration, or zero-celeration (Gast & Spriggs, 2014; White &
students but nine cases). The authors also opted to include a Haring, 1980). The second author independently coded a
Bouck et al. 7

minimum of 33.3% of graphs of the included articles to standards (Cook et al., 2014). The authors then completed
determine the IOA for trend; IOA was 97.5%. The two IOA for three group design studies that were comparison
authors discussed any differences, came to an agreed con- studies. The IOA for methodological soundness and the
clusion, and the first author independently coded the number of students was 100%; the IOA for the quality indi-
remaining graphs for trend. cators for group comparison designs was 94.4% (i.e., 24
Finally, the authors calculated the total number of stud- indicators). Any disagreements were discussed among the
ies in each design—group and single case—that were meth- authors and resolved by a determination by the majority of
odologically sound with positive effects. The authors the authors. The authors set 90% as an acceptable level of
summed the total number of participants with learning dis- agreement; acceptable IOA was reached for each element
abilities across the methodologically sound and positive analyzed.
effect studies. The authors completed the same calculations
for methodologically sound studies with mixed/neutral
effects and methodologically sound studies with negative
effects (effective in this synthesis was operationalized as The study answered the following research questions:
provided by Cook et al., 2014, with respect to effect sizes or
functional relation established, as discussed in greater detail Research Question 1: Based on a systematic review of
in the preceding paragraph). The authors also coded each literature from 1975 to 2015, how many studies were
study for (a) the type of learning disability for each student conducted using the CRA instructional framework to
as well as how their status as a student with a learning dis- teach mathematics to students with a learning
ability was determined, (b) the dependent variable and disability?
mathematics content, (c) the concrete manipulative used in Research Question 2: Applying the quality indicators
the CRA instructional framework, and (d) the intervention- of Cook et al. (2014), how many studies assessing the
ist in the study. CRA instructional framework to teach mathematics to
students with a learning disability from 1975 to 2015 are
methodically sound?
IOA Research Question 3: Based on the guidelines set forth
To determine IOA, each of the three authors independently by Cook et al. (2014), can the CRA instructional frame-
coded 35.7% of the single-case study articles and 36.4% of work be classified as an evidence-based practice for
the group design study articles. To code, each author inde- teaching mathematics standards to students with a learn-
pendently evaluated the randomly selected studies and ing disability?
entered his or her responses to each quality indicator as 0
(implying the measure was not present or not met), 1 (denot-
Existing Literature
ing the measure was present and met), or 2 (indicating not
applicable, as some measures only applied to single subject Twenty studies were published between 1975 and 2015 that
and others only to group comparison designs) into a Google examined the CRA instructional framework to teach math-
Docs form. After this was complete, the first author accessed ematics to students with a learning disability (see Tables 1
the subsequent Google document to compare IOA. IOA and 2). Eleven of the 20 were single-case design studies,
agreement was based on the following elements: (a) deter- and nine were group design studies. Of the 20 studies, 14
mining whether the study was methodologically sound; (b) involved elementary students, whereas seven involved mid-
determining whether the effect was positive, negative, or dle school students (one involved elementary and middle
neutral/mixed; (c) assessing the number of students with school students). The total number of students with learning
learning; and (d) a response of yes, no, or not applicable to disabilities across the 20 studies was 372. The most pre-
every quality indicator (i.e., 22 for single case and 24 for dominant mathematical topic was subtraction (n = 7), fol-
group comparison). For the single-case studies, the IOA lowed by multiplication (n = 6), and then place value (n = 5;
between the three authors was 100% for determination of some studies addressed more than one mathematical area).
the study as methodologically sound and determination of Three studies address addition, division, and algebra; while
the effect (i.e., positive, negative, or mixed/neutral). The two addressed money; and one involved fractions.
IOA for the number of students with learning disabilities
was 93.3%, and IOA was 97.8% for the quality indicators
for the single-case studies (i.e., 22 indicators). The IOA for
Methodologically Sound Studies
the methodological soundness of the group design studies Eight of the 20 included studies exploring the CRA instruc-
selected for was 100%; the four selected were all deemed tional framework were deemed to be methodologically
not methodologically sound due to the lack of a comparison sound: Seven single-case design studies and one group
design, which is required for the CEC evidence-based comparison study met all their Cook et al.’s (2014)
8 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

respective methodological quality indicators (see Table 3). deemed not methodologically sound if it did not include all
For six of the seven single-case design studies, an overall the respective quality indicators. Indicators disqualifying a
positive effect was found (i.e., a meaningful and beneficial group comparison design study included no IOA data
change occurred in the dependent variable due to the inde- (Peterson, Mercer, & O’Shea, 1988), inability to calculate
pendent variable for at least 75% of the participants, with a effect size for students with learning disabilities (Miller &
minimum of three cases, and for no cases did the dependent Kaffar, 2011), and a lack of fidelity of implementation (Wit-
variable indicate a “negative effect,” Cook et al., 2014, p. zel, 2005; refer to Table 2). Indicators that disqualified a
10); for the seventh single-case study, a mixed/neutral effect single-case design study included a lack of 3 or more base-
was found. All seven involved a multiple-baseline or multi- line data points for one or more participants (Strickland &
ple-probe design (Kratochwill et al., 2013). The one group Maccini, 2012), a lack of demographic information pro-
comparison study demonstrated a neutral or mixed effect, vided for the participants (Peterson, Hudson, Mercer, &
with calculated effect sizes ranging from 0.08 to 4.78 and an McLeod, 1990), and a lack of fidelity of implementation
overall MANOVA effect size of 0.265 (to be a positive reported (Miller & Mercer, 1993b; Scheuermann, Deshler,
effect, group comparison studies required an effect size & Schumaker, 2009). Although explanations may have
greater than 0.40). been provided by study authors providing rationale for why
In terms of the mathematics content covered, seven of a certain indicator may not be met (e.g., Strickland & Mac-
the eight methodologically sound studies focused on teach- cini, 2012, discussed why one student only had two baseline
ing basic operations (e.g., subtraction with regrouping, mul- points), the authors of this study made judgment decisions
tiplication) and one study addressed fractions. With respect in accordance with Cook et al. (2014; for example, a mini-
to the types of manipulatives used in the studies, three mum of 3 baseline points were absolutely necessary to con-
involved base 10 blocks, one paper plates and plastic count- clude a study was methodologically sound and use it for
ing pieces, two algebra tiles, one fraction pieces, and one determining if the CRA instructional framework was an
used what was only described as “manipulative objects.” evidence-based practice).
Five of the eight studies focused on elementary-aged stu-
dents (i.e., fifth grade and below), while three involved
middle or high school students (i.e., sixth grade and above;
Evidence-Based Determination
see Table 3). All eight studies employed all elements of the Based on the criteria set forth by Cook et al. (2014), the
CRA instructional framework, per inclusion criteria. The authors concluded that the CRA instructional framework
only caveat to the CRA instructional framework occurred in for students with learning disabilities is an evidence-based
the one group design studies. Butler, Miller, Crehan, practice. The CRA instructional framework was determined
Babbitt, and Pierce (2003) compared students receiving the to be an evidence-based practice due to the existence of at
CRA instructional framework with students who received a least “five methodologically sound single case studies with
representational-abstract instructional framework (i.e., sim- positive effects and at least 20 total participants” (Cook
ilar to the CRA instructional framework but without the et al., 2014, p. 11). There were six methodologically sound
concrete phase). single-case studies supporting the CRA instructional frame-
work that met all quality indicators while demonstrating
Studies found not to be methodologically sound. Of the 12 positive effects for students with learning disabilities. The
CRA instructional framework studies found to be not meth- total number of participants with learning disabilities across
odologically sound, four were single-case design studies the six studies was 33.
and eight were group designs (see Tables 1 and 2). One of
the largest disqualifying factors for the group design studies
was the lack of group comparison (i.e., the studies were in a
pretest–posttest format). The standards by Cook et al. The goal of this study was to support and confirm the CRA
(2014) are focused only on single-case and group compari- instructional framework as an evidence-based approach for
son studies. If a CRA instructional framework study was a students with learning disabilities (Agrawal & Morin, 2016;
group design but was not a comparison (i.e., a study involv- Powell, 2015). Despite its touted use and multiple research
ing two or more groups in which an intervention is manip- studies examining this framework (refer to Tables 1 and 2),
ulated in one group, while a control or alternative no previous study applied quality indicators/standards to
intervention is applied in the other groups; Cook et al., the existing CRA research base to evaluate the CRA instruc-
2014), it could not be included in the evaluation for evi- tional framework as an evidence-based practice. Based on
dence-based practice. Multiple CRA instructional frame- our findings gathered from a systematic review of literature
work group design studies possessed a pretest–posttest and an evidence-based practice synthesis (Cook et al.,
format without comparative groups. A group comparison 2014), the authors support the determination of the CRA
or a single-case CRA instructional framework study was instructional framework as an evidence-based practice in
Table 3.  Evidence-Based Classification Support for the CRA Framework for Students With LD—Studies With Sound Methods.
Study Design Effects and EBP ES Visual analysis Demos of students Info on students with LD LD status DV (includes math content) CM Int.

Single-case design studies

Flores (2009) Multiple-probe Positive effect PND 100% for all; Tau-U 100% for all I. trend: AC for all; I. level: 4 (+2 not identified): 3rd LD; receive math services Met criteria set by state No. of correct digits on Base 10 blocks SER
across students Yes EBP variable for all graders; four males; and received failing math for LD; determined two-digit subtraction with
five Hispanic and one grades by evaluation outside regrouping problems
Caucasian of study
Flores, Hinton, Multiple-probe Positive effect PND 60%, 60%, 71%, and 42%; Tau-U I. trend: AC for all; I. level: 4: Two 4th and two 5th LD; receive math and 1 through RtI and 3 by No. of correct digits on Base 10 blocks SER
and Schweck across students Yes EBP 50%, 52%, 61%, and 5% variable for all graders; three males; reading services discrepancy model multiplication with regrouping
(2014) two Caucasian, one problems within 2 min
Latino, and one African
Harris, Miller, Multiple-baseline Overall positive effect PND for comp. ≥75% for 72.7% of the I. trend: AC for 9/11 for 11: 2nd graders; eight LD; nine performing Does not specify, but No. of correct and incorrect Paper plates Elem. T
and Mercer design across (>75% of cases). cases for correct digits and 45.5% correct comp.; 5/11 for males; all Caucasian; eight below ability in reading provides IQ and math digits on one-digit and plastic
(1995) classes (two Positive for correct for incorrect digits. PND for wp. incorrect comp.; 8/11 for received free or reduced and math, two below achievement data multiplication computation counting disks
studies occurring comp., correct wp, ≥75% for 81.8 of cases for correct correct wp; and 2/11 for lunch (one student/ ability in reading but at problems percentage of
simultaneously) incorrect wp; mixed/ digits and 72.7% for incorrect digits. incorrect wp. I. level: All case with LD removed or above ability in math, problems solved in learning
neutral for incorrect Tau-U ≥ 96% for 45.5% for correct variables for correct and as baseline was only 2 one ability in reading sheets for multiplication
comp. comp., 27.3% for incorrect comp., incorrect for comp. and wp., points) but below in math computation and word
Yes EBP 81.1% for correct wp. and 72.27% for except one student (wp. problems
incorrect wp. Tau-U 66%–92% for correct)
36.4% correct comp and incorrect
comp. and 9.1% for correct and
incorrect wp.
Maccini and Multiple-probe Positive effect for both PND 100% for 96.1% of the cases I. trend: AC for 10/21 graphs 6: Three 9th, two 10th, LD; math goals on IEP and LD status determined Percentages of accurate rep. Algebra tiles SER
Hughes (2000) across students DVs rep. and sol. across students and DVs for across cases across DVs for and one 12th grader; two below grade level for by meeting state of problems and percentages
Yes EBP representation (rep.); PND 100% for rep. and 5/21 across cases males; five Caucasian and math achievement guidelines by school of accurate sol. in the
73.1% of the cases across students across DVs for sol. I. level: 1 African American subtraction, multiplication and
and DVs for solution (sol.). Tau-U ≥ All stable across cases and division word problems with
96% for 85.8% of rep. cases across DVs for rep. and sol. integers
DVs and 72.5% of sol. cases across
Maccini and Ruhl Multiple-probe Positive effect PND 100%, 100%, and 83% for solution I. trend AC for 2 and DC for 1 3: 8th graders; all male; LD; below grade level for LD status determined Percentages of accurate rep. Algebra tiles SER
(2000) design across Yes EBP (sol.); PND 100%, 100%, and 33% for on sol; ZC for 1 and DC for two Caucasian and one math calculations by primary disability of problems; percentages of
students representation (rep.); Tau-U for rep. 2 on rep. I. level: All stable African American on IEP (local school sol.; percentage of strategy
100%, 100%, and 71%; Tau-U for sol. for rep. and sol. district) use; and generalization
100%, 92%, and 100% in subtraction of integers
Mancl, Miller, Multiple-probe Positive effect PND 100% for all; Tau-U 100% for allI. trend AC for 3 and ZC for 5: 4th and 5th graders; LD in math; receive Tier LD status determined Percentage correct on 10 Base 10 blocks SET
and Kennedy across students Yes EBP 2. I. level: 4 stable and 1 three males; four 3/special education math by meeting state multidigit subtraction with
(2012) variable Hispanic intervention guidelines regrouping problems
Sealander, Multiple-probe Mixed/neutral effect— PND 67%, 80%, 60%, 100%, and 50% I trend: DC for all 5 for 5 (+3 without LD); LD (no further Does not specify, but Number of correct and Objects 3 SETs
Johnson, across students Positive for incorrect for correct; 67%, 40%, 40%, 33%, incorrect digits; AC for 4 1st and 2nd graders; five explanation provided) average range IQs and incorrect responses to
Lockwood, but mixed/neutral 50% for incorrect; Tau-U 93%, 70%, for correct digits (1 ZC). I. males; two Caucasian and stated classified as LD subtraction problems with
and Medina for correct (overall 73%, 100%, and 21% for correct; level: All variables except two African American minuends between 0 and 9
(2012) positive for 7/10 Tau-U 33%, 70%, 27%, 73%, and 42% one—Correct
cases) for incorrect
Group—Random assignment at level of class
Butler, Miller, Pretest–posttest Neutral/mixed effect Range of Cohen’s d from 0.08 to 4.78 NA 42: 6th, 7th, and 8th 42 LD in math (22 in Does not specify, but Posttest scores: Three subtests Fraction circles, 2 SETs
Crehan, group No EBP for pretest to posttest changes per graders; of the 50—27 CRA and 20 in RA); all stated classified as LD from Brigance Comprehensive beans, and
Babbitt, and comparison group; eta square for MANOVA males (50) received math in Inventory of Basic Skills– constructed
Pierce (2003) design (CRA was .265 resource room Revised and two designed by fraction
to RA) researchers involving fractions squares

Note. CEC (2014). EBP refers to supporting EBP classification; Comp. refers to computation and wp. for word problem. Effects refer to that denoted by CEC (2014), regarding a positive effect for a single-case study involves a functional
relationship for at minimum 75% of the cases in the study of which at least three cases are included in the study and zero cases result in a negative change. Visual analysis refers to trend (I stands for intervention and AC stands for
accelerating, DC for decelerating, and ZC for zero celebrating; White & Haring, 1980). CRA = concrete–representational–abstract; ES = effect size; DV = dependent variable; CM = concrete manipulative; Int. = Interventionists; PND =
percentage of nonoverlapping data; IEP = Individualized Education Program; SER = special education researcher; Elem T = elementary teacher; SET = special education teacher; LD = learning disability; rep = representation; sol = solution.

10 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

mathematics for students with learning disabilities relative It should be noted that while the goal of the CRA instruc-
to computational instruction (i.e., basic operations [subtrac- tional framework is to develop conceptual understanding
tion, multiplication] or what Flores, 2010, p. 196, referred along with skill development (i.e., procedural mastery), the
to as “fact instruction”), as suggested by other scholars (cf. dependent variables, and hence what is measured in the
Agrawal & Morin, 2016; Powell, 2015). studies included in this evaluation, focused on said proce-
After applying the quality indicators set forth by Cook dural skills (e.g., subtraction with regrouping; Flores, 2010).
et al. (2014), eight CRA studies were deemed methodologi- Although advocates of the CRA instructional framework
cally sound. Six of the seven single-case design studies dem- believe that it helps students develop conceptual under-
onstrated positive effects in their results, whereas the one standing in addition to procedural skills (e.g., Flores, 2010;
group comparison design study and one single-case design Gagnon & Maccini, 2001; Miller & Hudson, 2006; Miller,
study were both found to have neutral/mixed effects. With Stringfellow, Kaffar, Ferreira, & Mancl, 2011), research is
more than five methodologically sound positive effect single- needed which explicitly measures conceptual gain as well
case studies in existence—possessing a total number of cases as procedural skills improvement. With a total of eight stud-
greater than 20—the CRA instructional framework qualifies ies in this analysis involving elementary students, a reason-
as an evidence-based practice for students with learning dis- able amount of literature across these grade levels exists
abilities with specific respect to those identified with a learn- supporting the use of the CRA instructional framework. The
ing disability in mathematics or have a learning disability literature on the middle grade level (i.e., sixth grade and
along with IEP mathematics goals, receive mathematics ser- above) is more limited—two studies—not only suggesting
vices, or experience difficulty with mathematics (refer to the potential of this framework for benefiting students but
Table 3). However, given the content of the mathematics in also highlighting where more high-quality research relative
the methodologically sound studies with positive effect, the to the CRA instructional framework is needed. Related, the
evidence-based practice determination is limited to when the existing literature also points to the need for research
mathematics content being taught is computation or basic exploring the application of the CRA instructional frame-
facts (e.g., subtraction with regrouping, multiplication). In work to higher order mathematics, such as algebra and
other words, the CRA instructional framework as an evi- geometry.
dence-based practice is limited to the mathematics content Another implication of the use of the CRA instructional
examined in the research studies found to be methodologi- framework as an evidence-based practice for students with
cally sound and with positive effects: subtraction (n = 4), learning disabilities in the mathematical domains related to
multiplication (n = 3), and division (n = 1); some studies basic operations is the potential to expand the implementa-
addressed more than one mathematical area. The authors tion of the CRA instructional framework to populations
here do not assert that the CRA instructional framework is an beyond students with disabilities. A logical extension is the
evidence-based practice for other mathematical areas (e.g., use of the CRA instructional framework for students who
fractions, place value, algebra, area, and perimeter), given the have not yet been identified with a learning disability but
lack of methodologically sound studies in those areas. are receiving interventions and services within the RtI
model (i.e., students served in Tier 2 or Tier 3 services).
Another extension involves elementary general education
Implications for Practice
teachers implementing the CRA instructional framework,
The confirmation of the CRA instructional framework as an or a modified version, within their mathematics classes for
evidence-based practice, with regard to particular mathe- all students. The CRA instructional framework provides
matical content, holds significant implications for practice. teachers an opportunity to differentiate within their math-
Given the attention and interest directed toward identifying ematics teaching. While teachers have been differentiating
and using evidence-based practices in education, a mathe- for years as well as using concrete, representational, and
matics instructional framework demonstrated effective for abstract teaching with manipulatives is common, many
students with learning disabilities who struggled in mathe- general education teachers fail to move from one phase to
matics is significant. Based on the results of this evidence- another within the CRA instructional framework in an indi-
based synthesis, the findings of individual studies within vidualized and systematical manner. For example, a gen-
the synthesis, and the recommendations of other researchers eral education teacher can begin to teach a mathematical
(e.g., Agrawal & Morin, 2016; Powell, 2015), the CRA concept—such as double-digit subtraction with regroup-
instructional framework should be considered for use in ing—to the whole class with concrete base 10 blocks. As
elementary and middle school mathematics classrooms as a the teacher notices some students are proficient, she or he
special education intervention to help students with learn- can allow those students to move into the representational
ing disabilities to develop understanding of mathematics, phase of drawing blocks on their paper to solve problems.
particularly mathematics related to operations (e.g., sub- Other students can continue to use the concrete manipula-
traction and multiplication). tive while the teacher, during small-group instruction or
Bouck et al. 11

station time, reinforces the concept with the manipulative. to include elements that may not have been explicitly stated
As students continue to demonstrate an understanding of as needed to reflect a quality single-case study at the time of
the content within each phase (i.e., concrete, representa- their publication.
tional, abstract), they can gradually transition into the next, Another limitation of our analysis is that, to a certain
with the ultimate goal of all students being able to under- extent, judgment calls were made regarding the quality indi-
stand the content without the use of manipulatives or draw- cators established by Cook et al. (2014). As indicated by
ings. Throughout this sequence, each student can be aided Cook et al. (2014), reviewers applying the quality indicators
with targeted supports based on where she or he is within have some discretion to determine if an indicator is met.
the learning process. However, the IOA for the quality indicators in this study was
A final implication of the CRA instructional framework high across the three authors, thus minimizing the likely
as an evidence-based practice is the need to teach this impact of this limitation. The judgment extended to deter-
framework to all preservice special education teachers, if mining effect, effect size, and trend. The synthesis included
teacher preparation programs are not already doing so. As some older studies, whose graphs were not as clear as per-
educators are expected to implement evidence-based prac- haps they would be with more modern graphs. Yet, the
tices for students with disabilities, they need to be explicitly authors conducted IOA relative to effect size (PND). Related,
taught educational frameworks that are evidence based and the initial search included articles that are explicitly not
proven effective for specific populations of students. included in the Cook et al. (2014) standards (i.e., group pre–
Special education teacher preparation programs that do not posttest designs). The authors elected to include these arti-
currently provide their teacher candidates with CRA instruc- cles as the first research question involved the scope of the
tional framework experiences should integrate instruction literature of the CRA instructional framework for students
and field practice of the CRA instructional framework into with disabilities. Yet, these studies were excluded as not
their mathematics methods curriculum for special education methodologically sound in the application of the quality
teaching candidates. New teachers should be shown how to indicators (Cook et al., 2014) to answer Research Questions
capitalize on the flexibility of this instructional framework 2 and 3. Related to judgment, the authors used a digital tool
for whole-class instruction, small-group instruction for stu- to extract data points from the graphs to find the raw data
dents who served by Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports, and small points for calculating Tau-U. While such data extraction pro-
group or individualized instruction for students with learn- grams as DigitizeIt are deemed to be creditable (Rakap et al.,
ing disabilities. 2016), the authors do acknowledge that the raw data points
for calculating effect sizes and stability were extracted rather
than produced by original authors.
Limitations and Future Directions Future research should continue to explore the CRA
A potential limitation of all systematic reviews and/or syn- instructional framework, especially for students with other
theses—including this one—is that despite the extensive disabilities for whom this instructional framework could be
search protocol, one or more articles may not have been beneficial (e.g., students with mild intellectual disability,
found. However, the authors worked to ensure that all rele- autism spectrum disorder). The extension to high school
vant and potential articles were collected and analyzed. students is another area of potential expansion for the CRA
Related, the authors only explored articles published in instructional framework research; research currently does
English-based journals, and hence dissertations, theses, and not exist on the CRA instructional framework for high
research presented solely in book chapters—or not pub- school students, yet success was found for middle school
lished in any form—were excluded. The authors also applied students. While the authors broadly stipulate that the CRA
strict inclusion criteria to articles, including how the CRA instructional framework is an evidence-based practice in
instructional framework was articulated in the article. Hence, mathematics for students with learning disabilities, relative
articles were excluded if they did not explicitly provide con- to the areas of mathematics examined in the existing litera-
crete, representational, and abstract phases as well as if they ture, it would be more advantageous for researchers and
did not state criteria for students’ transitioning phases. practitioners alike to analyze and conclude that the CRA
Hence, studies that indicated they were examining the CRA instructional framework is an evidence-based practice to
but did not meet the criteria established for this synthesis teach individual concepts such as subtraction with regroup-
(e.g., Cass, Cates, Smith, & Jackson, 2003) were excluded. ing and multiplication separately as well as separately for
Similar to the authors retroactively applying an operational different ages or grade spans (i.e., elementary vs. middle
definition of CRA to previous studies, the authors were ret- school). As noted, there are seven studies at the elementary
roactively applying quality indicators and standards to stu- level but only four at the middle school level (i.e., sixth
dents prior to the establishment of said quality indicators and grade and above). Additional research is also needed on the
standards. Hence, studies involving CRA were excluded CRA instructional framework in other areas of mathemat-
from the evidence-based practice determination for failure ics, such as fractions, algebra, and area and perimeter.
12 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

Finally, researchers should take advances in technology low-achieving students. Elementary School Journal, 103,
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latives are still the most appropriate form of manipulative for *Barringer, M. (1992). Viewpoint: Voices and visions: Reflecting
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