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Aliwengweng Kayra/Lang-ay Emily

“Comparison of the Perceived Effect of Modular and Face to Face Learning Modality to the Senior High
School Students”
RQ1: What is the level of the perceived effect of modular and face to face learning modality to the
senior high school student?
RQ2: Is there a significant difference between the perceived effect of modular and face to face learning
modality to the senior high school?
First Draft
Background of the study
Learning modalities are essential method adopted by teachers to successfully deliver their lesson
contents and learning materials to students, implementing a particular learning modalities in a class or a
school needs to pass through a careful planning because if not planned properly, all efforts will fail
(Jomonong,2020). According to Anderson (1994), students learning results may be severely affected by
the teachers instructional planning, teaching method selection and having a variety of learning activities.
Each particular method will have a significant effect on the students learning progress (Yun Ho Shimn,
Face to face learning modality is considered as the most traditional type of learning modality.
Lessons, learning materials and activities are personally taught in a shared space or in a school by
instructors to their learners. Therefore, this modality allows physical interaction between the instructor
and the learners. This type of modality has its advantages for it actively engage students into
participating on activities, there is an immediate feedback and it helps in the development of the
socioemotional being of the students (Liego, 2020). However, face to face modality also have several
drawbacks including expenses from travels and tuition fees,

learning is limited by the classrooms fixed timings, and there can be difficulty in scheduling
According to Liego (2020), modular learning modality refers to a distance learning modality
where learning takes place between the teachers and learners geographically remote from each other
during instruction. It allows students to learn by themselves guided by the self-learning modules
provided by their teachers. Self-learning modules comes in two kinds it is either printed or e-modules.

Due to the covid-19 pandemic outbreak, education was drastically affected. Philippines is one of the
most affected country recording a total number of 459,789 cases, 8,947 deaths and 429,134 recoveries
( 2020). Despite this situation, the Department of Education was eager to continue their
learners’ education and will be implemented a distance learning approach. According to Malaluan cited
by Magsambol (2020) there are 3 different distance learning methods which are printed modules for
students who have no access to the internet and gadgets to be picked or delivered to their houses,
another one is the DepEd Commons or online learning for students who have access to the internet, and
lastly, lessons will also be delivered via radio and television.
According to an article “Education in the New Normal: Modular Learning in Sagada”, schools had
adopted the printed modular learning due to the lack of access and slow signal. The parents are the
one’s responsible for receiving and submitting the modules distributed by the advisers/teachers weekly.

Teachers are allowed to do home visits and learners can also use their smartphones to ask
assistance from their teachers through text messages and emails.Both students and teachers have faced
challenges due to the new learning modality including difficulty for the students to understand and
comprehend with the lessons specially these who are beginners and who are not fully assisted by their
parents because of work.
The study aims to compare the perceived effect of modular learning modality and face to face
learning modality to the senior high school students. It is to identify the level of perceived effects and to
know if there is a significant difference between the two perceived effects of the two learning
modalities.This study is important to identify and understand which is more effective between the two
learning modalities based on the perceived effects. This will also help the teachers to develop strategies
to counter and lessen its negative effects.

Review of Related Literature

In recent years, researchers have conducted numerous studies relating to learning modalities
and its effects. There are learners who find the traditional learning modality as an effective way of
learning while others have tried to utilize distance learning modalities. Results showed both positive and
negative outcomes due to their individual limitations.

In a study conducted by Amir, Maharni et al. showed that students prefer classroom learning for
discussions due to the difficulty in communication and connectivity. 44.2% of the students preferred
distance learning modality over classroom learning, 52.6% of the agreed that distance learning is more
efficient learning method, it provided more time to study and review study materials. Furthermore,
face-to-face learning modality is identified to have higher satisfaction level than distance learning and
resulted with more positive perceptions, stronger sense and on a higher level. This is due to the
existence of social presence and social interaction which is absent in distance learning, (Bali and Liu,

According to Sarah French (2015), scholars generally agree on the potential of modular learning. It
provide students capacity for flexibility, choice, assess, and mobility. That way, students learn to develop
and efficiently utilize resources. Moreover, modular teaching allows students to learn at their own pace,
fulfill provided tasks on the spot and learn their own desired strategies, (Sadiq and Zamir, 2014).

Another, according to Wilen-Daugenti, 2009 cited by Shujah, Zaril et al.(2019) found out that distance
learning have direct positive effect on learner’s academic success. The ubiquitous and flexible learning
provided by mobile technology has enriched students’ conversational capabilities and led them to
accomplish their academic objectives. It provides opportunity for learners to self-study as they can
experience independent learning, which also makes unchallenging for mentors to distinguish one
student from others.The researchers added that the modality can be easily used in various subjects and
different level of education prior to the fulfillment of the diverse learning needs of students in all
different levels (Sadiq and Zamir, 2014).
However, it is also argued that modular modality creates possible cause for fragmentation and
incoherence of the educational experience potentially weakens learning outcomes and comes with
structural and pedagogical challenges,(Sarah French, 2014). Moreover, the research shows online
students are more likely to quit class if they do not like the instructor, the format, or the feedback
because they work independently, relying almost wholly upon self-motivation and self-direction, online
learners may be more inclined to withdraw from class if they do not get immediate results, (Fidalgo,
Thormann& Lencastre, 2020). And In the study conducted by Abbasi, Hazrati & Rajaefard (2013) they
concluded in their findings that self learning method is less effective as conventional method or lecture
when used to teach handling of cytotoxic drugs.

Sufina (2012) conducted an experimental study that revealed students’ performance with modular
approach is significantly better from the control group. There was a significant difference of mean scores
in teacher-made achievement test where students it was higher in experimental group i.e. the modular
approach than the traditional approach which indicated that the modular teaching approach had a
better impact in students’ comprehension of the text as compared to the traditional approach. Male
students showed significantly better achievement in teacher-made comprehension-based text than
female students, which indicated there was a significant difference between male and female students
in comprehension of the text.

Despite having differences in the effects In the study conducted by Bali and Liu(2018), the results
have appeared that there is a significant difference between the two learning modality. Furthermore, a
Post hoc test of Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) showed that there is no significant difference
between the lecture group and the module group in the increase of knowledge an d improvement of

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