Tenant Grievances and Rizals Petition

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Written Document Analysis Worksheets.

Provide the required information on the given spaces

1. Type of document (Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer)
A. Newspaper
B. Letter Map
C. Report
D. Diary
E. Others; please specify: Petition
2. Date of the document: January 1888
3. Author of the document: Dr. Jose Rizal
4. Who is the audience of this document? The tenant of Hacienda De Calamba
and the Spaniards
5. List three things in the document that are important:
 The increases of rent of the land to the farmers
 The outcome of raising of the rent
 The wrong improvement of the lands or lot
6. Why was this document written? Cite pieces of evidence in the document that
support your answer.
 This document written by Dr. Jose Rizal and his reason to write this
because the owner of the Hacienda de Calamba they rising the rent for not
7. List two things that tell you about life in the Philippines at the time the document
was written.
 The farmers are suffered to the rising of the rent
 The reason of rising of the rent is for improvement but those changes is
not be helpful to the farmers
8. Write a question to the author that is not answered by the document.
 Why the landlord is rising the rent that no clear and valid reason say to the

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