Proposal of Doctoral Thesis in International Relations

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AUGUST, 2012

This is to submit a proposal of Doctoral Thesis for approval by the Academic Department of
AIU in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor in International
Relations. In the view to have a clear visualization of the subject of the thesis and its
objective, I have structured in brief the presentation of the proposal in the following manner.

A) The Title of the Subject



B. The Purposes and Objectives of the Study

The basic purpose and objective of the study is to examine and analyze the
phenomenon of the Africa-China Relations whether it is neocolonial or strategic partnership
in nature, considering Ethiopia as a case analysis.

In this perspective, the underlying intension to analyze with the topic I have selected is to
detect the key aspects of the Africa-China Relations and prove if the characteristics of the
relations are neocolonial or strategic partnership. The eventual rationale and use of the topic
I have selected is to establish facts and knowledge about the merits and demerits of the
Africa-China relations whether the interaction is characterized by a one side domination and
exploitation by China or a commitment of partnership with tangible and concrete gains for
both sides. From this perspective, a thorough detection of the problem will be made basing
the analysis on concrete material evidences and illustrate the different supportive and
opposing thoughts.

China`s recent active engagement in Africa as an emerging political and economic power of
the world has been viewed skeptically by many as a mere indirect exploitation of the African
rich natural resources and manifested by many particularly in the West as neocolonial in
character. To the contrary, many Africans and other analysts do not share this view and argue
rather the Africa-China relations are regulated by the spirit of partnerships of mutual and
common interests of both sides. One of the evidences shows that China`s engagement in
Africa has made a positive contribution to the recent economic growth that many countries in
the continent have achieved.

It is, therefore from this broad perspective that the topic of the Thesis will investigate the
problem and lay a clear picture of the reality of the Africa-China Relations, and indeed the
outcome of the research will positively contribute to the knowledge of evidences to the
benefits of humanity. The ultimate objective of the research on this topic will allow me to

systematically find out facts on the problem in question and will further enhance my
knowledge of the reality in fulfilling intellectually activity and advancing the interest of
society. The outcome of the research and the knowledge created will add value to the
understanding by many of the phenomenon of African relations with China, its implications,
challenges and opportunities.

C. The Theoretical Framework

In theoretical contexts, the thesis will assess and examine the different theoretical
approaches on Neocolonialism and Partnership in order to provide the fundamental
understanding of the concepts, analyze the objective of the topic within the framework of the
theoretical explanation and justify my thoughts and arguments of the subject accordingly.

The theories of neocolonialism and partnership are of two contrasting views. The concept
and writings of neocolonialism developed in the post-colonial period by Marxian theorists as
a synonym for contemporary forms of imperialism, or an indirect form of control through
economic and cultural means. It is also defined as the economic dependency of developing
countries on the rich nations. Neocolonialism is alternatively defined in the context of
‘’Center-Periphery Theory’’ and ‘’Economic Dependency Theory’’, in order to depict the
nature of the global economy based on the inequality of relations between the rich and
developing worlds, and characterized by the exploitation and control of the resources of the
developing countries by the rich nations. Thus, a detail analysis and investigation will as well
be made on the Theories of Dependency and Center-Periphery’ in order to set a broader
foundation for our understanding of Neocolonialism from different perspectives.

In a contrasting approach, ‘Partnership Theory’’ illustrates the concept from the economic
rationale view and describes an equal sharing of profits and benefits by the parties involved
in the organizational form of agreement. Parties in the partnership of relations have the
commitment to make equal rights in decisions of common affairs and interests.

In the broad contexts of the two theoretical approaches, the political, military, economic,
social and cultural characteristics of relations that involve Africa and China will concretely be
examined and analyzed.

D. The Focus of the Work

The focus of the work I intend to handle will involve relevant and interrelated topics which
will be treated on different chapters in an effort to make the outcome of the thesis coherent

and tangible. The investigation and collection of information will then be made according to
the focus areas of the topics. In order to be more precise on the study of the research, my
analysis of the topic on the characteristics of Africa-China Relations, including the case study,
will substantively focus on the development that took after the Post-Cold War period, since
early 1990s, in the bilateral and multilateral areas of relations in the political, economic,
military, social, and cultural spheres.

In this perspective, the focus of the topic will entail a number of study areas of subjects, and
this could be elaborated as in brief. As a background, an Illustration of discussion will be
made to look at the main developments that have evolved in Africa and China over recent
time as factors which contributed to the dramatic emergence of the engagement between
Africa and China. This will provide us the factors that have influenced the course and nature
of the relations. Current and different theoretical views will also be examined in order to
assess and define the true character of the relations.

The work will also look at critically the various divergent views and opinions on the nature of
the relations between Africa and China in order to draw a conclusive fact on the problem to
be investigated.

A particular case analysis and focus will be made on Ethiopia in its relations with China. The
various factors that involve the relation in the political, economic, social and cultural areas
will concretely be analyzed in terms of gains, implications on the overall transformation of
the Ethiopian economy, the challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, from multilateral
diplomatic perspective, the policy direction of China towards Africa in general and Ethiopia in
particular will also be examined in order to understand if it is of collaborative in nature or
dependency and see how this has influenced the capacity of Africa`s international relations.

The topic will also assess and evaluate the major challenges and opportunities of the Africa-
China relations in order to evaluate the significance of the relations in terms of transforming
the African economies.

The work will also make a projection of the future on Africa-China relations and draws
recommendations in defining the significance of the engagement of both regions. This will
help to sketch a roadmap for the future based on the factual analysis of evidences of today.

In making a concluding thought, the topic will make a summary of the result of the work in
summarizing findings and evidences, reviewing and summing up the final perspectives on the
topic. I will also add my feelings in analyzing the topic and its relevance at local, national and
international levels.

E. Methodology of Resources Collection

I will use a qualitative methodology of research design to collect reliable materials on the
topic. Critical writings and works of recent ones, primary and secondary, such as books,
archives, journals, diplomatic communications, declarations, decisions, manuscripts, treaties
or agreements, and web pages will be investigated. These materials will be gathered,
systematically will be structured and analyzed according to the subjects to be covered under
the different chapters. Some of them are listed here for review.

F. Time Table for Completion of the Thesis

Considering the intensity and advance level of the research work, I have outlined the plan as
follows for completion of the Thesis.

a) Time to gather information/sources: from August 10-30, 2012

b) Time to critically read the materials: from September 01-30, 2012

c) Time to analyze, systematize and draft writing the chapters: from October 01-30, 2012

d) Time to edit, proofread and correct errors: from November 01-15, 2012

e) To check and prepare the final copy and submit to AIU: from November 16-20, 2012

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