Child Adolescent

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After a month of lesson in computer, Conrad can already demonstrate his skills to
his classmate. This change in Conrad is attributed to the concept called: *

a. Growth

b. Maturation

c. Learning

d. Development

Correct answer
b. Maturation

2. The relatively permanent change in the practice and experience in known as: *


a. Development

b. Growth

c. Maturation

d. Learning

Correct answer

d. Learning  

3. Which is true about the babbling of a baby? *


a. It is the first sign of language formation of children

b. Is its annoying to listen to

c. It may lead to speaking difficulty

d. It cause learning problems  

4. The newborn infant moves his whole body a one time, instead of moving any part
of it. Which of the following principles is illustrated? *


a. Development follows a sequence

b. Development follows and orderly pattern

c. Development proceeds from general to specific

d. Development proceeds specific general

Correct answer

c. Development proceeds from general to specific  

5. Mrs. Manuel, an elementary teacher believes that both heredity and environment
facilitate the total development of an individual. Therefore, Mrs Manuel likely to
support which of the following? *


a. Development is predictable

b. Development follows a pattern

c. Development proceeds from general to specific

d. Development is an interaction between hereditary and environment.

6. Which stage considers teachers, peer and adults outside the home important in
shaping attitude towards oneself? *


a. Trust vs Mistrust

b. Initiative vs Guilt

c. Industry vs inferiority

d. Integrity vs despair

Correct answer
c. Industry vs inferiority

7. Kate comes to school on time because it is one of the schools rule and regulations.
Besides, she does not like to disrupt their class by coming late. In this situation, which
level of Kohlberg’s morality does Kate belong? *


a. Pre conventional

b. Conventional

c. Post-convention

d. Universal

Correct answer
b. Conventional

8. Generally children crawl, sit and stand before they walk. What does this imply? *


a. Development is continuous

b. Development follows a pattern

c. Development is sequential

d. Development is influence by both heredity and environment

9. How does peer group influence adolescence? *


a. Allows the young to free himself from too much dependence on his family

b. Allows the young to stay away from home

c. Stops the learning and developments of social roles

d. Provides the adolescents the time to make unwise decision

10. Children are likely to experience some kind of psychological crisis as they go from
one stage of development to the next stage. Whose view is this? *


a. Jean Piaget

b. Erik Erikson

c. Sigmund Freud

d. Edward Thorndike

11. When the daughter is competing with the mother for the father’s attention, the
daughter is said to be experiencing __________________. *


a. Electra Complex

b. Identity Crisis

c. Oedipus Complex

d. Sexual Deviation

12. According to Erikson, this stage is marked by creation of a new family and
contributing to society vs repeating life on a day-to day basis with little growth and
giving. *


a. Intimacy vs Isolation

b. Generativity vs Stagnation

c. Initiative Vs Guilt

d. Integrity vs Despair

Correct answer
b. Generativity vs Stagnation

13. The period of physical, especially sexual, and mental maturation which is
characterized by rapid somatic growth is known as: *


a. Infancy

b. Early Childhood

c. Puberty

d. Adulthood

14. Which of the following statements does not apply to adolescents? *


a. They desire the approval of their peers

b. They seek dependence on their parents

c. They have a marked sex development

d. None of the above

Correct answer

b. They seek dependence on their parents  

15. Which of the following represent the sequential order of pre-natal development?  *


a. Embryonic period- fetal period- germinal period

b. Germinal Period- fetal period- embryonic period

c. Germinal period- embryonic period- fetal period


d. Fetal Period- embryonic period- germinal period  

16. The environment must be interactive to facilitate learning, which of the following
situations is an example of this? *


a. The class goes out and discovers the habitat of insects

b. The teachers shows the posters of the habitat of the insects

c. The class copes the list of facts concerning the habitat of the insects

d. The teacher lecturers on the habitat of insect

Correct answer
c. The class copes the list of facts concerning the habitat of the insects

17. The process of fitting ne experience to an existing schema or cognitive

structure. *


a. Assimilation

b. Seriation

c. Accommodation

d. Conservation

18. Sets of people whom a person directly interacts with and influences his personality
and behavior such as family, peers, and teachers. *


a. Microsystem

b. Exosystem

c. Mesosystem

d. Macrosystem

19 According to Jean Piaget’s cognitive development, a child during the sensorimotor

stage does not see things in abstract forms. What should the teacher do in teaching
mathematics to young children? *


a. Use concrete materials before the abstract materials

b. Use abstract materials before the concrete materials

c. Use of concrete materials may not be necessary

d. Use of pictures may not be necessary

20. Deductive reasoning starts from ______________ *


a. Known to unknown

b. Causes to effects

c. General to specific

d. Rule to example  

21. It is not wise to laugh at two-year old child when he utters bad words because in
this stage, he is learning to *

a. Consider other’s views

b. Socialize

c. Distinguish sex differences

d. Distinguish right from wrong


22. Identical twins were orphaned and were raised separately by their relatives who
belong to different socio-economic status. After 3 years, there were differences in
their academic performance. What explains this difference? *


a. Difference in nature

b. Difference in nurture

c. Difference in learning

d. Difference in intelligence



23. Denzel’s mother noticed that her son always wants to get her attention and is
jealous of his father; Denzel then can be classified under what psychoanalytic stage of


a. Latency

b. Gential

c. Phallic

d. Oral



24. A child in his early childhood has to be provided manipulative materials to develop
_______ *


a. Reading skills

b. Social Skills

c. Pre-handwriting skills

d. Numeration Skills

Correct answer
c. Pre-handwriting skills

25. An infant explores the world using his senses and motor activity. This stage is
called: *


a. Sensorimotor

b. Preoperational
c. Concrete Operational

d. Formal Operational



26. Clarissa learn a lot from the experiences shared by her classmate and teachers.
Who stressed that social interaction develops complex thinking? *


a. Freud

b. Watson

c. Vygotsky

d. Piaget



27. Mrs David matches her instructional strategies and techniques to her student’s
abilities to foster student’s cognitive development. Which theory best describe the
strategy of Mrs. David? *


a. Freud’s theory

b. Piaget’s Theory

c. Erickson’s Theory

d. Kohlberg’s Theory



28. Which of the following assumptions is based on principles of child development?  *


a. Children should be expected to reach the average achievement for their age group

b. Children may differ in rate of growth

c. Children’s learning styles are unstable until early adolescence

d. The growth patterns of children cannot be predicted

Correct answer
b. Children may differ in rate of growth



29. Boy’s voice begin to change from soprano of childhood to baritone that
characterizes adult males. Which stage in the life-span development are the boys in
with such characteristics? *

a. Late childhood

b. Early Childhood

c. Late adolescence

d. Early adulthood

Correct answer
a. Late childhood



30. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence. Which of the following statements
support this principles? *


a. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins

b. Intelligence hinges in physical structures

c. Intelligence is determined partly by prenatal nutrition

d. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins



31. Dr. Declaro, the physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Tigalao’s class.
The quantitative increase observed by Dr. Declro in terms of height and weight
demonstrate the concept called: *


a. Growth

b. Learning

c. Maturation

d. Development



32. Which is ideal stage of moral development? *


a. Social contact

b. Universal ethical principle

c. Law and order

d. Good boy/good girl



33. Human development follows a patter. Which of the following demonstrates this
history? *


a. In geography class, children learn the different provinces a head of their own town

b. Petra names sampaguita, roses, and camia before learning the word flower

c. In mathematics, learners know division ahead of addiction

d. A child learns the word ANIMALS before he can name dog, cat, goat and cow

Correct answer
d. A child learns the word ANIMALS before he can name dog, cat, goat and cow



34. How does a teacher demonstrate that the course of human development can be
influenced positively by manipulating some aspects of the internal and external
development? *


a. Providing learners with a set of routine activities

b. Providing learners with a variety of enriched learning materials and aids for the different

c. Arranging the seats in such a way that every learner feels comfortable

d. Keeping the room well-ventilated, orderly and clean



35. In each stage development of psycho-social crisis occurs. This view is spouses by
__________ *


a. Sigmund Freud

b. Erik Erickson

c. Jean Piaget

d. Edward Thorndike



36. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the
voiceless voice from within you. “In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at
work? *


a. Id

b. Superego

c. Ego
d. Id and Ego Interact



37. A child was shown an amount of water in a glass. The teacher poured the whole
amount to a much taller narrower glass and marked this glass A. The same amount
was poured in a shorter and wider glass, marked glass B. When asked which has more
water, A or B, the answer was, “GLASS A”. In what stage of cognitive development is
the child and what is this ability called? *


a. Concrete Operational Stage; Conservation

b. Formal Operational Stage; Deductive reasoning

c. Sensori-motor stage; Symbolic functions

d. Pre-Operation stage; Centration



38. What is Piaget’s practical implication in the field of education? *


a. Cognitive growth is independent of accommodation and assimilations

b. Emphasis on children thinking should be on the products rather than the process

c. Individual differences should be overlooked and accept that all children pass through all
stages at equal rate

d. Children cannot acquired cognitive skills for which they are not developmentally ready

Correct answer
d. Children cannot acquired cognitive skills for which they are not developmentally ready



39. ____________ is Erikson’s, Piaget’s and Freud’s though about play? *


a. Contributes to the child’s mastery of his physical and social environment

b. Makes a child’s life so enjoyable that he will tend to hate school life later

c. Prepares a child for an excellent academic performance in formal schooling

d. Develops in the child highly competitive attitude because of the nature of play



40. According to Erickson’s theory, a person undergoes eight psychosocial stages of

development in which stages is the individual in, if he learns to win recognition by
being productive. Work becomes pleasurable and learns to persevere. *


a. Initiative vs guilt
b. Industry vs Inferiority

c. Identity vs Role Diffusion

d. Generativity vs Stagnation



41. Moral decisions based on fear of punishment, idea of rewards taken into account,
immediate punishments and rewards not necessary, strict adherence to rules,
recognition that conventional, rules that may come into conflict with a higher sense of
right and wrong and universal principles of justice, human rights and human dignity
guide decisions. *


a. Erick Erikson

b. Noam Chomsky

c. Lawrence Kohlberg

d. Carol Gilligan



42. Which is a typical characteristics of the adolescent? *

a. Reasonable and secure

b. Feels intense emotions and sense of disequilibrium

c. Slow but steady physical growth

d. Overly passive and never values obedience to adults



43. Based on Freud’ theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at
the height of anger? *



a. Ego

b. Superego

c. Id

d. Id and Ego interact



44. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the
voiceless voice from within you. “In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at
work? *


a. Id

b. Superego

c. Ego

d. Id and Ego Interact



45. Which periods in the life span of an individual are characterized by growth
spurt? *


a. Early childhood and adolescent

b. Prenatal period and early childhood

c. Early Childhood

d. Prenatal period and puberty



46. What is correct sequence of Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development? I-Formal

Operations Stage II- Sensorimotor Stage III- Preoperational Stage IV. Concrete
Operations Stage *








47. In which order to do 3 important goals during childhood be attained according to

Erickson? *


a. Early childhood and adolescent

b. Prenatal period and early childhood

c. Early Childhood

d. Prenatal period and puberty

Correct answer
a. Early childhood and adolescent



48. Fully convinced that it is not the right thing to do, Johann convinces his
classmates not to cut classes. In which, stage of moral development is Johann? *


a. Conventional

b. Between conventional and post-conventional

c. Post-conventional

d. Pre-conventional



49. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the
concrete operational stage? *


a. Activities for hypothesis foundation

b. Learning activities that involve problems on classification and ordering

c. Games and other physical activities to develop their motor skills to full extent
d. Stimulating environment with ample objects play with



50. Nature vs Nurture as _____________ vs ________________ *


a. Environment; Heredity

b. Heredity; Environment

c. Gradual development; sudden development

d. Sudden development; gradual development

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