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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Organisational Behaviour

Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2018 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30


 All Questions carry equal marks.

 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
 Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the
source of reference.

 Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments
from other students is not allowed.

 Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment

For Theoretical Answer For Numerical Answer

Assessment Parameter Weightage Assessment Parameter Weightage
Introduction 20% Understanding and usage 20%
Concepts and Application 60% of the formula
related to the question Procedure / Steps 50%
Conclusion 20%
Correct Answer & 30%

1. As a manager how will you identify the stress, prevent and manage the stress of
individuals working in the organization? Please cite the latest examples of stress from
the corporate world. (10 Marks)
1. Recognise what you would like
"The root reason behind stress can perpetually be one or a lot of of our emotional
desires not being consummated," says Jeremy previous, a business coach for
GrowthAccelerator. additionally because the obvious things, like a roof over our head, food on
the table and cash to pay the bills, we have a tendency to conjointly would like things like
acceptance, security, control, fulfillment, respect and therefore the belief that we have a
tendency to ar detected. you'll notice a fuller list here. Take time to seem through the list and
write any that have a selected resonance for you, then accept however powerfully you think
that they're being met or not.

Rather than attempting to tackle allyour emotional desires directly, choose one to
specialise in and arrange however you'll improve it. as an example, if you are feeling you
would like a lot of management at work, think {about|contemplate|take into account} rebuke
your boss about being given possession of a selected project or target. tell them however vital
it's to you to feel that you simply have grade of management over the project and the way this
may completely have an effect on your performance.

2. certify you and your leader perceive the price of stress

Suffering alone will not assist you manage your stress levels however many folks may
be fearful of the reaction from their leader. However, you would like to recollect that your
mental state can have an effect on your ability to try and do your job, it's in your employer's
interests the maximum amount as your own to make sure that you are happy and healthy.
previous suggests doing a stress audit, viewing the impact a stressed men can wear very cheap
line of a corporation.

For example, stress will cause forgetfulness, says Old. "What is that the value of this
forgetfullness resulting in the worker creating a mistake? Then raise what's the indirect value
of this, like client satisfaction or management time spent finding out the results of the error …
you may step by step add quite an important total of cash that's unarguable."

Presenting the case of a a lot of balanced operating in surroundings during this manner
permits your leader to check each the direct effects of stress however conjointly shows that
you are attempting to search out an answer instead of let the business suffer.

3. settle for that the reason behind geographical point stress may not be work
One of the foremost vital ways that you'll facilitate to regulate stress is by distinctive
actuality reason behind it. man of science Emma Kenny explains that the primary factor to try
and do is settle for whether or not the strain is returning from an indoor or external supply.

External sources of stress would possibly embrace bullying, riotous colleagues or

family issues. These ar typically issues over that you've got restricted management, it would
desire the answer is out of your hands. However, Kenny, suggests that taking some steps to
breakdown them is healthier than doing nothing.

"Think of the protocal you'll insitutute to safeguard yourself," she suggests. "If you are
being intimidated then involve hour, as an example. folks feel less stressed after they head of a

4. Be your own supporter

If the sources of your stress ar a lot of internal then you would like to silence the voice
in your head, says Kenny. "Reducing stress typically involves operation the 'I'm not sensible
enough', 'I might do better', "she is header higher than I am', etc. This negative self speak is
extremely limiting and suggests that your anxiety levels ar high and your enjoyment levels ar

The best factor you'll do is savours some "reality talk". write what you're keen on, what
brings you enjoyment and once you are happiest. be happy to place these so as, perhaps on an
honest day you quite like your job however you mostly love your family, currently you
recognize wherever you gain the foremost fulfillment and wherever to place your energies.

If you actually cannot consider something that lifts your spirits it is time to require a
more in-depth investigate a number of the self-limiting statements. as an example, if you
frequently end up voice communication, "I'm not sensible enough", strive breaking that
sentence down. What specifically ar you not adequate at? Why ar you not adequate at it? What
would you would like to try and do to be better? investigate those standards you've got set
yourself and so raise United Nations agency really is achieving these? perhaps you are feeling
you are not achieving enough at work and have a colleague United Nations agency is setting
up doubly the quantity of hours you're. raise yourself whether or not they are extremely a lot of
productive, perhaps they merely do not have it slow management skills?

And if you continue to feel you are not matching up, the ultimate question to raise is:
"Would I decide my supporter by these standards?" We're typically terribly keen to use
unrealistically high criteria to ourselves in an exceedingly manner we'd ne'er do to anyone
else. If you would not raise your supporter to leap through the hoops you've got set for
yourself, then you do not ought to either.

5. Have an idea
If you are attempting to regulate your stress levels then you would like to urge the
fundamentals right. "Fundamental principles of excellent nutrition, sleep, association and a
few exercise are some things that lays the muse for your mind and body to deal with trying
things," says business coach reproductive structure Johnson. "You could notice that as you are
feeling stronger a number of the first problems inflicting you stress are not as vivid or
irresistible ."

Writing an idea for the way to manage your stress levels would possibly desire adding
another factor to your stir list however it'll provide you with a guide to visualize yourself
against. calculate what helps you are feeling higher and arrange it into your lifestyle. If you
recognize you are feeling calmer on days once you've got spent it slow outside then add a unit
of time walk to your calendar and follow it the manner you'd a shopper meeting.

Nat Miles, of Mind, suggests creating this arrange along with your manager, "it helps
managers and staff to spot what's expected of every person and reduces anxieties on either
side. Having a written arrange conjointly helps you to watch and review the approach and
actions you've got committed to".
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Organisational Behaviour

Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2018 Examination

2. Mr Kabir was working in an Administrative department as officer Administration. He

was responsible for keeping account of all the vehicles of the company apart from
other arrangements including the guest house of the company. Mr Kabir has been
working in the company for 6 years in the same grade without promotions. He was
supposed to be very honest in his job. Once the GM of the factory Mr Rakesh Gupta,
requested for the company car during office time for his personal work. Mr Kabir
refused it by saying that it cannot be given during the office hours as the work would
suffer. Mr Srivastava (Sr Manager Admin) was very happy to oblige Mr Gupta as he
wanted one of his relatives to be employed as officer. Hence, he shouted at Mr Kabir
for his disobedience and threatened to transfer him to stores if he continued to show
disrespect to senior officers. Kabir was also an active member of staff union. He
immediately went to the Union President and informed him about the misuse of the
company car for private purpose by the GM at the cost of the office work. It was
decided that Kabir would send a note in writing to Mr Srivastava asking him to
approve sending the car to the house of Mr Gupta. Mr Srivastava understood the
repercussions and refused to sign the approval. He lent his own car to Mr Gupta.
Questions: What power and power tactics was being used by Mr Kabir? What power
Mr Srivastava was using and earmarked and explain the factors used by Mr Srivastava
in contributing to the politics. (10 Marks)

ans- mr. kabir was using the power of trust .as he work on his own premises without any
fear. He works for the company or in the favour of company by showing this type of behavior
he wants to get promotion by impressing their superior .
mr.shrivastav was using the power of being superior by having various promotion. Srivastava
(Sr Manager Admin) was very happy to oblige Mr Gupta as he wanted one of his relatives to
be employed as officer

Political landscape could be a set of hierarchies that link the political players along. In
alternative words, political landscape is what defines relationships between colleagues at a
given time. Drafting of this landscape begins with the leaders of the organization influencing
the formal hierarchy; that defines the news structure and indicates the political setup of the
organization because it was at the start supposed. structure hierarchies, every with its own
distinctive political challenges, rely upon several factors of the given organization. aforesaid
factors embrace structure goals, size of the organization, range of resources out there and
therefore the sort of leaders at intervals the organization. Political landscape can modification
as people ar introduced into the structure combine. throughout the method of operating along
an off-the-cuff hierarchy is established. the most link between people on a political landscape
is that the access to-in addition to-the flow of knowledge. This hierarchy is known by
applying numerical prices to relationships in proportion to what proportion 2 people rate and
value each other. The total price of those about a private establishes the place on the
hierarchy. 2 or additional folks estimating relationships and merging results will manufacture
additional bound results. folks quickly understand United Nations agency the boss is, whom
they rely upon for valuable data, and United Nations agency is aware of all the workplace
gossip. it's vital to acknowledge wherever you slot in this landscape and what power and
influence you have got at intervals the organization. it's necessary not solely to use that power
in pursuit of the organization's goals, however conjointly to make sure others don't abuse it.
"Each player within the organization incorporates a role within the politics that grease the
wheels of obtaining things done." [5]

Office politics differs from workplace gossip therein folks taking part in workplace politics
do thus with the target of gaining advantage, whereas gossip is a strictly group action.
However, the 2 ar somewhat connected. workplace gossip is commonly employed by a
private to position themselves at some extent wherever they'll management the flow of
knowledge, and thus gain most advantage. The incommunicative nature of structure politics
differentiates it from public gossip and so, is also additional harmful to the organization. each
will cause one to doubt the intentions of associates, that creates a hostile work setting.
workplace politics conjointly refers to the method co-workers act among one another. worker
interaction holds the potential to be either positive or negative (i.e. cooperative or

At the foundation of workplace politics is that the issue of manipulation. Manipulation is gift
in any relationship wherever one or additional of the parties concerned uses indirect means
that to attain their goals. within the geographic point, wherever resources ar restricted, people
typically have Associate in Nursing incentive to attain their goals at the expense of their
colleagues. for instance, if six folks apply for one promotion, they may expect the choice to
be created strictly on advantage. If one in all the candidates were to believe that this could
place them at a drawback, they will use alternative means that of coercion or influence to
place themselves into Associate in Nursing advantageous position. once those that have fallen
subject to the manipulation begin to speak to every alternative directly—or once alternative
proof involves light-weight like money results—the manipulator can have an evidence
prepared however can already be designing their exit, as they're driven to remain au fait, to
not face a revelation which might expose their behavior.

The aims of workplace politics or manipulation within the geographic point don't seem to be
invariably accumulated pay or a promotion. Often, the goal could merely be bigger power or
management for its own end; or to discredit a contestant. workplace politics don't essentially
stem from strictly self-seeking gains. they'll be a route towards company edges, that provides
a leg up to the corporate as an entire, not simply a private. "A 'manipulator' can typically
reach career or personal goals by co-opting as several colleagues as potential into their
plans."[8] Despite the very fact that the hidden agenda could be a personal conclusion,
allying with unsuspecting co-workers strengthens the manipulator's personal position and
ensures that they're going to be the last person defendant of wrongdoing.

Office politics could be a major issue in business as a result of the people United Nations
agency manipulate their operating relationships consume time and resources for his or her
own gain at the expense of the team or company.

In addition to the present downside, the follow of workplace politics will have a good
additional serious result on major business processes like strategy formation, budget setting,
performance management, and leadership. this happens as a result of once people ar taking
part in workplace politics, it interferes with the knowledge flow of a corporation. data is
distorted, misdirected, or suppressed, so as to control a scenario for short-run personal gain.
3. Gulu's Snack Company is a family owned company located in Himalaya Mountains.
Gulu started the business in 1956, by selling homemade chips. Nowadays, Gulu's is
Rs.58 million snack Food Company that is struggling to regain market share lost to
fierce competitors. In the early 1980, Gulu passed the business on to his son, Gulu Jr.,
who is currently grooming his son, Gulshan to succeed himself as head of the
company. Six month ago, Gulshan joined Gulu's Snacks as a salesperson and after
four months, he was quickly promoted to sales manager. Gulshan recently graduated
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Organisational Behaviour

Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2018 Examination

from a local university with an M.B.A. in marketing, and Gulu Jr. was hoping that
Gulshan would be able to implement strategies that could help turn the company
around. One of Gulshan's initial strategies was to introduce a new sales performance
management system. As part of this approach, any sales person who receives a below
average performance rating would be required to attend a mandatory coaching session
with his/her supervisor. Gulshan is hoping that these coaching sessions will motivate
his employees in increase their sales. Here is the description of the reaction of three
salespeople who have been required to attend a coaching session because of their low
performance over the previous quarter.
Nishant is a hard worker. He takes pride in his work. He has learned selling
techniques. He has accompanied top salesman. He has no problem asking for advice
and doing whatever needs to be done to learn the business. He has cheery attitude and
is a real "team player and giving the company 150 percent at all times. It has been a
tough quarter for Nishant, but he is doing his best to achieve his sales targets. He feels
that failure to make quota during this past quarter results not from lack of effort but
just bad luck in the economy. But he is now hopeful in the next quarter. Nishant is
upset with Gulshan for having him attend the coaching session because this is the first
time in three years that his sales quota has not been met. He exceeded the sales quota
this year yet had not received a "thank you" or "good job" for those efforts. The entire
experience has left Nishant demotivated and questioning his future with the company.
Navin is happy to have his job at Gulu's Snack Company although he really doesn't
like sales work that much. Navin accepted this position because he felt that he
wouldn't have to work hard and would have a lot of free time during the day. Navin
was sent to coaching mainly because his customer satisfaction reports were low; in
fact, they were the lowest in the company. Navin tends to give scanned presentations
and does not listen closely to customers’ needs. Consequently, Navin makes
numerous errors is new sales orders, which delays shipments and loses business and
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Organisational Behaviour

Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2018 Examination

goodwill for Gulu's Snack Company. He thinks that the coaching session is a waste of
time. He doesn't socialize with others in the office. He attributes other's success and
promotions to "who they know" in the company rather than their hard work. He feels
that no matter how much effort is put into the job, he will never be adequately
For three of the last five years Nikhil was the number one salesperson in the division
and had hopes of being promoted to sales manager. When Gulshan joined the
company, Nikhil worked closely with Gulu Jr. to help Gulshan learn all facets of the
business. Nikhil thought this close relationship with Gulu Jr. would ensure his
upcoming promotion to the coveted position of sales manager. He goes late for
appointment or misses them entirely. His sales performance declined dramatically,
which resulted in a drastic loss of income. Although Nikhil had been dedicated and
fiercely loyal to Gulu Jr. and the company for many years, he is now looking for other
employment. Nikhil is bitter and resentful of his current situation and now faces a
mandatory coaching session that will be conducted by Gulshan.

a) How three needs identified by McClelland are related to worker behaviour in each
situation? (5 Marks)

ans- One of Gulshan's initial strategies was to introduce a new sales performance
management system. As part of this approach, any sales person who receives a below average
performance rating would be required to attend a mandatory coaching session with his/her
. He doesn't socialize with others in the office. He attributes other's success and
promotions to "who they know" in the company rather than their hard work. He feels
that no matter how much effort is put into the job, he will never be adequately
For three of the last five years Nikhil was the number one salesperson in the division and had
hopes of being promoted to sales manager. When Gulshan joined the company, Nikhil
worked closely with Gulu Jr. to help Gulshan learn all facets of the business. Nikhil thought
this close relationship with Gulu Jr. would ensure his upcoming promotion to the coveted
position of sales manager. He goes late for appointment or misses them entirely. His sales
performance declined dramatically, which resulted in a drastic loss of income.

b) How is expectancy theory related with the 3 employees? Explain. (5 Marks)

Ans- Expectancy theory (or expectancy theory of motivation) proposes a personal are going
to behave or act during a bound manner as a result of they're intended to pick out hand-
picked|a particular} behavior over different behaviors thanks to what they expect the results
of that selected behavior can be.[1] In essence, the motivation of the behavior choice is
decided by the desirability of the end result. However, at the core of the speculation is that
the noesis of however a personal processes the various psychological feature components.
this can be done before creating the last word selection. the end result isn't the only real
decisive consider creating the choice of a way to behave.
Expectancy theory is regarding the mental processes concerning selection, or selecting. It
explains the processes that a personal undergoes to create decisions. within the study of
structure behavior, expectancy theory may be a motivation theory 1st projected by Victor roar
of the Yale faculty of Management.
"This theory emphasizes the requirements for organizations to relate rewards on to
performance and to make sure that the rewards provided square measure those rewards
merited and wished by the recipients."[2]
Victor H. roar (1964) defines motivation as a method governing decisions among different
types of voluntary activities, a method controlled by the individual. The individual makes
decisions supported estimates of however well the expected results of a given behavior
square measure aiming to match up with or eventually result in the specified results.
Motivation may be a product of the individual's expectancy that a definite effort can result in
the supposed performance, the instrumentality of this performance to achieving a definite
result, and also the desirability of this result for the individual, referred to as valence.


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