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Filza Irawan Hasibuan (2211121006)

Niwana Adegan (2213121022)

Kezia Aurellia (2213121023)


LECTURER : Yuni Khairina, S. Pd., M. Hum.




Thank to Allah who has given His bless and grace to us so that we have successfully
finishing this Mini Research task to completed the Student Development Course assignment of
Receptive Written Language Skills. The English paper entitled Sexual Harassment.

The completion of this task is inseparable from the help of various parties. Therefore, on
this occasion the author would you like to thank the lectures who have given this assignment. The
author hopes the writing of this Mini Research can provide benefits and insights for the readers.

In writing this paper the author realizes this paper certainly not free deficiencies and
shallowness. Therefore, the author needed criticism, suggestion, and constructive comment that
are always expected to be positive feedback for future improvement.

Medan, 13th November 2021


PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................ ii
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................. 1
2.1 FORMULA IDENTIFICATION……………………………………………………...2
2.1 THE PURPOSE .............................................................................................................. 2
4.1 BENEFITS ...................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................................. 3
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................. 17
CLOSING .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.1. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 17
5.2. SUGGESTION ............................................................................................................. 17


As we know, the negative results of harassment may be lengthy-lasting and severe. people
who enjoy sexual harassment in any work environment can suffer chronic health issues,
submit-demanding strain, melancholy, substance abuse, employment difficulties, and
courting troubles. And the fee to business may be excessive. research has located that every
incident of sexual harassment expenses groups about $22,500 a year in lost productiveness,
and U.S. businesses have paid out more than $295 million in public penalties in current
years, which doesn’t consist of non-public settlements. In 2016 by myself, U.S. companies
paid $2.2 billion in coverage policies that include coverage for sexual harassment

yet a lot of the sporadic attention paid to place of work sexual harassment by means of the
media and standard public over time, and in the preliminary tiers of the #MeToo movement,
has focused on the memories of celebrities, politicians, excessive-profile artists and
enterprise leaders, egregious felony instances, and the media itself. Our goal with this
evaluation is to provide a clearer image of the phenomenon of sexual harassment by way of
extensively surveying the landscape of sectors inside the economy and a selection of
professions. We are seeking to better recognize the roots of sexual harassment and the
dynamics that pressure it in numerous sectors, as a way to layout the fine techniques to better
save you, reply to, and in the long run, stop sexual harassment in all sectors.

even though much remains unknown about the superiority of sexual harassment, due to the
fact so few cases are in reality pronounced or upward thrust to the narrow criminal standard
to pursue a claim, the present day responses truely aren’t working. typically, agencies take
care of sexual harassment by using ignoring it, firing harassers, or supplying sexual
harassment schooling geared toward protective agencies from legal liability, in preference to
changing cultures or eradicating sexual harassment. We reviewed the trendy studies and
records on harassment and assault from throughout industries, sectors, and populations,
marshalling the work of, among others, legal specialists, social scientists, polling
establishments, reporters, the public sector, the business network, and advocacy and studies
groups. thru this expansive evaluation, we lay out the important thing factors that force
sexual harassment in unique sectors and different administrative center settings, which we
prepared via looking on the intersection of gender ratio and wage earnings. simplest with a
clear understanding of the way sexual harassment operates across unique sectors, are we able
to begin to pick out and effectively implement the adjustments required in coverage,
exercise, regulation, and tradition to reply to, save you and quit sexual harassment.

in this case, we use the broader educational social-psychological definition of sexual

harassment. We renowned that sexual harassment is a spectrum of discriminatory behaviors
and unwanted reports that variety from lewd comments to gender harassment to undesirable
sexual attention to sexual coercion to sexual attack and rape. these behaviors stem not simply
from sexual desire, but additionally from unequal electricity dynamics, racism, misogyny,
and gendered cultural expectations. We also be aware how sexual harassment can take
distinctive forms and frequency primarily based on these strength dynamics for
special intersecting identities—gender, race, potential, sexual orientation, or immigration
reputation. for instance, the EEOC cites studies that individuals of racial minority
corporations revel in better ranges of harassment than whites, that ladies experience greater
harassment than men, and that girls of shade enjoy extra harassment than white women.

although we are concentrating on sexual harassment within the place of business, it’s crucial
to understand that once in a while the revel in transcends work and home boundaries.

Based on the explanation above, the problems that will be discussed in this paper are:
1. What is the meaning of Sexual Harassment?
2. How is sexual harassment happening to young women?
3. How does sexual abuse happen to children?
4. What are the consequences of sexual harassment?
5. What is the solution to prevent sexual violence and harassment?


The aims of this paper are:
1. To know the meaning of Sexual Harassment.
2. To find out sexual harassment that occurs in young women.
3. To find out sexual abuse that occurs in children.
4. To find out the impact of sexual harassment.
5. To find out the solution to prevent sexual harassment.


1. Can know the meaning of Sexual Harassment.
2. Can find out sexual harassment that occurs in young women.
3. Can find out sexual abuse that occurs in children.
4. Can know the impact of sexual harassment.
5. Can find solutions to prevent sexual harassment



2.1 Definition Of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is all forms of behavior that have sexual connotations that are carried out
unilaterally and are not expected by the person who is the target so that it causes a negative
reaction: shame, anger, offence and so on in the person who is the victim of harassment.

Sexual harassment occurs when the perpetrator has more power than the victim. Power can
be in the form of a higher job position, economic power, "power" of one sex over the other, more
personal numbers, etc.

The range of sexual harassment is very broad, including: flirting, naughty whistles,
comments that have sex connotations, pornographic humor, pinches, pokes, pats or touches on
certain body parts, certain gestures or gestures of a sexual nature, solicitation of dates with the
lure or threats, invitations to have sexual relations to rape. Harassment can also be in the form of
negative comments/treatment based on gender, because basically sexual harassment is gender
harassment, namely harassment based on a person's gender, in this case because the person is a
woman. Such as: "Women's duties are behind...", "Not married, because they are no longer

Perpetrators of sexual violence are usually close family members, for example: close friends,
lovers, relatives, fathers (step or biological), teachers, religious leaders, superiors, and so on.
According to the 1993 WHO sexual crime statistics, 60-78% of perpetrators of violence sex is
someone the victim knows. In many other cases, rape is carried out by people who are just
known and initially appear to be nice people who offer help, for example taking the victim
somewhere. Sexual harassment can happen anywhere and anytime, such as on buses, factories,
supermarkets, cinemas, offices, hotels, sidewalks, etc. both day and night.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is often accompanied by promises of job rewards or

promotions. It can even be accompanied by threats, whether overt or not. If the promise or
invitation is not accepted, you can lose your job, not be promoted, be transferred, etc. Sexual

harassment can also occur without any promises or threats, but can make the workplace uneasy,
hostile, stressful, etc. Almost all victims of sexual harassment are women regardless of
socioeconomic status, age, race, education, physical appearance, religion, etc.

2.2 Sexual Harassment and Violence in Young Women

Youth is a valuable asset of a nation. They are later expected to be the successors to the
continuity of a country in all respects. From the data on the projection of the youth population in
Indonesia conducted by the BKKBN, it turns out that for every 5 years the population of this age
is expected to continue to increase in number. One of the efforts to improve the welfare of
teenagers is to protect this age from all forms of violence and abuse of their human rights as
human beings so that later they will be ready as adults who are physically, mentally and
spiritually prosperous.

Violence that is often experienced by teenagers, especially teenage girls, is sexual

violence. This includes everything from harassment to rape. According to WHO sex crime
statistics in 1993, victims of sexual crimes in the majority of countries in the world are under 15
years old, ranging from 36-62%. Data in Indonesia cannot be concluded because there are very
few reports. However, the discourse in many mass media is sufficient to conclude that sexual
violence against young women in Indonesia is very concerning.

2.3 Child Sexual Abuse And Violence

1. Physical abuse of children

Physical violence against children is torture, beating, and ill-treatment of children, with or
without the use of certain objects, which cause physical injury or death to children. The form of
the wound can be in the form of abrasions or bruises due to contact or blunt force, such as bite
marks, pinches, belts or rattan. It can also be in the form of burns from hot gasoline or patterned
from cigarette burns or ironing. The location of the wound is usually found in the thigh, arm,
mouth, cheek, chest, stomach, back or buttocks area. The occurrence of physical violence against
children is generally triggered by behavior of children who are not liked by their parents, such as
naughty or fussy children, crying constantly, asking for snacks, urinating, urinating or vomiting
in any place, breaking valuables.

2. Psychological violence against children

Psychological violence against children includes rebuking, conveying harsh and dirty words,
showing children pornographic books, pictures or films. Children who receive this treatment
generally show symptoms of maladaptive behavior, such as withdrawing, shy, crying when
approached, afraid to leave the house and afraid to meet other people.

3. Child sexual abuse

Sexual violence against children can be in the form of sexual pre-contact treatment between
children and older people (through words, touch, visual images, exhibitionism), as well as direct
sexual contact treatment between children and adults (incest, rape, sexual exploitation). Beating
the child's "butt" area can develop feelings of sexual pleasure early on. They cannot understand
the feeling. As adults they do this sexual oddity they usually look for prostitutes. In addition,
children who are victims of beatings feel that they are worthless, because they are used to feeling
pain from being hit, these children will easily give up their bodies to be treated indecently as
adults, so that they are easy to become victims of prostitution.

4. Social violence against children

Social violence against children can include neglect of children and exploitation of children.
Child neglect is the attitude and treatment of parents who do not give proper attention to the
child's growth and development process. For example, children are ostracized, ostracized from
the family, or not given proper education and health care. Exploitation of children refers to
discriminatory attitudes or arbitrary treatment of children by the family or society. For example,
forcing a child to do something for the sake of economic, social or political interest without
regard to the child's rights to obtain protection in accordance with their physical, psychological
and social development.

2.4 Examples of Cases of Sexual Harassment That Happened

First Case:

Throughout 2010, according to the report, there were 125 cases of sexual harassment. The
previous year, there were only 90 cases. Of the 125 cases, 20 of them went to court. However, it
is not stated whether the rape case by former president Moshe Katsav is included in this figure.
The Director General of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers Israel, Michal Rozin, stated that
this number is high because many victims in this case want to speak up and seek justice.

A similar case to Katsav emerged in 2010 when a civil servant, Orly Innes reported being
sexually harassed by a director general at the Ministry of Public Security, Hagai Peleg. A report
from the Civil Service Commission, which was recently submitted to the Ministry of Justice,
shows that the Ministry of Education registered the largest number of complaints was in 2010.
Rozin said cases of sexual misconduct involving public figures such as the Katsav case or former
minister Haim Ramon also showed an increasing trend.

Second Case:

An obscene video recorder involving junior high school students in Central Jakarta. The video of
sexual harassment spread among 4th junior high school students in Central Jakarta. Central
Jakarta Police on Sunday (13/10). At that time, the class IX student admitted that she was forced
by one of her friends to perform oral sex on her classmate who was still in class VIII. The scene
was witnessed and recorded on video by 5 other women who are also classmates of the victim.
The victim was even threatened with a sharp weapon if he refused the request of the six friends.
Feeling threatened, the victim was forced to obey the depraved will of his friends. This incident
occurred on September 13 last.

2.5 Causes of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is, especially, a manifestation of power family members. women are much
more likely to be victims of sexual harassment exactly because they more often than guys lack
electricity, are in more susceptible and insecure positions, lack self-worth, or were socialized to
go through in silence. so that it will recognize why ladies endure the massive majority of sexual
harassment, it's miles critical to study some of the underlying reasons of this phenomenon.

1. Violence and Male Self-notion

The connection between the sexes in many nations around the sector includes a large amount of
violence towards women.statistics about america, as an instance, indicate that one out of each ten
girls are raped or sexually assaulted during their lives, whilst extra than half of of all girls living
with men have skilled a battering or similar incident of home violence.Violence by way of men
in opposition to ladies exists within the place of work, as it does in other settings.

Some scholars, which include Susan Faludi, the author of Backlash: The Undeclared
conflict towards American ladies, propose that male hostility in the direction of women inside
the administrative center is intently linked to male attitudes approximately the right position of a
man in society.Surveys on guys's notion of masculinity, executed within the U.S., as an example,
suggest that the main definition of masculinity is being a terrific company for his family. Ms.
Faludi concludes that some men perceive the feminist drive for monetary equality as a danger to
their conventional role.hence, sexual harassment is a shape of violence perceived as self-

The problem of sexual harassment pertains to the jobs which might be attributed to men and
women in social and financial life, which, in flip, without delay or circuitously, influences
women's positions inside the hard work market.

2. The Economics of women's work

Focusing on the economics of men's work and women's work exposes sexual harassment as a
manner for the men who harass women to express their resentment and try to reassert manipulate
when they view women as their financial competitors.

No matter impediments ladies face in obtaining employment, there was a massive influx
of women into the exertions force within the 1960s and Nineteen Seventies, not best inside the
U.S., however on a international scale. women's entry into the group of workers has been
prompted by necessity, considering many families can't make ends meet if the spouse and
husband do now not both work complete-time.

Furthermore, the variety of single-discern families headed by using women in growing.

There are a big quantity of households wherein a woman is the sole way of help. records from
the U.S. suggest that between 1980 and 1990, the quantity of woman-headed households
accelerated by 27%. by using 1997, out of each 5 running girls had been the only head of their
families, and within that organization, multiple-sector had dependent youngsters. (supply: the
american Federation of hard work-Congress of business company, [AFL-CIO] operating
women's branch).

This new and surprising influx of women into the hard work force brought approximately
simultaneous, but apparently opposite reactions to women at work. On one hand, a few men
resented lady personnel and perceived them as a risk in historically male dominated work
environments. In these cases the women had been issue to overt discrimination, this is, they
obtained lesser-valued activity assignments, lack of promotions, decrease pay, and sexual
harassment to motive embarrassment and humiliation.

The second one reaction turned into to exploit the presence of women and make sexual
favors and submission to sexual behaviors conditions of employment, that is to keep from being
fired, demoted, or in any other case adversely affected at work. both are styles of sexual

3. Discrimination as a shape Of workplace manage

Catherine MacKinnon, writer of Sexual Harassment of running women, become the primary
felony pupil to attract attention to the connection between sex discrimination and sexual
harassment:"... women tend to be in low-ranking positions, dependant upon the approval and
goodwill of male [superiors] for hiring, retention and advancement. Being on the mercy of male
superiors adds direct monetary clout to male secual demands. It additionally deprives women of
material protection and independence that could help make resistance to unreasonable job
pressures sensible.

Sexual harassment of women can arise in large part due to the fact women occupy
inferior task positions and activity roles; on the identical time, sexual harassment works to keep
women in such positions."If sex discrimination forces women into decrease-paying jobs, sexual
harassment facilitates keep them there. this can not be the intention of the harasser in every
example, but it's far often the effect seen in this context, male people who harass a lady at the
activity are doing more than demanding her. they're reminding her of her vulnerability, creating
tensions that make her job extra difficult and making her hesitant to searching for better paying
jobs where she can also understand the anxiety as even greater. In brief, sexual harassment
creates a climate of intimidation and repression. A woman who is the goal of sexual harassment
often is going via the same system of victimization as one who has suffered rape, battering or
other gender-associated crimes- often blaming herself and doubting her own.

Women hired in fields which might be historically considered lady's work, together with
waitresses and secretaries, are frequently given menial, degrading duties. they're frequently
known as demeaning names, and they're caused believe that a sure quantity of male domination
and sexism is ordinary. All of this reinforces the idea that girls employees are of little fee within
the place of work. women who strive to interrupt into historically all-male work, which includes
construction jobs, remedy or funding banking, frequently suffer even extra excessive harassment
definitely geared toward forcing them to leave.

2.6 The Impact of Sexual Harassment

There are many consequences of sexual violence. As a teenager who is still developing,
this will be very imprint and leave long lasting effects both physically and mentally. Suicide
rates in women who experience sexual violence from men who live with them are 5 times greater
than women who do not experience it.

Various sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through sexual violence.

Although the reproductive organs of adolescent girls have developed, sexual violence
experienced from manipulation of sexual organs to rape can injure the reproductive organs and
cause infections, other reproductive organ diseases, unwanted pregnancies and even abortions.

The fear and shame of victims due to intimidation and community culture causes illness
and pregnancy to go undetected so that it is sometimes found in an advanced state. Mental health
problems faced by adolescent girls who experience sexual harassment and violence can include
depression or anxiety that lasts a long time, or post-stress syndrome. traumatized. Some
demonstrate a denial mechanism by turning to alcohol or drugs for pain relief. Most of them
isolate themselves and withdraw from the environment.

Among the social impacts experienced by victims are decreased school/work

performance, more frequent absences, not taking courses taught by certain lecturers, declining
grades, getting revenge from the perpetrator or the perpetrator's friends, losing personal life for
being the "guilty" , become the object of conversation, destruction of character/reputation, loss of
trust in people with the same type/position as the perpetrator, loss of trust in a similar
environment, experiencing extraordinary stress in relationships with partners, being ostracized,
changing universities/faculties; loss of job and opportunity to get referrals, loss of career. In
addition, there are also psychological/physiological effects, namely: depression, panic attacks,
anxiety, sleep disturbances, self-blame, difficulty concentrating, headaches, loss of motivation,
forgetting time, feeling betrayed, anger and even suicidal thoughts.

2.7 Sexual Harassment Prevention

1. Aware is the key!

In human education, we never know when and how a sex offender will attack a victim. So try to
be vigilant wherever and whenever. Also, brings tools like pepper spray in a duffel bag might be
one of the brightest ideas.

2. Don't be afraid to speak up

Sexual molesters target those who look weak and who offer no resistance. So is the opposite,
when we show a firm stance and are not afraid to, by refusing to allow such harassment that
happen we have even cut off their criminal activities.

3. Be firm and bold in giving reproof

If you're using public transportation where there are a lot of people in there, you should be alert
and be on the lookout for your body. Usually, the sexual abuse of touch on some part of your
body and as a woman is prone to violence occurs when many jostles. If this happens,
immediately change positions and raise their voices firmly and loudly so that they feel
embarrassed and those around you will pay attention. That way, he would no longer dare to do
such a thing. You can choose right away. Inform the security or the public vehicle officer again.

4. Equip yourself with martial art

Martial arts skills should be known to women, however, as women should be able to defend
themselves if sexual harassment approaches them, by physically coerced or leads to kidnap rape.
Great at fighting can at least keep us to out of any possible embarrassment in sexual harassment.

5. Choosing a wholesome circle of association.

As a woman, it is good to choose our environment. A wholesome association will make our
person well too. If we get into a false environment, then evil will be easy to walk with us. The
smell of sex became a joke and was considered commonplace by an environment. You can
immediately avoid this toxic environment.

6. Do not respond to a person engaging in harassment in the same way.

Never be too friendly and open with others. We need to know who we're communicating with. It
is good to be more careful about what we say and how we behave toward others.

7. Seek and ask for protection from others who can overcome the abuser.

8. It is best to go out and wear modest clothing or at least not invite others to do evil things to

Everyone needs to notice this sex harassment especially women. This precaution is the
best. It's mandatory to know and do when they start exiting the house and maybe also in our
house, there's a perpetrator of sexual harassment. In contrast, those who are close to us or who
live in our home are sexually abused. Therefore, it is better to know how we prevent these cases
and which will surely benefit us.

2.8 Solutions to Prevent Sexual Violence and Harassment

Ways to prevent sexual harassment:

1. Learn about sexual harassment issues.

2. Able to act assertively and dare to say no (refuse).

3. Disseminate information about sexual harassment.

4. Willing to act as a witness.

5. Help victims.

6. Forming a solidarity group.

7. Campaigning for security guarantees, especially for women.

8. Campaigning for law enforcement for women's rights.

The following are important roles in preventing sexual violence and harassment:

1. Parents

Parents should pay more attention to their children's lives. Parents are required skills in educating
and loving their children. Do not let children live in restraint, mentally or physically. It is not
wise to scold a child, especially acts of violence (beating and physical torture), because it will
only cause the child to feel unnoticed, unloved. Finally, the child feels traumatized, even

2. Teacher

The role of a teacher is required to realize that education in our country is not only to make
children smart and smart, but must also be able to mentally train their students. The teacher's role
in understanding the condition of students is very necessary. Wisdom, wisdom, and tolerance are
needed. Ideally, a teacher knows the students' personalities well, including the social status of the
students' parents so that they can act and act wisely.

3. Society

Our children are not only in contact with parents and teachers, they also cannot be separated
from various interactions with the community in which they are located. For this reason,
awareness and cooperation from various elements in society are needed to contribute to
providing a positive educational atmosphere for children. One of these elements is the TV station
manager. Many studies conclude that the influence of media (especially TV) on children's
behavior is quite large. Various crime shows on various TV stations, without us realizing it, have
shown portraits of violence which of course will have an effect on the formation of children's
personal mentality and sexual crimes.

4. Government And Social Workers

The government is the party who is fully responsible for the welfare of the people, including in
this case guaranteeing the future for our children as the next generation. and provide education
about sexual violence against women and girls so that the paradigm of violence and sexual
harassment as something that is commonplace is lost. The community needs to mobilize forces
that can pressure the government to immediately address this problem by involving social

workers or the international community who are concerned about the issue of violence against
women and children.

Social workers who are concerned with the issue of sexual violence against adolescents
can organize awareness-raising on the importance of knowing the human rights of women and
children. This can be done by conducting counseling on tips to prevent sexual harassment. The
role of health service providers, especially doctors, is very important. The role of the government
in providing a sense of security that is less influential on the existence of sexual violence.

Some countries still ignore the protection of women and children because of the culture
and paradigm that has been rooted in society regarding the low status of women, does not
consider this issue important, or does not have good legal instruments to protect the rights of
women and children.

Some steps to protect yourself from rape:

1. Demonstrate a firm attitude towards all forms of suspicious behavior.

2. Always be alert.

3. Do not walk in dark and quiet places.

4. Dress appropriately.

5. Always keep weapons in your bag, such as lighters, spray deodorant, and so on.

6. If you go to a foreign place, bring your complete address, floor plan and vehicle path so you
don't look confused. Ask at official places, such as the police station.

7. Do not easily accept invitations to travel or stay in unfamiliar places.

8. Do not easily ride the vehicle of people who do not know.

9. Be careful when people drink.

10. Always make sure the windows, doors of rooms, houses, cars, are locked properly.

11. Learn practical self-defense to defend yourself when attacked.


Sexual harassment is not something foreign to Indonesian society. Until now, the
crime of sexual harassment is something Indonesians are very afraid of. One of them is
sexual abuse of minors. Sexual harassment is sexual advances that are not desired by the
recipient, where the seduction appears in various forms, whether subtle, rough, open,
physical or verbal. Generally, the forms of sexual harassment are verbal and physical
harassment, which is verbal abuse is more common than physical. The experts said that
sexual harassment in the form of verbal was unwanted sexual inducement, and dominated
women over men. It can be concluded that sexual harassment often occurs in the
collective unconscious of men as a result of the root of the gender structure that has been
deeply embedded in society which is actually unfair. This also happens in Indonesia,
where since childhood women are accustomed to being feminine and men being
masculine. Sexual harassment occurs as a result of social conditioning in society. Women
are automatically seen as subordinates who can be underestimated. Also, many cases
state that the sex abuser is their own closest person.

From the various information we have obtained that sexual harassment is very
dangerous because it will cause very dangerous effects ranging from the mental burden
suffered by the victim, the illness that will be suffered by the perpetrator and also by the
victim and so on. Therefore we must be able to take care of ourselves by getting closer to
the Almighty, strengthen our faith so that we are always protected by our God.


Abu Huraerah. (2006). Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Jakarta:Penerbit Nuansa,Emmy Soekresno S.


Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional. Pelecehan Seksual dan Kekerasan Seksual.


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