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Writing 1

Timeline Business Structure

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Ingles VI (English Good Business Practices)

Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Riosucio Caldas - 2019

History of commercial business (Timeline)

Trade begins when man begins to live in society, once a family nucleus is established and
communities begin to be created. The growth of the community led to new forms of social life,
and new needs began to emerge to improve food, clothing and housing conditions. With the
advances in the techniques, and with the search of greater comforts, the man begins the
division of the work. Instead of a man covering all his needs (looking for food, clothing, housing,
etc.), he specializes in one activity and exchanges his property for others with people who
specialize in another activity. In the beginning the barter system was used, that is, the direct
exchange of one good for another.


NEOLITHIC 9000 BC - 4000 BC The origins of trade date back to the end of the
Neolithic, when agriculture was discovered. At
first, the agriculture that was practiced was a
subsistence agriculture, where the fair ones were
for the population dedicated to agricultural affairs.

However, as new technological developments were incorporated into the day-to-day activities of
farmers, the crops obtained were growing

The crops obtained were greater than that necessary for the subsistence of the community. It was no
longer necessary for the entire community to devote itself to agriculture. The population began to
specialize in pottery or steel.

This primitive trade, not only meant a local exchange of goods and food, but also a global exchange of
scientific and technological innovations, among others. In addition to the exchange of innovations,
trade also led to a gradual change in societies. Now wealth could be stored and exchanged. The first
capitalist societies began to appear as we know them today, and also the first social stratifications. In
the beginning the social classes were simply the townspeople and the family of the leader. Later on,
other more sophisticated social classes appeared, such as warriors, artisans, merchants, etc.

Barter was the way in which ancient civilizations began to trade. It involves exchanging goods for
other goods of equal value.


OLD AGE 3000 BC - late 5th century A.D. In the year 600 a. C. the first official minted coins

The merchandise as a means of payment turned

out to be impractical, since many of them were
perishable and difficult to accumulate. Therefore,
they were replaced by objects or precious metals,
which were taking various forms depending on
the place (bricks, arches, plates, knives, etc.)


MIDDLE AGES 5th century AD - 15th century AD In this period, important transcontinental trade
routes begin to emerge that try to meet the high
European demand for goods and merchandise.
Very frequented import routes are created. The
establishment of routes serves to revive the
economy of many regions.

At the end of the Middle Ages, banking emerged as a monetary establishment that provides a series
of services and facilitates commerce.

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The search for new trade routes to India led to the

discovery of America, which was another
important step towards the evolution of trade,
favoring the growth of banks.

European commercial and capital networks were consolidated with the new flow of gold from South
America, strengthening the growth of European banks and the emergence of large European banks
(such as the Amsterdam bank, the bank of Sweden, the bank of England, etc.)

7th Century TRANSATLANTIC TRADE Transatlantic crossings between Europe and

America take on a fundamental role at this time,
not only for the transport of goods but also for
passenger traffic. New York becomes the
commercial capital of the United States and one
of the main cities in the world. The voyages
improve amazingly with the passage of the ship
unveils the steamboat, much faster and safer


INNOVATIONS IN TRANSPORT 19th century The innovations in the transport revitalize the
commerce nobly, since with the improvement of
the freight transport, these can be manufactured
cheaply to all the points of consumption. One of
the first contributions of the transport revolution
was the railroad in the first half of the 19th
century. River transport was also very important
in some places in Europe and America. Finally,
the great advance was the appearance of the
automobile with the systematic construction of


GLOBALIZATION 20th century – 21st century

Tendency to create free trade zones

internationally. Globalization was born as a
consequence of the need to reduce production
costs in order to give the producer the ability to be
competitive in a global environment.

This economic, technological, social and cultural process allows the different countries of the world to
unify their markets, societies and cultures through increasing communication and interdependence.

XXI century Tendency to buy and sell products and services
through electronic and computer means. The
amount of commerce carried out electronically
has grown extraordinarily in recent times due to
the spread of the Internet and the use of
innovations, such as the transfer of funds
electronically, internet marketing, electronic data
exchange, etc.


Algo sobre la historia del comercio y los negocios - Enviado por José Guillermo Ángel
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