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WMR0010.1177/0734242X21992424Waste Management & ResearchKanojia and Visvanathan

Original Article

Waste Management & Research

Assessment of urban solid waste

2021, Vol. 39(11) 1414­–1426
© The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
management systems for Industry
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X21992424

4.0 technology interventions and the

circular economy

Abhishek Kanojia and Chettiyappan Visvanathan

The ongoing fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 (I4.0), is transforming various industries across the globe. At the same time,
resource scarcity with high consumption rates has led to the development of the circular economy. Both concepts advocate for
sustainable growth and waste minimization. In developing countries, the integrated solid waste management framework is undergoing
modification under I4.0 and the circular economy. Urban local bodies are often unable to measure the readiness of their waste
management systems to transform under I4.0 and the circular economy. Here the novel concept of Waste 4.0 is developed. ‘Waste
4.0’ is a readiness assessment tool to promote the comprehensive transformation of municipal solid waste management under I4.0
and circular economy. This tool has eight determinants for assessing the municipal solid waste management of urban local bodies.
To validate Waste 4.0 the urban local bodies of Indore and Sagar, India were used as case studies. The readiness index for I4.0 in
the municipal solid waste management system in Indore and Sagar was 0.72 and 0.14, respectively. The readiness index for circular
economy focus in Indore and Sagar was 0.65 and 0.13, respectively. The Indore urban local body was classified as an ‘Experienced’
player for I4.0 Intervention and a ‘circular economy fast adopter’ for circular economy focus under I4.0 readiness. The Sagar urban
local body was classified as a ‘Hesitator’ player for I4.0 Intervention and achieved the ‘Business as usual’ tag for circular economy
focus under I4.0 readiness. With the Waste 4.0 assessment results urban local bodies can better plan and thus transform their municipal
solid waste management systems under I4.0 and the circular economy.

Industry 4.0, circular economy, municipal solid waste management, urban local body

Received 29th September 2020, accepted 13th January 2021 by Associate Editor Mario Grosso.

Introduction With the growth of digital technologies, intelligent robotics

with Internet of Things (IoT) have emerged as a modern tool for
In the era of rapid urbanization, large population sizes and eco- the development of various industrial and service sectors. To
nomic growth, municipal solid waste management (MSWM) has achieve resource efficiency in waste management the EU has
become a globally important issue. In 2016, the world produced decided to follow the CE concept. The novel Industry 4.0 (I4.0)
2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW). According to technologies are used to establish such a transformation. The
the estimates of the World Bank, global MSW production is pre- details of I4.0 are discussed in the later part of this paper.
dicted to be as high as 2.59 billion tonnes annually by 2030 and An innovative K-project, Recycling and Recovery of Waste
will peak at 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050 (Kaza et al., 2018). To 4.0 – ‘ReWaste4.0’, was developed at Montanuniversitaet Leoben,
address this serious problem, European Union (EU) countries Austria. New I4.0 approaches were elaborated for the urban waste
have focused on the circular economy (CE). The EU CE package
2018 defines the required recycling rates and landfilling rates for
municipal waste. Specifically, it stipulates that EU member states Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Asian
Institute of Technology, Thailand
will ensure that MSW reaching landfills should be reduced by
10% or less of the total amount of MSW generated (by weight) by Corresponding author:
2035. To achieve this target, all of the member states have devel- Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Department of Energy, Environment
and Climate Change, School of Environment, Resources and
oped a plan to transform their MSWM systems under CE. The
Development, Asian Institute of Technology, PO Box 4, Khlong Luang,
goal was to optimize the operations and performance of MSWM Pathumthani 12120, Thailand.
under the CE approach (European Union, 2018). Email:
Kanojia and Visvanathan 1415

Figure 1.  Components of Waste 4.0.

ISWM: integrated solid waste management; MSWM: municipal solid waste management.

management sector to further develop waste management towards (ISWA), 2017; Rajput and Singh, 2020). The global survey con-
CE. Furthermore, the digital readiness of the waste management ducted by the ISWA, ‘Impact of I4.0 in MSWM’, highlights that
industry was discussed in detail for the first time (Sarc and only 14% of the participating experts consider themselves knowl-
Pomberger, 2018). ReWaste4.0 investigates the scope of digitiza- edgeable about I4.0 opportunities.
tion and the use of robotic technologies in different aspects of the The key challenge for the development of the ‘Waste 4.0
urban waste management system in the context of CE assessment tool’ was the scarcity of relevant supporting litera-
(Mavropoulos and Nilsen, 2020). ture. One of the key discussions of the study shared in the
CE and I4.0 were discussed to upgrade waste management in K-Project was that there were only 85 relevant publications with
the EU, and such efforts are also needed in developing countries. In keywords such as ‘digitalization’, ‘robotics’, ‘smart waste’,
developing countries, the most popular approach for handling ‘smart factory’, ‘Industry 4.0’, ‘internet of things’, ‘waste man-
MSWM is the integrated solid waste management (ISWM) frame- agement’ and ‘circular economy’ from 2001 to 2019. Furthermore,
work, which is enhanced under I4.0 and CE transformation. The most references with these terms have been published in the last
urban administration commonly known as urban local body (ULB) three years (2017–2019). Among the 85 relevant literature refer-
is the key stakeholder for MSWM in developing countries. I4.0 and ences, only 18 publications had been peer-reviewed. The infor-
CE are the most recent and promising developments at the technol- mation provided in the project document of ReWaste4.0 indicates
ogy and policy level, respectively. There is a large gap in the the reason for the lack of supporting literature for the develop-
MSWM of developing countries that can be filled by these concepts ment of the Waste 4.0 concept (Sarc et al., 2019).
(Anbumozhi and Kimura, 2018). The ULBs use ISWM framework, There is a general lack of understanding on how to incorporate
which aids the transformation of waste management into resource new technologies with improved resource efficiency policies in the
management. The ISWM approach was proposed by UN-Habitat in MSWM system (ISWA, 2019). This research paper develops an
2010; now there are efforts to upgrade the ISWM framework assessment tool, Waste 4.0, to overcome these shortcomings. This
(Esmaeilian et al., 2018; Modak et al., 2017; Wilson et al., 2015). tool aims to aid the ability of ULBs to comprehensively upgrade
I4.0 and CE interventions are the key for enhancing waste data their MSWM system. The results of the research of the EU project
management for efficient ISWM planning, monitoring and execu- ReWaste4.0, as indicated by the ERIA publication, Assessing the
tion. High resource efficiency in MSWM systems can be achieved Readiness for Industry 4.0 and the Circular Economy, are the basis
through the ULBs of developing countries by incorporating the for the selection of I4.0 technologies under Waste 4.0 (Anbumozhi
modern trends of I4.0 and CE. Waste 4.0 is the combination of I4.0 et al., 2020; Sarc et al., 2019). Figure 1 explains the components of
technologies with CE initiatives for the advancement of the I4.0 and CE in the ISWM framework that contribute to the devel-
MSWM system. The Waste 4.0 concept is developed and discussed opment of the Waste 4.0 system.
in this research paper as a tool for assessing the readiness of ULBs The Waste 4.0 assessment tool is validated for the MSWM sys-
for both I4.0 technologies and a CE perspective in MSWM. tem of the Indore and Sagar ULBs of India. Both cities vary in
Studies have shown that I4.0 technologies have the potential demography and economic status based on official government
to stimulate CE interventions in the MSWM of developing coun- information. These two ULBs are working to transform their waste
tries, as both I4.0 and CE provide a ‘leap-frog’ opportunity for management system under the Smart City Initiative of the
the MSWM system (International Solid Waste Association Government of India. The Waste 4.0 tool is developed to determine
1416 Waste Management & Research 39(11)

Figure 2.  Abstract of the research work and its application.

the following: (a) the readiness index of ULB, for I4.0 interven- predefined objectives. Thus, before making a crucial strategic
tions; (b) the readiness index of ULB, for CE interventions; and (c) decision, organizations need to assess the readiness of the system
the readiness rating of ULBs for CE focus in I4.0 readiness for implementing I4.0 (Rajnai, 2018; Schumacher et al., 2016).
(Anbumozhi et al., 2020; Rosa et al., 2020; Shah et al., 2018). The analysis of such models indicates that although there are
These objectives are established for ULBs to upgrade their more research conducted on I4.0, still there is a research gap for
MSWM systems. Furthermore, the scores obtained for various the use of maturity model while implementing I4.0. (Gökalp
determinants of the Waste 4.0 analysis assist the ULBs with et al., 2017). The evaluation criteria, dimensions and items differ
developing specific strategies to aid transformations. As a case for various models. At the same time, no standard and well-
study, the Waste 4.0 tool is applied to Indore and Sagar ULBs to accepted model has been developed to date (Akdil et al., 2018;
evaluate the readiness of ULBs for the interventions of I4.0 and Schumacher et al., 2016). The domain of the determinants of
CE. Figure 2 provides a summary of Waste 4.0 and the flow of most models is focused exclusively on IT readiness. There is thus
research development. a need to understand the key determinants for assessing the readi-
ness factor for implementing I4.0 from a holistic perspective
(Ramanathan, 2020). Table 1 shows the various I4.0 maturity
Assessment of the status of Industry
models and their assessment approach.
4.0 readiness The maturity models for measuring the I4.0 mentioned in Table
The Industry 4.0 concept was originally proposed by The Federal 1 have been primarily developed for the production and supply
Ministry of Education and Research, Germany in 2011, and involves chain management industries. These models only focus on the tech-
the transformation of systems based on digital technological plat- nological intervention of I4.0 and do not cover CE intervention nor
forms. Among the various digital technologies that contribute to the its assessment. These models also do not focus on the MSWM sec-
establishment of I4.0, the development of the cyber-physical system tor of urban administration. Nevertheless, these maturity models
plays a key role (Forschungsunion and Acatech, 2013), as it connects provide rudimentary insights into the assessment of I4.0.
the physical world with the virtual world. Other important technolo- Organizations should design their strategy based on antici-
gies include IoT, cloud computing, radio frequency identification, big pated changes in various relationships stemming from the imple-
data analysis, artificial intelligence, enterprise resource planning, mentation of I4.0. The six key ingredients required for the
mobile-based internet applications and robotics. Any organization organizations to assess their readiness for I4.0 (Sony and Naik,
that transforms its system by internet-based digital technology is 2019) are: (a) top management involvement; (b) employee adapt-
known as an I4.0 enabler. This creates the necessity for a readiness ability with I4.0; (c) smart product and services; (d) extent of
scale that predicts or analyses the level of the organization required digitization in supply chain; (e) level of digitization of the organi-
for adopting digital technologies. zation; and (f) the readiness of organizational strategy.
I4.0 involves the connection and integration of the virtual and One of the earliest studies on Industry 4.0 readiness (I4R) was
physical world through cyber-physical systems and IoT through that of Berger (2014). This study examined I4R in Europe and
smart objects, which continuously communicate and interact highlighted challenges faced not only at the firm level but also
with each other (Öberg and Graham, 2016) to achieve the within the business ecosystem. The analysis of this study
Kanojia and Visvanathan 1417

Table 1.  Industry 4.0 maturity models and their assessment approach.

Model name Assessment approach Source

The connected enterprise It has five stage processes for I4.0 implementation. Rockwell Automation,
maturity model (2014) In this model technology assessments have been 2014: 12
conducted for four determinants. There are few detailed
illustrations about item and development.
IMPULS: Industrie 4.0 It has 6 determinants for assessment. It has 18 items Lichtblau et al., 2015
Readiness (2015) which measure the readiness in five levels. It discusses
the obstacles and provides recommendations to
overcome them.
Empowered and A process model for realization. It is also used for Lanza et al., 2016
implementation Strategy for gap analyses. There are no details about items and
Industry 4.0 (2016) development process.
Industry 4.0/ Digital An online self-assessment in six dimensions. The PricewaterhouseCoopers,
Operations Self-Assessment emphasis is on the digital maturity in four levels in each 2016
(2016) phase. The application as a consulting tool required in
three of the six dimensions. There are no details about
the items and development process offered.
Industry 4.0 readiness and This model defines nine dimensions. The emphasis was Schumacher et al., 2016
maturity of manufacturing on the extension of existing models and tools through its
enterprises strong focus on organizational aspects.
Maturity model for Industrial A preliminary study of assessing industrial internet Menon et al., 2016
Internet maturity.
SIMMI 4.0 The model has five maturity stages and three Leyh et al., 2016
determinants of integration.
Maturity and Readiness Model Proposes a model which considers the principles Akdil et al., 2018
for Industry 4.0 Strategy of real-time data management, interoperability,
decentralized and service-oriented.

suggested that the different European nations could be classified framework include ‘Strategy and Organization’ and ‘Information
as ‘Frontrunners’, ‘Potentialists’, ‘Traditionalists’ and ‘Hesitators’, Technology Systems’. Akdil et al. (2018) discuss ten core deter-
concerning their transformation under I4.0. minants to measure I4R in the firm. This model uses four stages
The IMPULS-Industrie 4.0 Readiness study by Lichtblau to determine the maturity level of the firm: ‘Absence’, ‘Existence’,
et al. (2015) proposed six dimensions: Strategy and Organization, ‘Survival’ and ‘Maturity’. Table 2 presents the selected four
Smart Factory, Smart Operations, Smart Products, Data-driven frameworks with their core determinants used for measuring I4R
Services, and Employees. These core dimensions are further sub- in the firm or organization.
divided. This model also provides the rating level for assessing Based on the analysis of the various frameworks mentioned in
the status of I4R. These levels are L0: Outsider, L1: Beginner, Tables 1 and 2 it is concluded that these assessment determinants
L2: Intermediate, L3: Experienced, L4: Expert, and L5: Top are focusing on manufacturing industries. There is a lack of such
Performer. Although insightful to experienced practitioners, this determinants that analyse the various segments of MSWM sys-
approach is not nearly as useful as a self-assessment tool. tems. To develop the Waste 4.0 determinants which align with the
Similarly, the WMG, University of Warwick (2017) proposed MSWM sector, the research follows the key elements of the ana-
an I4R assessment tool that has six dimensions: (a) Strategy and lytical tool used in Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO)
Organization, (b) Manufacturing and Operations, (c) Supply (Wilson et al., 2015).
Chain, (d) Products and Services, (e) Business Model, and (f) Under the GWMO approach, there are three major segments
Legal Considerations. that are considered for the development and analysis of a sustain-
It has four rating levels associated with these six determinants able waste management system in the city. These segments fur-
for assessing the state of I4R. These levels are L1: Beginner, L2: ther consist of sub-segments as shown in Table 3.
Intermediate, L3: Experienced and L4: Expert. This can be used Considering the ULBs as a firm that manages the MSWM
as a self-assessment tool by the firms. The limitation is that the system of the city and seeking to perform readiness assessment
Manufacturing and Operations determinant is specifically for the for I4.0 and CE interventions into the MSWM system. The ULB
manufacturing technology perspective. A few aspects such as is analysed under the proposed assessment framework of Waste
quality and energy consumption are not included in this tool. 4.0. The determinants of Waste 4.0 are selected on behalf of
Furthermore, the dimension of human resources is also not effec- Tables 2 and 3. The key determinants considered for Waste 4.0
tively considered. assessment are shared in Table 4. This table also mentions the
The Yanez Maturity Index Framework (Yanez, 2017) has specific evaluating authority/ section of ULBs that should com-
eight determinants (Table 2). The missing determinants of this plete the survey for Waste 4.0 assessment. The third key piece of
1418 Waste Management & Research 39(11)

Table 2.  Core determinants of the selected I4.0 Readiness Assessment Frameworks.

IMPULSE Industrie 4.0 WMG-The University of Warwick. Yanez Maturity Index Akdil et al., 2018, Maturity and
Readiness Framework An Industry 4.0 Readiness Framework (2017) readiness model for Industry 4.0
(2015) Assessment Tool (2017) strategy
Strategy and organization Strategy and organization Operational processes Smart products and services
Smart factory Manufacturing and operations Industrial assets Smart business processes:
production, logistics and
Smart operations Supply chain Energy Smart business processes: R&D
and product development
Smart products Product and services People Smart business processes: after
sales services
Data-driven services Business model Internal logistics and Smart business processes:
supply chain human resources
Employees Legal considerations Quality Smart business processes:
Supply-demand Smart business processes: sales
synchronization and distribution channels
Time to market Smart business processes:
information technology
  Smart business processes: smart
  Strategy and organization

Table 3.  Major and sub-segments for sustainable waste management system.

(Major segments for sustainable Physical elements Stakeholders Strategic aspects

waste management)
Sub-segments Waste generation Municipalities/ Urban Political
and storage local body
Collection Regional and national Health
Transportation Formal and informal Institutional
service provider
Recycling Local organizations Social
Recovery material International agencies Financial
Treatment process Environmental
Disposal Technical

information shared in Table 4 is about the significance of each of system, the measure of CE reduces the quantity of MSW requir-
the determinants used in Waste 4.0. ing treatment at the end. In addition, it has the potential to reduce
The eight determinants (Table 4) are taken from the segments the overall financial expenses of ULBs. The data produced by the
proposed for sustainable MSWM in the GWMO analytical frame- I4.0 technologies help the ULBs establish a robust CE measure
work. These are also consistent with the determinants shown in (Ellen Macarthur Foundation, 2016).
Table 2. Each of these determinants for Waste 4.0 assessment pro- The I4.0 technologies aid CE establishment in the MSWM sys-
vides a key criterion for developing a sustainable waste manage- tem of ULBs. The development of a plan that explicitly incorporates
ment system according to the GWMO. These eight determinants CE principles in I4.0 approaches has been suggested to be particu-
are further associated with the 32 assessment criteria for assessing larly useful (de Sousa Jabbour et al., 2018). In addition, examination
the ULB status for I4.0 readiness in MSWM. The details of these of the six business actions proposed by the Ellen MacArthur
assessment criteria for I4.0 and for CE are provided in Table 5. Foundation, known as the ReSOLVE Framework, has also been
suggested to be useful (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2015). The six
Assessing the extent of circular principles of the ReSOLVE Framework are guided by the 18 spe-
cific components supporting CE establishment. The components
economy focus in Industry 4.0
associated with each of the six principles are as follows:
I4.0 has the potential to stimulate the CE and recycling markets. 1. Regenerate. (a) Shift to renewable energy and materials, (b)
The concept of CE can be effectively employed in different reclaim, retain and restore the health of ecosystems, and (c)
organizations and systems with the help of I4.0. In the MSWM return recovered biological resources to the biosphere;
Kanojia and Visvanathan 1419

Table 4.  Determinants for the proposed framework of assessment of Waste 4.0.

Sr. No. Determinants Evaluating authority/ Significance

section of ULBs
D1 Strategy and organization Decision-making This determinant assists the investigator to find out what
authority measures are taken at the decision-making level of ULB
for implementing I4.0 and CE. These determinants will also
measure the knowledge of decision-making authority for an
improved MSWM system.
D2 MSWM plants and MRF centre and officials This determinant focuses on analysing the various facility
equipment who handle it plants/units under MSWM system of the ULB. The status
of equipment and machines employed for MSWM, its
maintenance, and operations are also analysed on behalf of
I4.0 and CE.
D3 IT system and data Back-office IT support IT system and data management have a crucial role in the
management system for MSWM efficient working of MSWM operations. This leads the Waste
4.0 assessment to analyse the readiness of IT system and
data management in terms of digital infrastructure available
in the ULB.
D4 Human resources Both on-field and off- This determinant assesses the stakeholders who execute
field human resources the MSWM system both in the front and back offices of the
ULB. The awareness towards I4.0 and CE among the on-
field and off-field officials are measured with the help of this
D5 Resource material Staff processing This determinant is selected for Waste 4.0 assessment
recovery secondary material from to find out the ULB administration approach of handling
MSW secondary resource material in context of I4.0 and CE. The
waste material which is produced daily comprises secondary
materials in both an organic and inorganic form. The status
of ULB applying I4.0 and CE perspectives for such material is
the key finding of this determinant.
D6 Managing operations: Staff handling material The ULB consumes huge energy for efficient operation and
energy consumption recovery facility centre maintenance of its MSWM system. This led the research to
management (MRF) and WtE (Waste to incorporate this determinant which eventually finds the ULB
Energy) unit status in context of I4.0 and CE.
D7 Managing operations: Collection and Both determinants (D7 and D8) represent the most crucial
waste collection transportation officials and expensive operation of the MSWM system. These are
D8 Managing operations: Collection and included for Waste 4.0 assessment, to understand how ULBs
reverse logistics transportation officials use I4.0 and CE for the efficient operation of collection and
transportation of MSW in the city.

ULB: urban local body; CE: circular economy; MSWM: municipal solid waste management; MRF: materials recovery facility.

2. Share. (a) Share assets, (b) reuse/second-hand, and (c) pro- assessment. The assessment framework Waste 4.0 is specifi-
long life through maintenance, design for durability, cally developed to measure the readiness of the ULB of
upgradability; developing countries to adopt I4.0 technologies and CE pros-
3. Optimize. (a) Increase performance/efficiency of product, (b) pects in the MSWM system. This indicates that all of the
remove waste in production and supply chain, and (c) lever- determinants and assessment criteria selected under Waste
age big data, automation, remote sensing and steering; 4.0 are associated with MSW. At the same time, the emphasis
4. Loop. (a) Remanufacture products or components, (b) recycle is on retaining all of the factors that play a crucial role in the
materials, (c) digest anaerobically, and (d) extract biochemi- MSWM. Determinants such as D1 (Strategy and organiza-
cals from organic waste; tion), D3 (IT system and data management) and D4 (Human
5. Virtualize. (a) dematerialize directly; (b) dematerialize resources) are not directly related to the common waste man-
indirectly; agement hierarchy yet still play an important role in the effi-
6. Exchange. (a) Replace old with advanced non-renewable cient handling of MSW.
materials, (b) apply new technologies, and (c) choose new These principles are incorporated into the eight determi-
product/service. nants in the proposed Waste 4.0 framework which is the
framework for assessing the extent of the CE focus in I4R.
The above-mentioned sub-components associated with the The eight determinants are the same as in the I4R framework
six principles of the ReSOLVE Framework are linked with (Table 4) for ensuring compatibility between the two frame-
the eight determinants of the proposed concept of Waste 4.0 works. Each of these determinants consists of 13 assessment
1420 Waste Management & Research 39(11)

Table 5.  Assessment criteria associated with determinants used under Waste 4.0.

For I4R in MSWM

D1 Extent of Industry 4.0 emphasis Interdepartmental Critical Measuring Leadership Innovation
in strategy formulation and collaboration allocation the impact of orientation
implementation of funds for Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 implementation
D2 Plant and equipment readiness Machine Maintenance of plant and equipment
for Industry 4.0 and system
D3 Seamless system –integrated Cloud computing IT and data Operations data Operations data collection
information sharing usage security usage for internal process
D4 IT capabilities Industry 4.0 digital Human-machine Skills for people – system collaboration
training interface
D5 Detail record of raw waste Processing of bio Valuation and reselling of recovered resources from the MSW
production and its monitoring waste
D6 Monitoring energy Managing energy Energy systems
consumption consumption
D7 Extent of use of Smart bins and Collection Feedback and grievance handling for waste collection
monitoring system frequency
D8 Waste generation information Development Waste collection Maintenance and Management of collected
and integration of the data of daily waste from the monitoring of waste
for the waste collection collection route common public collection fleet
and transportation route places and
development market area

For CE focus in MSWM

D1 Extent to which the secondary Extent to which ULB requires the citizens to follow source Extent to which ULB
material is utilized by ULB segregation has developed methods
sharing models and
incentives to encourage
partners to work with the
firm to adopt CE principles
and ensure the principle
of ‘multiple cycles of
disassembly and reuse’
D2 Capability of MSWM plant and equipment and facilities layout for sorting, cleaning, washing, processing of waste
material to reintroduce it into manufacturing sector as a raw material
D3 Extent of design of the information technology system and data management to quickly generate information needed for
incorporating CE principles explicitly into the ULB’s operations (e.g. reverse logistics information needed for collection,
sorting, remanufacturing and refurbishment; tracking the location and condition of used devices and components
D4 Extent to which CE value networks have been built among stakeholders
D5 How to handle bio waste Measures taken by ULB to reduce the fresh waste Measure taken by
generation quantity at the source ULB for setting up
maximum circularity
of waste material
recovered followed by the
development of market
for the secondary raw
D6 Extent to which waste-to-energy (WtE) approaches such as thermochemical conversion (combustion, gasification,
pyrolysis and refuse derived fuel), physicochemical conversion (transesterification) and biochemical conversion
(fermentation and anaerobic digestion) are used as a secondary resource to reduce the carbon footprint
D7 Extent to which MSW of the city is collected following the circular economy perspective
D8 Installation of reverse vending machines at commercial establishments. Status of any such initiatives for the reverse
logistic of the waste materials

MSWM: municipal solid waste management; CE: circular economy; ULB: urban local body.

criteria (Table 5) which collectively determine the extent of Jesus et al. (2018), DeSousa et al. (2018), Jovanović et al.
CE focus concerning each determinant. The CE-based ele- (2017), Lieder and Rashid (2016), Malinauskaite et al. (2017)
ments for each of these determinants are synthesized from De and SITRA (2016).
Kanojia and Visvanathan 1421

Table 6.  Interpretation of the score obtained by the ULB for I4.0 readiness in MSWM.

Score Status of I4R Description

00–32 Hesitators ULB which is at the bottom level to transform into Waste 4.0
33–64 Potentials ULB which can achieve success in the transformation of Waste 4.0
65–96 Experienced ULB which is already having partial transformation towards Waste 4.0
97–128 Expert ULB is already holistically transformed into Waste 4.0

MSWM: municipal solid waste management; ULB: urban local body.

Procedure for assessing the I4R and a biased perspective, which would be reflected in the rating that
CE focus they provided. If there is dramatic variation among the ratings
provided by different officials for a particular determinant, then
This research developed frameworks that aim to determine the the chief investigator should flag this and determine the cause of
I4R and CE focus under the I4R of ULBs for the MSWM system. such variation.
Both of these frameworks together form the Waste 4.0 assess-
ment tool for the ULB. To execute this framework tool, the ULB
administration first needs to appoint a ‘chief investigator’ who Step 3: Assessing the CE focus in
has access to all of the direct and indirect contacts of the city Industry 4.0 readiness
MSWM system. The assessment has the following steps: In this step, the chief investigator collects the inputs from the
same officials that participated in step 2. The same procedure is
Step 1: Obtaining background information followed as in step 2, but the difference is that the focus of the
for the selected ULB and its MSWM investigation is on the CE intervention in the MSWM system of
the city. After collecting the ratings, they are properly organized
in a separate sheet, which helps the investigator assess the data
Before assessing the MSWM, general information first needs to for every element of the respective determinants.
be obtained via a discussion. This should be done with the admin-
istrative authorities of the ULB of the city, particularly those who
handle the MSWM section. This initial exercise will help the
Step 4: Interpretation of the findings and
chief investigator plan the meetings and visits at various sections data analysis
of the MSWM of the selected city. The formal discussion should There are a total of 32 assessment criteria associated with the
comprise introductory information regarding the current proce- eight determinants of the I4R framework; each of the assessment
dure of MSWM, the hierarchy of the concerns of officials, the criteria is associated with five levels for rating, and each level is
general facts and figures for urban waste collection and disposal, assigned a score. Thus, the maximum and minimum score achiev-
administrative hierarchy of the ULB, future strategies for able by 32 elements are 128 and 0.
MSWM, and problems and challenges of the system. Because there are 32 elements used for assessing I4R in the
MSWM system of the city, the scores obtained based on these
Step 2: Assessing Industry 4.0 readiness elements are assigned the statuses as shown in Table 6.
For the CE focus under the I4R rating framework, there are a
This step aims to rate the assessment criteria associated with the total of 13 assessment criteria associated with eight determinants,
proposed determinants, for both I4.0 and CE readiness. Thus, the and each criterion has five levels. The maximum and minimum
information collected at step 1 helps guide the investigators when scores for this framework analysis are 52 and 0, respectively. The
meeting with the appropriate officials and addressing the con- interpretation of the obtained score is assigned the status as pro-
cerns of the ULB. The officials should provide rationale for their vided in Table 7. This status indicates the CE focus under I4R
rating, which may be in the form of field visits, audio-video rating in the MSWM of the ULB.
recordings or authentic data provided to the investigator.
Once all of the assessment criteria of the determinants are
Step 5: Development of the readiness
addressed along with the evidence, the final scores of the assess-
index and managerial implications
ment should be filled in a separate sheet. The number of participants
needed for the interviews and assessment feedback may vary The calculation of the readiness index for I4.0 and the CE focus
depending on the size of the ULB of the city and the number of in I4.0 in the MSWM system and the position of the ULBs con-
officials engaged in the MSWM system. Decisions relating to the cerning Waste 4.0 are presented in the case study below. The
selection of participants should be made by the chief investigator. managerial implications based on the result of Waste 4.0 assess-
One concern of this assessment requiring consideration is that ment are further developed by considering the following
the managers and officials participating in the assessment provide suggestions:
1422 Waste Management & Research 39(11)

Table 7.  Interpretation of the score obtained by the ULB for CE focus in I4R in MSWM.

Score Status of CE focus in I4R Description

00–13 Business as usual ULB which has no concern for CE and transformation towards Waste 4.0
14–26 CE beginners ULB at the initial level of CE implementation for Waste 4.0
27–39 CE fast adopters ULB is establishing the CE at a rapid pace
40–52 CE leaders ULB pioneer in CE measures and well-established Waste 4.0

MSWM: municipal solid waste management; CE: circular economy; ULB: urban local body.

Table 8.  The score obtained for I4.0 readiness index for MSWM system of the selected ULBs.

Determinant (i) Assessment Criteria Max. score of the Average score Average score
elements for I4R determinant (D) obtained by IMC (I) obtained by SMC (S)
D1 (Strategy and organization) 6 24 14.625 5.25
D2 (MSWM Plants and equipment) 3 12 7.375 1.25
D3 (IT system and data mgmt.) 5 20 17 2.50
D4 (Human resources) 4 16 10.875 1.50
D5 (Resource material recovery) 3 12 8.255 1.25
D6 (Managing operations: energy 3 12 9 0.75
consumption mngmt.)
D7 (Managing operations: waste collection) 3 12 10 1.50
D8 (Managing operations: reverse logistics) 5 20 15 4
Total 32 ∑Di =128 ∑Ii=92.13 ∑Si=18

MSWM: municipal solid waste management; ULB: urban local body; IMC: Indore Municipal Corporation; SMC: Sagar Municipal Corporation.

•• The outcomes of both assessments (i.e. I4.0 and CE focus in cities, are the agencies that manage the MSWM system. The
I4.0) should be used to reach a consensus on immediate fea- demography and economic status of both of the cities were also
sible actions that can be taken. reasons why they were used as case studies. Indore is a modern city
•• The Waste 4.0 assessment results should be used to develop with a population above 2 million, whereas Sagar is a relatively
the long-term and short-term vision of ULBs for their MSWM small city with population of 0.4 million. Similarly, the economic
system. status of Indore and Sagar differ (Ministry of Housing and Urban
•• The key sectors of the MSWM for transformation should be Affairs, 2019, 2020). Because the demography and the economy of
identified with the aid of scores obtained by ULBs for each these cities differ, the results would be useful for applying Waste
determinant. A strategy for both prospective waste products 4.0 assessment in all cities that fall between the demographic and
and waste handlers should be developed. economic status of Indore and Sagar.
•• A steering committee should be created to implement the After collecting the initial basic details of the ULBs the
actions and initiatives for Waste 4.0. meetings and visits were conducted with the MSWM officials.
•• The infrastructure required for establishing Waste 4.0 should These officials were asked to provide their feedback on the
be prioritized based on the scores obtained for different MSWM system in the form of rating. Indore is the larger of the
determinants. two cities because of its demography and the quantity of waste
•• Efforts should be made to grow Waste 4.0 through continuous generation.
improvements supported by policies and public participation. There were a total of 40 feedback surveys collected from the
concerned officials of the ULBs. During this discussion, officials
were asked to provide evidence for their rating. There were
Case studies: Application of Waste 4.0
scheduled meetings and field visits with the ULB officials of
in Indore and Sagar ULBs of India Indore and Sagar. Indore produces an average of 1150 tonnes per
Two case studies were performed to validate the developed Waste day (TPD) of MSW whereas Sagar produces an average of 200
4.0 assessment tool. Specifically, two cities in India were selected: TPD of MSW. The officials of each ULB mentioned that they
Indore and Sagar. Both of the cities are governed by the ULBs. were already working on the ISWM framework for the handling
These cities were selected for two reasons. First, both cities are and disposal of the MSW in the city. The concept of Waste 4.0
already undergoing ‘Smart City’ transformation; second, these cit- and the constituent components (i.e. I4.0 and CE) were not famil-
ies are working on developing an ISWM framework to handle the iar to the ULB officials. Consequently, the concept of I4.0 and
urban solid waste produced within their boundaries. Data collec- CE was presented and explained to the officials. The final scores
tion and field visits were conducted from April to June 2019. The obtained by the Indore and Sagar ULBs under the Waste 4.0
ULBs, which are also known as ‘Municipal Corporations’ in these assessment are shown in Tables 8 and 9.
Kanojia and Visvanathan 1423

Table 9.  Score obtained for the extent of CE focus in I4R, for MSWM system of the selected ULBs.

Determinant (i) Assessment criteria Max. score of the Average score Average score
elements for CE focus I4R determinant (G) obtained by IMC (C) obtained by SMC (T)
D1 (Strategy and organization) 3 12 8.00 2.25
D2 (MSWM Plants and equipment) 1 4 3.375 0.75
D3 (IT system and data mgmt.) 1 4 2.375 0
D4 (Human resources) 1 4 0.50 0
D5 (Resource material recovery) 3 12 9.25 1.75
D6 (Managing operations: energy 1 4 2.00 0.50
consumption mgmt.)
D7 (Managing operations: waste 1 4 2.25 0.50
D8 (Managing operations: reverse 2 8 6.125 1.00
Total 13 ∑Gi=52 ∑Ci=33.87 ∑Ti=6.75

CE: circular economy; MSWM: municipal solid waste management; ULB: urban local body; IMC: Indore Municipal Corporation; SMC: Sagar
Municipal Corporation.

The scores obtained for I4R in the MSWM in both of the Here, ∑Ii and ∑Si are the sums of the scores that are obtained in
ULBs are shown in Table 8. Table 9 depicts the CE focus in I4R, the survey for assessing the I4.0 readiness in IMC and SMC,
for the MSWM system of the selected ULBs. respectively. ∑Di is the sum of the maximum marks associated
The scores obtained for each of the determinants by the ULBs with each of the determinants for I4.0 assessment. Similarly, ∑Ci
are presented in Figures 3 and 4. The radar graphs shown in these and ∑Ti are the sums of the scores that are obtained in the survey
figures explain the maximum score assigned to each of the determi- for assessing the CE readiness in IMC and SMC, respectively. ∑Gi
nants and the performance of the ULBs for each determinant. These is the sum of maximum marks associated with each of the determi-
radar graphs shed light on the section-wise performance of ULBs nants for CE readiness assessment in IMC and SMC.
with the goal of aiding the transformation of their MSWM systems. The readiness index for I4.0 and CE in MSWM, for both of
These graphs aid the development of strategies for increasing the the cities, indicates that the situation in Indore is better than the
involvement of I4.0 and CE in the MSWM system of the selected situation in Sagar. Nevertheless, there is still an opportunity for
ULBs. Figure 3 shows the scores obtained by Indore and Sagar for Indore to improve its status for both of the interventions. A higher
I4R in MSWM, and Figure 4 shows the score obtained by Indore readiness rating was obtained for Indore for transformation into
and Sagar for the CE focus in the MSWM system. Waste 4.0. Indore has been the cleanest city in India for four con-
secutive years (2017–2020) and this fact is verified by the score
Readiness index calculations for I4R and obtained by Indore in the Waste 4.0 assessment (Ministry of
the CE focus in I4R: Housing and Urban Affairs, 2019, 2020).
However, Sagar has a long way to go to mediate the transfor-
(a) Indore
mation based on the Waste 4.0 assessment. With the help of the
I4R score ∑Ii = 92.13 out of the total assign score ∑Di= 128
individual scores obtained for different determinants, Sagar can
Thus, the I4R index = ∑Ii / ∑Di = 92.13/128 = 0.72
develop more holistic plans to make improvements.
CE readiness score ∑Ci = 33.87 out of the total assign score
The matrix shown in Figure 5 is based on the final result of the
∑Gi= 52
Waste 4.0 assessment of the proposed research. The scores
Thus, the CE readiness index = ∑Ci / ∑Gi = 33.87/52 =
obtained from the eight determinants provide opportunities for
Circular economy focused Industry 4.0 readiness rating the ULBs to conduct self-analyses to promote improvement.
for Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) = 0.72*0.65 = Indore was classified as an ‘Experienced’ player for I4.0 inter-
0.47 vention and a ‘CE fast adopter’ for CE focus under I4.0 readi-
(b) Sagar ness; by contrast Sagar was classified as a ‘Hesitator’ player for
I4R score ∑Si = 18 out of the total assign score ∑Di= 128 I4.0 intervention and ‘Business as usual’ for CE focus under I4.0
Thus, the I4R index = ∑Si / ∑Di = 18/128 = 0.14 readiness.
CE readiness score ∑Ti = 6.75 out of the total assign score Among the eight determinants, Indore had the maximum
∑Gi = 52 score for D3 and D7 (above 80% of the total allotted score) for
Thus, the CE readiness index = ∑Ti / ∑Gi = 6.75/52 = 0.13 I4R. The Indore readiness for I4.0 intervention is high for both of
Circular economy focused Industry 4.0 readiness rating these determinants, and little improvement is required compared
for Sagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) = 0.14*0.13 = with Sagar city. Indore also had the maximum score in determi-
0.018 nant D2 for the CE readiness assessment, but there is much room
1424 Waste Management & Research 39(11)

Figure 3.  I4R in MSWM performance of Indore and Sagar Figure 4.  CE focus in MSWM, performance of Indore and
ULBs for each of the determinants. Sagar ULBs for each of the determinants.

for improvement based on the comparatively lower scores for the

Table 10.  Readiness index and readiness rating of Indore and
remaining determinants. The scores obtained by Sagar confirm
Sagar Municipal Corporations.
that the city requires serious efforts to improve the readiness for
I4.0 technologies and CE interventions in its MSWM system. Indore Sagar
The assessment tool application in both of the ULBs can be used Industry 4.0 readiness index 0.72 0.14
to assess I4.0 and CE in their MSWM systems. The outcome of Circular economy readiness index 0.65 0.13
the assessment provides detailed information regarding areas of Circular economy focused Industry 4.0 0.47 0.018
improvement, which can be used by the ULBs to promote trans- readiness rating
formation into Waste 4.0.
For example, Sagar ULB officials are willing to implement
novel interventions, but a lack of digital infrastructure hinders of waste management is already in practice based on integrated
transformation efforts. The CE readiness score is null for the IT policies. The Waste 4.0 assessment focuses on connecting dif-
system and data management determinant and the human ferent hierarchies of governing bodies to plan, execute and
resource determinant in the Sagar ULB; this shortcoming needs monitor the MSWM segments under I4.0 and CE.
to be addressed. However, the overall score of CE intervention in This research proposes the concept of Waste 4.0 by consider-
MSWM in the Sagar ULB is not as satisfactory as that of the ing the MSWM system as a specific industry run by the ULBs of
Indore ULB. the cities. The assessment of this research includes the physical
and governance factors of the MSWM system. Both readiness
and application for I4.0 and CE are simultaneously monitored in
Conclusion the planning as well as in the operational functions of urban
This study measures the readiness of ULBs to transform their waste management. This model provides a framework under
MSWM systems under the I4.0 and CE concepts. An assess- which the ULBs can evaluate their abilities to adopt the new
ment tool (Waste 4.0) was developed for measuring the readi- technologies of I4.0 along with the measures of CE in eight dif-
ness of ULBs for incorporating I4.0 technologies and CE ferent sections of MSWM.
measures in MSWM. The Waste 4.0 assessment tool is designed The data collected for this assessment cover the qualitative
to harmonize the internal communication between the various inputs provided by the local authority for its MSWM. The quan-
segments of MSWM. Automation of the operational elements titative inputs and field inspections were taken into consideration
Kanojia and Visvanathan 1425

Figure 5.  CE focused Industry 4.0 readiness matrix of MSWM for Indore and Sagar ULBs.

to verify the inputs. The Waste 4.0 assessment helps the ULBs ORCID iD
upgrade their planning, execution and monitoring process for Chettiyappan Visvanathan
I4.0 and CE. With the score analysis, the ULBs using Waste 4.0
can integrate sustainability into their MSWM systems under a
‘business as usual’ approach.
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