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The Professional

Teachers are
Chapter 2: Competent Teachers: Good Community Link
Time Table: 1 hour
Topic Learning Outcomes:

b. Establish effective community relationship by applying ethical principles


Teachers assume a wide range of roles to support school and students success. They can also
lead in a variety of ways and one of which is they can serve as leaders in the community where they belong.

Teachers are sometimes content to let parents and families take the initiative in becoming involved
in their children's education. Teachers must look at ways in which the school can initiate this involvement.
The school and the home share responsibility for students' learning; the relationship based on mutual
respect to one another. An extension of this involvement, teachers or schools can emphasize a broad base
of community involvement.

Involvement of teachers with other organizations is used to broaden and deepen young people's
learning and to enable them to achieve success in wider contexts. This work is carefully planned by school
leaders to enhance school curriculum and develop the perspectives of both students and teachers.
Community links are fully embedded into the life and work of the school.

Teachers interact with parents, with students and other teachers regularly, affecting the lives of
their students daily. In addition to the classes they teach, teachers find themselves involved in many
community projects and serve the community at large as leaders. They also regularly take positions within
their barangay, communities of teachers, parent-teacher organizations and professional teacher
organizations. Teachers should be guided with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article III -
The Teacher and the Community which states that:

Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall,
therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth.
Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community
movements for moral, social, educational, economic, and civic betterment.

Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall
behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling, smoking,
drunkenness, and other excesses, much less elicit relations.

Section 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall, therefore, refrain from
disparaging the community.

Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about
the school's work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.

Section 6. Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay, and
shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counseling services, as
appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the people.

Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations
with other professionals, with government officials, and with the people, individually or collectively.

Section 8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worships as appropriate, but shall
not use his positions and influence to proselyte others.
Teachers serve as not only educators, but also mentors and role models, especially in the
community where they live and in the modern world, where values such as respect, sharing, cooperation
and involvement in the community.

Involvement of Teacher in the Community

A teacher can get the community involved by hosting activities for members of the community to
participate. A bake sale or garage sale would be open to the whole community. Student activities such as
ball games or spelling bees can be advertised to the public to encourage involvement.

Teachers can also work with local church to set up mentoring programs for the members of
community especially students who are poor in reading or doing math. Teachers can also help in church
activities like serving as commentators during mass. Another way to be engaged in the community is to get
students' families involve in school activities. A family that gets involved will stay involved as long as the
students are in the school. Family members will be more likely to help with activities that involve their child.

There are many ways that teachers can help build a sense of community especially with the
parents of the students. Building a network of communications will enhance the effort. Communication is in
several forms. Today, teachers use Web pages to communicate with students and parents. Teachers can
post calendar of activities, assignments, rules, procedures, and more. Using email, teachers can
communicate with parents on a daily basis. Newsletters, positive notes, and invitations to the classroom to
visit or volunteer will encourage parents to be actively involved with their children.

Teachers can actively participate and be involved in community organization and centers such as
Red Cross, Boys and Girls Scouts. Their direct involvement in the leadership of the community
organizations allows teachers to help change the lives of students outside of the classroom.
Teachers can take leadership roles for current political events affecting their lives, communities,
and schools. When a bill dealing with schools and teachers is presented in Congress, teachers mobilize the
community to show their support for the bill.

Links with the community provide experiences which support the curriculum and enhance students'
learning. Teachers should use effectively local facilities and organizations when planning their lessons and
learning activities. Such activities focus on developing a wider awareness of the world beyond school and
encourage young people to perceive and use community as a resource.

All schools are a community. Some communities are effective environments while others are not.
Teachers have the responsibility to help the school to be an effective community.

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