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Time : 3 Hours] Generat Instructions: Q.1. @ Gi) (iii) liv) ~ (1) The question paper is divided gto four sexier 7 Meston paper t ddd Guo four sections ____ SPECIMEN Pappr 5 (with Solution) _ A£B No contains 10 mpl cote type of questions cate unt sae ype af esters mark ca 7 1 marke cach. ying 2 marks cach. Wo benny Bunsen jo. hon it ion BQ. No. 3 to Q. No, 1M euntains hort etsauer ype qpesstionss COTY ‘marks each. {4 Section © £9, No. 140 Nv 3 ani Ta ete ene en ee rs each, ip) {2 Setion D £27 tng. Ne Seman inner tees 2) Use tg ae ila ak of ane io eal 6) Roun the rah eee fa ee MY ssn I Select and Write the correct answer: [10] The nucleus contains all the positive charge of the atom and also of its mass. (@) 90.9% (b) 99.9% (€) 80.9% (4) 79.9% Ans: (b) 99.9% mark) According to right hand rule, the direction of magnetic induction, if current is directed in anticlockwise, direction is (a) perpendicular and inwards () perpendicular and outwards (©) same as current (@) opposite to that of current Ans: (b) perpendicular and outwards ‘The Conical projection in Ferry's blackbody is (a) used to support the spheres (b) used to transmit incident radiation to outer sphere () used to prevent reflected radiation to escape outside (@) used for all of the above purposes ‘Ans: (c) used to prevent reflected radiation to escape outside 1 mark) Ina series LCR circuit the phase difference ‘between the voltage and the current is 45° then the power factor will be (1 mark) (a)0.607 (b)0.707 () 0.808 (a) 1 Ans: (b) 0.707 (1 mark) Hint: «; § = 45°, Power factor =? = Power factor= cos @ = cos 45 =e v2 ‘The maximum radiant power of the sun is at wavelength 500 nm. The Wien displacement law constant is 2.898 x 10° mK. Estimate the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Assume the Sun to be a blackbody radiator. = 0.707] ‘tail be considered J (a) 5796 K (b) 6796K (9 796K (a) 4796K Ans: (a)5796 K ne jntint: 2,,=500mm=500 x 10% m=8 167m p= 2.898 x 10° mi by Wien displacement lv ay = fo pated temper othe 2.898x10° 5x10 Four resistances 100, 109, 109 and 150 form a Wheatstone’s network. What shunt is required across 150 resistor to balance = 5796 K] (wi) the bridge @102 @)15Q (202 (a300 Ans: (d) 309 mara [Hint: According to ‘Wheatstone’s balancing condition - Lia 15*X = 76 eee X = 150 X =300 (vil) In which of the following devices, the eddy current effect is not used? (a) Electromagnet (b) Induction furnace (©) Electric heater (@) Magnetic breaking in train Ans: (c) Electric heater fm (240) Sanned with Camscanner ij) For constructive interference th 1 siterence between two waves sy ne tSe® | Go (0.5 (©) 0, 27, 4x, (0), 3m, Sn, @Z, 2 3x FR Ans: Ans: (b) 0, 27, 4x, ‘ 1 mary x) Inwhich of the following processes, heat 2. neither absorbed nor released by a system? (a) Isobaric (6) Isochorie . (@ Isothermal (@ Adiabatic | ‘Ans: (d) Adiabatic mary | () A sonometer wire is vibrating in sec overtone. The number of modes end | () antinodes formed Tespectively are ... (a) 2,3 (b) 3,4 (4.3 (a) 3,2 ‘Ans: 4,3 a) | | wa | ans. 2. Nodes = 4, Antinodes = 3) 92. Answer the following: os} () Foratransistor I, = 15 mA, I, =0.5 mA. Find the value of current amplification factor. 1, = 15 mA, 1, = 0.5 mA Current amplification factor, B,. = 2 (wit) Io 15 her ty = 0.5 = +. The value of DC current gain is 30.1 mart) A body of mass m tied to a spring performs | S.H.M. with period 2 seconds. If the mass is _ increased by 3 m, what will be the period of 30 i) 244 The expression p = — defines the momentum ofa photon. Can this expression be used for momentum of an electron or proton? ‘The definition of momentum of photon given. by de Broglie hypothesis is applicable only to those particles whose rest mass is zero and travel with the speed of light. As electron and proton have finite rest mass ._ and their speed is not equal to speed of light, thin expremion of momectun, p= © caret be used for electron and proton. (1 mark) State Faraday’s first laws of electromagnetic induction. Faraday's first law of electromagnetic induction: Whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux associated with a coil, an emf fs induced in the coil. 1 maak) State the principle of a Capacitor. Principle of capacitor: Any conductor can be used to store charges, however, its capacity can be incre ping a grounded conductor ni (1 mark Draw P-V diagram for positive work at constant pressure. P mark) Vv S.H.M.? Fig. Positive work at constant pressure nse t= on | (viii) State any one demerits of Huygen’s wave = one theory of light. D | Ans: Demerit T =\m ()It was found much later that the 1 1 hypothetical medium, luminiferous maa _ [im ether, has no experimental basis. 2 Vm Einstein discarded the idea of ether ea completely in 1905. aaa , . ves the required (i) Phenomena like absorption and emission 2 Tj=2T,= ae 2)=4 sec: eS t mark) of light, photoelectric effect and compton period of S.H. effect, cannot be explained on the basis (i) Which material are used in making magnetic of the wave theory. (any one - 1 mark) compass needle? ‘Ane: bas, or leading stone) are * Magnetite (lodestone seal in making magnetic compass needle. (1 mark) Scanned with Camscanner 242 3 Attempt any EIGHT of the following: [16] 9.3. as instant the current through a coll Is, 5 A, the energy stored in its mangetic fleld is 6 mJ. What is the self inductance of the coil? (2) Ws mark) : Therefore, self inductance of the coil ts, (mark =0.3H (1 marks Q.4. Calculate the value of the capacity in picofarad, which will make 101.4 ‘microhenry inductance to oscillate with frequency of one megahertz. @ Ans: Data: f= 10° Hz, L= 101.4% 10°H 1 JS. onic . p= " 9.5965 Wa mart) | 142.5308) 2.x 800 (0.215) 344 m/s Q.10.Derive an expression for effective capacitance of three capacitors connected in parallel. (2) Derivation: Capacitors are said to be connected in parallel, if they are connected between two common points or junctions. Consider three capacitors of capacitances C,, C,, C, are connected in parallel. Let Q,..Q,, Qy be the charges deposited on the capacitors as shown in the figure. to Cateuiatton: v Ans: #9 G -0, Cp 9, QO N-O rj Q Qo? v « (Diagram Ye marks Suppose a potential difference ‘Vis applied across the combination. Then the potential difference between the plates of each capacitors is V but charges on each capacitor are different. Since different current flows through different branches so the charges are given by. (0) 2 mark) According to the principle of conservation of charges Q =9,+9,+9, V+CV+CV [Prom eqn (0) = =VIC, +, +C,) ss (W) makd If these capacitors are replaced by a single capacitor of capacity C, such that Q=cy, then using equation (i), GY = VIC, +C,+¢,) C, =C,+C,+¢, ov i marky Seanned with amscanner

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