(LAPTOP MANUAL) SAP Concur User Documentation

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SAP Concur

User Documentation
(Laptop / PC)

Author(s): Thomas Shuttleworth, Magdalena Szostak

Version: 3 / 20.09.2021

1. About SAP Concur Manual .......................................................................................................................... 3

2. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Working with SAP Concur ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.1. Signing into SAP Concur .......................................................................................................................... 4
3.2. Concur Home Page ................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3. Creating a new Expense Report .............................................................................................................. 6
4. Approval of expense report....................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Approving ............................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2. Rejecting Claim ..................................................................................................................................... 15
5. Status of Expense Report .......................................................................................................................... 17
6. Other scenarios ......................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1. Business Meals (Attendees) .................................................................................................................. 19
6.2. Personal Car Mileage ............................................................................................................................ 22
6.2.1. Adding Personal Car ...................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.2. Add Personal Car Mileage Expense .............................................................................................. 23
6.3. No receipt/ Affidavit ............................................................................................................................. 25
6.4. Itemising hotel ...................................................................................................................................... 27
7. Country specific functionalities ................................................................................................................. 30
7.1. Germany: Travel Allowances ................................................................................................................ 30
7.2. Netherlands: Projects ........................................................................................................................... 31
7.3. China and India: Cash advance ............................................................................................................. 32
8. Contact / Concur Support ......................................................................................................................... 34
9. Version ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
1. About SAP Concur Manual

Aim of document:
This document is the primary support tool for all Concur end-users in Vesuvius, covering
the core functionalities available for Vesuvius within implemented scope of
functionalities. It concerns usage of Concur via laptop / PC.

Content of document:
The content provides step-by-step instruction about the steps of create, submit and
approve an expense report using SAP Concur solution.
Below chapters also cover a number of unique expense types & frequently asked
questions (FAQ), where raised by end-users questions will be regularly added and
answered. Therefore, it’s recommended to work with the online version of this
document in order to ensure working with current version of document.
SAP Concur can any time slightly modify graphical interface of the tool. Thus, current
view from end-users perspective can be slightly different vs. presented screenshots.

Assurance of expense reports processing compliance:

This document is created as a manual describing certain steps during expense reports
processing. Whole process of expense reports submission must complies with all
internal (relevant Policies) and external regulations.
It’s Employee and Line Manager (Approver) responsibility to submit and approve only
compliant and justified expenses. It concerns also handling of paper form of all
documents if such local requirement exists.

2. Definitions

Acronym / Term Definition

Expense Report One or more expenses prepared in Concur and submitted to Line
Manager for approval.

Expense  Claim An expense being subject for submit and approval. Both words appear
interchangeably at different stages of the Concur process. It’s caused by
Concur structure where e.g. click on “Create a Claim” opens the window
named “Expense Report”.

Affidavit Missing receipt declaration

3. Working with SAP Concur

3.1. Signing into SAP Concur

Open link to Concur sign in page: https://www.concursolutions.com/nui/signin

Enter your email address, and then click “Next” button:

In next window click “Sign in with Vesuvius PLC”:

If above button does not appear, try once again checking correctness
of email address. If problem still exists, please contact Concur Support
(see chapter “Contact”)

Congratulations! you are signed into SAP Concur: Concur Home Page appears!

3.2. Concur Home Page

Concur Home Page is the first page which should appear after signing in.

Depends on your role in Concur (end-user, approver) home page view may
be slightly different.

Concur Home Page contains few main sections:

1. My Tasks:
This section shows your available expenses, open reports, and approvals
requiring attention.

2. Open Claims:
Lists the current claim you have open.

3. Start a Claim:
This section allows creation and submission of expense reports.

4. Upload Receipts:
This section allows the upload scans / photos of receipts planned for submission
for approval.

To return to the SAP Concur home page from any other page, click the SAP
Concur logo on the top left of the screen:

3.3. Creating a new Expense Report

Step 1: Click ‘Start a Claim’ to begin creating your claim

Step 2: Enter a Report Name + optional data, click “Create Claim”

Step 3: Expense Claim opens, with currently no expenses entered.

Click ‘ Add Expense’ button to add an expense

Step 4: Select Expense Type e.g. Taxi, Meals, etc. The choice of the cost type must
be matched to the reported costs as resulting from the receipts

Step 5: New Expense Window appears, enter the information for your expense

Overview of available fields:
# Field Required? Field Type Descriptions
1 Expense Type Yes Drop Down The type of expense you are claiming
2 Transaction Date Yes Calendar Date on the receipt
3 Business Purpose No Text Reason for the expense
4 Enter Vendor Name No Text The name of the company, for some expense e.g.
Hotel, a drop down appears but the field is still
accepts user input
5 City of Purchase Yes Drop Down Where you purchased the expense, changing this to
a foreign country to your own will change the
6 Payment Type Yes Drop Down “Cash” is the only option in current process
7 Amount Yes Text The value of your expense
8 Currency Yes Drop Down The original currency of the expense, defaults to the
currency of the city of purchase
9 Receipt Status Yes Drop Down
This defaults to ‘No Receipt’ and needs to change
to ‘Tax Receipt’ if the expense has a receipt.
If “Tax Receipt” is not available please select
“Receipt” instead (availability of “Tax Receipt”
option depends on country setup agreed with
responsible country finance representatives).
10 Personal Expense No Check Box Only for expenses which won’t be reimbursed
11 Comment No Text Enter any additional information

Step 6: Click ‘Attach Receipt Image’ to add your receipt to the claim

Step 7: Attach Receipt window appears, click ‘Upload Receipt Image’ to find your

Step 8: Once you’ve found your receipt in your file directory, select and click “Open”

Step 9: Receipt is added to expense

Step 10: Click ‘Save Expense’ to add expense to your claim.

Users can also click ‘Save and Add Another’ this will save your expense and open
another ‘New Expense’ window for a new expense.

Step 11: Click ‘Submit Claim’ to submit and send to your line manager for approval

Step 12: ‘User Electronic Agreement’ appears, click ‘Accept & Continue’ as formal
confirmation that content of submitted claim is in line with mentioned conditions

Step 13: ‘Claims Totals’ appears with the overview of your claim, click ‘Submit Claim’
to complete claim creation

Claim submitted for approval to Line Manager

4. Approval of expense report

4.1. Approving

Line Manager (Approver) is accountable for detailed validation and approval of

submitted expenses in accordance with relevant procedures. Expense Report can
require also second approver if 1st level approval limit per country is exceeded (see
details in FAQ).

Expense report approver is notified by Concur about report submitted for approval.

After signing in Line Managers (Approvers) have an extra section on their home screens
for viewing approvals. All expense reports awaiting review and approval are listed on
Concur Home Page after signing in.

Step 1: Click ‘Required Approvals’ to open up your list of approvals

Step 2: Click the Name of the Claim you want to approve

Step 3: The claim opens showing the data the claimant entered (Blue Square) hovering
over the receipt symbol (Red Square) you see an image of the corresponding receipt.
Entered data should be validated.

Step 4: To approve the claim click ‘Approve’.

Step 5: Final Confirmation window appears. Click ‘Accept’ to finish approving claim

4.2. Rejecting Claim

Approver is obliged to validate submitted for approval expenses. If needed, reject

option sends the expense claim back to the original claimant.

Step 1: Click ‘Required Approvals’ to open up your list of approvals

Step 2: Click the Name of the Claim you want to reject

Step 3: Click ‘Send Back to Employee’ to reject a claim

‘Send Back Claim’ window appears

Step 4: For rejecting claims, ‘Comment’ is required to be entered

Step 5: Once Comment enter, click ‘OK’ to finish rejecting claim

Claim is rejected to employee. System sends relevant email notification

5. Status of Expense Report
Once the expense claim has been sent for approval, users can view the current status
of their claim. Depends on current processing step, the status get changed

Step 1: To view your claims from the home page click ‘Open Claims’

Step 2: List of your claims appear

List of status types

a. Not Submitted – This is a claim you have created but not yet submitted to your

b. Submitted => Submitted & Pending Approval – This a claim you’ve submit but
hasn’t been approve by your manager yet. (Instead of ‘Test Approve’ it would
have the name of your approver)

c. Submitted => Approved & In Accounting – This claim has been approve by your
manager and is awaiting processing by accounting

d. Returned => Sent Back to Employee - This claim has been rejected by your
manager and returned to you, you can make changes to these claims and re-
submitted for approval

6. Other scenarios
In this section, we’ll go through unique expenses that might require extra information
or steps to complete.

6.1. Business Meals (Attendees)

Step 1: Select expense type ’03. Meals >> Business Meals (Attendees)

Step 2: Unique field ‘Attendees’ appears just below the details tab

Step 3: Click ‘Attendees’

Step 4: List of attendees appears, only you to begin with

Step 5: Click ‘Add’

Step 6: Add attendees window appears, with 3 tabs – ‘Recently Attendees’ attendees
you’ve added in past claims, ‘Attendees’ to search for a attendee, and ‘Attendee
Group’ add a group

Step 7: Click “Attendees”

Step 8: Select the Type matching your attendee

Step 9: If the attendee is new, click ‘Create New Attendee’ and enter the
information for you attendee, Click ‘Create Attendee’ to finish

Step 10: Once you’re happy with the attendees you’ve added, click ‘Close’ to close
the ‘Add Attendees’ window

Step 11: Click ‘Save’ to finish adding attendees to expense claim

Step 12: The Expense Claim is now updated with added attendees, you can still
add more attendees if needed

6.2. Personal Car Mileage

6.2.1. Adding Personal Car

Step 1: Go to user Profile and select ‘Profile Settings’

Step 2: In user profile go to Personal Car

Step 3: Enter Your car details and click ‘Save’

6.2.2. Add Personal Car Mileage Expense

In your claim select expense type ‘Personal Car Mileage’

Step 1: You can enter Distance manual or using the Mileage calculator

Step 2: Using the Mileage Calculated, the to and from and if a rounded trip selected

Step 3: To finish calculator, click ‘Add Mileage to Expense’

Step 4: Based on the Mileage Calculator the ‘Distance’ and ‘Amount’ filled in

Step 5: The ‘Distance’ field can be manually overridden

Step 6: Amount is auto-calculated based on the Reimbursement Rates

Step 8: Click ‘Save Expense’ to add to your claim.

6.3. No receipt/ Affidavit

Step 1: When adding the expense select ‘Receipt Status’ – No Status and save expense

Step 2: Expenses without receipts have the red plus in the Receipt column

Step 3: To declare missing receipts click, Manage Receipts>>Missing Receipt Declaration

Step 4: ‘Create Receipt Declaration’ appears with the list of expense with no receipts

Step 5: Select you expense and click ‘Accept & Create’ to attach the missing declaration

Step 6: The expense now has a stamp icon in the Receipt column and claim is ready to

6.4. Itemising hotel

Once you’ve entered the amount for your hotel expense there is the ability to
itemised the receipt

Step 1: Click the ‘Itemisation’ in the expense window

Step 2: Click ‘Add Itemisation’

Step 3: Select Expense Type e.g. Hotel

Step 4: For expenses that recur daily such as room rate, select ‘Entry Type’ –
‘Recurring Itemisation’

Step 5: Click ‘Save Itemisation’ to add

Step 6: The itemisation is updated with current total and remaining still to be

Step 7: To add a one off item e.g. Business Meals. Click ‘Add Itemisation’ again

Step 8: Select Expense Type e.g. Business meals (Attendees)

Step 9: Enter Expense information and Click ‘Save Itemisation’

Step 10: When everything has been itemised, the remaining total will be 0 and with
a green tick. Return to details to complete expense

7. Country specific functionalities

7.1. Germany: Travel Allowances

Concur users assigned to Germany should select at expense report creation screen
whether expense report should include travel allowances.

If select ‘No’, the standard expense report preparation screen appears. If select “Yes”,
Concur opens dedicated to travel allowances processing screen.
All information to be filled in, then click ‘Next’:

Please fill all information in line with country policy / regulations. The calculations
based on the standard rates provided and approved by country tax manager.

In order to submit few travels within one expense report, once you add the
first travel please select ‘Travel Allowance’ => ‘Add Travel Allowance’ and
add next travel.

This way e.g. daily travels can be cumulated into single weekly expense

7.2. Netherlands: Projects

When creating expense report users in Netherlands can select project from drop-down
list on the right-hand side.

Next steps are the same as for each other countries in standard process of submission
of expense report.

7.3. China and India: Cash advance

Concur enables users from China and India to apply for cash advance money.
The process itself does not change as it was so far for the countries.
It is done according to local requirements and upon agreement with supervisor.

In order to apply for cash advance the button ”+ Cash Advance” should be used.

The fields with red asterisk should be obligatory completed.

After submitting by employee, the approver will see the cash advance request under
tab “My Task”

The approver takes the decision, if cash advance can be approved.

After the cash advance is approved by manager, the request is routed to processor
from finance department. The processor triggers then the payment from ERP system

The cash advance should be utilized in a Concur report against relevant expenses.
The Concur user will see a message at the top of the report reminding about
outstanding cash advance.

After clicking on “View” button, it will be possible to add the cash advance to the
report created for the same purpose, the cash advance was issued for.

While expenses are being added, the remaining cash amount will be getting smaller.
After whole amount is utilized the amount will show 0.00 and the report will be ready
to submit.

If it happens that the employee does not spend the cash advance money, it needs to
be returned back to the company in line with local process – for more details please
contact finance team.
For this purpose the expense type “Cash Advance Return” should be used.

8. Contact / Concur Support

If you have any questions or queries about Concur, please put in an IT helpdesk ticket
to itsupport@vesuvius.com. This will then be routed to the correct team to answer
your query.

9. Version
Date Name Comment
17.09.2021 Magdalena Szostak 2nd line manager section removed
China and India: Cash advance added


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