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Recommendation report writing 1

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The survey is not real data!

Recommendation report writing 2

Recommendation report writing


According to various studies, education is vital in equipping students with the knowledge

and skills necessary for ensuring one perfectly fits in society; and understanding how to interact

with others productively (Choudhury, 2020). Equally, the students become productive members

of their communities and know how to apply their acquired skills and talents to perform

appropriately in a typical work environment. This recommendation paper will investigate course

gaps in TRUSU institutions and recommend the most appropriate course to bridge this gap.

Understanding Course Gap

In a simple definition, course gaps could be the fundamental differences that separate

what learners should be expected to cover in a particular year versus what they get to hide in the

same period (Cattaneo, 2017). This, therefore, means that learners should have gathered a

specific volume of knowledge at any particular time or when they finish their studies. However,

if this does not happen and the learner cannot achieve a specific standard/ requirement, it is

considered a knowledge gap within the particular field. How do these gaps form in the first

place? First of all, knowledge gaps are usually compounding, hence the accumulation of trouble

when learners fail to gather specific knowledge at various education points.


To effectively address the issue of the knowledge gap in TRUSU institutions, it is crucial

to introduce a skill development course. Apart from students' general knowledge from TRUSU
Recommendation report writing 3

institutions, they must prepare to effectively function and express a high level of performance in

work environments. The students must equip themselves with Skill development courses like

dance work,graphic design,video/photo editing, article writing, programming and agricultural

courses, this would be an appropriate approach to address this gap; hence, the institutions should

ensure that the course is well structured to equip the learners in some of the essential elements

that employers seek. In this case we will dig deep into Dance work program and video/photo

editing course as an appropriate skill development courses that will majorly focus on some key

areas in concentration, focus, or special effort provided to motion in space; the primary point or

attitude towards the subject in the movement space. For instance, Folk dances are dances that are

produced and performed by distinct cultural groups (Patterson et al., 2018). A filmmaker can use

video to convey both nonfictional and imaginative events. Editing's purpose is to adjust these

occurrences in order to bring the message closer to the intended target.

Benefits of Dance work program and video/photo editing

Dance may help a youngster learn to focus, be creative, and be disciplined, which are

essential skills in any educational setting. Dance enhances sensitivity, empathy, respect, and

consideration for others, both of their similarities and differences. Provision of dance work and

video/photo editing as new courses in learning institutions significantly reduces the stress to

enroll for such training upon completing education. The students hence get adequate time to plan
Recommendation report writing 4

for their careers and to realize their talents. They are developing a brand, Create Gentility, Image

Tasks Get Simpler, Comprehensive Online Media Approach, Photos are incredibly crucial to

building your brand. Reusing images saves time and allows for easy multi-platform modification.

Dance work and video/photo editing will improve one's employment opportunities (Lee et al.,

2021). They can then become self-employed; it is currently common for employers to go for

individuals with additional skills. By accomplishing the training course in the school, students

will with no doubt enhance their chances of getting employed. The students will also get an

opportunity to widen the scope of their careers. It is evident enough that employers no longer

rely on experience as a primary reason for the employment and promotion of their staff. By

getting the opportunity to undertake this dance work course and video editing, learners will

develop their careers in dance fields and even have additional skills to perform in other career

fields. Video/photo editing and dance work are vital in promoting the personal growth of

individual students. This is because the learners will not only focus on job opportunities but also

on shaping and developing students' online networking opportunities, negotiation, time

management, and communication skills.

Impact of Dance work program and video/photo editing on Employment Rate

Currently, the unemployment rate in Canada is relatively low. The rate experienced a

decline of 6.7% in 2021 compared to 6.9% the previous month; with additional skills, this rate

will be lower.
Recommendation report writing 5

Dance has indeed been found to help people think more critically and creatively. Minton

(2003) looked at learners' uniqueness, fluidity, ambiguity, development, and resilience to

measure their creative abilities. Computer animation is crucial because it allows us to merge

pictures and audio in a way that makes us feel incredibly linked to the film we're viewing. Photo

editing is, without a doubt, one of the most significant tasks in the film industry. audio in a way

that makes us feel incredibly linked to the film we're viewing. Photo editing is, without a doubt,

one of the most significant tasks in the film industry.

The following is the pie chart showing the employment rate in south-Africa for graduates.

The graph shows that there is a high rate of unemployment for the graduates and therefore it is
Recommendation report writing 6

good to introduce dance work and video editing programs to breach the gap.
Recommendation report writing 7

Course Popularity and Acceptability

A research survey was conducted in the institution to understand the acceptability of skill

development courses in TRUSU institutions, with the students and teachers as the primary

participants in the study. The survey questions were short and direct and touched on the critical

elements of the course. To generate reliable data for analysis, the sample population in the

chosen institutions consisted of students lecturers/ instructors. After the study, the collected data

was analyzed, and the results were presented for evaluation. The results indicated that many

student participants supported the idea of introducing skill development programs in their


Cost of Course Implementation

Despite the various benefits of this dance work and video/photo editing to the already

established programs, it is quite a costly approach. TRUSU institutions will need to invest a

significant portion of their resources in realizing this dream and producing quality students. First,

adequate finances will be required to conduct further research to ensure that the program is

appropriately developed and structured to fit the requirements of the institutions. The school will

also need to recruit, train, and hire new or existing teachers who effectively deliver this program.

The course materials for the program will also be costly, as the instruction will need to introduce

books and other relevant materials to aid in teaching.

Additionally, this approach will be time-consuming; from the additional research,

development of the program, and course introduction, it could waste time that could have been

used for other activities. It is also crucial to understand that this course will significantly change
Recommendation report writing 8

the entire learning environmen; change is a complex process; hence students will find it hard to

adapt to the new approach, which will also take time. However, the benefits of dance work and

video editing programs are long-lasting. Businesses will have access to well-trained and skilled

personnel, which will improve the overall performance and productivity (Telg et al., 2021).

Conclusion and Recommendation

Education is an essential provision, and every citizen has the absolute right to participate

and get equal opportunity in education matters. It is vital to equip students with the knowledge

and skills necessary to perfectly fit in society and understand how to interact with others

peacefully. However, promoting quality education has not been easy and affects students when

they get into the external environment, where skills and work experience are required.

Knowledge gaps could be the fundamental differences that separate what learners should be

expected to cover in a particular year versus what they get to hide in the same period. This,

therefore, means that learners should have gathered a specific volume of knowledge at any

particular time or when they finish their studies. Numerous benefits could be associated with the

introduction of dance and video/photo editing in learning institutions; students will improve their

performance due to the ability to understand new concepts, help learners' skill development, and

boost their confidence through dancing, among other benefits. Therefore, it is highly

recommended that TRUSU institutions introduce dance and video/photo editing skill

development courses for the use of the students (Wittich, 2017). It will also be necessary to

conduct more studies to understand more about the program's benefits, cut costs, and find the

best ways of implementation.

Recommendation report writing 9


Cattaneo, M. A., Oggenfuss, C., & Wolter, S. C. (2017). The more, the better? The impact of

instructional time on student performance. Education Economics, 25(5), 433–445.

Choudhury N, Shoushtari A (2020) Training oncologists in the time of COVID-19. Oncologist.

Lee, M., & Lee, H. H. (2021). Social media photo activity, internalization, appearance

comparison, and body satisfaction: The moderating role of photo-editing

behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106579.

Recommendation report writing

Patterson, K. K., Wong, J. S., Nguyen, T. U., & Brooks, D. (2018). A dance program to improve

gait and balance in individuals with chronic stroke: a feasibility study. Topics in stroke

rehabilitation, 25(6), 410-416.

Telg, R., & Beattie, P. (2021). Video Editing: WC126, rev. 7/2021. EDIS, 2021(4).

TRUSU’s 2020/21 report:


Wittich CM, Agrawal A, Cook DA, Halvorsen AJ, Mandrekar JN, Chaudhry S, Dupras DM,

Oxentenko AS, Beckman TJ (2017) E-learning in graduate medical education: survey of

residency program directors. BMC Med Educ 17(1):114.


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