HR Management+

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Course overview
The course consists of two sections, Personnel Management and HR-management. It examines the
critical conditions and factors for the effective management of the working group (workforce) and
highlights the range of issues related to the work of highly qualified personnel.

Within this discipline, the most important mechanisms of the practical work of the HR departments are
analyzed, as well.

Course objectives and key skills

The main goal of the discipline is master the knowledge and skills necessary to manage the organization,
as well as to work as a human resources manager.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to determine the tasks of the discipline:

 Forming the idea of professional activities in the field of personnel management, including human
resources management services.

 Mastering the methodology of personnel management, as well as assimilating the relationship

between the development of management theory, the main methods of staff motivation, the
fundamentals of personnel policy and personnel planning, personnel marketing.

 Formation of skills in modeling of management decisions related to the organization of HR


 Participation in basic trainings, psychological tests, business games aimed at forming the
declared competences.

 Development of methodological tools that help build the activity of personnel management

Topic 1. Personnel in a modern organization

Man in the traditional and modern production process. The main milestones in the history of personnel
management. An employee in the Taylor’s management model. Neoteylorists views on the staff and their
limitations. The main factors of increasing the role of personnel in the post-industrial society. The content
of labor. Personnel control. Macroeconomic factors. The organization of work and the personality of the
worker. Development of democracy. The growth of the price of labor. Theories of human and social
capital. Human capital in the management of personnel. Social capital as a factor in the effectiveness of
the organization.

Topic 2. Personnel management as a specific sphere of management

The concept and objectives of personnel management. A variety of definitions of personnel management.
Objectives of personnel management. The concept of economic and social efficiency. Business
efficiency. Functions, subjects and methods of personnel management. The most important functions of
personnel management. Subjects of personnel management. Methods of personnel management. The
main stages of the evolution of personnel management Features of the current stage in the development
of personnel management. Differences in personnel management and human resource management.
Characteristic features of human resources management (HRM). The stages of HR management
development in HRM. Trends in the evolution of HRM.

Topic 3. Personnel management as a science and academic discipline

The subject and place of personnel management in the system of modern sciences. Polydisciplinary
sources of personnel management. Personnel management and enterprise economics. Syncretism and
integrative management of personnel. Structure of knowledge of the science of personnel management
and its practical importance. Inclusion in the management of personnel findings of other sciences General
formula for personnel management. The practical importance of personnel management. Personnel
management as a teaching discipline. The concepts of professional, social and methodological
competence. Teaching of personnel management. Social professional, methodical and temporary
competence. The study of personnel management in Russia.

Topic 4. Structure of personnel management: work with personnel and management of personnel.

Basic categories that characterize the management of personnel The main areas of personnel
management and their correlation. Correlation of concepts: "personnel management", "HR management",
"recruitment management", etc. Personnel management and HR management. Work with staff.
Organization and functions of working with personnel. Modern staff services. Human Resources
Manager. Interaction of personnel managers and line managers. The concept and main content of
personnel management. The most important definitions of personnel management. Aspects of personnel
management. Components of the manual. Is the management of personnel a science?

Topic 5. The nature of organizational leadership

Concept of leadership. Definitions of leadership. Leadership and leadership. Leader and manager. The
origins of leadership. The nature of leadership. The theory of features. The concept of charismatic
leadership. Factor-analytical and situational theory of leadership. Constituent theory and interactive

Theme 6. Formation of leadership

Motivation and types of leadership. Psychoanalytic explanation of motivation of leadership. Instrumental

and game motivation. Leadership typologies. Leadership management in the organization. Identify
leaders. Leadership development. Taking into account the interests of the group and informal leadership.
Integration of leaders Elimination of destructive leadership. Prohibited receptions.

Topic 7. Personnel management as a form of power

Concepts of power and authority. Definitions of power. Properties and power formula Authority and its
types. Structure of power. Components of power. Resources of power. Grounds, types and mechanism of
power. Grounds and types of power. Centralization, decentralization and delegation of power.
Modifications of power. Personnel management as a micro-policy. Policy in the organization. The concept
of micro politics The forms (games) of micro politics. Tactics of the manager.

Theme 8. The most important individual parameters of effective leadership

Roles and functions of the manager. Roles of the managers. Functions of the manager. Biological and
socio-economic characteristics. The gender specifications of the manager. Features of organizational
behavior of women. Age and health. Social and economic situation. Personal qualities. Intelligence. Other
individual qualities. Factors of successful activity of the head. Empirical test of the qualities of the leader.

Theme 9. Management Styles

Classical styles of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, conniving. The concept of leadership style.
Classical styles of leadership. Organizational effectiveness of democratic authoritarian and conniving
styles. Modern interpretations of management styles. Authoritarian style. Modifications of authoritarian
style Co-operative style. Requirements of the cooperative style Conditions for the effectiveness of co-
operative style Coaching style. One-dimensional and multidimensional leadership styles. Lattice styles
management R. Blake and D. Mouton. The notion of one-dimensional and multidimensional styles. Styles
focused on the task and on people. Grid styles of leadership.

Topic 10. Techniques, tools and models of management

The concept of management technique. Framework (by Exception) management and management by
delegation (by Delegation). The concept of management technique. Governance Governance through
delegation. Management by Objectives and Management by Systems. Management by objectives.
Conditions of effectiveness and general management mechanism by purpose. Advantages and
disadvantages of management by purpose. Results management and system management. Means of
leadership. Informing, individual conversation and discussion Conference, negotiations and complaint.
Recognition and praise. Criticism, blame and participation. Models of leadership. The Harzburg model.
The concept and basic principles of the Harzburg model Components of the Harzburg model. Advantages
and disadvantages of the Harzburg model. General scheme of the Harzburg model.

Theme 11. Motivation of organizational behavior

The concept and mechanism of motivation. The concepts of motivation and motive. Types of motivation.
The main links of the mechanism of motivation. Needs, aspirations and expectations. Stimulus and
installation. Rationally evaluative process. Basic theory of motivation. Man's pictures in theories of labor
motivation. McGregor's "XY theory". The development of the theory of MacGregor The theory of human
relations. Theory "Z" Ouchi.

Topic 12. Intrapersonal and procedural theories of motivation.

Intrapersonal theory of motivation. The theory of the hierarchy of needs A. Maslow The practical
significance of the theory A. Maslow. The theory of needs by K. Alderfer. The theory of motivational
needs of D. McClelland The theory of two factors F. Herzberg. The value of the theory of F. Herzberg.
Procedural theory of motivation. The theory of labor motivation D. Atkinson. The theory of justice S.
Adams. The importance of the theory of S. Adams. The theory of reinforcement of B. Skinner's
motivation. The theory of motivation V. Vroom. The Lawler-Porter motivation model. Multidimensionality
of motivation.

Topic 13. Team Leadership

Formal and informal groups in the organization. The concept of a working group. Formal, informal and
friendly groups. Functions of informal groups. Influence on informal groups. Possibilities of group
influence. Organizational capabilities of the team. The risk factor in group decisions. Symptoms of group
pressure. Team building. Group cohesion as an indicator of the team's ability to function. Terms of
formation of the team. Stages of the formation of the team. Factors of group cohesion. Psychological
compatibility. Definition of group cohesion. Differences between cohesive and disjointed groups.

Topic 14. Fundamentals of the theory of organizational conflicts

Concept, main stages, mechanism and typology of conflicts. The concept of conflict. Signs of conflict.
Stages of conflict. Mechanism and forms of conflict. Types of conflicts. Causes and consequences of
conflicts. Causes of conflict. Negative consequences of the conflict. Positive consequences of the conflict.

Topic 15. Handling conflicts

Diagnosis and prevention of conflict. Conflict diagnosis. Conflict prevention. Basic strategies for dealing
with conflicts. Normative and realistic strategies. Idealistic strategy. Behavioral orientation strategies.
Styles, methods and typology of conflict behavior. Power style and avoidance of conflict. Adaptation and
compromise. Cooperation, maintenance of the status quo, the formation of indifference. Choice of style of
behavior. Methods of conflict management. Structural methods. Personal methods. Conflictology typology
of employees. Initiators of conflicts. General principles, rules and recommendations used in conflict
management. General principles of conflict management. Rules for handling conflicts.

Topic 16. Personnel services

Place and role of staff service in a modern organization. The main stages of development of personnel
services. Structure, functions and staffing of personnel services. Personnel (HR) Department and the
main directions of its work. Tasks, rights and duties of HR managers and HR officers. Organization of
personnel services. Features of human resources services in different countries. Personnel services in
Russia, Western Europe, USA and Japan. Factors of efficiency of personnel services. Evaluation of their
activities. The main approaches to the assessment of personnel services.

The theme 17. Personnel policy and planning

Personnel policy: concept and organizational purpose. Stages of personnel policy. Personnel planning as
the initial stage of personnel management. Goals, objectives and organization of personnel planning.
Strategic, tactical and operational planning. Individual planning. Career planning. Employment planning.
Development planning. Planning of labor adaptation. Collective planning, its time parameters, content and
nature. The scope of planning. Planning staff. Plan your staffing needs. Planning the use of personnel.
Planning of personnel changes. Planning of personnel costs.

Topic 18. Analysis of the composition of personnel as the basis of workforce planning
The place of composition of the staff in personnel management. The main functions of the analysis of the
composition of personnel: diagnosis, design, planning changes, forecast. The General formula of the
composition of the staff. The concept of labor potential and its components. Used and latent labor
potential. The actual capacity and development potential. The General scheme of interaction of the main
factors of individual productivity. Profile (portrait) of abilities (competencies). Personnel management as
the management of employee competencies. Overall catalogue profile abilities. Procedures for the
selection of individual traits in the profile of abilities and its structure.

Topic 19. Staff requirement. Definition of the need for quality staff
The concept and structure of staffing requirements. The role of production tasks (programs) and context
factors in determining staffing needs. Basic approaches to determining staffing requirements. Planning on
the existing basis. Planning on a zero basis. Methods for determining staffing requirements. Assessment
of the needs of the head, a survey of experts, Delphi method. Determination of the need for quality
personnel. Analysis of the work and its objectives. The concept and job description. The main stages of
the analysis: information gathering, job description and job specification. Methods of collecting

The concepts characterizing requirements to personnel: the profile (vector) of requirements, the
psychogram, the job description, the qualification card, the map of competences and the description of
competences. Requirements profile, methods and principles of its development.

Topic 20. Determination of the need for the number of personnel

Working time as a basis for determining staffing requirements. The main factors of planning working time.
Preparatory and execution time. Methods of establishing time costs. Methods of determination of time
expenses in the production sphere. Method of direct time measurements. Method of selective
measurements. Methods of measurement of elementary time (MTM, etc.) Methods of determination of
time expenses in the non-production sphere. Zero-based budgeting (”Zero-Base-Budgeting"). Additional
factors to be considered in determining staffing requirements. Gross and net staffing requirement. Payroll,
average payroll and recruiting regular personnel. Span of control and the norm ratios. Features of
definition of need for personnel at tactical and strategic levels of management.

Topic 21. Reception staff. Personnel marketing

The reception staff in the management system of personnel changes. The main stages of recruitment. HR
marketing: concept and philosophy, goals and tools. Internal and external marketing of personnel. The
image of the organization as the basis of marketing activities. International staff marketing. Justification of
the need for admission of employees and preparation of the application. Conditions for the effective
involvement of candidates. Internal and external labour markets. Internal recruitment and its methods: in-
house competition, translation, overtime, personnel development, etc. External recruitment and its tools:
vacancy announcement, application to employment services, leasing, use of intermediaries and
recruitment agents, employee mediation, etc.

Topic 22. Personnel selection

Information potential and assessment of tender documents: statements, photos, autobiography, personal
record card, diplomas, recommendations etc. Professional testing. Personality tests, ability tests and
situational tests. Testing capabilities in identifying the qualities and abilities of the employee. Interview.
Types of interviews: structured, semi-structured, free, and other Evaluation interview opportunities.
Factors affecting the results of the interview. Computer interview. Preparation for professional selection.
Search for job information. Writing resume, filling out personal profiles, preparing for tests and qualifying
interview. Employment as the final stage of recruitment. Decision-making on admission, its subjects and
legal aspects. Employment agreement (contract) and its content. The costs of search and selection of

Topic 23. Personnel assessment

The concept and importance of personnel assessment in personnel management. Purposes of personnel
evaluation. Requirements for personnel evaluation. Main approaches to personnel assessment. The
traditional approach and its basic settings. Features of non-traditional approach. Contents and types of
personnel assessment. Assessment of the work of specialists and managers. Assessment of professional
behavior and personal qualities. Features of the assessment for employment and professional
advancement. Methods of personnel assessment. Method of the given choice. Descriptive method.
Management by objectives. The method of crucial situations. Classification method. Psychological
methods of personnel assessment. The method of the given distribution and other methods. Personnel
evaluation criteria. Typology of criteria. Consideration of the varying significance of the staff assessment
criteria. Personnel evaluation systems.

Topic 24. Staff assessment tools and procedures

The scope of the assessment personnel. Scaling. Scale with the price of division. Nominal, number and
graphic scales. Ranking and distribution of evaluation results. Selection of personnel assessment
systems. The procedure of personnel assessment. Preparation and conduct of the evaluation. The place
and the subjects of the evaluation. Frequency of evaluation and its technology. Certifying conversation, its
goals and organization. Methods of conversation. Factors for improving the effectiveness of the
evaluation conversation. Legal aspect of personnel assessment. Typical mistakes in personnel
assessment. Technology "Personnel Assessment Center" (PAC). Organizational basis of the PAC.
Stages of implementation of the PAC program. Use of evaluation results. Movement and release of
personnel. Ways to optimize the number of employees.

Topic 25. Personnel development

The content of the “personnel development” concept. Development of the organization and development
of employees. Vocational education, training and retraining. Determination of the need for personnel
development. The main forms of personnel development. Objectives and performance factors of staff
training programs. Methods of professional training: lectures, seminars, analysis of real situations (cases),
expert discussion (round table), scheduled and role-playing games; instruction, rotation, apprenticeship
and mentoring, self-study. Business career. Career planning and development. Career managers and

Topic 26. Payment of staff

The purpose of the personnel’s payment system. Traditional payment system. Methodology for
determining wages. Features of remuneration of managers. Modern wage systems. Time payment and
conditions of its effectiveness. Group wage systems. Accord system of payment, its varieties and
conditions of use. Premium payment system. Additional remuneration. Prizes. Allowances. International
standard classification of labour cost. Benefits and payments. The mode of working and free time.
Organizational insurance and its varieties. Pension contributions. Social security of employees. Social
services determined by the legislation and tariff agreement. Catering, health care and other social

Topic 27. Use of staff

Ergonomics as a basis for optimizing the interaction between the worker and the means of production.
The value of the physiology of labor, psychology of work, sociology of work, technology of work, the
pedagogy of labour, occupational medicine, and anthropometry for use by staff. Different types of load
and their impact on the organization of jobs and working hours. Rotation. Horizontal (Job Enlargement)
and vertically (Job Enrichment) enrichment work. Use of group work organization. Optimal use of the
diverse membership of the group. Humanization of work: the objectives and content. Safety and health of
employees. Ways and problems of humanization of labor in the organization.

Topic 28. Personnel information management

Information management as effective planning, implementation and control of the process of obtaining,
processing and accumulation of information. Information system in the organization and its tasks. The
data Bank staff. Bank jobs. Bank of methods and models of information processing. Use of computer
systems and technologies in personnel management. The problem of protecting sensitive and confidential
information and industrial democracy. Control over personnel. Control over plans and controlling.
Information culture and organizational culture.

Topic 29. Labor relations

Rights of employees in the market economy and their accounting in personnel management.
Representation of employees in the management of the organization. Subjects and organization of labor
relations. The role of trade unions in labor relations. Bodies of the labor collective. Collective agreement.
The content of the collective agreement. The procedure for the development and conclusion of a
collective agreement. Labor dispute. Complaints. Labor disputes and the procedure for their resolution.
Strikes and their conduct. The role of ILO conventions and recommendations in the regulation of labor

Topic 30. Legal relations in personnel management

Place of personnel management in the system of labor law relations. Subjects of legal responsibility.
Rights and obligations of staff. The main types of legal liability. Disciplinary responsibility in personnel
management. Material responsibility. Conditions of liability. Administrative and criminal liability.
Responsibility for theft and corruption.

Knowledge control
Knowledge control is bound to participation in interactive-lectures, reports at seminars, participation in
workshops, tests, business games, trainings. The overall score consists of the results of each student’s
personal activity during the classes.

Exam questions

1. Personnel in the modern organization / The concept of personnel and management, personnel
structure. The main stages in the development of personnel management.
2. History of personnel management. Place of personnel in traditional and industrial production.

3. The main factors of increasing the role of personnel and management in a post-industrial society.

4. The concept of human capital.

5. Social and moral capital, their role in the management of the organization. Ethics of business.

6. Peculiarities of the modern stage in personnel management.

7. Personnel management and human resources management. The main trends in the development of
personnel management.

8. Post-industrial (career, consultative, virtual organization-oriented, Japanese) personnel management


9. Personnel characteristics and management in modern Russia.

10. Personnel management as a special scope of management / The concept of personnel management
and its place in the management of an organization.

11. The basic functions of personnel management.

12. Subjects and methods of personnel management.

13. Structure of personnel management. Unity and differences in the management of personnel, work
with staff and personnel management. The main components of personnel management.

14. Criteria for the effectiveness of management. Concepts of economic and social efficiency.

15. Correlation of the categories "leadership", "management", "management", "leadership", manager ","
administrator "," manager ".

16. Personnel management as science and educational discipline / Personnel management as a science
and its relationship with other related disciplines. Applied nature of personnel management.

17. General formula for personnel management and its interpretation.

18. Personnel management as a teaching discipline, its importance for administrators, managers and

19. The role of professional, social, methodical and temporary competence in a modern organization.

20. Leadership in the organization / The concept of leadership. Leadership and leadership. Formal and
informal leadership.

21. Nature and basic concepts of leadership.

22. Motivation of leadership. Business, emotional and situational leadership. The main types of
perception of the leader.
23. Management of leadership in the organization.

24. The image of the leader and its components (elements)

25. Formation of the image of the head.

26. Human resources management as the variety of the authorities / The concept, structure and features
of power in the organization. The formula of power. Authority in the organization.

27. Resources and foundations of power in the organization.

28. Modifications of power in the organization: partnership, complicity, collective entrepreneurship.

Centralization and decentralization. Delegation of power: strengths and weaknesses.

29. Policy in the organization.

30. Management as a micro-policy. Pros and cons of micro politics.

31. Tactics of the head. Forms (games) of micro politics.

32. Micro politics in modern Russia.

33. The most important individual parameters of effective manual-administration / Roles and functions of
the manager.

34. Biological (sex, age, health) and socio-economic parameters of effective management.

35. Intellectual, emotional-volitional and communicative qualities of the manager.

36. Style of management / The notion of leadership style and its classical (authoritarian, democratic and
conniving) types.

37. Patriarchal, charismatic, autocratic and bureaucratic styles of leadership.

38. Cooperative leadership style and conditions for its effectiveness.

39. Styles of leadership oriented to the task and people-oriented. Mentor (tre-nervsky) style of leadership.

40. One-dimensional and multidimensional leadership styles. The grille of the styles of the leadership of
Blake and Mouton.

41. Situational theory of management styles. Model of effective style of Fiedler's leadership.

42. Model styles management Hersey and Blanchard.

43. Model of decision-making by the leader of Vroom-Yetton

44. The concept of leadership styles of Mitchell and House

45. Techniques, means and models of management / The concept of the technique of leadership.
Governance and governance through delegation.
46. Management by Objectives and Management by System.

47. Management tools and their purpose.

48. The notion of a model of leadership. The Harzburg model.

49. Motivation of organizational behavior / Concept and mechanism of motivation. The ratio of motive,
stimulus and need.

50. Man's pictures in theories of motivation. McGregor and Ouchi motivation concepts. The theory of
human relations.

51. Intrapersonal theory of motivation. Concepts of Maslow and Aldorfer.

52. Theories of motivation of McClelland and Herzberg.

53. Procedural theory of motivation. The theory of justice (equality) Adams.

54. The theory of labor motivation Atkinson. The concept of strengthening Skinner's motivation and the
conclusions stemming from it for managers.

55. The concept of valence - instrumentality - expectations Vroom.

56. Model of direct and feedback links of the Lauler-Porter motivation process.

57. The main aspects (fields) of motivation.

1. Dessler, Gary. Personnel management. / Per. from English. M.: Publishing house BINOM

2. Personnel management in the social market economy. / Edited by R. Marra, G. Schmidt. M.,

3. Zivert L. Your time is in your hands. Moscow: Economics, 1991

4. Nissan Y., E. Voutilainen, Lead time: efficiency of usage. Moscow: 1988

5. Berne E. Games people play. L.: Lenizdat, 1992

6. Goffman E. Self-representation to others / / Modern foreign social psychology. Texts. M., 1984.

7. Piz A. body Language. Novgorod, 1992

8. Schwalbe B. Personality, career, success. Business psychology. M., 1993

9. Falmer RM encyclopedia of modern management in five volumes. Vol.3. M., 1992, Chapter 5.

10. Hakli A. C. Image of business people. M., 1998.

11. Hovland K. Communication theories of image. SPb., 1999

12. Mercer D. IBM: Management in the most prosperous Corporation in the world. Moscow, 1991
13. Fuller D. Manage or obey: proven technique of effective management. One thousand nine
hundred ninety two

14. Woodcock M., Francis D. Liberated Manager. Moscow, 1991

15. Santalainen, Etc. and performance Management. M., 1993

16. Mescon M., albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. M., 1994.

17. Falmer RM encyclopedia of modern management in five volumes. Vol.3.

18. Drakker P. results-based Management. / Per. from English. M.: Technologist. business school

19. Ruttinger R. Culture of entrepreneurship. Moscow: Economics, 1992

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