Course Program "Social Studies in Management"

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Course overview
The main goal of the discipline is to form a holistic view to conduct empirical sociological research,
obtaining basic knowledge about the arsenal of existing methods aimed on collecting sociological
information, as well as practical skills of research. As a result of the course, students will learn how to
solve the problem of adequacy of the theoretical concept to the empirical level of research, as well as
receive methodological and organizational skills of research.

Within the discipline, it is supposed to perform a series of homework tasks devoted to separate stages of
preparation of the research program, development of tools, sample design, as well as implementation of
educational research projects using the methods of survey, content analysis, observation. For knowledge
control tasks are also used in the test form.

Course objectives and key skills

The goal of the discipline "Social Studies in Management" are the formation of students ' holistic view on
the empirical sociological research, basic knowledge about the arsenal of existing methods of collecting
sociological information, as well as practical skills of research. At the end of the course, students should
learn to solve the problem of adequacy of the theoretical concept to the empirical level of research, as
well as master the methodological, methodological and organizational foundations of research activities.

As a result of learning the discipline students must:

 To know the basic principles of methodology of sociological research, specifics of application of

basic methods of collecting sociological information.

 Be able to select and apply basic methods of data collection, interpret the results; plan and
organize the collection of necessary social information, assess the reliability and validity of the
methods used, the data obtained.

 To have the skills to prepare and conduct sociological research using the basic methods of data
collection (from research problem statement to data analysis and presentation of results); to gain
the experience of conducting empirical research using the on-line survey method.

Topic 1. The basics of methodology in sociology

The concept of sociological research-the essence, functions, types, stages. The relationship between the
concepts of methodology, techniques, and procedures of the study. Methodology as a system of
principles of scientific research. Criteria of scientific knowledge. Theoretical" loading " of observations, the
ratio of theory and research (R. Merton). Features of qualitative and quantitative methodology.
Topic 2. The program of sociological research

Structure and functions of the research program. Methodological module: Problem situation and research
problem. Definition of research goals and objectives. Definition of the object and subject of research.
Theoretical and empirical objects. The nomination of hypotheses. Theoretical interpretation of the
concepts. Operationalization of concepts. Design of measurement procedures. Procedure module: Select
the data collection method. The sample and the selection procedure. Data processing algorithm.

Topic 3. Measurement. Types of scales. Measurement quality criteria.

Measurement as a simulation of reality. Types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, relative to the total
Construction of scales: Likert, Bogardus, Guttman, Thurstone. Criteria and procedures for assessing the
quality of measurement.

Topic 4. Survey as a method of data collection

Survey methods: scope, advantages and disadvantages. The problem of adequacy of the survey type to
the research problem. Typical errors during the survey and ways to neutralize them. Typology,
advantages and limitations of surveys (questionnaires and interviews, mass and expert, individual and
group surveys, personal and telephone interviews, surveys at the place of residence, employment, on the
street, online research). The problem of survey’s adequacy, the features of the respondents, the
boundaries of interpretation. The main elements of the interview. Classification of interviews: the degree
of formality, style of conversation, number of participants etc. Effect of the interviewer.

Topic 5. Questionnaire as a research tool

The composition of the questionnaire: the main structural elements. The sequence of issues: the rules of
layout the effects of context. General principles of questionnaire design.

Topic 6. Classification of questions. Requirements to the wording of questions.

Question and its structural elements; classification of issues. Errors in the wording of questions and
answers. The rules of editing. Features of the measurement of behavior: the distortions and the
techniques of neutralization. Specifics of formulation of questions on installations. Socio-demographic
questions ("passport of common questions"). Sensitive topics: methods to improve the reliability of the

Topic 7. The basic techniques of the pilot study

The main principles and types of pilot studies. A comprehensive pilot study and methodology of piloting
survey. A priori and a posteriori analysis of the questionnaire. Methodology of the pilot study. Evaluation
of the performance adjustment according to the results of piloting.

Topic 8. Expert survey: scope of application, implementation methodology

Scope and types of expert survey. Opportunities and limitations. Organization and conduct of the expert
survey: stages, methods and conditions of selection of experts, the problem of access, tools. Processing
and analysis of expert information. Quality assessment of expert information.
Topic 9. Sampling frame. Typology of probability and non-probability sampling samples
Selective method of research as an alternative to continuous research. Basic concepts: General
population, sampling, representativeness, selection units, etc.
Probability sampling: Simple random sampling. Simulation of randomness: selection of elements using a
random number sensor. Sort items in a random order. Selection using standard programs (for example,
the implementation of these tasks in Excel and SPSS). Systematic sampling (mechanical sampling).
Selection with a whole step. Stratified sampling. Methods of placing the sample on strata: proportional
(proportional to the number of elements in strata), equal (equal in each strata). Cluster (nesting)
sampling. Two-stage and multistage selection. The optimal number of clusters to select.
The improbability of sampling: Quota sample. Formation of individual tasks to the interviewer. Quota
calculation rules. Difference between quota sampling and stratified sampling.
Selection of volunteers (spontaneous, situational). Sampling in online studies. A target sample. Selection
by method of "snowball". The selection of "places". Sample "street poll".
Random selection of households from the list, drawing up a list of households. Route method of selection
of households. Selection on quotas. Selection on birthday. Selection on Keisha's cards. Target selection.

Topic 10. All-Russian sample. Construction of territorial stratified sampling the Concept of
territorial sampling.
The idea of a multi-stage territorial stratified sample of households. The all-Russian sample and the
principles of its construction (on the example of approaches and rules underlying the design of the
national sample by the public opinion Foundation, the all-Russian center for the study of public opinion).

Topic 11. Analysis of textual information

Methods of studying language, text, discourse. Source of information. Kind of document. Scope, concept
and main types of content analysis. Categories of the content analysis, the unit of analysis, the context of
the account. Principles of sampling in content analysis. Media as an object of analysis. Methods of
communicative influence on mass consciousness.
Topic 12. Experiment as a method of sociological research
Specificity of the experiment among other methods of sociological data collection. Pilot plans. Criteria and
evaluation of the quality of the data obtained in the experiment.

Theme 13. Observation as a method of sociological research

Definitions of observation and its specificity as a method. The main types of observations and their
parameters, comparative advantages and disadvantages. Quantitative and qualitative monitoring
strategy. Planning and preparation of the program (plan) of quantitative observation. Forms qualitative
observations. Ways to improve the quality of surveillance data.

Topic 14. Sociometric method

Theoretical foundations of sociometry. Sociometric data collection procedures. Processing, analysis and
presentation of data.

Knowledge control
Questions for exam
1. The concept of sociological research. Functions of methodology as a system of principles of scientific
2. Opportunities to combine elements of qualitative and quantitative strategy in one project: benefits and
3. Structure and functions of the research program: methodological and methodical blocks.
4. How is the definition of the object and the subject of research? Why distinguish between theoretical
and empirical objects?
5. Conceptual and operational definitions as a result of the interpretation and operationalization of the
basic concepts of research.
6. General principles and algorithm of actions for the interpretation and operationalization of concepts.
Typical error. Give an example of the interpretation and operationalization of one of the concepts with
errors, specify how to correct them.
7. The structure of the hypothesis and its heuristic function in the formation of the research program.
8. Promotion of hypotheses in sociological research. Classification of hypotheses. Construction and
testing of hypotheses. Give examples of hypotheses of different types.
9. Measurement in sociology: peculiarities, difficulties and ways of overcoming.
10. Types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, relative. Give examples of questionnaire questions using
scales of different types.
11. Principles and stages of constructing scales summating type (for example, any of the scale: Likert,
Bogardus, Thurstone, Guttman). Give examples of several judgments.
12. Criteria of measurement quality in sociology (reliability, validity) and methods of its improvement.
13. The concept and types of survey, scope, advantages and limitations, typical errors in surveys.
Example of use.
14. The concept and types of survey, scope, advantages and limitations of the survey as a method. The
main types of survey. Typical errors for different types of survey. Examples of using different types of
15. Advantages and limitations of different types of survey, organizational and methodological features.
Scope, method selection criteria.
16. The composition of the questionnaire the sequence of questions. General principles of questionnaire
17. The main types of questions. Errors in the formulation of questions and answers and editing rules.
18. Features of the measurement of behavior: the distortions and the techniques of neutralization. Give
examples of questions about behavior: a) errors of different types, b) correctly formulated.
19. Specifics of formulation of questions on installations. Give examples of questions about the settings:
a) errors of different types, b) correctly formulated.
20. Socio-demographic issues. Give examples of questions "passports": a) errors of different types, b)
correctly formulated.
21. Methods of working with sensitive issues. Give examples of erroneous and correct formulations for
each method.
22. The essence of the interview function. Classification of types of interviews. Stages of preparation and
conducting of the formalized interview
23. The main principles and types of pilot studies. Procedure. Evaluation of the results of aerobatics.
24. Scope and types of expert survey. Organization and conduct. Quality assessment of expert
information. Example of use
25. Selective method in sociological research, field of application. Sampling process (design stages,
26. The content of the concepts "General population", "sample set", "random (probabilistic) sampling",
"representativeness". Give sample design examples.
27. Classification (typology) of probabilistic samples in sociological research. Features of application of
each type. Examples of use in applied research.
28. An algorithm for simulating randomness in a simple random sample. How (by what means) it is
implemented – can you describe a specific technique.
29. Rules of construction of national sampling (by the example of all-Russian public opinion polls). The
problem of constructing such a sample. What difficulties exist and how they are being overcome
30. Types of non-random samples used in sociology. Advantages and disadvantages of each. Relevant
fields of application for each of them.
31. The concepts of "text", types of texts, principles of analysis, research methods and their relationship.
32. The method of content analysis. The main stages of the preparation and conduct of the content
analysis. Levels of analysis and the unit of analysis. Requirements for samples of texts and counting
units. Give an example of a study topic and appropriate categories, analysis units, and accounts.
33. The principles of the experiment in sociology and its specificity. Experimental plans and their
application in sociology: examples.
34. Stages of organization and procedure of the experiment. Mistakes and difficulties in the experiment.
Criteria and assessment of the quality of the data obtained. Examples.
35. Specificity of the observation method in sociology. Advantages and disadvantages of the method.
Examples of research topics through observation.
36. The main types of observations and their parameters, comparative advantages and disadvantages.
37. Types of observations: the degree of formalization, the position of the observer, the place, frequency,
conditions, and other qualities of the observer, the main role. Examples.
38. Types of sociometric criteria (examples). Procedures for the collection, processing, analysis and
presentation of sociometric data.

1. Berger P. Invitation to sociology / Per. English. O. A. Oberemko, edited by G. S. Batygin. M.: Aspect
Press, 1996.
2. Kuhn T. the Structure of scientific revolutions. M.: Progress, 1977
3. Ilyin V. I. Drama of qualitative field research. SPb.: St. Petersburg state University, 2006
4. Yadov V. A. strategy of sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social reality.
Moscow: Omega-L, 2012
5. Moreno, J. L. Sociometry, experimental method and the science of society. Moscow: Academic
project, 2004.

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