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Love Systems Insider

Date: May 2009

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pickup Artists

7 things we know now that we wish we’d known then.

I just got off the phone on a BIG conference call with some of the world’s other top pick up artists and
dating coaches.

Something came out of that call that I wanted to share with you right away. Toward the end of the call,
we got to talking about “the old days,” when we ourselves were first learning how to date and attract
beautiful women.

It’s funny because most of us agreed that we did it the wrong way . We made the process way longer
and harder than it needed to be.

Part of this wasn’t our fault. Resources that men take for granted today simply didn’t exist five years ago.

• No Magic Bullets offering a complete system to follow step-by-step.

• No Routines Manual (let alone an advanced Volume 2) with collections of the proven things to
say to start conversations, create attraction, get rid of other guys, etc.
• No video channel so you could see this stuff in action.
• Etc.

Heck, The Attraction Forums didn’t even exist five years ago. Now 100,000 members ask and answer
questions, trade notes, etc. Back then we were just guys emailing each other.

But those are just excuses.

The fact is, as much as we’ve learned about attracting and dating beautiful women (to the point where we
can call it “dating science”), we’ve learned even more about how to TEACH and LEARN the skills.

And when we get guys who don’t agree on anything else to agree on the right way to learn dating
science... that’s worth listening to. I was originally just going to post this on my blog , but this is
important enough to share with everyone.

Seven things top gurus know now that we wish we’d known then:

1. Measure skills, not results.

Men usually like results. You made $50,000 last year. You fixed up your dream car. Your team
won. Your investments went up 15% went up 5% only went down 25% are still, technically,
worth something. You slept with this many women. Etc.

You can’t do this with women and dating.

Being results-focused will actually hurt your game.

If your goals are phone numbers, dates, same night lays, or whatever, you risk coming across as
needy. You will be approaching women obviously wanting something. Women can “smell” an

Your inner game (internal outlook on yourself and your abilities) and confidence will also suffer.
If your goal is to take a hot girl home tonight but the hottest girl at the party has a photo shoot at
dawn the next morning, what are you going to do?

Sure, you can make excuses and exceptions, but that’s a slippery slope and will eventually make
all of your goals meaningless.

Focus on what YOU can control and what YOU need to be working on. For example:

o Suffering from approach anxiety ( When you are too nervous to walk up to a woman you
don’t know and start talking to her. )? – approach 10 women today.

o Avoiding mixed groups (men & women)? – approach 3 mixed groups today.

o Not naturally physically demonstrative or “touchy?” – touch (appropriately) every

person you meet today within 30 seconds.

o Want to learn to do “cold reads (Observations you can make about a woman that doesn’t
necessarily require that you know anything about her – these can be incredibly useful
and fun, both allowing you to learn about a woman and giving her information about
you.)?” – do a cold read in at least 5 approaches.

o Trouble taking things sexual? – use at least 4 different sexualization routines tonight.

o And so on...

2. Fashion and grooming matter – a lot.

If you’ve read my book Magic Bullets, especially the chapter on fashion, then you already know

Unfortunately, there are way too many people out there pretending that “looks don’t matter.”

Of course they do.

But, they matter in a different sort of way to most women than to men, and not just because
they’re not quite as important. It’s also because women judge looks not only on a visual level,
but also for what your looks say about your personality.

And that’s mostly about fashion and grooming (mostly hair).

This is a GREAT thing about being a guy - you can go from ugly to attractive with the right
changes to clothes and hair.

By “attractive” I don’t mean you can get into fashion magazines. I mean “your appearance is
enough to interest beautiful women.”

(Check out the before and after photos in Magic Bullets for live examples.)

Those are very different things. That’s why I don’t recommend you go shopping with women.
Yes, they can make you look fashionable. But, they won’t dress you to cut through the clutter
and announce to other women: “I am a man with something to offer.”

I remember the first time I heard a girl call Love Systems Instructor Cajun "hot." I nearly spat
out my drink. He’s a weedy little guy. But, he was dressed in a way that conveyed a powerful
identity that he was congruent with. And having sick game doesn’t hurt either.

I’m no great shakes either. No woman (except my mom, God bless her) ever said I was
handsome until I changed my style.

Use your clothes and grooming to tell women what kind of person you are – relate fashion
choices to your identity. Take care of your appearance (especially the details, like shoes), be in
touch with yourself, dress appropriately but with a sense of purpose, or fun, etc. All of that is
much more important to her (and to your “looks”) than what you look like with your shirt off.

I’ve personally trained a couple thousand men over the past 5 years (including at the annual
Super-Conference). I can only remember two men who had something physical about them that
would seriously get in the way of attracting beautiful women.

The odds are that, whatever your physical imperfections, there are tons of guys with less going
for them than you have who are doing just fine.

This can be fixed in a day. So do it.

3. Being attractive to women isn’t something you switch on and off.

I’ve seen lots of guys be one kind of person for 90% of the time and then attempt to be a pick up
wizard the other 10%. It doesn’t work.

To be a positive, outgoing, confident, relaxed, and interesting person when you meet women,
your best bet is to focus on being that person all the time.
Trying to turn it on and off risks women seeing you as “acting” or “playing a role.” You won’t
feel comfortable or natural, and that will show.

This is why Love Systems is so careful to separate our techniques. There’s the stuff that will
work for everyone – that goes into Magic Bullets and our other great products. And then there’s
the stuff that has to be calibrated to you and your own personality and identity. That’s what
bootcamps and one-on-ones are for.

This is a BIG reason why the “guru” approach simply does not work and why you’re part of the
Love Systems Community, not Savoy’s Community.

And why over 20 of the world s best dating coaches and pick up artists, most of whom could
easily be the “headline star,” decided to hold themselves to a higher standard and make something

So, if what you think you need to do to attract and date women is SO different from your
“natural” personality that you have to turn it “on” and “off” THEN YOU ARE DOING THE

In other words, make dating and seduction techniques work for you. Don’t try to become a
different person to fit the techniques.

To talk about this some more, drop us a line.

4. Change her mood, not her mind.

Women are generally not logical, at least as most men understand the term. This goes double in
their social lives, and even more so when it comes to men and dating.

If you expect her to think and act like you, you’re just going to be frustrated and disappointed
(and miss out on the unique feminine aspects of her personality).

I can’t think of how many nights I went home alone in the early days, having failed to convince a
woman who was attracted to me that her friends would get home fine / she’d be just fine the next
day / a 45 minute drive home isn’t that bad, really / and so on.

It never worked. What does work is amping her sense of fun, adventure, attraction, etc. – making
her emotionally want to come (ahem) instead of logically.

It’s the same principle as when guys ask “I love this routine and that routine, but how do I get
from one to the other?”

It’s a logical question - and therefore doesn’t matter.

If the emotions are good, the logical side either doesn’t hit her radar screen or is rationalized
away. If she’s enjoying the conversation, she doesn’t care why you switched topics.
This also explains how a woman can spend hours over dinner explaining to some guy that she
really likes men who are nice, who take things slow, who bring her flowers, etc... and then slip
her phone number to a man who makes her feel (not think) attraction.

5. It’s not the first thing you say – it’s the second.

So many guys are worked up about what to say when they approach a woman, that it feels almost
cruel to reveal this, but... what you say NEXT is much more important.

Sure, you can blow yourself out by approaching a girl and saying the wrong thing. “Can I buy
you a drink?” and “It’s sure loud in here” count as “wrong things.”

But, regardless of how clever, direct, spontaneous, etc., the first thing you say is, after her
response she’ll be looking at you expectantly wondering what you’re going to say next .

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll recognize this issue – early on we had great openers
and great attraction material, but no great way to transition between the two.

That’s why we created the Transitioning phase, first revealed in Magic Bullets (you can read
about it in the free chapters).

This applies equally whether you “go direct” or “go indirect,” or even waltz up to a woman and
say something nonsensical (or even borderline offensive).

Of course, the first thing you say can blow you out. That’s why I recommend at least looking at
the proven openers from the first volume of the Routines Manual (they’re in the free chapters).

But more likely, if you’re getting blown out on the opener, it’s a problem with body language
and/or tonality. This is really hard to fix by yourself; get someone who knows what he’s doing to
watch your game and give you honest feedback.

6. Don’t wait.

There’s an old cliche that no one on his deathbed ever wishes he had spent more of his life in the

Well - no one ever wishes he’d waited longer before getting good at Love Systems.

No one ever wishes he could have had just another few months, or years, of not being able to get
the girls he wanted.

Yes, it can seem overwhelming. And while it’s easy to find excuses, you CAN make a priority
for what’s important to you. No matter how long, every successful journey always begins the
same way - with a single step.
You have the power to take that step TODAY.

If you need help getting started, re-use the Official Love Systems 2009 New Year's Resolutions.
Just call them “anytime resolutions” and off you go.

As a technical question, I sometimes get asked whether you should take your bootcamp as soon
as possible or whether you’ll get more out of it if you learn on your own first.

It is true that the more advanced you are going into a bootcamp, the more advanced you’ll be
coming out. There are more nuances and subtleties to pick up on and you’ll be able to make
better use of the more advanced material.

But, it’s almost always a better idea to do it earlier. Part of the value of a bootcamp is that we can
tell you exactly what you need to work on and in what order. This is often very different from
what most guys THINK their sticking points are.

Also, the longer you go without getting a very successful man to critique your game, the more
you will internalize your bad habits. It’s actually easier to train someone who has never
approached a woman in his life than someone who has 1,000 approaches under his belt.

And then there’s math. If you wait 6 months and take a bootcamp, you’ll probably be at or
slightly better than the level you’d be at if you took a bootcamp now. But, if you take a bootcamp
now and then keep practicing for 6 months, you’ll be MUCH further ahead than if you had

As an example, Braddock was already being considered as a junior instructor just six months after
his bootcamp (he’s now a senior instructor). No one is ever at instructor level right after
completing a bootcamp.

Check out our full schedule of bootcamps and live training programs.

If we’re not coming to your city at the right time, contact us about individualized training or to
make a request.

7. Make it fun!

I don’t know where people got the idea that dating and attracting beautiful women was supposed to
be some painful process.

It can’t be, if you want to be successful. Borrowing from some of Love Systems Instructor Mr. M
s breakthroughs, if you’re not having fun, she’s unlikely to be having fun either. This happens
through something called mirror neurons and it’s worth checking out the article in full.

Some people complain that they don’t like bars and clubs (or a particular bar or club). This one’s
pretty easy. Go places you like, where you like the music and the atmosphere. This will also make
you want to come back, and as you get to know people at a specific place, you have more
opportunities to be “known” and have “social proof” there.

If you don’t like bars and clubs, do day game. The same beautiful women that go out to clubs also
go to malls, coffee shops, theatres, galleries, sporting events, and so on. Meet them there.

One of the reasons Love Systems Instructor Soul enjoys Day Game more than Night Game (though
he’s an expert at both) is because he finds a wider variety of women in normal daytime situations –
including lots of women who themselves don’t like clubs!

Or, you might be putting too much pressure on yourself, jumping suddenly between un-social and
social activities, or one of a million other “state” killers.

But in general – if there’s one thought I can leave you with:

If it’s not fun, you’re doing something wrong.

Take care,


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