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Homework 9 03/11/2021

1. The curve C has parametric equations

x  4 cos 2t y  3 sin t  
 t
, , 2 2
 3
 2, 
A is the point  2  and lies on C.
(a) Find the value of t at the point A. [2]
(b) Find dx in terms of t. [3]
(c) Show that an equation of the normal to C at A is 6y – 16x + 23 = 0. [4]
The normal at A cuts C again at the point B.
(d) Find the y-coordinate of the point B. [6]
2. (P. 87 Ex. 14.8 Q. 23)
The equation of a curve is given by
x  cos  , y  sin  cos  ,
where θ is a parameter and 0    2 .
(a) Find the range of values of x. [2]
(b) Find the range of values of y. [2]
(c) Find the values of the parameter θ corresponding to the point (0, 0). [3]
(d) Show that the curve has two tangents at (0, 0) and find their gradients. [4]
2 2 4
(e) Show that the equation of the curve can be represented by y  x  x . [3]
(f) Find the gradients of the tangents at (0, 0) from the equation of the curve in (e). [4]
3. (P. 103 Ex. 15.1 Q. 21)
A curve is represented by the parametric equations
4 12
x y
(2  t ) , 2t .
(a) Find the equation of the chord joining the points P and Q with parameters t = –1 and t = 0
respectively. [4]
(b) Find dx in terms of t. [3]
(c) Find the equation of the normal to the curve which is perpendicular to PQ. [5]
2t 3t
4. Determine the area under the curve represented by the set of parametric equations x  e , y  e
for ln 3  t  ln 8 . Give your answer in an exact form. [4]
x  t 1 y  3
5. The parametric curve C is represented by the set of equations , t . The curve is then
rotated about the x-axis between the values of t = 2 and t = 3. Determine the volume generated,
k ln 
giving your answer in the form  b . [4]

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