Homework TD1 Team 38

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Solvay 15/11/2021

Research Methods
Team 38

Homework TD1

1) Install R and R-Studio

2) Load the libraries of “lavaan” and “psych”

Both packages were already installed.

3) Load the dataset

4) Save your script

5) Close and restart R-studio

6) View the dataset

Screenshot of the dataset uploaded.

• Name of the different variables: training, ei, and performance

• 500 individuals
• Data points per individual?
Solvay 15/11/2021
Research Methods
Team 38

7) Use the summary() and the table() functions

Summary screenshot:

Table screenshot:
Solvay 15/11/2021
Research Methods
Team 38

8) Mean and sd of the variable “ei”

• Mean = 50.01
• Sd: 10

We used the describe() function.

9) Correlation coefficient between “ei” and “performance”

10) Create new composite variables

Solvay 15/11/2021
Research Methods
Team 38

11) Plot some graphs

Histogram of the variable “ei”:

Scatterplot of the relationship between “ei” and “performance”:

Solvay 15/11/2021
Research Methods
Team 38

12) Generalized linear model analysis (model1)

• Dependent variable: performance

• Independent variable: “ei”
• Interpretation: The p-value is highly significant (<2e-16) meaning that “ei” positively
(0.7462) influences the performance. The intercept (𝛽0 = 12.6977) is positive and the
slope is (𝛽1= 0.7462) is also positive. Therefore, there is a positive relationship
between both variables.

13) Create 2 new standardized variables

14) View your dataset

Solvay 15/11/2021
Research Methods
Team 38

15) Generalized linear model analysis (model2)

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