New Media and Problem of Identity

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New Media

and Problem of
Manjusha Nair
World of Technology/New Media

• New media has revolutionized our life

• The new technology has changed how we entertain ourselves, meet
each other, and consume all types of media
• It has strong influence

• Measure of actions in agreement with beliefs

• Strong sense of being of undisputed origin
• Moral Identity and responsibility
Martin Heidegger

• German Philosopher
• Phenomenology, and existentialism
• Notable works include Being and Time
• Dasein – concept of human existence
• Authenticity

• Dasein is a relation of being, a relation that obtains between what

one is at any moment and what one can and will be as the temporally
extended unfolding of life into a realm of possibilities.
• It is concept of a human being as a whole rather than of a mind or of
a human being as a compound of mind and body.

• Dasein is a form of being that must care, is aware of and must

confront such issues as mortality and the dilemma or paradox of
living in relationship with other humans while being ultimately alone
with oneself.
• Dasein is a being in that it has concern about its own existence
Being Inauthentic

• Dasein’s inevitable tendency is to fall into an everyday mode of

existence, an absorption into the common world of experience that
is most readily at-hand.
• Constantly trying to avoid thinking about how fragile our own being
really is
• Indulging in meaningless activities that do not define ourselves
Being Inauthentic

• Quotes – “Everyone is the other, and no one is himself. The they,

which supplies the answer to the who of everyday Da-sein, is the
nobody to whom every Da-sein has always already surrendered
itself, in its being-among-one-another.”
• Not our own choices as our own and, as a result, we are not really
the authors of our own lives.
Authentic Way of Being

• Dasein’s understanding the truth about itself

• Dasein’s realization of its limited existence; possible end.
• Making choice of being oneself
• Dasein’s state of Anxiety as way of authentic being
• Quotes – “If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it
squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the
pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself.”
Authentic Way of Being

• Quotes- “We should never allow our fears or the expectations of

others to set the frontiers of our destiny.”.
• Make choice how to be, how to shape ourselves.
• Ignoring the meaningless, endless clatter within the virtual world.
• Look within ourselves and perform actions that define our true self

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