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NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

Đề thi gồm có 12 trang Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH – LỚP 12

Thời gian: 150 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề)

Số báo danh: ............................


Section 1 :Questions 1-10
A Japanese girl and a housing officer are talking about her homestay family.

Questions 1-5
The housing officer takes some details from the girl. Complete the following form with NO


First name 1…………………………..
Family name Yuichini
Gender Female
Age 28
Passport number 2……………………………
Nationality Japanese
Course enrolled 3………………………………
Length of the course 4……………………………….
Homestay time 5………………………………
Question 6
Mark TWO letter that represent the correct answer.

6. Which kind of family does the girls prefer?

A.  A big family with many young children
 B.  A family without smoker or drinkers
C.  A family without any pets
D. A family with many animals or pets

Questions 7-10
Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
7. Although the girl is not a vegetarian, she doesn't eat a lot of meat. Her favorite food
is ………...
8. The girls has given up playing handball. Now, she just play……….. with her friends at
9. The girl does not like the bus because they are always late. She would
rather ……………………
10. The girl can get the information about the homestay family that she wants…………………. .
Section 2 :Questions 11-20
You will hear a talk by a tour guide about travel to Enzia.
Complete the notes by filling in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR NUMBER for each answer.


Now Eznina visas are needed by almost all nationalities.
Normal visas last 11…………………………
You need to pay 12………………….. for the visa.
Price may change from time to time
Some Enzian consulates neighboring countries require you to provide a letter to 13………….
You can get information of major embassies on 14……………. of the student handbook. If you
want to re-enter Eznia, you must get a multi-entry visa.


If you carry a lot of money, you need to complete a 15. ……………

Remember to declare all your items, especially expensive items, on a 16. ………………
You are advised to carry a health certificate. The one you need is the 17………………….
If you wish to get a youth fare card, you should show your 18…………………..
Due to the bureaucracy in Eznia, you are advised to take at least 19………………… passport
photos with you.
Pounds and US dollars are not very useful now in Eznia, so you should
take 20………. Or………  with you .Credit cards are not acceptable because of fraud scandals.
You will hear a discussion about shopping habits.
Section 3: Questions 21-24
Complete the sentences below.
21. The woman being interviewed is now working in the bank. Her occupation is…………… .
22. The woman usually spends about…………. when she goes shopping.
23. The woman often goes to……………………… because she finds them convenient.
24. According to the woman,……………… is/are her most difficult thing(s) to buy.
Questions 25-27
Fill in the blanks with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER  for each answer.

- 50% of the people being interviewed spend 25……………….. a month.

- 15% of the people being interviewed spend 26……………….. a month.
- 35% of the people being interviewed spend 27…………………. a month.
Questions 28-30
Mark THREE letter that represent the correct answer.
Most of the people being interviewed think that _________ is/are most difficult to buy.
A Books  В Study materials С Foods  D Trousers E Shoes  F Sportswear

Part 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Write A, B, C or
D in your answers in the numbered boxes. .(10 points)
1. I wouldn’t call her a close friend. She’s more of a/ an……really.
A. ancestor B.successor C. acquaintance D. peer
2. My jeans …………….in the wash and they are too small for me now.
A. reduced B. deteriorated C. shrank D. diminished
3. How dare you accuse me ……………..!
A. to cheat B. that I cheat C. cheating D. of cheating
4. Thank you for thinking of us,but I am afraid we’re going to……………your kind invitation.
A. decline B. deny C. condemn D. reject
5. The booklet is printed in big letters ……….even the old and young to read with unaided eyes.
A. so that B. in order for C. with a view to D. so as to
6. John: “ Can I help you , Sir? Mr Jeans: “ I’m looking for a …………..table”.
A. round wooden fashionable B. wooden round fashionable
C. wooden fashionable round D. fashionable round wooden
7. You should ………think about what technical school to apply for: or else, you will waste your
time and money in a few years later.
A. strongly B. extremely C. hardly D. highly
8. When the teacher came in, students…………………….laughing
A. stopped B. were stopping C.had stopped. D. have stopped
9. Please don’t…………a word of this to anyone else, it’s highly confidential.
A. breathe B. speak C. pass D. mutter
10. What chemical is this? It’s ……..a horrible smell.
A. giving down B. giving away C. giving over D. giving off
Your answers:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Part 2: There are 10 mistakes in the passage. Write them down and give the correction.
Write your answers in the space provided.(10 points)
Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must be done Line 1
by care. View a career as an opportunity to do something you love, not simply as way ...2…
to earn a living. Here are just a few of the factors to consider. ...3…
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision. You may ...4…
want to begin by accessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Think about ...5…
the classes, hobbies, and surroundings that you find most attracted. Ask yourself ...6...
questions, such as “ Would you like to travel? Do you want to work with ...7…
children?”Thereare no right or wrong answers. Determine which job features you ...8…
require, which one you would prefer, and which ones you cannot accept. Then rank it ...9…
in order of importance to you. ..10..
The setting of the job is one factor to take to account. You may not want to sit at a desk ..11..
all day. If not, there is diversity of occupation- building inspector, supervisor, and real ..12..
estate agent- that involve a great deal of time out from the office. Geographical ..13..
location may be concern, and employment in some fields is concentrated in certain ..14..
regions. ..15..
Don’t rule out any occupation without learning more about it. Some industries evoke ..16..
positive or negative associations. The traveling life of a flight attendant appears ..17..
glamorous, when that of a plumber does not. Remember that many jobs are not how ..18..
they appear to be firstly, and may have merits or demerits that are less obvious. Flight
attendants must work long hours, grueling hours without sleeps, whereas plumbers can
be as good paid as some doctors.

Your answers:
Line Mistake Correction


Part 3: Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be (1)………. into textiles. The protein
fiber of silk is composed mainly of fibroin, and is (2)……….. by certain insect larvae to form
cocoons. The best-known silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae of the mulberry
silkworm Bombyx mori, which is reared in (3)…………………...
The shimmering appearance of silk is due to the triangular prism-like structure of the silk fibre,
which (4)…….. silk cloth to refract incoming light at different angles, thus producing different
Silk is produced by several insects, but, over the years, only the silk of moth caterpillars has been
used for textile (5)………….., although there has been some (6)…………… into other types of
Silk is mainly produced by the larvae of insects undergoing (7)….…… metamorphosis, but some
insects such as webspinners and raspy crickets produce silk (8)………………….. their lives.
1. A stitched B woven C knitted D crocheted
2. A produced B manufactured C invented D offered
3. A chains B cell C prison D captivity
4. A encourages B tempts C allows D forces
5. A fabricating B constructing C assembling D manufacturing
6. A scrutinising B probing C research D interrogation
7. A complete B entire C thorough D intense
8. A through B entirely C completely D throughout
Your answers:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

Part4 : Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word.

​ The Crow
Crows are thought to (1)_______ among our most intelligent birds. The success of the American
Crow in adapting to civilization would seem to confirm (2)________ .Despite past attempts to
exterminate them, crows, (3) ________are very common in farmlands, can still be seen in towns
and cities. Their distinctive 'caw' is a familiar sound over a (4) _____ of the continent. Sociable,
especially when (5) ________ nesting, crows may gather in communal roosts on winter nights.
Sometimes thousands (6) ________ them roost in one grove. Most crows are adaptable and
trusting, (7) ________ they are often shy where persecuted. Some become tame (8) ________ in
towns, and then they regularly visit gardens.
Your answers:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8


Part 1: Read the text and answer the questions.

She knew the street backwards, of course. How many times had she been dragged up it as a child
by the wrist, whining and snivelling, always wishing she were somewhere else?  Now she had no
desire to be anywhere but here.  This bustling traffic, these fuming buses, these chipped paving
stones and boarded-up shop fronts, they were hers.  Here, she would grow from defiant teenager
to independent woman.  When she was an old woman, she would gaze out over the lawns and say
‘Ah, Knox Road, that’s where I really came into my own’.
Number 126 was only a short walk from the bus stop, and she heaved her multiple bags onto her
shoulders and trudged off, trying to maintain the elation as the straps dug into the flesh of her
neck and fingers.  Number 126 was set back slightly from the main road, with a concrete path and
weed-patch at the front.  The window frames were rotten and the paint chipped.  Holly tried not
to mind.  It was what was inside that counted, after all.  The coming-together of six individuals
from diverse backgrounds. discussing politics, culture and art late into the night, sharing ideas,
recipes, milk, shower gel and lovers – that would be what she’d look back on of course, not the
paintwork.  In the absence of either a bell or knocker, she rapped firmly on the door.
There was no reply. Holly peered through gap in curtains in the downstairs window, but there was
nothing but gloom within.  She could hear a faint thudding of a bass beat, but was not sure which
house it belonged to.  She rapped more firmly, and was searching for a pebble to throw to the
upstairs window when the door opened. A shirtless, overweight twenty-something, with bleary
eyes and greasy hair stood in the doorway wearing boxer shorts and mismatched socks.
“I’ve come for the upstairs room, I’m the new tenant,” said Holly brightly.
The man grunted slightly and moved aside. He gestured up the dim, uncarpeted stairway and
began to shuffle along the dark hallway to the rear of the house.
“Top floor, is that right?  I guess I just follow my nose!” Holly gave a high laugh, and received
another grunt in reply. Then the man was gone.
Not to worry, he must be the quiet moody type, thought Holly, too caught up in his own profound
thoughts for inane chit-chat.  One day she would penetrate his hard outer shell and release the free
spirit inside.  Anyway, now for the stairs.
The four flights of stairs would be worth it, she’d decided when she picked out the flat, even if it
did mean her going downstairs to get to the bathroom, because the room faced the front, and she
could watch the world scurry by as she sipped her morning coffee.  Kicking one bag in front and
dragging the others behind, she finally made it up the four flights and flung open the door to her
new room, her new haven, her new adult life. 
Peeling beige wallpaper, a lumpy mattress on a chipboard bedframe, a bare light bulb, a flat-pack
wardrobe inexpertly put together.  All this, Holly could just about put up with, but when she saw
the view from her window – a dull patch of grey sky, invariable whatever the angle, she finally
had to admit to herself that her adult life was not getting off to a great start.

1   What can be inferred from the text?

A. This is Holly’s first time living away from home. 
B. Holly visited the house before deciding to move in.  
 C. Holly is new to this part of the town.    
D. Holly already knows someone who lives in this house.  
2  Where is Knox Road?
 A. in a town centre   B. in a suburb     C. in a village    D. on a housing estate  
3  Which word best describes 126 Knox Road?
 A. austere     B. run-down   C. quaint   D. pristine  
4  What can be inferred about the character of Holly?
A. She is a daydreamer.   B. She is ambitious.   C. She is prejudiced.   D. She is reckless.  

5  Which one is NOT true of 126 Knox Road?

 A. There isn’t a front garden.    B. The window frames need painting.  
 C. There isn’t a doorbell or a door knocker.   D. The downstairs curtains are drawn.  
6  What can be inferred about the man who opened the door?
A. He owns the property.   B. He had not expected Holly.  
C. He lives in the front, ground floor room.   D. He had been asleep.   
7  Which one is NOT true of Holly’s room?
A. It is on the fourth floor.     B. It is furnished.  
C. It has an en suite bathroom.     D. It is at the front of the house.  
8  Which best describes the change in Holly’s emotions?
 A. nervous → optimistic   B. optimistic → disillusioned   
 C. disappointed → resigned   D. eager → nervous  
Your answers:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

Part 2:
Read part of an employee handout regarding working with businesses in other countries.
Like most companies in an increasingly globalised world, our firm does business with other firms
abroad.  Company cultures vary worldwide, and it is important for delegates from our company to
recognise how company culture overseas might be different from our own. This document will
give you a brief guide to company culture in the countries we associate with.
A. Russia
Until recently, people and businesses were oppressed by the state and this has affected people’s
attitudes.  It is not uncommon for laws to be ignored and taxes to go unpaid. In some cases, only
contracts between close personal friends are acknowledged. Therefore, networking is vital for
successful business. Presently, the legal situation in Russia is in a state of flux, with laws
constantly being rewritten. Those that exist are often unenforceable. Most agreements are
therefore made on a trust basis, so it is vital that personal relationships do not break down. The
management style is centralised and directive. Too much debate can indicate a lack of
decisiveness.  Subordinates take orders from the ‘big boss’.  Many westerners see this as a lack of
initiative on the part of middle managers, but in actual fact, middle managers have little power.
Most delays occur because the question has not been presented to actual decision-maker.
However, things are changing in Russia. The old regime is gradually being replaced by western
business style, and younger managers will have a much more modern approach than their older
B. South Korea
South Korea is one of the world’s most successful economies, having seen five consecutive
decades of high economic growth. When faced with adversity, South Koreans change direction
quickly and effectively. Despite the frantic economic growth, South Korean society is still very
conservative and conformist due to the influence of Confucian values. Companies are hierarchical
and regimented and ‘face’ is very much valued. Consequently, change can sometimes be slow and
painful. Managers are paternalistic, authoritative figures who expect their instructions to be
carried out obediently and respectfully. In return, they give their subordinates support and help,
not only in work issues but in home issues as well. Group harmony is important, so South
Koreans avoid confrontation and blame, especially among people of equal rank. Friendship is
therefore vital to business success. The Korean saying 'make a friend first and a client second'
sums this up exactly.
C. Australia
Australia has a relatively small population in relation to its vast size. Its geographic isolation and
its small domestic market mean that international trade is essential to guarantee future prosperity.
Increasingly, this is done in countries in Asia rather than Commonwealth countries. Australian
managers are not considered to have superior status to other workers. Their jobs are just
different.  Authoritative management styles are not appreciated among Australians workers.
Instead, managers adopt a more consultative and inclusive style which encourages open debate.
Challenging superiors is acceptable, indeed it is a sign of commitment and professionalism.
Outsiders may consider such dialogues confrontational, but Australians regard them as effective
ways to communicate ideas. Australian managers like to be seen as ‘one of the boys’ and they are
more likely to socialise with their team than segregate themselves and just mix with other
In the last half century, Britain, like many industrialised countries, has moved away from heavy
engineering towards service and high-tech industries. With this has come a major shift in
management style. Hierarchical systems have been swept aside and replaced by modern business
models, heavily influenced by the US. The ‘job for life’ is rare. Neither managers nor junior
workers expect to climb the corporate ladder within one company; rather, they manage their own
career paths by progressing from company to company. Such short-termism can be frustrating for
outsiders.  British managers tend to be generalists rather than specialists, and are not necessarily
the most technically competent person in the team. Instead, they are expected to have the
necessary interpersonal skills to ensure the team works together effectively. They cultivate a close
and humorous relationship with subordinates, which may be considered too soft.  Giving direct
orders can be seen as impolite, so managers often make indirect requests rather than explicit
instructions, which is sometimes confusing for non-British people.
Which country is being referred to in the statements below?
1. “The people I deal with keep moving on to new jobs.”  
2. “Unless you’re friends, they may not honour your agreement.”  
3. “It’s frustrating because the official regulations keep changing.”  
4. “Disagreements between colleagues are frowned upon.”  
5. “I thought the manager had the authority to make a decision, but it turned out that he didn’t.”  

6. “The manager and another member of staff had a huge disagreement in the meeting, and
no-one seemed to care.”  
7. “They weren’t terribly charming – they just wanted to get on with making the deal.”  
8. “I expected the manager to have more technical knowledge than he actually did.”  
9. “I dealt with two companies in this country last year. One was really hierarchical, but the other
was really modern.”  
10. “The manager kept asking me about my wife and children. I don’t know why it was so important to
11. “He has a PhD but he never refers to himself as a doctor.”  
12. “I thought that there’d be tariffs to pay, but the firm seemed quite content to overlook them.”  

13. “I didn’t realise I was expected to do it this way.  I thought the manager was just offering a
14. “The managers sat with the junior workers at lunch. I expected them to have their own
15. “I hoped the senior manager would be prepared to discuss the matter with me, but he refused
to engage in any form of debate.”   
Your answers:
1 D 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A
6 C 7 D 8 D 9 A 10 B
11 D 12 A 13 D 14 C 15 A

Part 3: Read the text below and answer questions 1-7.

Beneficial work practices for the keyboard operator

A) Sensible work practices are an important factor in the prevention of muscular fatigue;
discomfort or pain in the arms, neck, hands or back; or eye strain which can be associated with
constant or regular work at a keyboard and visual display unit (VDU).

B) It is vital that the employer pays attention to the physical setting such as workplace design, the
office environment, and placement of monitors as well as the organisation of the work and
individual work habits. Operators must be able to recognise work-related health problems and be
given the opportunity to participate in the management of these. Operators should take note of
and follow the preventive measures outlined below.

C) The typist must be comfortably accommodated in a chair that is adjustable for height with a
back rest that is also easily adjustable both for angle and height. The back rest and sitting ledge
(with a curved edge) should preferably be cloth-covered to avoid excessive perspiration.
D) When the keyboard operator is working from a paper file or manuscript, it should be at the
same distance from the eyes as the screen. The most convenient position can be found by using
some sort of holder. Individual arrangement will vary according to whether the operator spends
more time looking at the VDU or the paper – whichever the eyes are focused on for the majority
of time should be put directly in front of the operator.

E) While keying, it is advisable to have frequent but short pauses of around thirty to sixty seconds
to proofread. When doing this, relax your hands. After you have been keying for sixty minutes,
you should have a ten minute change of activity. During this spell it is important that you do not
remain seated but stand up or walk around. This period could be profitably used to do filing or
collect and deliver documents. 

F) Generally, the best position for a VDU is at right angles to the window. If this is not possible
then glare from the window can be controlled by blinds, curtains or movable screens. Keep the
face of the VDU vertical to avoid glare from overhead lighting. 

G) Unsatisfactory work practices or working conditions may result in aches or pain. Symptoms
should be reported to your supervisor early on so that the cause of the trouble can be corrected
and the operator should seek medical attention.

Questions 1–7
The text above has seven sections, A–G. Choose the correct heading for each section from
the list of headings below.
Select the correct number, i–x for questions 1–7.

List of headings

i How can reflection problems be avoided? F

ii How long should I work without a break? E

iii What if I experience any problems? G

iv When is the best time to do filing chores? E

v What makes a good seat? C

vi What are the common health problems? A

vii What is the best kind of lighting to have? F

viii What are the roles of management and workers? B

ix Why does a VDU create eye fatigue?

x Where should I place the documents?

 Your answers

Paragraph A B C D E F G
Heading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Part 1: complete the gapped sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the complete sentence, using the
key word given.
Do not change the word given and you must use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given.
(1) You should try and take advantage of his help. (MOST)
- You should try and__________________________________ help he gives you.
(2) My sister was involved in her school spelling competition.(PART)
- My sister________________________________ spelling competition.
(3) Could they grow anything here after the war? (ABLE)
- Were________________________________ here after the war?
(4) 'Why didn't you call me?' asked Joe.(ASKED)
- Joe____________________________________ not called him.
(5) Driving that fast was a stupid thing to do.(ONLY)
- If______________________________________ driving so fast.
(6) I hadn't seen my sister for about a year, when I saw her last.(GONE)
- About__________________________________ before I saw my sister again, after the last time
I saw her.

Part 2: You see this announcement in an English-language college prospectus.

Every year, two scholarships are offered to candidates from overseas who can show how our
one-year course in English and American studies would help their career.
Scholarships cover fees, accommodation and food, but not transport or personal spending money.
To apply, write a letter explaining why you think you deserver a scholarship.
Write your letter in 120-150 words in an appropriate style.
Part 3: Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topic.
“The qualities that help people reach success in modern life cannot be learned in university or
other academic institutions” To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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