Diagnostic Test - Ahmad Rizki Amrizal

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Name : Ahmad Rizki Amrizal

Class : TBI 3/VII Semester

NIM : 0304183231

Diagnostic Test


Advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic thing for our mental. Advertisements are the
most common toxic that can influence and destroy our mental health. For example, online
shopping advertisement or commercial, we can see that online shopping advertisement or
commercial always use a good looking artists to help them promote their online store and
also the stuff they sale, it is a toxic because when we see that advertisement or commercial
we will like want to buy something in that online store just because the artists are good
looking. Another example is beauty product, we can see this advertisement or commercial
through many places such as internet, tv, newspaper, magazine, even billboard on the road. It
is also use beautiful artists as their brand ambassador to promote their beauty product, and it
makes us want to buy their product because we think that we could be like the artists if we
use that product. It is just two of many advertisements or commercials out there that can be a
toxic to our mental, it becomes like pollutan in our mental and decrease it.

Advertisement or commercials a real life toxic that exist in our life but we never realize it
was a toxic. From advertisements we can do everything to get the stuff we want in our hand.
We sometimes could take a debt from someone to buy the stuff we want just because we
didn’t want look different from our friends or just want to show up a new stuff to our friends.
Realize it or not, our mental become sick because of the advertisements. Advertisements are
pollutan in our mental that if we keep it and do nothing it can change our mental. For
example, discount in online shopping store. It is a common strategy that every online
shopping store company do to get the attention of the buyer to buy their stuff. It says “just
today we give big discount” or “buy now before the price is rise”, it is an example of how
toxic advertisements are for our mental. To see that advertisements our mental will says to
buy the product because its discount, no matter you have money or not. It is what we called
as real life toxic which can make us do everything to get waht we want just because it's

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