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Gerald F.

Ponis BSED-Filipino
STEP 1: Introducing the Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 Course

How can technology be used most effectively in the various fields of specialization to support and assess student learning?

Technology is very useful to everyone, regardless what your profession, your age,
your position in life and status in life. Technology has a big role in our society and to our
lives. In education teachers and students can use technology in learning and teaching.
Teachers can use technology in assessing the students. They can play video presentation or
use any kind of media platform in assessing the students. Like for example in Science,
Filipino and English subject they can use technology in making video presentation, power
point presentation, and making a documents by using Microsoft Word. In Mathematics,
Accountancy, Engineering or any fields that uses umbers in their lesson they can use
technology and different kinds of application like Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After
Effects and many more. It will help the in solving problems, calculating the area or even lay
outing or creating a real life object or picture .

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