Gem Orders

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ar6)'l(t)celco a66e (r,'lo'om)a

dojlocDc(mco cucoog(r)o

(r)cr)ld : 546 0$06-201S rd oq;slo'

cDas@gjlorDolscolo Gilc(3lo

cnuc. s'1.,'g1o. G(o)Cacru' oooffud
@;1.6)6. "Oad "O 6 c6d
(turn€,c.d!r{o a,olq" ol6"J a@jl)

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m)oGrosm Go$dgero)
ccDclm56Beo erendoosmccol
ocd€od G.Sff\)- (CreM- oc')
cxc@B(moilfii (l)mac(a! c)led condoojl

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cncaooil mgfcojlgsna". @cru

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snil) a:cSnocrnc oso0o)coc aru6nilosoto
m)ctDrncBoa oicoqmoiloer crodlorojl rosocoE
cooorilqacmrmoilrncem' crucoJmsBoi

n61pq ruooilocmocem" pc sc6fiAooena

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nu"ofltucmomld p4(o;: o[dloocs)ccoc;

oilorocnt-dci. .{lojlnot m-r"ojlorcm<orojld

cnelooilcogp rrucut5ror acnocnilg.

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od(rd (os') run stl"O(rLl &
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iagj-cos.4l ,rlrlbo16(m<o36m" Gqicdm)' ocrDni creocrtut clrtogrm 4ogi
os@leJos nuculco Go'uolo66auE cru"BG1@cqcmcDcaD-

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. Gilo6(rdl"Jd 6)o'J@'5dlqos
d,o@$5rB'Ed s(!)oad (aj9o1tgr/'$&g)' ce'oe' oil(olojco'ro''J'd"-
oo6nl & rnl alnrtoJgi (rudocd oc,i5rrr?locrudld @fi\,1eD1@co11@rmojlct-)
ruJ@Jo€d,rul-orjld, .jlgca", ejc.rr6rDj 6r (itu
"ql, o{l(ru..o0...Omr"."a1.. podrgibsiloo
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@rD1aD1€,.c16.mot(d )
6rtB(o(d doa)ci/6tc".dlm)" co,4f .


om)6eod 6lcnolqud
stores prirchase DeDarr
i;il;,;ffi ;*""ffi ila#;?::^r!4|; "";Tg::J;,ffff Lrai,zo,:_

. Readi,.oofoi*" rrroirli.o., ;;;;d';r);;;;;r;-

2.GO(Ms)No.2t20 I 8/SpD.. Dared, 2.j /Oj /20 18.

As per Government Order read as 1,,paper above, the
Srores hrrchase
. llaruai was revised and pubiisheci in rhe Ofiiciai w;bsi;e
;,l,'. in.

. 2. As per the Government Order read as 2d iaper above, Government of

Kerala have approved Government-e tvtartetptace
ef lndja as & preciiieileni mode for the p.;chus;1cifij "p".r,"a UV A"rir"*",
of c;;;;nly usad goods and
_ servrces In the State Go'emment Departments/psus/A,r=tono,no,,,
Bodies/LSGIs funivers ities. -by are pieased't; in"ofo."," a new chapter
- Chapter -19 in Stores pnrchase Mamral (SpM) atrached attacheclas annexurc ro
tlris for compriance by cove.nnreni o"furi-"itrnsuve'ronomors
Bodies / LSGI5 runiversirres.

By Order ofthe Covernor

principal Secretary to Government

ihe:ccrer.rry..Kerala LegisJanlrc Secierarrar. Thinrvanantirapura,n

rwirh C/L)
Thc cddjttoncl Ch rcf Sccrc tir.rcs/Prir)crpa I Sccrerarics.
Sl"r":"r1" JSp"";, i
All Heads of Departnents Offlces/pubiic Scctoi Und€rtakjngs/Auionomous
Bodies/Local SeLf Government,,e.sities. .
All Departrnci:! ir rhc Sccii:a..jdi ;nchrdrng La\\,ancl Fi ancc
fhe Principal Accourranr Gcncral (Audit), kerala, Thinrvaitanathapuram.
lhe Accountanr Cencral (A& E) Kcrala, Thinrvananrhapuralr
r rle L-uu. Uorky Bhtvan. Va ross
Junclion, Thintvananthapllrallr (for l.o.ting
the 6ovemmel.jt Order in the \1,ebsite
: ,:.r:..: _:r .

. The I&PIID iWeb & Nerv Media) tfor uploading jn the website ie.,
The Regislrar Ceneral, Emakujam (with C/L)
Advocate G€neral Emakulam (with C,4_)
Th€ Registrar, Kerala Administrative Tribunal (wirh
Stores?urchase (A t,A3,A4 , B, lW -t, IWJI)Departments.
PA ro PriDcipal Secretary
Srock file,'Office Copy.
'. Forwarded/By

ecti0n Ofiicer
Governnrent e Markefplace (GdM)

l9,l In order to revamp lhe operational processesJ Government e-Commerce

\,4arkerplace {CeM), I rtle-s:oF shop is :;plei-,;e,iied
by Covemmcnr oi incira
(Uol) Urrectorate General of Supplies and Disposals (DGS&D) to faoilitate
procurement of commonly used Coods & Services required
.erc by varroLis
Govemment Dep,lrtmenrs / Organizations / pSUs ;;st""d oa tCSaO nri.
Contract. CeM aims to enhance Uansparency, efficiency and speed in public
procllrement. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e_auction
and qemano
ag$sgation to facilitate the govemment users to achieve the best value for their
money. The pulclmses through GeM by Government users have been
and made nlandatory by Mrnistry ofFinance Gol by addine a neu, Rule
No. 149 in the General Finaacia! Ruies{CFR). 201?.

19.2 Govcrnment,of Keraia lrave adopted GeM as a procurement modc for the
qurctragg 9f commonly.used goods and services vide CO(Ms)No.2/201glspD.,
Daled,:2,1/C3/2C13 6i.jd plocuremeDi oi
Vehicies and itJ
(GO(RI)No.67120l7ispD., Dated 25/l t/20t.7) by Covernment Departmenrs/pSUs/
Aulononlous bodies and Locai bodres.

19,3 Procurement through GeM is being a ou,ed as an option/ additjonal mode of

procureDlent at the discretion of the proculiig agency. lt is the discretioD of the
Procuring Authority, whether purchase is to be riiideriaken ti]Iough GeM or got.
Eren after trying to purchase ao item th.rough CeM, if tbe procuring authority finds
tllat quality or plice or1 OeM is not better than traditiooally approved channels,
they may not buy tl're itenrs through CeM.

i 9.4 In cale ofpurcbase ofl,ehicles, provisions of G.O (Rt) No.6712017/SpD dated

25/))/2011 shall be follo*,ed. It provides rhat for purchase of i_2 vehicles,
purchas€:hall be unde aken only through GeM. ln case ofpurchase of3 or more
vehicles at a tinre, the purchasing entity shall make purchqses following single
leDder syst€m affer obtaining Specialised .Goi,er.nurent price from the Orjsiral
Equ,pment Vanuia(t(rrer iOElvlr and aller ascenarnrng that such Specialised
Covemment Price is less that the price quoted in GeN! for the vehicle to be
purchased. Purchase of any vehicle shall b€ undertaken only after approval liom
tlre Government in consultation with tbe.Finance Depanmentas reguiaied vide CO
(P) \o 44212012/Frn dared 8-8-2012.

i9.5 A Purchasjrg tlfjicer can purchase articles \r,orth Rs. 50,000 without
quotation/tend€rs tluough GeM.

19.6 For procr-rrement for value ber$,een Rs. 50,0{0/- to 10,00,000i, the procuring
Departrnent can procure witlrout terder from lowest bidder ouotine items with
specifi ed paran'reters.

19.7 For procurement for value betu,ggn flspsss Ten lakhs and One Crore, the
procuring Depcrtment shall procure items through bidding / reverse auction.

19.8 For purcbase values nore tban One Crore,the Procuring Departnents can do
tender on GeM'Platfoll|, after seeking approval of Stores Puchase Departnent on
a case by case basis.

19.9 The demand for goods shall nor be di\/idCd into small quantities to make
piecemeal purchases fo avoid procurement through L-l Buyirg / bidding / rcvelse
auction on GeM or the necessity of obbining tie sanction of higher authorities
requiled with reference to the cstimated value of tbe total demand. The
AdDinistratil,e Sanctior should' clearly mention about the Drocurement mode
"through CeM"

19.10 The Goods purchased through GeM. shall bear the self.certified Wanantyl
Clrarantee. Buyer shall. have the right to reject oo proper justification any
consignnent of the Goods fecaived u,ithin a period of l0 days of receipt. No "
payrnerrt shall be rnadc for rejected gcjods.The Seller would be liable to take back
such r€jected Coods Nithin I0 days lvithout aDy charge.

i9.11 The.Purchasang officer should ensur.e rhe qtElity and quaDtity ofthi, product
wilhin tcn days ofthe product. lf titc procuring authoiity wanrs to
have reteotion of certain amount for periorntaoce guaranteg, they could specift
that.conditron in procrrilg goods tl.rrough GeM. Ensuring quality ol. goods
purc[ascd ]s rL-sponsrbrtrt), of rhe procurilg authorit-y in the same way as that in
Drocurertent using other existi,.tg nlethods rllowed under SpM. Dernalding
nece.ssaryca ification to erlsurg quality delivery tegts in purchases through
CeM is tbe discretion of the procuring authority. Simila!ly, if the procuring
aulhority requires Annual Maintcrlance Contract (AMC) oI prcsence oi local office
to undertake maintenartce or AMC, that should also be specrfied on GeM, il

X-ltrJ .l\
r r-)t{b
19,12. lt
is the responlibility ofthe Procunng Authorrty to ensure the payment to
supplier should be effccted Aom the accounr on 1Oth day of delivery . unless buyer
wants to retum the goods. Guidelines regarding the PayDent wili be issued by the
Frnance Deoartment seoe(atelv.

19,t3. If the cost of he Puichase of computer and periplierals is above 20 lakhs

shall be underlaken only after concurrence of the Elecrronics and I uepanment
vide GO(Ms)No. 1 8/20 11 /lTD.Dated,23 lD1 /2017.

,1 q^,JA

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