Worksheet N° 13 - Unit N° 3 "What Are You Going To Do?" - Grade 9

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II Semestre


2021 Coordinador: Marcelo Abarca
Profesora: Priscila González
Profesora: Evguenia González

Worksheet n° 13 – Unit n° 3 “What are you going to do?” – Grade 9 th.


Grade Date Allotted time 2 hours

1. This worksheet is for self-study and practice.

2. Download this document and do the practice exercises directly in your computer. You
can also print the document or do the exercises in your notebook.
RUC 3. After completing the worksheet, DO NOT FORGET to complete the self-assessment in
TION the box below. Please transfer your self-assessment into the Google Forms link in that
S section.

4. Check the deadline of this worksheet with your teacher.

5. If you have any questions, write to your teacher via forum or email.

OA14: Escribir una variedad de textos, como cuentos, correos electrónicos, folletos, rimas,
descripciones, biografías, instrucciones, artículos, cartas, resúmenes y diario personal (journal)
utilizando los pasos del proceso de escritura 

● Indicadores de logro:

✔ Utilizar correctamente las oraciones usando la estructura gramatical de la unidad.

“Be going to”.

We use “Be going to”, to refer about:

● Intentions or plans in the future: I want to travel around the world in 2025.
● Predictions based on evidence: Lionel Messi is going to finish his career at Barcelona.
● Schedules/timetables. He is going to go to the doctor on Friday at 16.00 pm next week.
● Commands. You are going to do the chores right now, then you can play video games!
II Semestre
2021 Coordinador: Marcelo Abarca
Profesora: Priscila González
Profesora: Evguenia González

Below you will find a brief explanation of the structure

for affirmative, negative sentences and questions

● 2


I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to and the verbs in the box. Sentences can be
affirmative or negative.

It’s going to be sunny tomorrow.

1 Kelly ____ her new dress to the concert.
2 We ____ up late tomorrow morning.
3 She ____ math at college.
4 Martin ____ anyone from school to his party.
5 Cesar ____ to school next week.

II. Look at the information in the chart. Complete the sentences about Max and Lucy using the correct form of be
going to.

Actions or plans Max Lu

go to college ✓ ✗

get a good job ✓ ✓

learn another ✗ ✓
travel around the ✗ ✗
buy a car ✓ ✗

Max is going to go to college.

1 Lucy ________________________________ college.
II Semestre
2021 Coordinador: Marcelo Abarca
Profesora: Priscila González
Profesora: Evguenia González

2 Max and Lucy _________________________ job.

3 Max _________________________________ another language.
4 “I ___________________________________ another language,” says Lucy.
5 “We _________________________________ around the world,” says Max.
6 Max _________________________________ a car.
7 “I ___________________________________ a car,” says Lucy.

III. Write sentences and yes /no questions using be going to and the words in the box. Then write short answers.
Anna / be I / not go you / buy you / go you / miss you / wear we / wear

Lydia - There are only a few tickets left for the Hoopla concert on Saturday.
Are you going to buy one?
Carla - Yes, I am. I love Hoopla. It’s my favorite band! 1 __________________ to the box office later?
Lydia – 2 ____________________________________ . I bought my ticket online yesterday.
Carla Great. 3 ______________________________________ your new dress to the concert?
Lydia – 4 ___________________________________. It gets so hot at concerts.
Anna and I decided that 5 ___________________________________old clothes
Carla So 6 _________________________________ there?
Lydia 7 ______________________________________ . Didn’t I tell you?
She really likes Hoopla, too.
Carla No, you didn’t! In that case, 8 ____________________ !
I don’t like Anna! She’s really arrogant!
Lydia - That’s a pity. 9 ______________________________ a great concert!

Questions with Be going to.

● To make Questions the only variation is about the be verb according to the subject.
● Are you going to help me with my homework? Is she going to win the competition?

IV. Read the answers. Then write questions with the question words in the box. The words in bold will help you.
How long How many What What time When Where
When are our cousins going to visit us?
II Semestre
2021 Coordinador: Marcelo Abarca
Profesora: Priscila González
Profesora: Evguenia González

Our cousins are going to visit us next summer.

1. ________________________________________________________
I’m going to read my book in the garden.
2. ________________________________________________________
He’s going to get up at 7 a.m.
3. ________________________________________________________
Ellie is going to order a ham baguette.
4. ________________________________________________________
I’m going to spend about three hours at the library.
5. ________________________________________________________
Zac is going to invite about a hundred people to his birthday party.

V. Complete the predictions with the correct form of be going to and the words in the box.
eat not be not play not want tell

1. The boys didn’t do any chores today. Mom and Dad _____________ happy.
2. Pablo broke his leg last week. He ______________________ soccer next Sunday.
3. The customers loved the food in the new restaurant. They ______________________ all.
4. Suzie never keeps a secret. She _______________________ everyone everything.
5. Polly ate a lot of candy and cookies this afternoon. She _______________ any dinner.

VI Read the sentences and write predictions using be going to.

My brother has his driving test tomorrow.
He is going to be nervous.
1. There are black clouds in the sky.
It ___________________________
2. Helen has an exam tomorrow, but she hasn’t studied for it.
She ___________________________
3. The football team is playing really well.
It ___________________________
4. The traffic is really bad this morning.
We __________________________

E= Excellent (all correct). G= Good (1 mistake)

S= Sufficient (half or more correct) N= Needs improvement (less than half correct).

I can… E G S N
I can recognize how to use “be going to”. Item I
I can write about plans and intentions. Item II
I can complete the dialogue using the verbs according to the context. Item III
I can make questions to match the answers given. Item IV
I can make predictions based on the context using the verbs given. Item V
II Semestre
2021 Coordinador: Marcelo Abarca
Profesora: Priscila González
Profesora: Evguenia González

I can make predictions based on evidence. Item VI

Transfer your answers from the box into the following link: LINK

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