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3 Nearly Effortless Ways to Improve Your Memory and

Recall, Backed by Neuroscience Want to almost instantly
improve your short term memory and recall? Of course you do.


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You have an idea. A great idea. A brilliant idea. A potentially

business- or life-changing idea. But then, by the time you get the

chance to write it down... you've forgotten it. 

Even though it's unlikely that something you can't remember for more than a

few hours is that important, still: We've all had things we wanted to

remember, but couldn't.

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And that's a problem, because where success is concerned, what you know,

and what you actually do with that knowledge, can make all the difference.

So what can you do if you need to remember something important? Most

memory-improvement techniques -- like mnemonics, chunking, and building

memory palaces -- involve a fair amount of effort. 

Science to the rescue: Check out these simple ways to increase your short-term

memory and recall.

Predict whether you will actually remember what you

want to remember.

Sounds odd, I know. But this 2011 study published in Canadian Journal of

Experimental Psychology shows the simple act of asking yourself whether you

will remember something significantly improves the odds that you will

remember, in some cases by as much as 50 percent.

That's especially true for remembering things you want to do, like prospective

memories. Prospective memories are a form of memory that

involve remembering to perform a planned action, or recall a planned

intention, at some point in the future.

Like remembering to praise an employee, email a customer, or implement a

schedule change.

Why this works is somewhat unclear. Maybe the act of predicting is a little like

testing yourself; research shows that quizzing yourself is an extremely effective

way to speed up the learning process. What is clear is that the act helps your
hippocampus better form and index those episodic memories for later access.

So if you want to remember to do something in the future, take a second and

predict whether you will remember.

Science says that act alone makes it more likely you will.

Say it out loud.

We've all been around people who repeat things they're learning out loud. Or

just mouth the words. They look a little odd: Smart people just file knowledge

away. They don't have to talk to themselves. 

Actually, smart people do talk to themselves.

A 2010 study published in the aforementioned Journal of Experimental

Psychology found that saying words out loud -- or just mouthing them --

makes them more distinctive. Separates them from all the other words you're

thinking. Makes them different.

All of which makes them more memorable. 

So go ahead. When you need to remember something, say it aloud. Or mouth

it to yourself.

Your cerebral cortex will thank you for it.

Rehearse for 40 seconds.

Memory consolidation is the process where temporary memories are

transformed into more stable, long-lasting memories. Even though the process

of memory consolidation can be sped up, still: Storing a memory in a lasting

way takes time.

One way to increase the odds is to rehearse whatever you want to remember

for 40 seconds. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found

that a brief period of rehearsal -- like replaying an events in your mind,

going over what someone said in a meeting, or mentally mapping out a series

of steps -- makes it significantly more likely that you will remember what you

rehearsed .

As the researchers write, that "brief period of rehearsal has a huge effect on
our ability to remember complex, lifelike events over periods of one to two

weeks. We have also linked this rehearsal effect to processing in a particular

part of the brain -- the posterior cingulate."
Which should be long enough for you to actually do something with whatever
you hope to remember.

Because ideas without action aren't really ideas.

They're regrets.

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SEP 7, 2021

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