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01 MAZHAR ALI(Group Leader) 17ME16



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor in

Mechanical Engineering.




October 2021
This is to certify that work which is presented in the project report on “To Analyze the
Thermal Response of Building Envelope Using Macro-Encapsulated Phase Change
Material (PCM) for Energy Saving” is entirely written by following students themselves
under the supervision of and co-supervision of ENGR. Zain-ul-Abdin Qureshi.

1.Mazhar Ali (GL) 17ME16

2.Sharjeel Ahmed 17ME12
3.Azhar Riaz 17ME14

Engr. Zain-Ul-Abdin Qureshi External Examiner of Examination Committee

Project/Thesis Supervisor

Chairman of Mechanical Engineering



Our sincere gratitude to our Supervisor Engr. Zain-ul-Abdin Qureshi at Department of

Mechanical Engineering, MUET Jamshoro, for his guidance, encouragement and inspiration
throughout the whole thesis. In particular, his vision and commitment to the project and his share
of knowledge and time made project successful. Indeed, we would like to show our gratitude to
all the teachers of our department of Mechanical Engineering, especially Prof. Dr. Dur
Muhammad Pathan, Chairman of Department.

We are also obliged to worthy Vice Chancellor of Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro, Prof. Dr. Aslam Uqaili whose dynamic leadership made MUET a
leading Engineering University of Pakistan.

Thank you


In emerging countries, the building sector's energy demand has increased dramatically. A large
amount of this energy is used in buildings for space cooling and heating. Buildings that are
energy-efficient are becoming increasingly important as a result of concerns about global
warming. Using Macro-encapsulation Phase Change Material (PCM) incorporation method and
Conventional Phase Change Material (PCM) incorporation method to increase the building's
thermal energy storage capacity is a novel way to minimize energy consumption. The thermal
response of a building envelope integrated with macro-encapsulated PCM and Conventional
incorporated PCM is evaluated in a simulated tropical climate in this thesis. The peak
temperature, time lag, and thermal amplitude of both Conventional and Macro-encapsulated
Cubicle’s indoor thermal profiles were investigated. The reduction in cooling load and energy
savings by utilizing Macro-encapsulated PCM were also assessed in terms of cost/kWh of
electricity. The thermal response of Macro-encapsulated cubicle indicates a reduction in thermal
amplitude of 40.67 percent to 59.79 percent, with a 7.19 percent to 9.18 percent drop in peak
temperature of all the walls, the roof, and the internal ambient as compared to Conventional
PCM incorporation method. Furthermore, a time delay of 60 to 120 minutes was obtained, as
well as a 38.76 percent reduction in the cooling load of the Macro-encapsulated cubicle.


• CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………...1

1.1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….……...1

1.2. Classification of Phase Change Material………………………………………….…..2

1.2.1 Organic PCM …………………………………………………….………..2

1.2.2 Inorganic PCM……………………………………………………………..3

1.2.3 Eutectics……………………………………………………………………3

1.3. Method of PCM Incorporation………………………………………………………..4

1.3.1 Macro-encapsulated PCM Incorporation Method………………………….4

1.3.2 Conventional PCM Incorporation Method (Direct impregnation) …………4

1.3.3 Advantages of Macro-Encapsulated Over Conventional Method…….........4

1.4. Selection of Shape and Material used in encapsulation of PCM……………………….5

1.4.1 Selection of Phase Change Material………………………………………..5

1.4.2 Selection of Encapsulation Container Material…………………………….5

1.4.3 Selection of Shape of Encapsulation Container…………………………….6

1.4.4 Selection of Material for Cubicles………………………………………….6

1.5. Energy Plus……………………………………………………………………………..7

1.6. Models of Both Conventional Cubicle and Macro-encapsulated Cubicle……………..7

1.6.1 Dimensions of Both cubicles…………………………………………….…7

1.6.2 Arrangements of tubes of PCM in Macro-encapsulated Cubicle…………..8

1.6.3 Models of Both Cubicles…………………………………………………...9

1.7. Problem Statement……………………………………………………………………..9

1.8. Objectives…………………………………………………………………………….9

1.9. Methodology………………………………………………………………………….10

1.10. Weather Data………………………………………………………………….10

• CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………...11


3.1. Purpose of EnergyPlus………………………………………………………………..16

3.2. EnergyPlus Domain…………………………………………………………………..16

3.2.1 EP-Launch………………………………………………………………...16

3.2.2 Providing Input and Weather Files……………………………………….17

3.2.3 Simulating the Input File…………………………………………………17

3.2.4 Finalizing Simulation……………………………………………………..18

3.2.5 Check Results……………………………………………………………..19

3.3. IDF Editor……………………………………………………………………………..19

3.4. Building Envelope…………………………………………………………………….20

3.4.1 Location of Site…………………………………………………………..20

3.4.2 Discharge Schedule………………………………………………………20

3.4.3 Material…………………………………………………………………..21

3.4.4 Construction………………………………………………………………21

3.4.5 Zone……………………………………………………………………….22

3.4.6 Cubicles Surface Details…………………………………………………..22

3.4.7 Both Cubicles Fenestration Surface Details………………………………24


4.1.Inside Thermal Behavior………………………………………………………………25

4.2.Thermal amplitude……………………………………………………………………..29

4.3.Time Lag……………………………………………………………………………….30

4.4.Heat Flux and Cooling Load Reduction……………………………………………….31


5.1. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………35

5.2. Future Suggestion…………………………………………………………………….35

• REFERENCES……….…………………………………………………………..36


Fig.1.1 Percentage Share of Final end use of Energy Sources………………..……………10

Fig. 1.2 Cylindrical Container Tubes for Macro-Encapsulation…………………………….15

Fig. 1.3 Dimensions of Both Cubicles………………………………………………………17

Fig. 1.4 Arrangement of Tubes in Macro-encapsulated Cubicle……………………………17

Fig. 1.5 Models of Both Cubicles……………………………………………………………18

Fig. 3.1 EP-Launch ………………………………………………………………………….26

Fig. 3.2 DOS Window……………………………………………………………………….27

Fig.3.3 End of Program……………………………………………………………………...28

Fig.4.1 Temperature Profile of South Wall of Both Cubicles on 10th June 2021……………36

Fig.4.2 Temperature Profile of West wall of Both Cubicles on 10th June 2021……………..37

Fig.4.3 Temperature Profile of North wall of Both Cubicles on 10th June 2021…………….37

Fig.4.4 Temperature Profile of East wall of Both Cubicles on 10th June 2021………………38

Fig 4.5 Temperature Profile of Roof of Both Cubicles on 10th June 2021…………………...38

Fig.4.6 Temperature Profile of Indoor Air of Both Cubicles on 10th June 2021……………..39
Fig.4.7 Time Lag Comparison of Both Cubicles…………………………………………….41
Fig.4.8 (a)-(e) Heat Flux Across South wall, West wall, North wall, East wall and Roof….44
Fig.4.9 Peak Heat Flux and Corresponding Percentage Reduction of both Cubicles……….45

List of Tables

Table 1.1; Thermo-physical properties of OM37 PCM (Provided by Manufacturer) ………….14

Table 1.2; Thermo-physical properties of Aluminum 8011 alloy (Provided by Manufacturer) ...15

Table 1.3; Mechanical and Thermal properties of Concrete……………………………………16

Table 1.4; Weather File Information……………………………………………………………20

Table 3.1; Construction Material Properties for Macro-Encapsulated Cubicle………………...30

Table 3.2; Construction Material Properties for Conventional Cubicle………………………..31

Table 3.3; Construction of Both cubicles………………………………………………………31

Table 3.4; Zones and Coordinates of both Cubicles……………………………………………32

Table 3.5; Conventional Cubicle Surface Detail……………………………………………….33

Table 3.6; Macro-encapsulated Cubicle Surface Detail………………………………………..33

Table 3.7; Both Cubicles Fenestration Surface Detail………………………………………….34

Table 4.1; Maximum Temperature Comparison of Both Cubicles…………………………….39

Table 4.2; Thermal Amplitude Comparison of Both Cubicles…………………………………40


1.1. Introduction
Research on energy-efficient solutions was intensified on the basis of global climate change
concerns. The building sector has expanded in emerging and developing countries into a major
energy-consuming sector. Almost one-third of the entire final energy consumption, as indicated in
Fig. 1, comes from the building industry and also accounts for CO2 emissions [1]. For spatial cooling
and heating buildings, a large part of this energy is used. Cooling power use in buildings has doubled
since 2000, from 3.6 EJ to 7 EJ, making it the fastest increasing end of building consumption by
combining higher temperatures with greater economic growth and population growth.

Final end use of energy in %


8.8% Building Sector

other sectors

Fig. 1.1. Percentage share of the final end use of energySources:

International Energy Agencies
In case of this tendency, the buildings would spend more than 50 percent of their entire energy to
cool and heat the area until 2050 [2]. Space refrigeration and heating thus provide the greatest
potential to reduce energy usage in the building industry.
The energy efficient option for cooling load reduction is solar thermal energy storage systems that
use phase change material (PCM) in building material. In recent years, it has been important for
researchers since it controls every day variations in the interior temperature [3-8] and therefore
decreases the energy needed for space refrigeration and heating. PCM may store solar thermal energy

in the form of a latent heat with a benefit of high energy storage, a constant storage temperature of 5
to 14 times more power per unit volume compared with sensitive heat materials [9,10]. PCM may
store thermal energy in the latent heat format. The concept of the PCM is that energy is saved while
energy is melted and released when solidified. PCM melting occurs throughout the day when the
solar radiation temperature is higher than the PCM melting temperature. Likewise, the PCM will be
solidified throughout the night when the ambient outside temperature is lower than that of the PCM.
Therefore, the thermal storage capacity rises and therefore improves interior thermal performance
when PCM is incorporated in the building envelope [11].

1.2. Classification of Phase Change Materials

There are many different forms of phase transition materials, but the three most common are Organic,
Inorganic and Eutectics pcms, which are listed below.

1.2.1. Organic Phase Change Materials

Paraffins and fatty acids are examples of organic pcms. They exhibit a consistent phase
transition, are non-hazardous, and have a high nucleation rate [11].

• Paraffins: Organic paraffins are a kind of oil that belongs to a family of saturated
hydrocarbons with comparable characteristics. Cnh2n+2 is their identifier, and all series
below n = 5 are gases at 25 °C. The liquids are between n = 5 and n = 15, and the waxy
solids are between n = 15 and n = 20. Paraffin has an extremely low heat conductivity,
making it equivalent to the best insulators. Furthermore, paraffin is used as a PCM for
building envelopes since it meets the majority of the PCM selection criteria. Organic
paraffins are low-cost, have high sensible and latent heat storage capabilities, and come
in a variety of melting temperatures [11].

• Fatty Acids/Nonparaffin: The latent heat of fusion of nonparaffin organic components

is equivalent to that of organic paraffin, and their densities are greater than that of paraffin
organics. However, owing of their numerous drawbacks, they are rarely utilized in
building envelopes. Their price is two times that of paraffins. Furthermore, virtually all
nonparaffin organic compounds are flammable and should not be subjected to high-
temperature media, flames, or storage oxidizers. In addition, excessive heat can induce
breakdown, therefore take caution when working with nonparaffin organic compounds

of any kind. Because their heat conductivity is 5–10 times that of paraffin, they are
considered good thermal conductors. The heat conductivity of nonparaffin organics is
another benefit [11].

1.2.2. Inorganic Phase Change Materials

Salt hydrates and metallics with a high heat of fusion are examples of inorganic pcms. These
materials have high latent heat values, as well as being non-flammable, inexpensive, and
widely accessible [11].

• Salt Hydrates: They are nonflammable, have a high heat of fusion, and a melting
temperature range of 18.5 to 116.0 degrees Celsius. However, the salt hydrates' main
drawback as PCM is that they are extremely corrosive. Another drawback is the large
variation in density between liquids and solids. As a result, the PCM housing
construction must be properly constructed to withstand the salt's thermal expansion [11].

• Metallics: They Metals have a number of significant disadvantages as energy storage

medium, including limited availability and high cost. However, due of their high
volumetric heat of fusion, they are ideal options when space is limited. These materials
have a high thermal conductivity, which gives them an edge over other pcms [11].

1.2.3. Eutectics

Eutectic is a phase transition material that does not change when heated and cooled cyclically.
Eutectic plates are made up of a combination of two or more compounds, each of which
having a lower melting point than the others. A solution that has a phase transition
temperature of less than 0°C is called eutectic [12].

• Organic Eutectics: A mixture of two or more organic pcms is known as an organic

eutectic PCM. It behaves like a single component, freezing to an intimate combination
of crystals and melting at the same time.

• Inorganic Eutectics: A mixture of two or more inorganic pcms is known as an inorganic

eutectic PCM. It behaves like a single component, freezing to an intimate combination
of crystals and melting at the same time.

• Inorganic-Organic Eutectics: A mixture of organic and inorganic pcms. It does not

behave like a single component, and it does not have same freezing and melting points

1.3. Methods of PCM Incorporation

1.3.1. Macro-encapsulated PCM Incorporation Method

Pcms enclosed in any sort of container, such as tubes, spheres, or panels, that may be included
into building materials or act as heat exchangers on their own are referred to as Macro-

1.3.2. Conventional PCM Incorporation Method (Direct Impregnation)

PCM may be included straight into the Manufacturing material during the process of
manufacturing using methods such as direct incorporation and immersion. Immersion
procedures imbue a permeable building material like plasterboard, bricks, or cement blocks with
PCM, causing the porosity to absorb the PCM in its liquid via capillary forces.

1.3.3. Advantages of Macro-Encapsulated Over Conventional Method

A PCM can be integrated in a variety of methods in Building Envelope, including direct

integration, macro-encapsulation, micro-encapsulation, and form-stabilizing PCM [12]. Using
the above-mentioned techniques, macro-encapsulation has become a novel way among
researchers for integrating PCM into building materials. PCM encapsulation ensures that there
is no leak, that there is no direct correlation between both the PCM as well as the composite,
and that heat transmission surface is increased [13, 14]. The Conventional Method, however,
has limitations as compared to macro-encapsulation, which are noted below.


• No Evaporation issue due to • Evaporation of PCM

Encapsulation Container.
• PCM leakage during building
• Less Leakage issue due to construction due to mixing and
Encapsulation Container. handling.

• Does not affect the strength of • It reduces the construction

construction material. material's compressive strength.
1.4. Selection of Shape and Material used in encapsulation of PCM.

1.4.1. Selection of Phase Change Material

Save® OM37, a Salt Hydrate PCM composed of inorganic compounds with a melting
temperature range of 35°C to 40°C, was utilized as the phase change material. Salt Hydrate
pcms were chosen since they are easily available in Karachi. It stores thermal energy in the
form of latent heat in its crystalline state. As the phase changes, this latent heat is released or
drained, enabling the system's temperature to be maintained. Pluss Advanced Technologies
Pvt. Ltd (Manufacturer) has given the table below with the thermo-physical parameters of
OM37 that are suited for the climatic conditions in Karachi [14].

1.4.2. Selection of Encapsulation Container Material

Because of its excellent corrosion resistance, good strength, and acceptable thermo-physical

characteristics, aluminum alloy 8011 was chosen as an encapsulating container material [14].

1.4.3. Selection of Shape of the Encapsulation Container

For macro-encapsulation, a total of 35 aluminum Cylindrical Container Tubes were utilized

because they are easy to integrate, have low leakage issues owing to the lack of corners,
uniform heat distribution, and are easy to shut from both ends. These tubes have a thickness
of 0.5 mm, a diameter of 16.7 mm, and various lengths. The figure below shows an example
of cylindrical tubes.

Fig. 1.2. Cylindrical Container Tubes for Macro-encapsulated PCM

1.4.4. Selection of Materials for Cubicles

The cubicles are made using building materials such as concrete, which are often utilized in
the construction of residential and commercial structures. The walls and roofing of one
cubicle are built entirely of concrete, Cement Plaster, Cement Screed, while the walls and
roofs of the other cubicles contains macro-encapsulated PCM [14].

Table. 1.3. Mechanical & Thermal properties of Concrete

1.5. Energy Plus

Energy Plus is a software that analyzes energy usage and simulates thermal loads. Energy plus will
calculate the thermal performance necessary to maintain temperature control breakpoints, situations
throughout a supplementary HVAC system, and the efficiency of principal process equipment
predicated on a user's characterization of a system from the perspective of the system's physical
making, related mechanical systems, and several other simulation information that are necessary to
validate that the simulation is going to perform as the real system would.

Energy Plus isn't a user interface in the traditional sense. Its purpose is to serve as the simulation
platform upon which a following interface may be built. Inputs and outputs are decipherable
documents that are better left to a GUI (graphical user interface).

As a result, a graphical user interface (GUI) is necessary to enter inputs and comprehend the output
of the energy plus simulations.

For simulation, Energy Plus requires all input parameters, weather data file and model of building
as idf file.

1.6. Models of Both Conventional Cubicle and Macro-encapsulated Cubicle

Sketchup is used for the modeling of both Cubicles.

1.6.1. Dimensions of Both Cubicles

Dimensions of both Conventional and Macro-encapsulated Cubicle are 1.12m x 1.12m x

1.12m, the thickness of walls and roof are 0.14m and the dimensions of windows and doors
are 0.15m x 0.15m and 0.15m x 0.46m respectively. The Figure given below shows the

Fig. 1.3. Dimensions of Cubicles

1.6.2. Arrangements of tubes of PCM in Macro-encapsulated Cubicle

A total of 35 Aluminum Cylindrical tubes are used of 0.5mm thickness ,16.7mm diameter
and different lengths for Macro-encapsulation. Out of which 6 tubes of 900mm are used in
East wall, 6 tubes of 900mm are used in West wall, 3 tubes of 900mm and 6 tubes of 370mm
are used in North wall, 4 tubes of 900mm and 4 tubes of 370mm are used in South wall and
6 tubes of 900mm are used in Roof. The arrangement of tubes in show in figure given below.

Fig. 1.4. Arrangement of Macro-encapsulated tubes in


1.6.3. Models of Both Cubicles

Figure 1.5 shows the Front view of both Cubicles.

Conventional Cubicle Macro-encapsulated Cubicle

Fig. 4. Arrangement of Macro-encapsulated tubes in Cubicle Fig. 4. Arrangement of Macro-encapsulated tubes in Cubicle
t view of Both view of Both Cubicles

Fig. 1.5. Front View of Both


t view of Both Cubicles

1.7. Problem statement

The building envelope is essential to ensuring that buildings are performed adequately with energy
and thermal comfort. Conventional pcm incorporation techniques allow to greatly enhance thermal
comfort and energy savings, however these traditional approaches for the integration of pcm have
some disadvantages such as: reduction of pcm energy storage and decrease in the strength of building
material, evaporation of water from pcm due to no container and many more. But the incorporation
of pcms utilizing macro-encapsulated pcm building materials is a growing technology because of its
enhanced storage and heat release capability in phase transition and it does not affect the strength of
the construction material. Therefore, this thesis is therefore aimed towards “Reducing energy
consumption in the building sector for space cooling and heating using macro-encapsulation
phase change material”.

1.8. Objectives

• To develop a 3-d model of two cubicles with pcm, one in which pcm is incorporated by
Conventional method and in other one the pcm is incorporated by Macro-encapsulated

• To analyze the thermal responses of both cubicles

• Compare the thermal response of both cubicles.

1.9. Methodology

1.Provided Details 7.To set output

6.To add zone variable and add
of Phase Change ventilation in Idf
Material in IDF file weather file in EPW
files format
in Energy Plus

8.To simulate the

5.Add Schedules in developed file
2.Provided Details Idf file
of Building
Envelope to Energy

4.To add specific 9.Compare &

materials and analyze the result
3.To add cubicles constructional based on thermal
location details details for each case response of both

1.10. Weather Data

For a year, the epw weather file provides hourly weather data for many areas around the globe.
The characteristics provided in the epw weather file are listed in Table 4. Because the Karachi
region is chosen for this research, the epw weather file for the Karachi region is used. The highest
values of each variable for the Karachi area are also included in this table

Table. 1.4. Weather File Information

Parameter Highest Value

1. Direct Radiation 908.55

2. Dry Bulb Temperature 43

3. Relative Humidity 77.3

4. Diffuse Radiation Rate 555.92

5. ew Point Temperature 29.5

6. Air Enthalpy 94015.7

Until beginning the study, a detailed analysis of the research paper was conducted in order to
gather knowledge on the “Integration of the PCM for improving the indoor thermal behavior of
the building”. It was carried out in order to learn more about the thesis's advantages and
disadvantages. Below is a concise overview of the technical papers gathered from academic

• Prakash Rajamani, Meenakshipriya Balasubramaniam and Kumaravelan Radhakrishnan have

researched, studied, examined and explored the use of a magnesium nitrate hexahydrate and
sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate salt composite as an encapsulated phase change content in a
solar water heater storage device for thermal energy storage. The findings show that this
encased phase change material cylinder can hold more latent heat of fusion and can be used for
indirect solar cooking and other low-temperature applications, including in the late evenings

• Pushpendra Kumar Singh Rathore and Shailendra Kumar Shukla have worked on the thermal
response of a building envelope integrated with macro-encapsulated PCM is evaluated in a
specific tropical climate in this article. The peak temperature, time lag, and thermal amplitude
of both cubicles' indoor thermal profiles were investigated the findings show a decrease in
thermal amplitude, as well as a decrease in the peak temperature of both the walls, the ceiling,
and the indoor environment of the experimental cubical. Additionally, the experimental cubicle's
cooling load was reduced while the time delay was increased [14].

• Sayanthan Ramakrishnan, Xiaoming Wang, Jay Sanjayan, John Wilson incorporated a unique phase
change material (PCM) composite into regular cement mortar, cement-based thermal energy storage
composites (TESC) were produced in this work (NC). The paraffin and hydrophobic expanded
perlite-based composite PCM is form-stable when included into cementitious composites. The
composite PCM was used as a partial substitute for fine aggregate at 20 percent, 40 percent, 60
percent, and 80 percent replacement ratios. TESC's mechanical and thermal properties were
investigated. According to the findings, the developed TESC has higher thermal performance while
maintaining acceptable mechanical qualities [15].
• Jay Sanjayan, Morshed Alam and Hasnat Jamil have worked on both experimental and
numerical methods. The air was passed through a PCM-incorporated aluminum air duct in the
experiment, and the temperature at different points along the duct was registered. The PCM-
incorporated supply air duct and the hollow-core slab had computational fluid dynamics models
created and validated with experimental data. During the summer in Melbourne, Australia, the
validated models were used to simulate the performance of PCM-incorporated hollow-core
slabs. The reduction in temperature fluctuation varied depending on how the PCM was
incorporated inside the supply air duct, according to the findings. As the PCM was extended
over all four interior surfaces of the supply air duct, the temperature differential was greatest
and lasted the longest. The findings also revealed that the combined PCM–air duct–hollow-core
slab system's efficacy in minimizing temperature fluctuations was less than the PCM–air duct
system's individual output [16].

• Mushtaq I. Hasan, Hadi O. Basher and Ahmed O. Shdhan have conducted an experiment to
see whether PCM could be used as a thermal insulation material by mixing it into the layers of
the walls and ceiling. The use of PCM as insulation materials resulted in a decrease in the
zone's indoor temperature, a reduction in cooling load, and, as a result, a reduction in energy
usage [17].

• Rami Zeinelabdein, Siddig omer and Guohui gan have studied on one of the sustainable
solutions for cooling buildings is to use phase change material (PCM) as an energy reservoir
of cooling during the night to be recovered during the day. The majority of published research
has been undertaken in mild and continental climates, so use of this technique in hot climates
is rare. The findings indicate that the proposed device will function satisfactorily in humid,
arid climates, and that significant energy savings are possible [18].
• Pushpendra Kumar Singh Rathore, Shailendra Kumar Shukla conducted a critical assessment of the
use of macroencapsulated PCM in buildings for energy savings. A thorough examination of several
methods for integrating macroencapsulated PCM into the building envelope has been presented.
Different methodologies were investigated for their impact on interior thermal behavior and cooling
load reduction. In addition, the compatibility of various materials used to make encapsulation
containers was studied. The page also includes a full overview of macroencapsulation process, kinds
of thermal energy storage systems utilized in buildings, and appropriate PCM for encapsulation [19].
• Lusia F.Cabeza, Camila Barreneche, Ingrid Martorell, Laia Miro, Sana Sari-bey, Magali Fois,
Halime O. Paksoy, Nurten Sahan, Robert Weber, Mariaella Constantinescu, Elena Maria Anghel
,Marta Malikova, Igor Krupa, Monica Delgado, Pablo Dolado, Piotr Furmanski, Macirj Jaworski,
Thomas Haussmann, Stefan Gschwander, A.Ines Fernandez in 2019 Used such phase change
materials (PCM) for thermal energy storage in building applications is gaining popularity. Adequate
evaluation of PCM and hybrid PCM is required for the technology's application, however this is not
always attainable with standard equipment, owing to sample size. This study exhibits equipment
established in several research institutions and universities to investigate thermophysical
characteristics of PCM and hybrid PCM materials, such as specific heat, latent heat, and melting
temperature, as well as thermal conductivity and diffusivity [20].
• Hassan Nazir, Mariah Batool, Francisco J.Bolivar Osorio, Marllory Isaza-Ruiz, Xinhai Xu,
K.Vignarooban, Partick Phelan, Inamuddin, Arunachala M. Kannan Reviewed the use of various
phase transition materials depending on their thermophysical characteristics is the topic of this
review. The melting point, thermal energy storage density, and thermal conductivity of organic,
inorganic, and eutectic phase transition materials, in particular, are important selection factors for a
wide range of thermal energy storage applications. The technique used to improve the thermal energy
storage capabilities of phase change materials by using encapsulation and nanomaterial additions is
addressed in depth. Future research trends in encapsulation and nanomaterials are underlined in
particular [21].
• Rui Costa Neto, Laura Aeleneiv worked onthirty dupont Energain R convective heat boards were
evaluated inside a shipping crate in Oeiras, Portugal, as part of this thesis. These phase change
material (PCM) boards have a melting point of 21,7oc and were tested as internal mass in August
(Summer) thanks to a framework created particularly for this project. The results revealed that these
latent heat storage devices caused a three-hour shift in interior peak temperatures as well as a small
drop in indoor temperatures. Using measurement results, an energyplus R model was validated, and
several parametric tests were conducted to use this model. In this example, it was discovered that
adding 48 10mm thick panels with a melting point of 20oc was the optimal answer for this low
thermal inertia enclosure. Although solar panels have a thirty-two-year payback time, it may decline
to a more acceptable figure of five years in the future [22].

• Soudian Shahrzad and Berardi Umberto studied to create a responsive cementitious finish plaster for
use as a filter for changeable solar and thermal loads on building facades. To manage solar radiation
and surface temperatures dynamically on the outer façade, the suggested cement plaster is mixed
with phase change materials (pcms) and thermochromic (TC) pigments. The prototype development
and optical characterization of the prototypes are presented in this work. The goal is to look at how
different PCM and TC pigments interact in controlling surface temperatures. In order to evaluate
three different melting temperatures for pcms, two different colors of TC paint were used [23].
• Masrur Mahedi, Bora Cetin, and Kristen S. Cetin studied that during their phase shifts, Phase Change
Materials (pcms) may store and release huge quantities of energy in the form of latent heat, which
might be used to manage the freeze-thaw effect on pavement foundation systems. Unconfined
compression, volume change, and frost heave experiments were performed on untreated and Class
C fly ash-treated loess soil supplemented with three different doses of paraffin-based liquid and
microencapsulated pcms. The findings of this study justify the usage of pcms in subgrade soil to
regulate the freeze-thaw impact. PCM selection, composite type pcms, integration technique, and
chemical stability are all discussed in detail [24].
• Yifei Zhang, Jeffrey B. Chou, Junying Li, Huashan Li, Qingyang Du, Anupama Yadav, Si Zhou,
Mikhail Y. Shalaginov, Zhuoran Fang, Huikai Zhong, Christopher Roberts, Paul Robinson, Bridget
Bohlin, Carlos Ríos, Hongtao Lin, Myungkoo Kang, Tian Gu, Jamie Warner, Vladimir Liberman,
Kathleen Richardson & Juejun Hu have worked on Optical phase change materials (O-pcms), a
distinct class of materials with high optical characteristic contrast following a solid-state phase
ktransformation, have found broad use in photocatalytic applications including switches, routers, and
programmable meta-optics. Many applications' performance is severely limited by the connection of
both optical characteristics. We present a novel class of O-pcms based on Ge–Sb–Se–Te (GSST)
that deviates from the standard coupling. Ge2Sb2Se4Te1, the optimized alloy, offers broadband
clarity, high optical contrast, and greatly better glass forming capabilities, allowing for a whole new
variety of infrared and thermal photonic devices [25].
• Charalambos N.eliasvassilis N.Stathopoulosc have studied Thermal energy storage (TES) utilizing
phase change materials (pcms) is a field of study that is rapidly expanding. The growing number of
research articles published in this topic in recent years demonstrates the growing interest in it. The
most recent reports in the subject of phase change materials investigations and their use in thermal
energy storage are covered in this thorough article. The main review papers on the characteristics
and uses of pcms are available. Recent papers with information on pcms Nano, micro, and macro
encapsulation, as well as materials considerations crucial for pcms application in TES, are given
special emphasis [26].
• Awasthi adityabachchan, Syed Mateen iftikharnakshbandi, gopalnandan, anoopkumar Shukla,
gauravdwivedi, ashokkumar Singh have Solar still is the name for a solar-powered desalination
system. The production of drinkable water is inversely related to the depth of the basin. The
evaporation rate is controlled by the temperature differential between the salty water and the glass.
The distillation rate is related to the surface area of the water. Submerging the wicks in water, using
porous materials, fins, sponge, and other methods have enhanced the water surface area. In terms of
desalination, the cascade approach is still more beneficial than a single flat horizontal collector. The
introduction of phase transition materials aided the overall improvement in distillation rate even
further. The impact of a finned absorber plate, cotton wick, phase change material, and nanoparticles
have all been explored in the current brief review study. It will aid future solar still research in
providing an economically feasible option for long-term potable water [27].


3.1. Purpose of EnergyPlus

Energy plus is an energy simulation software tool that may be used to simulate building heating,
cooling, lighting, ventilation, and other energy flows. It has ancestors in the BLAST and DOE-2
projects, and was developed by the US Department of Energy. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the
energy and load simulation programs BLAST and DOE-2 were created and launched. A design
engineer or architect who wants to size suitable HVAC equipment, prepare retrofit studies for life
cycle cost evaluations, improve energy performance, and so on is their target audience. Concerns
about the energy crisis in the early 1970s prompted the creation of the HVAC program, which
recognized that building energy usage is a key component of the HVAC system.

EnergyPlus, like its predecessors, is an energy evaluation and thermal efficiency modeling
application. Energy Plus will quantify the thermal performance needed to preserve thermal
management points in a row, circumstances across a whole backup HVAC system and coil loads,
and the efficiency of primary plant equipment based on a user's sketch of a building from the
perspective of the building's physical make-up, related mechanical systems, as well as other
simulation information that are necessary to validate that the modeling is going to perform as the
existing building. It has completely new compiled code in Fortran 90.

3.2 EnergyPlus Domain

3.2.1. EP-Launch
EP-Launch may be found in Energy Plus’s root folder. It's also accessible through the
EnergyPlus shortcut menu. When you click twice on the icon of EP-Launch, the following
screen opens, allowing you to execute a single input file. EP-Launch is a program for
launching new EPs.

Fig 3.1. EP-Launch

3.2.2. Providing Input and Weather Files

Inputting file and weather data may be picked from the two drop down menu lists that show
recently used files on the Single Input File tab, or they can be searched by selecting the
"Browse..." button to choose an input or weather data.

3.2.3. Providing Group of Input Files

Simply pressing the "Simulate..." button after selecting the weather and input files launches
the EnergyPlus building energy simulation engine. A dark DOS window appears on the
screen at this moment, displaying the simulation's progress. When the black OS box shuts,
the simulation is over. As the simulation operation advances, the EnergyPlus program's dark
DOS window will display scrolling text.

Fig 3.2. DOS Window

3.2.4. Finalizing Simulation

The dark DOS screen shuts after activity simulation, indicating that EnergyPlus has
finished simulation, and a result message appears, as seen in the image below. This
statement indicates if the simulation had any warning (must look at), severe (must likely
correct), or fatal (must fix) issues, and also the amount of time it takes to finish the
simulation. Choosing "ERR/EIO/BND Output Files Only" from the "View" option after
choosing "OK" from this window will show the ERR, EIO, and BND files necessary
when problems have happened

Fig 3.3. End Of Program
3.2.5. Check Results

The 'View Results' part of the EP-Launch main screen is where you may see the results
in several forms.

➢ If an appropriate viewer has been configured, selecting the "Drawing File" button will
open the created DXF file. The DXF file is a CAD format that shows the three-
dimensional actual geometry of the building being represented. The "Drawing File"
button also brings up the HVAC diagram created by the HVAC-Diagram software.

➢ Using the Open Studio Plug-in in Google SketchUp, we can now view the physical
contour of the structure being modelled.

➢ Any CSV files produced may be opened in Microsoft Excel by clicking the
"Spreadsheets" buttons.

➢ If a tabular results file was created, the HTML file only opens that file.

➢ An editor will start each one of the text outputs files when you hit the "Text Output Files"

➢ When you select the "All" option, all of the results will be shown individually. The
includes a list of all text output files.

• ERR stands for "Errors and Warnings" and is a list of errors and warnings.

• MTR stands for "raw reporting meters result."

• TABLE-tabulated summary of bin and monthly data in punctuation, page, spaces, or

HTML format.

• In AutoCAD DXF format, there is a DXF drawing file.

3.3. IDF Editor

The IDF editor may be used to alter the input data. A brief discussion of some parameters is
provided below.

• Version: The version field allows users to specify the version or criterion the input data
file (IDF) should be prepared for.

• Controlling simulation: We may choose whether to run simulation for our design day
or use weather data from EnergyPlus.

• The building object describes the parameters that are used to simulate a building.

• Location and climate: Indicate the position of the building we're replicating as well as
the local weather conditions.

• Run duration: This is the amount of time that the simulation should indeed be run for.

• Schedules: This indicates the sort of building we're imitating, such as an office complex,
a residential area, a hotel constructing, and so on, with the appropriate usage timetable,
lighting timetable, and so on.

• Material: Every one of the construction materials are listed in this.

• Construction: This refers to the sort of construction, including walls, windows and
doors material layers are formed.

• Thermal Zones and Surfaces: This section identifies the thermal zones as well as the
wall and fenestration surfaces. Co-ordinates are used to specify the surfaces. Interior
Gains: This refers to the structures inside loads-, such as occupants, lighting, and
various equipment.

• Output Reporting: This command provides us with a variety of outputs based on our

3.4. Building Envelope

3.4.1. Location of Site
The cubicles are thought to be in Karachi, with a longitude of 67.01° and a latitude of
24.86°. The elevation and time zone are 192m and 5 hours respectively.

3.4.2. Discharge Schedule

The use of Phase change material is specified in the schedule. The schedules differ
depending on whether the building is utilized for residential, office, or healthcare
purposes. Because we are simulating for an office building, we have chosen an office

occupancy schedule (6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.).

3.4.3. Material
The materials used in both cubicles, as well as their relative qualities, are listed in the
tables below, according to EnergyPlus.
Table 3.1. Construction Material Properties for Macro-Encapsulated
Field Units Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Obj 6
Name Cement Concrete Aluminum SavE® Cement Wood
Mortar OM37 Screed Board

Roughness Rough Rough Smooth Rough Medium


Thickness M 0.012 0.12 0.0005 0.02 0.012m

Conductivity w/m-k 2 3 232 0.145 1.208 0.16

Density Kg/m³ 2162 2300 2799 910 1880 950

Specific Heat J/kg-k 955 1000 900 2590 517 840

Table 3.2. Construction Material Properties for Conventional Cubicle

Field Units Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5

Name Cement Concrete SavE® Cement Wood

OM37 Screed Board

Roughness Rough Rough Rough Medium


Thickness M 0.012 0.12 0.02 0.012

Conductivity w/m-k 2 3 0.145 1.208 0.16

Density Kg/m³ 2162 2300 910 1880 950

Specific Heat J/kg-k 955 1000 2590 517 840

3.4.4. Construction
The construction of the walls, roof, floor, door, and window, among other things, is
shown below. The materials are described starting on the exterior layer and working
inside. Table 3.3 shows this information.

Table 3.3. Construction of Both Cubicles
Envelopes Materials

Door/Window Wood Board

Roof/Wall/Floor Concrete

3.4.5. Zone
Both cubicles are classified as belonging to two distinct zones. The coordinates, as well
as other attributes, are listed in table.
Table 3.4. Zones and Coordinates of both cubicles
Field Dimensions of Dimensions of Macro-
Conventional Cubicle Encapsulated Cubicle

Name Zone one Zone two

X Origin 0 7.7813m

Y Origin 0 7.7813m

Z Origin 0 7.7813m

Ceiling Height 0.98m 0.98m

Volume 1.40m³ 1.40m³

3.4.6. Cubicles Surface Details

All surfaces of both cubicles, such as the walls, roofs, and ceilings, are described here.
They are also listed in which zone they are located. The amount of time they spend in the
sun is also mentioned. According to global geometry standards, their relative coordinates
are also stated here.

Table 3.5. Conventional Cubicle Surface Details
Field Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Obj6

Name Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone

Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface
North East South Floor Floor Roof

Surface Wall Wall Wall Wall Floor Roof


Zone Name One One One One One One

Outside Outdoors Outdoors Outdoors Outdoors Ground Outdoors


Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun No Sun Sun

Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure

Vertices 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m


Verktex 1 1.12m 1.12m 0 0 1.12m 1.12m


Vertex 1 Y 1.12m 0 0 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m


Vertex 1 Z 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 0 1.12m

Table 3.6. Macro-Encapsulated Cubicle Surface Details

Field Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Obj6

Name Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone

Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface
North East South Floor Floor Roof

Surface Wall Wall Wall Wall Floor Roof


Zone Name Two Two Two Two Two Two

Outside Outdoors Outdoors Outdoors Outdoors Ground Outdoors

Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun No Sun Sun

Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure

Vertices 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m


Vertex 2 X 1.12m 1.12m 0 0 1.12m 1.12m


Vertex 2 Y 1.12m 0 0 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m


Vertex 2 Z 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 1.12m 0 1.12m


3.4.7. Both Cubicles Fenestration Surface Details

Table 3.7. Both Cubicles Fenestration Surface Details

Field Object 1 Object 2

Name South Window North Door

Surface Type Window Door

Construction Type Window Door

Building Surface Zone Surface South Zone Surface North

4.1. Inside Thermal Behavior
On the 10th of June 2021, the inside thermal behavior assessed in terms of indoor temperature,
thermal amplitude, and time lag of both cubicles was monitored for 24 hours. The temperature
profiles of all four walls, roof, and interior ambient of the Conventional and Macro-encapsulated
cubicle during the 24 hours on June 10th, 2021 are shown in Figures. 4.1-4.6. The outdoor ambient
air temperature on June 10th is also included in the graphs. To allow sufficient ventilation of the
released heat from the PCM, windows of both cubicles are made to open from 12:00 a.m. to 06:00
a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Windows are closed throughout the remaining hours of

For 24 hours, the temperature profile trend on all four walls of the cubicles is more or less the same.
During the day, the interior surface temperature of the Macro-encapsulated cubicle walls is lower
than that of the Conventional cubicle walls. The use of macro-encapsulated PCM incorporation
method in Macro-encapsulated cubicle explains this. The temperature rises as the quantity of
incoming solar radiation on the walls of the both cubicle rises, and the PCM begins to melt, storing
thermal energy in the latent form. This is due to the fact that when air temperature begins to
decline due to decreasing incoming solar radiation, PCM discharges and releases its latent heat to
the environment. This is connected to the PCM's solid-liquid and liquid-solid phase transitions. If
not managed carefully, the emitted heat from the PCM solidification will raise the interior ambient
temperature to an unpleasant range of temperature. As a result, the building must have some type
of ventilation system in place, such as windows, ventilators, exhaust systems, and so on, to disperse
the released heat to the environment The comparison between walls, roofs, and internal air
temperatures of both cubicles is shown in Table 4.1. The Conventional cubicle's south wall, west
wall, north wall, and east wall reached the maximum temperatures of 41.9°C, 42.1°C, 41.5°C, and
42.2°C, respectively. The walls of Macro-encapsulated Cubicle, on the other hand, had less thermal
profile, reaching 38.8°C, 38.4°C, 38.2°C, and 39.1°C for the south wall, west wall, north wall, and
east wall, respectively. The roof and internal air temperature of Conventional Cubicle are 43.2°C

and 40.7°C, respectively. And Macro-encapsulated Cubicle’s roof and internal air temperatures are
respectively 40.1°C and 37.6°C.

Table. 4.1. Maximum temperature Comparison of Both cubicles
Field TMax TMax (Macro- (Max Reduction in
(Conventio encapsulated) temperature max
nal)(°C) (°C) difference) (°C) temperature in
South wall 41.8 38.7 3.1 7.41

West wall 42.0 38.3 3.7 8.80

North wall 41.6 38.1 3.5 9.18

East wall 42.1 39.0 3.1 7.36

Roof 43.1 40 3.1 7.19

Indoor 40.8 37.5 3.3 8.08


4.2. Thermal Amplitude

The daily highest and lowest temperatures are measured by the thermal amplitude of the building. It
is critical to reduce the thermal amplitude of the building envelope in order to increase both thermal
stability and thermal responsiveness. The variance in thermal amplitude of both cubicles is shown in
Table 4.2, as well as the percentage reduction in thermal amplitude accomplished by the Macro-
encapsulated cubicle. The walls of the Macro-encapsulated cubicle achieved a decrease in ranging
from 40.67 percent to 59.79 percent. The Macro-encapsulated cubicle's ceiling shows a minimum
percent decrease of 40.67 percent, while the Macro-encapsulated cubicle's north wall shows a
maximum reduction of 59.79 percent. The east wall shows the smallest percentage loss of 50.40 in
thermal amplitude of the all walls. For all orientations, the sequence of the % reduction of the thermal
amplitude is north > south > west > ambient > east > roof. To successfully eliminate interior
temperature swings, the orientation with the lowest value must be embed with a significant quantity
of Macro-encapsulated PCM tubes, according to this finding.

Table. 4.2. Thermal Amplitude Comparison of both cubicles

Field Conventional Macro- ΔTc ΔTe ΔTc-ΔTe/ ΔTr


Tmax, Tmin, Tmax, Tmin, %Reduction

c c e c

South 41.9 33.2 38.8 35.1 8.7 3.7 57.47

West 42.1 32.1 38.4 34.1 10 4.3 57.0

North 41.5 31.8 38.2 34.3 9.7 3.9 59.79

East 42.2 32.1 39.1 34.1 10.1 5.0 50.40

Roof 43.2 31.4 40.1 33.1 11.8 7.0 40.67

Inside 40.7 31.3 37.6 33.2 9.4 4.4 53.19


4.3. Time Lag

The time lag (Ф) is another key issue to consider while maintaining interior thermal comfort.

The time it takes to reach the highest temperature mark is known as time lag. This impact

especially essential in building design in environments with a large diurnal variation. The

mid-dkay temperature in some locations, such as deserts, can reach 40-45 degrees Celsius. The

temperature, on the other hand, may drop below freezing the next night. In such situations, the

use of equipment (fans, coolers, and air conditioners) would rise in order to maintain a normal

temperature. As a result, increasing the time delay reduces the need on space cooling and heating


Figure.4.7 depicts Macro-encapsulated Cubicle time lag in relation to the Conventional cubicle. The
walls of south and east, and inside air temperature all attained a highest of 120 min of time lag. The
west and north walls, and roof all had a 60-min of time lag. For minimum 60 to 120 min within the
cubicles, this time lag will significantly lower the cooling load of the building envelope by
minimizing the use of electrical appliances for space cooling. Furthermore, this will aid in the
demonstration of the notion of cooling load shifting.
Fig. 4.7. Time Lag Comparison of Both Cubicles

4..4. Heat Flux and Cooling Load Reduction

The quantity of heat flow through the walls and roofing of Conventional and Macro-encapsulated
Cubicle were measured. On the 10th of June 2021, the measured heat flow across the south wall,
west wall, north wall, east wall, and ceiling of the both cubicles are shown in Fig.4.8(a)-(e). Before
achieving the respective peak heat flow of the Macro-encapsulated Cubicle walls heat flow was less
than the Conventional Cubicle walls, according to the charts. The heat flux of Macro-encapsulated
Cubicle walls is equivalent to or somewhat higher than that of the heat flux of Conventional Cubicle
walls after reaching the peak. The phase shift of PCM from solid state to liquid before reaching the
peak, and liquid to solid after reaching a peak, accounts for this tendency. The quantity of heat
retained by the PCM during the solid to liquid transition will be equal to the area of the graph lying
below the Conventional Cubicle line and above the Macro-encapsulation Cubicle line. The quantity
of heat emitted by the PCM during the liquid to solid transition is measured in the region below the
Macro-Encapsulated cubicle line and above the Conventional cubicle line.

The top of the Macro-encapsulated cubicle showed the least degree of heat transmission due to the
use of macro-encapsulation method, followed by the south, east, west, and north walls. Figure 4.9
depicts the peak heat flow of Macro-encapsulated cubicle and the related percentage decrease. The
east wall of the Macro-encapsulated cubicle produced the highest decrease of 41.31 percent, followed
by the west, north, and south walls, and roof at 31.69 percent, 20.59 percent, 20.19 percent, and 19.41
percent, respectively. The maximal heat flux of the Conventional and Macro-encapsulated cubicle at

all orientations was 78.29 W/m2 and 56.896 W/m2, respectively. In contrast to the Conventional
cubicle, the Macro-encapsulated cubicle achieved a decrease of 27.32 percent in total peak heat flux.

If the radiation heat transfers between interior surfaces of the walls are ignored, the sum of the
total heat flow of all orientations must be same as the total cooling load. Because of the different
shapes and orientations of the buildings, calculating the influence of each wall on space cooling is
complicated. As a result, all of the fluxes of each wall were summed to calculate the cooling demand
of Conventional and Macro-encapsulated cubicle.

Convectional Cubicles Total Cooling Load = heat flux [(east + west + north + south) wall

+ roof] ………… (1)

Macro-encapsulated Cubicle Total Cooling Load = heat flux [(east + west + north + south)

wall + roof] ………… (2)

We can now compute the reduction in cooling load using equations (1) and (2).

Total cooling load of the Conventional − Total cooling load of the Macro-encapsulated cubicle

= Cooling load decrease ………. (3)

We get 226.99 watts of cooling load decrease by plugging the numbers into equation (3). As a
result of employing macro-encapsulated PCM in the cubicle walls instead or using conventional
PCM incorporation method, the cooling load may be reduced by 38.76 percent as compared to

The price of electricity per kWh must be known in order to calculate the cost savings in power
use. According to the Central Power Authority of Pakistan, the price of electricity is Rs: 9.24 per

As a result, electricity cost savings = cooling load reduction (kW) x cost of electricity (per

kWh) x 24 hours

In the Macro-encapsulated cubicle, this results in a cost savings of 50.30 Rupees per day in
power use.

5.1. Conclusion
To successfully eliminate interior temperature swings in Macro-encapsulated Cubicle, the orientation
with the highest Sun Exposure must be embed with a significant quantity of Macro-encapsulated
PCM tubes, according to this finding.

In the past, a variety of PCM integration techniques were employed to control the internal
temperature climate of buildings. The PCM encapsulation approach is one of the most successful
methods for boosting latent heat storage capacity and thereby improving indoor thermal comfort.

In contrast to conventional PCM incorporation method, the results suggest that Macro-encapsulated
PCM incorporation method can significantly contribute to regulating indoor temperature (reduction
in temperature swing and minimizing peak temperature) in buildings, including effective time lag in
buildings without evaporating and affecting the compressive strength of construction materials.

5.2. Future Suggestions

• An economical and commercial study of incorporating Macro-encapsulated PCM in the

building's walls and roof can be conducted as part of future research.

• Mechanical qualities like as strength, toughness, and corrosion can also be investigated to
determine the impact of incorporating micro-encapsulated PCM into the building envelope. This
thermal behavior investigation can also be prolonged for a month or even a year to acquire a
more reliable conclusion.

• A thorough examination of the thermal responses of Macro-encapsulated and Micro-

encapsulated Phase Change materials in separate cubicles, with data compared to determine
which is more efficient.


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