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TM called the client and discussed client progress in school, as well as any other developments

or updates. The Client informed the TM that he had one more week before school closes for

holidays. Client also mentioned that he had been all over the places tried to find a place to work

during the vacation. Client stated that his mental health is stable despite few cases of anxiety.

In this session client will learn about mindfulness exercises on body scan. The goal isn’t to

change or relax client body, but instead for client to notice and become more aware of it.

During the body scan exercises, the TM paid close attention to client’s physical sensations

throughout his body. He started by client paying attention to sensation in his feet. Client had to

notice any sensations such as warmth, coolness, pressure, pain , or a breeze moving over his

skin. Tm asked client to slowly move up his body-to his calves, thighs, pelvis, stomach, chest,

back, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, neck and finally his head. The TM also asked client to

spend some time on each of these body parts, just noticing the sensations. TM then advised the

client to begin to move back down, through each body part, until it reach client feet again after

completing the check up the body parts. The Tm reminded client to move slowly while paying

keen attention. Client fully participated and asked question relation to mindfulness.


DBT -mindfulness body scan


This TM met with clinical and discussed client engagement in therapy. The Clinical reported that

she had session with client, which turned out quite well. The TM then reported that they had

been doing DBT therapy in order to help client recover from the anxiety . The TM also reported
that they went over mindfulness mediation, and plan to go over body scan , and mindfulness



The TM called client and discussed client plan for his vacation . during the session the TM

allowed the client to brainstorm different option of jobs and how to start off the application

process . Client reported that it was his last day in school and they were doing spring cleaning

in order to get ready for a 2 weeks’ vacation. The TM gave client different options of jobs and

they discussed their pro and cons. Client indicated that he was interested in doing jobs like uber

eats but he was experiencing challenges finding a bookbag . Client reported that he had a bicycle

but he needed safety gears and then he will be able to work and save money during the two


Int; problem solving


The Tm called the client and discussed client state. During the discussion ,the client was trying to

finish his projects and had to submit it in and that was causing to develop anxiety. The client also

reported that he had 3 more pending assignments to submit and then he will be done with

classwork. The TM advised the client to use relaxation technique to reset himself.

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