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Ear-rings from Frankfurt Stage 2

Before Reading chApter 3 while reading

1 Why . . .? Because she needed the money and it

activities answers
wasn’t easy to find another job.
before reading activities (page 44)
2 What . . .? He had two garages and bought and sold
Activity 1 before reading old cars, and also furniture, old pictures, and jewellery.
1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 No 6 Yes 7 No 3 Where . . .? To Germany.
Activity 2 before reading
4 What . . .? Three small boxes, like egg boxes.
Encourage students to speculate and make guesses 5 Why . . .? Because Kelly told him to.
but do not tell them the answers. They will find out 6 What . . .? He went out to buy a newspaper. (He
as they read that the answers are: also phoned the German police from the hotel.)
1 Another person 7 Where . . .? Out of the city and to an old house in
2 Another person the country.
3 Richard and Richard’s girl friend 8 Why . . .? Because Richard phoned them from the
4 Richard and Richard’s girl friend hotel.
5 Richard’s girl friend 9 What . . .? Stolen jewellery.
6 Richard 10 What . . .? To take the boxes back to England and
give them to Kelly.
11 What . . .? The gold ear-rings.
While Reading 12 Where . . .? In Kelly’s office.
13 Why . . .? Because he wouldn’t do another of Kelly’s
chApter 1 while reading
little jobs, and so Kelly told him to go.
1 T 14 Why . . .? Because she knew that they were stolen.
2 F Jennifer was cross but she gave Richard the money.
3 F Jennifer went to Maxim’s restaurant with her Before reAding chApter 4

friend Claire. Encourage students to guess, but do not tell them

4 F The girl who was having a birthday party looked the answers. They will find out as they read that
unhappy. / did not look happy. the ‘yes’ answers are numbers 3 and 5.
5 T chApter 4 while reading
6 T 1+10 When Richard arrived at Jennifer’s flat, there
7 T were two policemen with him.
8 T 2+8 At first Jennifer and Wendy were afraid, but then
9 F Jennifer knew that Richard never worried about the police and Richard explained everything.
anything. 3+14 Richard wanted the British police to catch Kelly,
chApter 2 while reading so he told them about the ‘eggs’ letter.
1 A girl called Wendy, a friend of Jennifer’s brother 4+12 The police went to Kelly’s house at eleven
2 Two policemen – Detective Barrett and another o’clock and found Kelly, two other men, and the
detective egg boxes.
3 Richard’s boss and the man that Jennifer and Claire 5+13 At the police station Kelly said that Wendy and
took to hospital Richard were the thieves, but the police phoned the
4 Richard’s girl friend who worked with him at Joe inspector in Frankfurt and learnt the true story.
Kelly’s 6+9 Jennifer felt very happy about Richard because
5 Richard and Wendy he wanted to give the twenty pounds back to her.
6 Joe Kelly 7+11 Richard also gave Wendy a birthday present,
7 Wendy which made Wendy laugh for the first time that
© Oxford University Press

Before reAding chApter 3
Encourage students to speculate and make guesses
but do not tell them the answers. They will find out
as they read that the best answers are numbers 1
and 4.

oxford bookworms library stage 2 23 ear-rings from frankfurt

After Reading Activity 4 after reading
People: boss, criminal, detective, inspector, nurse,
patient, thief, waiter
Activity 1 after reading
Places: airport, flat, garage, hospital, hotel, office,
1 Kelly 9 Jennifer surgery
2 Richard 10 Richard
3 Jennifer 11 Kelly T C H F D E S U R G E R Y Y
activities answers

4 Richard 12 Jennifer H R D L E I D N O A T H A C
5 Wendy 13 Wendy O I P A T I E N T R O O I M
6 Jennifer 14 Richard S M N T E E B F R A O T R M
7 Kelly 15 Kelly P I U F C R O A N G K E P F
8 Wendy I N R U T R S T I E N L O A
• Kelly is a criminal and he uses other people for T A S N I N S P E C T O R E
criminal business. He was Richard’s and Wendy’s boss, A L E G V G O F F I C E T B
but he’s in prison now. L T H I E F O W A I T E R X
• Richard is Jennifer’s brother and he is fifteen years
younger than her. He has had a lot of girl friends, but 1 The hidden sentence is ‘They did not come from
he thinks Wendy is very, very special. Frankfurt in an egg box.’
• Wendy is Richard’s girl friend. She couldn’t find 2 Richard, to Wendy.
Richard after her birthday party, so she went to his 3 Richard was talking about his birthday present to
sister to ask for help. Wendy, which was some small gold ear-rings.
• Jennifer is a quiet, sensible person, and she is a kind
sister. She is sometimes cross with Richard, but she Activity 5 after reading

can never say ‘no’ to him. If students need help with this, encourage them to
look at links in the language, for example: you and
Activity 2 after reading
your girl friend went – Yes, we did. / Where is it?
Possible answers: – It’s in . . . / How do you know? – Because . . .
Kelly: Sit down, Richard. I have a little job for you on 3 richArd: I have something to tell you about Joe
Friday night. Kelly.
richArd: What kind of job? 8 Police: Joe Kelly? Go on, Mr Walton, we’re
Kelly: It’s not a difficult job, but it’s important. I want listening.
you to drive a car to Liverpool, and come back by 5 richArd: He’s got some stolen jewellery and—
train. 10 Police: And you and your girl friend went to
richArd: I don’t think I want to do that. Frankfurt to get the jewellery for him, didn’t you,
Kelly: I’m not interested in what you want. I’m Mr Walton?
TELLING you to do this. I’m the person who pays 1 richArd: Yes, we did, but the German police asked
you. us to bring it back. They had a plan—
richArd: Yes, but I won’t do anything criminal. 6 Police: Plan? We don’t know anything about a
Kelly: Criminal? It’s just driving a car to Liverpool. plan, but we want this jewellery. Where is it, Mr
richArd: Well, I’m not going to do it. Walton?
Kelly: Right. You’ve just lost your job – and you can 9 richArd: It’s in Kelly’s house, in three egg boxes,
go now. and—
richArd: What about my money? 2 Police: How do you know it’s in Kelly’s house?
Kelly: I’m paying you nothing. GET OUT! 7 richArd: Because I saw a letter in his office. And
Activity 3 after reading he’s meeting some people at his house at eleven
Chapter titles about people: o’clock.
1 Richard borrows money 4 Police: Eleven o’clock? Right. You wait here, Mr
2 Richard in trouble Walton. We’ll talk to you later.
3 Richard in Frankfurt Activity 6 after reading
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4 Richard explains Open answers.

Chapter titles about things:
1 The birthday party ear-rings
2 The stolen ear-rings
3 The egg-box ear-rings
4 The last ear-rings

oxford bookworms library stagE 2 24 Ear-rings from frankfurt

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