Macro - Summary Week 11

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Rafi Athallah Surinjaya



1. Pengetahuan atau informasi apa yang private sector/industry/dunia usaha dapat dari
mempelajari chapter minggu ini?
2. Mengapa penting bagi dunia usaha di Indonesia untuk mengetahui tentang pengetahuan
atau informasi tersebut?
3. Beri contoh kasus untuk salah satu bentuk usaha dalam memanfaatkan informasi atau
pengetahuan yang diberikan di chapter minggu ini dalam mengambil keputusan?

1. The two markets that are the center of an open macroeconomic economy are the market
for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange. In the market for
borrowed funds, the real interest rate adjusts to balance the supply of loanable funds
(from national savings) and the demand for loanable funds (from domestic investment
and net capital outflows). In the foreign exchange market, the real exchange rate adjusts
to balance the supply of dollars (of net capital outflows) and the demand for dollars (of
net exports). Because the net capital outflow is part of the demand for loanable funds
and because it provides a supply of dollars for foreign exchange, it is the variable that
links these two markets. Policies that reduce national saving, such as: the government's
budget deficit, reduce the supply of loanable funds and raise the interest rate. A higher
interest rate reduces net capital outflows, which reduces the supply of dollars in the
market for foreign exchange. the dollar appreciates, and net exports fall.
2. today American citizens buy goods produced abroad and produce goods for sale
abroad. Through mutual funds and other financial institutions, they borrow and lend in
the world's financial markets. Consequently, a complete analysis of the U.S. economy
requires an understanding of how the U.S. economy interacts with other economies in
the world. This chapter has provided a basic model for thinking about open
macroeconomics. The study of international economics is invaluable, but we must be
careful not to overestimate its importance. Policymakers and commentators are often
quick to blame foreigners for the problems facing the US economy. In contrast,
economists more often see this problem as a home problem. Politicians, for example,
often discuss foreign competition as a threat to America's standard of living, while
economists are more likely to lament the low rate of national saving. Low savings hinder
the growth of capital, productivity, and living standards, regardless of whether the
economy is open or closed. Foreigners are easy targets for politicians because blaming
foreigners provides a way to evade responsibility without insulting any domestic
3. The problems currently facing the Indonesian economy are quite complex, involving
various economic dimensions, both systems and institutions. The economic crisis that hit
Indonesia began with the emergence of the Rupiah exchange rate crisis as a
consequence of the increasingly integrated global financial system. The improvement in
the Indonesian economy and supported by solid political stability and the trend of lower
interest rates in developed countries prompted a large inflow of funds into Indonesia in
the 1990s. The inflow of capital into the country, besides bringing blessings, can
encourage the pace of investment, it also raises concerns about the possibility of
withdrawal of funds in large quantities and in a short period of time triggered by various
domestic or foreign factors (contagion effect) so that it will shake the economic
fundamentals that have been developed over the years. this. In addition, the main trigger
for the economic crisis in Indonesia is the large amount of private foreign debt, which is
mostly short term but invested in the economic sector for the long term and the real
estate sector has a high level of risk, and is not protected from the risk of exchange rate
fluctuations. (currency mismatch): Information on economic interactions between one
country and another can be found in the balance of payments data. The balance of
payments is a systematic record of the value of a country's economic activities to foreign
countries or parties over a certain period of time.Fluctuations in the exchange rate of the
rupiah against the dollar The US in recent years has shown a stable trend, mainly due to
a high balance of payments surplus due to a reduction in the financial deficit, while the
current account surplus. The strengthening of the rupiah was driven by improvements in
Indonesia's macroeconomic fundamentals, the strengthening of the local currency
against the US dollar, the large difference in interest rates at home and abroad, and an
increase in capital inflows as a result of the positive reaction. for the smooth running of
the fields.

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