5.3 Normal Distributions 10 Ogos

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Addltlonal Mathematies Form 5 Chapter 5 Probability DistnOuton N

Answerl lawrpan: Answer/ lawapan;

Normal Distribution

1. Continuous random variables are random variables . P(a <X <b) =Area underthe curve from x= ato
that have infinite number of values. x=b.
Pemboleh ubah rawak selaniar ialah pemboleh ubah yang P(a < X < b) = Luas di bawah lengkung dai x = a hingga
mempunyai bilangan nilai yang tak terhingga. x=b.
2. lf Xis a continuous normal random variable with mean, 4. A normal random variable X can be converted into
p, and standard deviation, o, then it can be written as standard normal random variable by using
x- N@, d). Suatu pemboleh ubah rawak nomal X boleh ditukarkan kepada
Jika X iatah pemboleh ubah rawak selaniar bertaburan normal pemboleh ubah rawak normal piawai dengan menggunakan
dengan min, p, dan sisihan piawai, o, maka ia dapat ditulis
sebagai X - N(", o1. 1';r':i' X;i$r i-'

O t::'
3. Properties of normal distribution graph ':' '
two Ciri-cii graf taburan normal
where each value of Z is called z-score.
(x) dengan keadaan setiap nilai Z dipanggil skor-2.

5. The standard normal distribution is written as

have -
z N(0, 1,).
Taburan normal piawai ditulis sebagai Z - N(0, 11'

6. The probability of a continuous random variable X of a

normal distribution for a < X < b can be written as
The curve is bell shaped and symmetry about the P(a < X < b) and can be converted into standard normal
F b p1.
mean, p. distribution and written \ o . 7. o I
*-- A'-
Lengkung berbentuk loceng dan simeti pada min, p.
The x-axis is the asymptote of the curve. Kebarangkalian bagi pemboleh ubah rawak selaniar X fti
yang suatu taburan norma! untuk a < X < b boleh ditulis se@d
Paksi-x ialah asimptot bagi lengkung itu.
buah P(a < X < b) dan boleh ditukar kepada taburan normal Fiaxi
The area under the curve is 1.
Luas di bawah lengkung ialah 1.
dan ditutis sebasai 4-* . z . !--P 1


@ Penerbitan fu&lqi h D
N *Ur*ooal Mathematics Form 5 Chapter 5 Probability Distribution

11. Answer each of the following question' @

Jawab setiaP soalan Y ang erikut' b

i*in'*i**i"kwn.6raf taburannormal-bagip-embalehttb&troi'vdkselanJarxt
(ii State the vafue of rnean, mode 'and'median
for 'X.
Nyatakan nllai min, mod dan median bagi X'.
of shaded region A in probability.notation'
' '' f4ress"the'area
Ungkcpta n luris refttau berlarek A dslafi tstdtsnda kebarangkaliarL
Ftiq < x < 25) = 0.2I56, firrd P(I3 < x< lel'

Answer/ JawaPan:
(i) mear = mt>de = ;nedian = i9
min=mod=median=19 P(13 < X < 19) = P(19 < X < 25) because
both x = 13 and x = 25 is 5 units from the

rii) P(X ( 13) or I atau P1X < 131 P(13 < X < 19) = P(19 < X < 25) kerana
kedua-dua x = 13 dan x = 25 ialah 6 unit
daripada min.
(iiilP(l} <x< le) =6'2156 :

(a) The diagram shows a normal distribution

The diagram shows two normal distribution
graphs a and B for two continuous random
graph for continuous random variable X'
variables X and Y.
iaiin menunlukkan graf taburan normal bagi pemboleh
Rajahmenuniukkan dua graf taburannormql A dan$bagl
ubah rawak selanjar X.
dua pemboleh ubah selanjor X dan Y.

(i) State the value of mean, mode and median

for X.
Nyatakan nilai min, mod dan median bagi X' Given that, the means of the distribution are 10
(ii) Express the area of the shaded region in and 15 respectively while the standard deviation
probability notation. is 3 and 2 respectively. State the mean and the
ingkapkan luas rantau berlorek dalam tatatanda standard deviation of each graph' Explain
kebarangkalian. Diberi bahawa, min bagi taburan itu masing-masing
(iii)ff P(x > 156) = 0'128, flnd 10 dan 75 manakala sisihan piawai mosing-masing ialah
lika P(x > 156) = 0.328, cai 3 dan 2. Nyotakan min dan sisihan piawai bagl setiap
(a) P(102 <X<156) graf. Jelaskan
(b) P(x < 156)
Answeri lawapani Answer/ lawaPan:

@ Penehitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd

N *urarorrar Mathematlcs Form 5 chapter 5 probability Distribution

11. Answer each oI the following question' 'm

J aw ab setiaP
soalan Y ang b enkut'

random variable X.
't diugtr* shows a normal distribution -gt'f h.f ?t to":ii:-"-:-1
goion *i"""iukkan graf taburan normal bagi pembaleh ubah rawak selaniat
(ii state tle vahre of mean, mode and median for X'
Nyatakan nilai min, mod dan medianbagl X'
the area of shaded region A in probatrility notation'
' ' fxpress
1ii) keborangkalian'
Ungt<apkan luas rantau berlorek A dolam tatatanda
x < t9)'
riiliff F(is < x < 25\ = s.2156, flnd P(rz << 19)'
P(13 < x
JikaP(19 < x < 25) = o'2756'cari

Answer/ JawaPan:
(i) Glran * mode = nledian = 19
min:niod=medisn:19 P(13 < X < 19) = P(19 < X < 25\ because
both x = 13 and x = 25 is 6 units from the

{ii} P(/( < X3} or I eir*u }'}(X { }'}) P(13 < x < 19) = P(19 < X < 25) kerana
kedua-dua x = 13 dan x = 25 ialah 5 unit
daripada min.
{iii} P{13 < X < le} = 13'2155

(b) The diagram shows two normal distribution

(a) The diagram shows a normal distribution graphs A and- B for two continuous random
graph for continuous random variable X' variables X and Y.
iafin menunlukkan graf taburan normal bagi pemboleh Rajah menunjukkan dua graf taburan normal A
dan B bogi
ubah rawak selaniar X. X dan
dua pemboleh ubah selaniar Y'

State the value of mean, mode and median

for X.
Nyatakan nilai min, mod dan median bagi X' Given that. the means of the distribution are I0
Express the area of the shaded region in and I5 respectively while the standard deviation
probability notation. is 3 and 2 respectively. State the mean and the
Itngkapkan luas rantau berlorek dalam tatatanda standard deviation of each graph' Explain
kebarangkalian. Diberi bahawa, min bagi taburan itu masing-masing
(iii)ff P(x > 156) = 0'328, flnd 1A dan 15 manakalq sisihan piawai masing-masing
piawai bagi setiap
JikaP{X > 156) = 0'328, 3 dan 2. Nyatakan min dan sisihan
(a) P(102 <X<t16) graf, Jelaskan
(b) P(x < 156)
Answer/ Jawdqan: Answer/ JawaPan:

Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

@ Penerbitan
Addttloaal Mathematics Form 5 chapter 5 probabirity Distritutron N

L2. Given X is a random variable which follows a normal distribution,

flnd the following' re

(a\ lt 1t = 35 and o = 12, find

(i) the z-score when X = 40,
skor'z aPabilaX: 40,
(ii) the value of Xwhen the z-score is 1'2'
nilai X aPabila skor-z ialah t-2.

Answer/ lawaPan:

(b) Given that a continuous random variable X is Given that the z-score = 1.3 when X = 32 arrd
normally distributed with mean of p and z-score = -0.6 when X = 24.
Diberi bahawa skor-z : 7.3 apabila X = 32 dan
standard deviation of 3.5.
Diberi bahawa X ialah pemboleh ubah rawak selaniar
skor-z : 4.5 apabila X = 24.
bertaburan normsl ilmgan min p dan sisihan piawai 3'5'
(i) Find the value of Pt. ando.
Cari nilai p' dan o.
(i) Find the value of p when the z-score is -1'5
and X = 41.
(ii) Hence, flnd the z-score wher, X = 22'
Seterusnya, cari skor-z apabilaX = 22'
Cari nilai p apabila skor-z ialah -75 dan X = 47'
(ii) Hence, find X when z-score -0.8'
Seterusnya, cari X apabila skor-z 4'8' Answer I JawaPan:

Answer/ lawaPan:

91 @ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

N **Oooal Mathematics Form s Chapter S probabitity Distribution


Fopq I
E t
s'rFrl I prsril H
trtrtrtrtrf moss I

Sketch a graph to locate the region

before finding the value.
Lakarkan graf untuk menentukan rantau
sebelum mencari nilainya.

(a) P(z > 0.154) (bl P(z > -r.4521

Answer/ lawapan: Answer/ Jawapani

(cl P(Z < 1.645) (d) P(0.231 <z<2.67r)

Answer/ Jawapani Answer/ Jawapani

(el P(-0.739<Z< 1.085) (f) Pllzl > 0.075)

Answer/ lawdpani Answer/ Jawapan:

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 92

Addittonal Mathomatlcs Forms Chapter 5 Probabitity Disttibution N

14. Find the z-score for each of the following. @

Cari skor-z bagl setiap ymgbetikttL

The area 0.69t2 is more than 0.5, thus

the z-score is negative.
luas 0.6912 lebih daripada a.5, maka
skor-z bernil ai negatif.

93 @ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

ffi ar*r"gffiUramrUcs Ft*ms Crrirp Sr7do.,tr/,tv:Dt*tuu6art

(e) P(0.158 < Z < z) = 0.2853 (f) P(-2.16 < Z < zl = 0.3946
Answer/ Jawapani Answer/ Jawapan:

15. x is a continuous random variable which is normally distributed

Answer the following
with mean p and standard deviation, o.
questions. @
x ialah pemboleh ubah rawak selaniar bertaburan
normal d.engan min p dan sisihan piawai o. Jawab soalan berikut.

- - u,)++o
a.:':$,,6 5':5&,,,,::l:lil,.lr:*

,', find
DiberiX - N(5S, 36),cari I {u) "ru.r, x_ - N(42, - I' find
\'-' o2),
/;\ P(X
D/ v \> ,^\ | Diberi X N(42, o2), cari
(t) 72)
(ii) p(64 < x < 6z) ,t, value of o when z-score is 0.5 and
I ;:iT"
Answer I Jawapan: I crri nilai o apabita skor-z ialah 0.5 dan X = 45.
(i) Hence, find p(X < 44).
Seterusnya, cari p(X < 44).

Answer lJawapan:

@ Penerbitan pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Fdlmi Gr€prcr: nw'
l slfaifo€mae --

(d) Given X - N(25' 40)'

(c ) Given X- N\P' 4'22\' DibeiX - N(25,40)'
'd;'i;;,il" ;J"" "t y':'-Y:^m\ = a'5478'
Dibenx-Nvt,4'22)' o-tflr
or'r'r when z-score is -0'7 and i;;";;;i* aPabitarlx *> P(ixr
(i) ;il,iiil; ;;il'"ii
<^k) = 0'6482'
X=92' dan X = 92' < k) = o'6482'
Cai nilai p apabila skor-z i,t'P(lxl
ialah -O'7 Zr" u

ri\ *.n.", nna PISO < X < 94\' "iir,

\" < x < 94)' Answer I JawoPan:
,riuurnY',cari P(90
Answer I JawaPan"

16. Solve each oI the {ollowing

problem' ffi}l*y':Gi ffi eK}

S eles aikan s ettap mosal ah b enkut'

of.energy saving bulbs are'norm;

The,rifespans of a certain.type
ffi;;d"r* deviation of i-o hot,'t' dansisihanpiwai'50iam'
nsecoi.a,nomrcl.dengnminl',000'jom I 040 hours
i,ir,1*1i,,,"::::i;!'I*j***;fi?:J'J,ffi:r,[:frfl"X'i,"ift;;;;;io,'g" 'lhan 1 040 jam
;i ;h; burbs is-less than k hours'
,,,, ii',',].'i',"*.;;iIil
danpoda rnentolitu ia;;'"o;"*
aannodak iam' csri
Answer I lawaPan:
;,";';'' t'i"f'lt'"n'o tht iiierp"rns *t ihc iritlDs

*i*r x.i;ong;o'hoyut t''renloi

mruvakif distriblriionto i

?tx, t 0"!0 i =
pt\z > l-!ll:-:-!-u-YY-) *-
I *4{l*1*OCI\ - *icorvcrithenornai
I lily;::l:il.1,.;:l'::: ?:r.",
* riu > $'e) 1'::Y:::::i'P':1':: -
o'2 t 19

-. ti. t. - i.i = 0",l

tlii ']'
. i-l
tua.-..:-, fiflOi
'l' :0 ir=Li.i ,

- 5E (,- - I a4115{1\ + t lX}0
= l'::.''
= q)tr"9

@ Penetbitan Peaa, )fl frr

N eaaruoort tatheoatics FormS ChapterS *obabiwDi*illnnion

(a) The masses of breads produced by a bakery are normally distributed with mean of 450 g and standard
deviation of. 45 g. A loaf of bread is chosen at random from the bakery, flnd the
Jisim rotiyang dihasilkan oleh sebuahkedairotibertaburan secara normal denganmin 450 g dan sisihanpiawai 45 g Sebuku
roti dipilih secara rawak dari kedai itu, cari kebarangkalian bahawa
(i) its mass is ar least 445 g,
jisimnya sekurang-kurang 445 g,
(ii) its mass is between 440 g to 460 g.
jisimnya di o.ntara 440 gke 460 g.
Answer I lawapan:

(b) The heights of banana trees in Ah Han's garden are normally distributed with mean of 2.1 m and
standard deviation of 0.6 m.
Tinggi pokok pisang di kebun Ah Han bertaburan normal dengan min 2.1,
m dan sisihan piawai 0.6 m,
(i) Given l];.al 600/0 of the banana trees are shorter than t m. Find the value of r.
Diberi bahawa 6o0/o daripada pokok pisang itu kurang daripada t m. cari nilai t.
(ii) There are 350 trees with the height of more than2.3 m, flnd the total number of banana trees in
Ah Han's garden.
Terdapat 350 batang pakok pisang dengan tinggi lebih daripada 2.3 m, cari jumlah bilangan pokok pisang dikebun Ah

Answer I Jawapan:

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

5 Chapter 5 Probabilitv Distntutron iSl
Addttlonal Mathematics Form

with mean oI it and standard deviation"of;;;;'*+,1.t1:1":f l*'*"lJ:f#;:il:i"JiitJ$:'T: the value
u,'a i: -i,"tes respectivelv' nnd
H*J:1i$#ffiifi*ft.::;ffi1,!l'";;;r;,,'i,',,,", normal dengon
of. p and o.
kuiz matematik oreh sekumpuron peraiar bertaburan
Masayang diamb, untuk menyeresiakan L0 soaran
p dan o'
min1t dansisihanpaiwai'".'ii'riirrbohawaqv"airiii'aiipoao'o*p'tp'ii1o'yo'giipiint'cararawakdankumputan
dan 55 minit' can nilai
aoiprao zo
tersebut masing-masing *rrgoibil
masa kurang
Answer I lawaPan:

" Given X 10, 2, 4, 6j is a random 'T1lI"
= table'
with the

Find the value of P'
Cari nilai bagi P.
Hence, flnd P(Y > 5)'
Seterusnya, cari P(Y > 5)' [3]

pt"i"Uifity distribution P as shown in the following

ubah rawak dengan
Diberi X - {0,2, 4, 6} iatah pemboleh
P seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam
,iunon keb)rangkalian
jadual berikut.
2 4
X=tr' 0
'x - B(a, P).
o.2A dengan X - B(4' p)'
0.15 0.40 0.25 menanlukkan graf taburan binomial
P(J-( = r) Raj ah'

(a) Show that X is a discrete random variable with P(x= r)

probability distribution tuncti:n.P: . ):-.r---1
'i""it il"i irt awa x;alah pemboleh ubah rawak diskret -1.

dengan taburan kzbarangkalian
(b) Find P(x < 4)
CariP(X< 4). t3l

< 1) * P(X = 4) in terms of o and b'

The table shows the probability
distribution for a discrete (a) "iffiilrrtx<
ExDress P(X
1) +P(x= 4) dalamsebutanadanb'
random variable Y.
tabwan arangknlian b agi satu p emb oleh (b) Find the value of P'
I adual menuniukkan
Cari nilai P.

@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn' Bhd'


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