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Alamat: Jl.Trans Kalimantan Anjir Serapat BaruKm.8 Kapuas Timur 73581



I. Answer the questions by crossing the options !

The following text is for questions 1 to 3
Hello, my name is Dinda, Dinda Rahmawati. I study at Surabaya. I like listening to
music,swimming,cooking and watching film. My favourite foods are gado-gado and rendang. I usually
cook breakfast for my family on Sundays. I cook fried rice or sambal tempe with omelete, sayur asem with
salted fish and sambal terasi. Occasionally, I make gado-gado for our lunch. My family always
compliments my cooking and they encourage me to be chef. That’s what I want to be.

1. What does Dinda do during her spare time?

A. Watching films and reading D. Cooking and listening music
B. Hanging out with her friends E. Reading novels and cooking
C. Swimming and watching TV
2. Why does Dinda want to be a chef?
A. She likes eating D. She likes cooking traditional food
B. Her cooking are delicious E. She is smart and polite
C. She loves sambal tempe with omelete
3. What is the suitable title for the text?
A. Dinda’s Hobbies D. Dinda’s activities
B. Dinda and her family E. A happy family
C. My favourite food
To Bobby
You and your team have won the interschool basketball competition .I’m happy for you. Your team showed a great effort and
fair play.

4. What did Bobby and his team play at?

A. A soccer competition D. a athletic competition
B. A basketball competition E. school competition
C. A chess competition
5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ?
A. Bobby’s team showed a fair play. D. Renita is happy for bobby and his team’s victory
B. Bobby has joined a basketball team E. Bobby’s team has won an interclass competetion
C. Boby’s team showed a great effort
6. “ Your team showed a great effort and fair play”. What is the synonym of ‘fair’?
A. Hard D. Continous
B. Equitable E. Dishonest
C. Good

Read the announcement carefully!

To increase students’ spirit and love of this school,we are going to hold a school march composition
competition. The march should be simple and energetic and contain positive moral values.
The competition is open to all students and teachers. For those who are interested and able to compose
song,please submit your song before november 10,2017. The winner will receive a thropy and sum of
money. Additionally, the song will be sung during the school anniversary celebration,as an honor for the
If you are interested,please submit your song composition and the record of the song with Arfan
Yudianto,the OSIS chairperson.
Fendy Baskara

7. What is the announcement about?
A. The rise of students’ spirit D. Students’ interest in composing a song
B. The winner of the competition E. The competition of composing a school march
C. The submission of song composition
8. The song should have the following characteristics, EXCEPT…………
A. energetic D. able to raise students’ spirit
B. simple E. have good moral values
C. up to date
9. Who do you think will will participate in the event?
A. All studentsD. students and teachers who are keen on fair play
B. OSIS staff membersE. students and teachers who are interested in music
C. Teachers who like singing
10. Where will the march first be sung?
A. In the school anniversary celebration D. At the end of this semester
B. In a students’ art performance E. In the farewell party
C. At the new academic year
11. “…,as an honor for the winner”.(Paragraph 2)
What is the similar meaning of ‘ honor’
A. Reward D. Price
B. Pride E. Wish
C. Appreciation

Observe the dialogue !

Nita : What do you plan for this weekend?

Dira : I have no plans.Why?
Nita : Dini and I are going to the beach. Would you like to join us?
Dira : I’d love to, but it is far. You know we only have two days holiday. I guess it will betiring.
Why don’t we visit the beach during the long holiday after the semester test?
Nita : We plan to go to Karimunjawa during the holiday. Would you like to join us to Karimunjawa?
Dira : Well, I prefer to join you to Karimunjawa.
Dita : All right.

12. What is the dialogue about?

A. Holiday plans D. Activities on weekend
B. Visiting a beach E. Having a semester test
C. Going to Karimunjawa
13. Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
A. Nita will stay at home this weekendD. Dira would like to have a vacation during the holiday
B. Dira is going to the beach this weekend E. Dira and Dini plan to have a vacation this weekend
C. Nita prefers going to Karimunjawa to the beach
14. Which expression in the dialog is used to state an intention?
A. I guess it will be tiring D. Dini and I are going to the beach
B. Would you like to join us? E. What do you plan for this weekend
C. I would love to, but it is far
15. Dira says,” I guess it will be tiring.”
What is the synonym of the ‘tiring’?
A. Boring D. Amazing
B. Worrying E. Fascinating
C. Exhausting

Andy, the OSIS chairperson of SMA Kesuma Bangsa andh is friends had an idea to make donations to an old folk
home near their school. They intended to entertain and share hapiness the decrepit and lonely people. They informed
the principal about it and he agreed.
Then, Andy and the other OSIS staff members began their actions. They collected money from students,
teachers and school staff. To collect more money, they looked for sponsorships. Then, the collected money was used
to buy daily needs for the decrepit and lonely people.
When everything was ready, Andy, several students and teachers visited the old folks’ home. They chatted
with the decrepit and lonely people, entertained them and made donation to them. All the decrepit and lonely people

looked happy and entertained. Surprisingly, a decrepit man sang a song in a song in a husky voice and all the people
applauded. Overall , the event ran well.
Thank you. Andy, You and your friends have worked hard to make the event a success. Good job! The
principal complimented.

16. What is the best title of the text?

A. Decrepit people D. A visit to Old Folks Home
B. Money collection E. Donations for Orphan
C. Help for Old people

17. Why did the principal compliment Andy and his friends?
A. They had the brilliant idea D.They were willing to share happiness with others
B. They were fond of helping others E.They were successful in making the donation
C. They had a good and solid team

18. “ …entertain them and made donation to them.” What does the word “them” refer to?
A. The teachers and students D.Andy and the principal
B. Andy and his friends E.Andy and the decrepit people
C. The decrepit and lonely people

19. To collect more money, Andy and the OSIS staff member looked for …..
A. Principal’s suggestion D. Help for Old people
B. Donations for orphan E. Money collection
C. Sponsorship

20. They chatted with the decrepit and lonely people, entertained them and made donation to them.
The word “they” refer to……
A. Andy, several students and teachers D.principal and sponsorship
B. Andy and his friends E.Andy’s friends
C. Teachers and principal

Tyas : What are you going to do with the cardboard?

Nela : I am going to make picture frames.
Tyas : Interesting. Are you going to sell them ?
Nela : No I’m not. I’m still in the learning process, but I intend to sell them one day if my frame are
enough. Anyway would you like to join me?
Tyas : Sorry, I am not interested in making handicrafts. I rather play sports. Would you like to
make me one one, please?
Nela : Sure.

21. What is Nela’s intention?

A. Make handicrafts D. Collect unique items
B. Play sports E. Own a handicraft shop
C. Run a business
22. Why does Tyas refuse Nela’s offer?
A. Tyas is not interested D. Tyas has to attend a course
B. Tyas is busy E. Tyas has to return home soon
C. Tyas is unable to sell the product
23. Tyas ask,” Are you going to sell them?”. What does ‘them’ refer to?
A. Captures D. Pictures frames
B. Learning process E. Sports equipment.
C. Cardboards
24. From the dialogue, we know that Nela is………..
A. friendly D. honest
B. generous E. arrogant
C. creative

(1) He invited his brothewr to take the woman out of her house.
(2) Tony looked at the surroundings, many people had been outside their houses.
(3) Knowing what they had done, their father complimented”,Those are my sons !”
(4) On Sunday morning, there was an earthquake. Tony’s father asked his family to go out.
(5) Then, he looked at an old building next to his house.
(6) Tony and his brother immediately went outside and stood in front of their house.
(7) He remembered, there was a sick old woman living there

25. The correct arrangement (susunan yang benar) of the sentences above is……….
A. 4~6~7~2~3~1~5 D. 4~6~2~5~7~1~3
B. 4~6~7~1~5~3~2 E. 4~6~2~7~1~5~3
C. 4~6~5~7~3~1~2

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